Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 276 The Great General Deguang Is About to Arrive in the Loyal Kirigakure

Chapter 276 The Great General Deguang Is About to Arrive in the Loyal Kirigakure
"The evil shogunate attacked Mizukage-sama's main ninja army!"

When the news of the defeat of Kirigakure's main fleet in the Mingliang Sea Battle was sent back to the village along with the defeated Kirigakure ninjas, there was an uproar in Kirigakure.

"The shogunate! It's the shogunate again!"

"Uchiha! Evil Uchiha!"

When the Kirigakure ninjas were in panic all day long and could only rely on trash talk to relieve their emotions, the remaining four Kirigakure elders quickly united and tried their best to gather the ninjas of their own faction, trying to control Ninja Village in a short time order.

At the same time, there are also many teams of messengers sneaking out from Ninja Village secretly, and their destinations are Yunyin, Yanyin, and Sandyin in the Ninja World Continent.

As for why no envoys were sent to Konoha, it was because the elders agreed that Uchiha Tokumitsu, as the governor of Konoha, could not possibly be unable to control the internal situation, and the reorganized so-called Senju Clan was just an empty shell with a strong outside and a dry inside However, sending an envoy to the past is just letting the envoy die in vain.

And for the current Kirigakure, the life of every ninja is precious, and there is no way to feel that ninjas are like leeks in the field like before, and after one batch dies, another batch can be squandered casually.

At the same time, the Blood Mist Sect, which had just shown itself in the interior of Wuyin, was also designed and taken down by the elders of Wuyin, but the elders were not in a hurry to kill them immediately, but said "all this is for the good of the village I can only wrong you for a while." After some comforting words in the name of consolation, I controlled it.

If it is really irreversible, and if the three major ninja villages contacted by the Ninja Continent are unable to exert their strength, then these blood mist sect ninjas will be the best gift, and they will be given to the Zhengyi clan of the shogunate as a stepping stone Open the means of communication with the shogunate.

In addition, the elders of Kirigakure also issued an order to withdraw troops and return to aid to Loquat Ten Zang, who is leading the army, in the name of Kirigakure's temporary joint governor's meeting.

At the same time when the messenger arrived at the command post of the Kirigakure Ninja Army, which was at a loss, a large number of elder sect spies who sneaked in secretly had secret contacts with the Ninja Army scattered in the eastern part of the country of water.

It can be said that Kirigakure's Presbyterians have tried their best to keep the little bit of power that they have finally obtained.


"...Is there no follow-up news from Mizukage-sama?"

In the eastern archipelago of the country of water, in the tent of the middle army of the Kirigakure Ninja Army.

Loquat Juzang had a dejected look on his face, and the large beheading knife that he usually regarded as his life was just casually thrown aside, talking to the elders who came from afar while pouring sake into his mouth.

"Yes, five elders are presiding over political affairs in the village now..."

The elder sent an envoy to bow his head and said, looking at the other Kirigakure jominin in the Chinese army's tent without leaving a trace from the corner of his eyes.

Fear, decadence, depression, sadness, sullen...

Every face is full of negative emotions, and there is no sign of cheering up.

The envoys sent by the elders secretly despised them in their hearts, and labeled the incompetent Kikakure shinobi one by one.

"Even if we withdraw our troops back to the village now, so what?"

Loquat Juzang casually dropped the wine bottle in his hand, and said drunkenly, "Mizukage-sama's [-] main ninja troops have all been defeated, and all the seawater warships that he managed to gather were wiped out..."

"Just relying on the rabble in the village, even if you add us lucky ghosts who missed the knife, what can we do to the shogunate?"

After Loquat Juzo finished speaking, the expressions on the faces of Kirigakure shinin became more miserable.

The envoys of the Elders sent even more contempt for this group of upper ninjas who had no fighting spirit.

"...The elders have already sent envoys to the major ninja villages to make contact. At that time, the shadows of the major ninja villages will mediate for us. The shogunate may not dare to continue to attack the village at the risk of the world."

The envoy sent by the elders suppressed the contempt in his heart, maintained a respectful expression on his face, and said sincerely: "Besides, the one-village-one-country system is the unshakable foundation of peace, and it is the fundamental system established by the God of Ninjas. The Uchiha clan may not have the guts to destroy this system, otherwise Konoha's internal public opinion will not let him go."

"Furthermore, the Thousand Hands Clan is still here, maybe it will restrain Uchiha Tokumitsu's solo move..."

"Besides, Kirigakure's foundation has been deeply rooted for decades, how could a small shogunate government be able to shake it..."

