Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 277 The Final Deployment in the Darkness

Chapter 277 The Final Deployment in the Darkness

"...Has Kirigakure been reduced to this point?"

In a dark burrow, the dying Uchiha Madara leaned in front of a huge hideous wooden statue, with hoses connected to the body and the wooden sculpture, and from time to time there were substances the size of crawling mice in the hoses There were pimples bulging in the middle, which were extracted from the wood carving and injected into Uchiha Madara's body.

At this time, Uchiha Madara was trying to calm down the fluctuations in his heart, silently listening to the trembling Bai Ze's intelligence report.

The Baijue who had escaped incomparably were also in a rare panic at this time, and they lined up neatly to accept Uchiha Madara's scrutiny.

And the broken limbs on the ground and the piles of Bai Jue's corpses piled up in the corner are the root causes of these ignorant and fearless Bai Jue people.

After the Mingliang naval battle, Uchiha Madara, who was defeated and seriously injured, did not return to Kirigakure, but sneaked back to his secret base under the protection of the special version of Bai Ze, and began to purge Bai Ze.

But there is nothing to investigate for Bai Ze with an empty mind, and the so-called "Bai Ze's betrayal" is a nonsense fabricated by Uchiha Tokumitsu out of thin air in an attempt to disrupt his Dao Xin, Uchiha Madara naturally checks everything not come out.

But in line with the guiding ideology of "no problem is the biggest problem", Uchiha Madara immediately recalled all the white zealots after using a high-level white zealot to repair his mutilated body, and began to treat all the white zealots indiscriminately. The suspected Baijue group killed a lot.

The Bai Jue who were originally deployed in Konoha and the Land of Fire were all wiped out, and half of the Bai Jue lurking in the Land of Water were also wiped out.

Even the brainless Bai Ze was terrified in the face of the "white terror" set off by Madara Uchiha in a state of rage.

Uchiha Madara's brutality can even make Bai Jue, who is ignorant, fearless and fearless of life and death, feel frightened and trembling. This is simply a miracle.

If Otsutsuki Kaguya, who was sealed on the moon, could learn about this, I don't know how he would feel.

"...Yes, yes, Madara-sama."

Bai Jue, who was in charge of reporting the information, stammered and said: "The shogunate's vanguard ninja army has arrived at the outskirts of Wuyin Ninja Village. Loquat Juzang did not lead his troops back to help. It seems that he has other plans."

"...those incompetent maggots!"

Uchiha Madara closed his eyes, feeling aggrieved.

Although it was just an idle move to control the third Mizukage of Kirigakure at the beginning, with the rise of Uchiha Tokumitsu, Uchiha Madara also had the heart to test the quality of this junior, so he gradually moved from behind the scenes to the front desk and directly participated in the The war between Kirigakure and the Shogunate.

But because of this, Uchiha Madara suffered an unexpected fiasco.

Not only did Kirigakure, a chess piece, fall into the hands of Uchiha Tokumitsu, but he was also seriously injured and defeated due to a big mistake.

Even, even the plan that has been in preparation for decades is about to be wiped out...

"... Has the host of the reincarnation eye been transferred?"

Uchiha Madara lowered his head and asked.

"It has been, has been relocated to a place you specified..."

A white man said tremblingly.

"very good!"

Uchiha Madara nodded appreciatively.

And popped out a fireball to kill this unlucky Bai Jue into scum!

The rest of Bai Jue also trembled, but he didn't dare to say a word.

If it was normal, it is estimated that they have already started to scramble to devour these remains.

"Collecting Tailed Beasts..."

Uchiha Madara touched half of his body, muttering to himself.

Although the half of the body that was smashed by Uchiha Tokumitsu was repaired by the infinite Bai Ze, Uchiha Madara also clearly felt that the power of Yin Dun and Yang Dun in his body had begun to be out of balance, and it would even endanger his life soon .

Moreover, four of the nine tailed beasts have fallen into the control of Uchiha Tokumitsu. Even if Uchiha Madara did not suffer this serious injury, it would be difficult to capture and collect, let alone the time is running out and there is not much power left. .

"I knew it... I knew it..."

Uchiha Madara, who has been disobedient all his life, also feels extremely annoyed at this time.

But there has never been any regret medicine in this world, and Uchiha Madara was just annoyed for a while before calming down and thinking about the next plan.