"Even if we lose the battle for a while, as long as we don't lose our fighting spirit and firmly fight against the evil forces of the shogunate, then the people with lofty ideals in the ninja world will definitely support us!"

The envoys sent by the elders stood with their heads held high in the middle of the large tents of the Chinese army, and made impassioned speeches full of fighting spirit.


Loquat Juzang remained unmoved, with a look of despair still on his face, and casually flicked off the cork of a bottle of sake, and began to pour wine into his stomach with a "gulu gulu".

The face of the Presbyterian envoy turned pale.

Looking left and right, all the Kirigakure ninjas present here, without exception, still looked extremely depressed, as if the words just now had no effect at all.

The envoy sent by the elders felt ruthless in his heart, and he gritted his shark teeth.

He felt like a clown making an embarrassment in front of everyone!
These incompetent guys!No one can stay!They should be thrown into the front line of fighting the shogunate to make the final contribution to the village!Letting them live is a great insult to a loyal and upright person like himself!
The envoys sent by the elders secretly planned in their hearts how to deal with these impervious Kikakure jonin in the future.

"...I remember you, elder Terumi's relative by marriage, right?"

The drunken Loquat Juzo drank a bottle of sake again, hiccupped and said, "It's also one of the few ninjas in the village who don't have an S-level mission record and rely on government experience to be promoted, right?"

"...Lord Loquat has a very good memory!"

The face of the Elder Sect's envoy turned red again, and he hastily defended: "But my promotion was reviewed by Mizukage-sama, and all the procedures are fine! And I made outstanding contributions to suppressing the rebellion of the three clans in the village!"

His resume is really not good-looking. Although the process of being promoted to Jonin seems reasonable from the process, it does not conform to the tradition of the supremacy of the strong in Kirigakure. And because of the in-law relationship, no one in the village dares to offend him face to face.

But Loquat Shizang blatantly revealed this inside story, which made the envoy of the in-laws very upset.

"And, if I remember correctly, you didn't participate in all the battles of the Second Ninja World War, nor did you face off against the Shogunate Ninja Army in the north, and you didn't appear in the Yunyin Conquest... right?"

Although Loquat Shizang still smelled of alcohol on his face, his eyes were surprisingly sharp at this moment.

"So, do you have any misunderstandings about the shogunate?"

"So, do you have any wrong perceptions about the Uchiha clan?"

"So, do you have any misunderstanding about the strength of the village!"

Loquat Shizang's voice grew louder and louder, and finally turned into a roar.

"...Still hoping to mediate from the countries of the ninja world? Just kidding!"

After venting his inner depression, Loquat Shizang regained his superficial calm and opened another bottle of wine.

It's just that this time, instead of directly blowing the bottle, I turned out a glass and poured a glass of wine to taste slowly.

It seems that what is in the glass is not inferior sake, but a rare delicacy that is rare in the world.

"...Lord Loquat, please lead your troops back to the village!"

The envoy sent by the elders turned ashen, suppressed the raging anger in his heart, and said in a blunt tone: "The village needs you! We need the Ninja Army to fight back the chaos! We need the strength of each of you to make due contributions to the village!"


Loquat Shizang played with the wine glass in his hand, and made an inexplicable ridicule from his mouth.

A group of Kirigakure jonin also lamented again and again.

"Master Loquat, what do you mean by that!"

There was an ominous feeling in the heart of the elder sent envoy.

"Are you going to defect to the traitor!"

"Rebellion... It's not like..."

Loquat Shizang smiled sarcastically, and shook his head slightly, "I'm just with you group of insects, we people will die sooner or later without a place to die..."

"You... what do you mean!"

The envoy sent by the elders showed fear and stammered, "My lord! Don't do stupid things! Your future is still long! You can't ruin your future just for a moment!"

"...Let me just say, those who are still in the village are these incompetent people."

Loquat Juzang turned his head and said to the Jonin under his command.

The dejected Kirigakure shinobi nodded reluctantly.

The elder sent the envoy's heartbeat to become faster and faster, and suddenly felt a hot current in his lower body that was about to erupt uncontrollably.

It was only then that he suddenly remembered that the person in front of him who was addicted to alcohol and self-anesthetized seemed mediocre and incompetent, but he was one of Kirigakure's seven ninja knives!It is also one of the high-level Wuyin who is known for its brutality and bloodthirsty!

"...So, you insects nesting in the village don't understand at all."

Loquat Shizang stood up, and picked up the beheading sword that was put aside, staring at the terrified emissary sent by the elders with piercing eyes.