The unlimited monthly reading plan needs to continue, even if he doesn't live to see world peace with his own eyes.

Tailed beasts need to continue to be collected, even if they have to continue to face Uchiha Tokumitsu.

But he won't live long, so he needs a substitute.

Uchiha Madara looked around at the group of white zealots under his command.

"If you pin your hopes on this group of bastards, you are really losing your mind..."

This is also a very helpless thing.

Since leaving Konoha, Uchiha Madara has always been a loner, and has no capable cronies to instruct him. Everything is either done by himself or handed over to Bai Ze, and because his plan is too shocking, and in order to avoid leaks, he has always been No new subordinates were trained.

But now, I can only appoint a newcomer as my will to continue walking in the ninja world...

"come here!"

Uchiha Madara picked a white zealous one that looked more pleasing to the eye, and waved him to come forward.

"Madara, Madara-sama..."

Bai Jue stepped forward tremblingly and said.

"You're lucky..."

Uchiha Madara snorted coldly, raised his right hand and pressed it on Bai Jue's head, secretly mobilizing the power in his body.

Feeling the coercion from Uchiha Madara in front of him, Bai Ze's teeth began to tremble up and down.

"Yin Escape · Transformation from Nothing!"

A red light emerged from Uchiha Madara's hand, covering the white sword in front of him.


The unlucky Bai Jue only had time to scream before he was turned into a pool of black paste by the red light.

"...It's not burnt, it should be usable."

Uchiha Madara observed for a while, and felt that the effect was okay, so he continued to reach out and press on the black paste on the ground.

"Yang escape·life creation!"

Another white light shot out from the hand, covering the black paste.


Under the action of Yang Dun's force, the black paste began to bubble like a puddle of boiled water.

Madara Uchiha breathed heavily and withdrew his palm, quietly observing the special version of "White Zee" that he personally debugged.

It took a while before the black paste stopped rolling.

"...It won't fail, will it?"

Uchiha Madara frowned, feeling a little bad.

His remaining strength is not enough to adjust a new special Baijue, and forcibly using the power of Yin-Yang Dun also consumed his limited lifespan.

"Sir Madame..."

The black paste squirmed, and a black oval slowly protruded from it, opening the eyes and mouth of the face one by one.

"Could it be a failure..."

Uchiha Madara frowned, looking displeased.

"Master Madara, I am not a failure, I am the embodiment of your will..."

The black paste continued to squirm, and after forming a head, it continued to stretch out its body, arms and other torsos.

But it seems that the number of "black paste" is not enough, and the feet have not been transformed, and in the end it is only a half-body human form.

"... What ability do you have?"

Uchiha Madara asked, frowning.

He has some misgivings about the so-called incarnation of will.

It doesn't make sense!

His own yin and yang escape is obviously not that strong!
And I have never encountered such a problem before debugging the special version of Baijue!

"Madara-sama, please let me demonstrate for you..."

The avatar of the black paste saluted Uchiha Madara humbly, and then waved at Shiro behind him.


Bai Jue, who was pointed at, was a little surprised, but he walked over obediently.

Although it doesn't understand what incarnation of will is, this weird paste was indeed created by Madara-sama, and it has a special aura that makes Chuang Bai absolutely unable to restrain himself from bowing down.

The black paste grabbed Bai Jue's shoulder and turned into a black net covering it.


The panicked Bai Jue only had time to call out twice before being completely wrapped in the black paste.

Afterwards, the black paste faded slightly, revealing half of the body to reveal the whiteness inside.


Bai Jue touched his body in panic.

And the black body on the other side doesn't seem to be controlled by it.

"Similar to this, I can merge with the ordinary Baijue spirit to achieve symbiosis and fully exert its power..."

The black paste said to Uchiha Madara.

Speak, stretch out your black hand, and in the palm gather a branch with a bud.


Uchiha Madara frowned slightly.

"Then what do you remember?"

Madara Uchiha asked.

"I remember everything you want me to remember..."

The black paste detached from Bai Jue's body, said respectfully, and then manipulated the black arm to salute.

This is the ninja reconciliation etiquette of the Warring States period, which is completely different from the current reconciliation seal in the ninja world.

Uchiha Madara asked a few more casual childhood things, and the black paste answered one by one, and some of the details described in the answer even Uchiha Madara himself could not remember clearly.

"...Where is the eye of reincarnation?"

Madara Uchiha asked.

The black paste did not answer, but turned the palm into a flame that seemed to be burning.

"……what colour?"

Uchiha Madara nodded and asked again.


The black paste replied.

Uchiha Madara nodded again, completely relieved.

Everything seems to make sense...

"Then do you understand what to do?"

Uchiha Madara breathed a sigh of relief, his body seemed to have been drained of all energy at once.

"Eye of the Moon..."

The black paste replied: "If there are mistakes or omissions in the plan, it is the technique of reincarnation..."


Uchiha Madara touched the wooden statue behind him with nostalgia, and said with emotion: "That is the wish I have fought for all my life..."

"Bring eternal peace to the miserable ninja world..."

The black paste replied immediately.

"very good……"

Madara Uchiha leaned against the wooden statue and closed his eyes.

The black paste stood respectfully in place.

"Heijue, from now on your name will be Heijue!"

Uchiha Madara was silent for a long time before he said wearily: "All Bai Ze must obey the order of Hei Ze and continue to implement the Moon Eye plan..."


"Okay, Madara-sama!"

Bai Jue and others chirped back as if they had received an amnesty.


Uchiha Madara called out again.


A special white creature with a swirly face emerged from the ground, "Are you going to poop?"

"...Have you checked?"

Uchiha Madara ignored A Fei's nonsensical words.

"I've checked it, that brat still doesn't know anything~"

Ah Fei said with a smile.

The body and hands also seemed to be swaying uncontrollably, as if insane.

"what are you doing!"

Uchiha Madara opened his eyes and scolded angrily.

"... I intend to let Madara-sama appreciate the new posture I learned in the human world."

Ah Fei immediately stopped being funny, and replied stiffly.

"This is Black Jue, from now on you will obey its orders and continue to carry out the plan..."

Uchiha Madara pointed to the black black ball and said.


Ah Fei immediately relaxed, and his hands and feet began to shake wildly again.

"……come over."

Uchiha Madara waved at A Fei.

"... Madara-sama, I don't dare anymore..."

Ah Fei obediently stepped forward and knelt in front of Uchiha Madara.

Uchiha Madara managed to raise his hand and pressed it on its head.

"If I had known earlier, I would have taken you to fight against that nasty junior..."

Uchiha Madara sighed.

"It should be too late to use the eyes of reincarnation~"

A Fei replied a little cautiously.

The head pressed by Uchiha Madara rubbed restlessly.


Uchiha Madara sighed again, "My strength is no longer enough to perform the innate art of reincarnation..."

"And if you use it forcibly, it will definitely destroy the only eye of reincarnation in the ninja world... By then, the Moon Eye plan will completely turn into a bubble..."

Ah Fei didn't speak any more, just rubbed Uchiha Madara's palm with his head a few more times.

"I will give you the last strength, so that your Wooden Dungeon can exert its greatest strength..."

Branches condensed from Uchiha Madara's palm, piercing into A Fei's head.

"Then you..."

A Fei was very surprised, he raised his head and asked as if he couldn't feel the pain.

"do not move!"

After being reprimanded, A Fei silently accepted Uchiha Madara's "empowerment".

Hei Jue and the ordinary Bai Jue watched this scene silently.

After a long time, the branches emerging from Uchiha Madara's palm gradually withered and turned into a cloud of fly ash.

And Ah Fei's body swelled up again.

"This power..."

Ah Fei looked at his palm in disbelief.

With a little luck, a small snake-like branch popped out from the palm of his hand, and it fluttered wantonly.

And Uchiha Madara's body also began to sprout buds of branches.

"... Execute the plan well!"

Uchiha Madara took a deep breath, opened Sharingan to suppress the body's mutation.

Although A Fei has the same detached personality, he is the most special fighting version of Bai Jue, who can freely use the power of Mu Dun.

With it, it can also play a role in supervising Heijue, preventing the Moon's Eye plan from completely going astray.

Uchiha Madara exhausted his last strength and reached out to pull out the cartilage connected to the wooden statue behind him one by one.

"...Hei Jue, I will leave the heretic golem to you."

After Uchiha Madara finished speaking, he closed his eyes.

"...Your will is my direction!"

Hei Jue knelt down and said.

"Mother! I'm close to the edge of success!"

Hei Jue, who had failed for an unknown number of years, yelled silently in his heart.

 Update today (2/2)

(End of this chapter)

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