"Withdraw the troops and return to the village?"

Loquat Shizang asked again.

"Yes, yes...Master Pipa, the elders hope that you can do something for the village..."

"Paralyzed for you!"

Loquat Shizang was suddenly furious, and threw the cup in his hand to the ground!

The sound of the cup breaking was like a signal, and a group of Kirigakure ninjas pushed and shoved the tightly bound ninjas into the tent.

"Big, big..."

The envoy sent by the elders didn't dare to look back to see what was going on, but just looked at the enraged Loquat Shizang in fear.

"Look! Turn around and look! Look at your people! Ask your people what good things they're up to!"

Loquat Shizang said with a sneer.

The elder sent the envoy's neck to stiffen and slowly turned his head. After a first glance, his eyes went dark.

The tied up ninja not only had his entourage who followed him to the headquarters of the Ninja Army, but also secret envoys secretly sent to various places to communicate with each ninja squadron.

"This, this...Lord Loquat, please listen to my explanation!"

The elder sent the envoy to kneel down.

"Didn't you already grab those guys from the Blood Mist faction and prepare them as gifts? Why? Don't you think it's enough?"

"Or... plus our Sanqian Ninja Army, is there enough sincerity to exchange for their glory and wealth in the next life?"

Loquat Shizang sneered again and again.


"Mizukage-sama lost the battle and disappeared, and both Hinjuriki were captured by the shogunate... The ninja army in the village is depleted, but the corrupt elders are still fighting for a little profit... Kirigakure is hopeless... At least for now The fog hidden in the sky is hopeless..."

Loquat Ten Zang asked the Jōnin under his command: "Have you made a decision yet?"

The upper ninja nodded heavily.

...You, you traitor of Kirigakure! "

This time the envoy sent by the elders knew that he was going to die, so he also had a heart attack and began to curse.


Loquat Juzo sneered, "No! We are Kirigakure's future!"

"...what are you going to do?"

Kirigakure's ninja stood up slowly, and drew out his weapon.

"We want to cross the sea to the east to find our promised land! Rebuild the new Wuyin!"

Loquat Juzang waved his hand, and the ninja members randomly picked an envoy's entourage, with white knives in and red knives out.

As the pool of blood filled the air, a spot of water also appeared under the body of the elder sent messenger.

"...What an embarrassment!"

Loquat Shizang frowned, brandishing the beheading sword to decapitate the envoy sent by the elders.

"...how's the situation?"

Loquat Juzo asked a ninja dressed in Anbe who had just entered.

"The ninja army of the shogunate has landed in the northern archipelago, and the leader is the boy of the Ghost Lantern family."

Kirigakure Anbe ninja replied respectfully.

But all Kirigakure ninjas with a high degree of thinking know that there is no chance of turning things around now, and it is nonsense to hope for mediation from various countries in the ninja world!

In addition to the fact that the shogunate used force to "mediate" the conflict between Yunyin and Yuren, which war in the ninja world can be resolved by mediation?
"Is the ship and supplies ready?"

Loquat Shizang asked again.

"It's all ready, brothers and sisters scattered all over the place are rushing over..."

Another Kirigakure Jōnin replied.

"...Then don't waste time, let's go early, anyway, I have already prepared."

Loquat Shizang rubbed the blade on the messenger's corpse in distaste, and then strode out of the Chinese army tent.


And the shogunate vanguard ninja army led by Onito Masahiko controlled the northern archipelago of the country of water within a day in a state of crushing as if entering no one's land.

Wherever they went, the remaining Kirigakure defenders either fled upon hearing the wind or defected. Except for the sporadic resistance encountered by the cutting-edge reconnaissance team on the outskirts of Kirigakure Ninja Village, the Kirigakure ninjas did not have any fierce resistance.

Not only did the elders of Kirigakure not wait for the return of Kirigakure's last new force, the Ninja Army, they didn't even hear from the envoys who went to the Ninja World Continent to act as lobbyists.

"The great General Tokumitsu is about to reach his loyal Kirigakure!"

The invincible Ghost Lamp Masahiko, who was running all the way, stood on the high mountain, looking at the shadowy Wuyin Ninja Village headquarters in front of him, his heart was full of excitement for a while.

Fog Hidden!

The Ghost Lamp, Minazuki, and Kaguya clans have returned!
The ninjas of the Zhengyi clans had ferocious expressions on their faces, staring viciously at the village that haunted them.

 Update today (1/2)

(End of this chapter)

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