Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 279 The Supreme Governor-General Visits His Most Loyal Kirigakure

Chapter 279 The Supreme Governor-General Visits His Most Loyal Kirigakure

Kirigakure, who used to be one of the five great ninja villages, is about to embark on the path of extinction.

Surrounded by the Shogunate Ninja Army, the remnants of Kirigakure Ninja Village have fallen into a state of constant panic.

Even though there are still [-] people in Ninja Village, compared with the more than [-] shogunate vanguard ninja troops who carried out the siege, they are still capable of fighting, but there is no way for Ninja Village to have the slightest intention to fight.

"Defeated, defeated..."

In Kirigakure's Presbyterian Church, four Kirigakure elders gathered together decadently.

After the Mingliang naval battle, the elders of Kirigakure, who successfully seized power, were also full of spirits and tried to curb the shogunate's continued aggression through the Hezhong Lianheng. Nothing works.

The envoys who went to the Ninja Continent to try to contact foreign aid reported one after another that the three major ninja villages had no interest in interfering with the muddy waters of Kirigakure, and Yunyin, who had just ended the war, even expressed joy that Kirigakure would be broken.

And Iwagakure, who is the most powerful among the three major ninja villages, is all about competing with Sagakure, and has no intention of interfering in Kirigakure's affairs.

It is not incomprehensible to cut off foreign aid; every ninja village in the Ninja Continent has been severely beaten by the Uchiha clan. It is normal for them to be unwilling to send troops to "maintain peace" at such a critical juncture, but they have joined forces together. They are unwilling to issue statements that do not have any effect, even the envoy Kirigakure wants them to stand up and condemn the shogunate...

"Such a short-sighted person..."

An elder Wuyin closed his eyes in despair: "Forget it, there is nothing to worry about..."

"What happened to Wu Yin today will also be the situation they will face in the future..."

"If you don't want to support Kirigakure today, they will have to defend the shogunate in the village in the future!"

The Wuyin elders and a group of relatives cursed endlessly.

But even if the scolding is ugly, so what?

The ninja army of the shogunate will never retreat, and the situation of Kirigakure will not be improved in the slightest because of the indignation of the elders.

In fact, if it weren't for the fact that Masahiko Onito stopped the tentative attack of the headquarters and ordered the shogunate ninja army to refuse to surrender before the battle, it is estimated that Kirigakure would have taken the initiative to welcome the ninjas of the three tribes back to the village.

"Three thousand ninja soldiers..."

Another Kirigakure ninja howled like a defeated dog.

All the people here wept sadly when they heard it.

If Loquat Juzo leads his troops back to aid, perhaps Kirigakure can still have a little bit of the right to negotiate, whether it is to fight first and then surrender, or directly use this as a bargaining chip to negotiate with the shogunate.

But after Loquat Juzo chose to cross the sea to the east, Kirigakure, who lost the last new force, could only choose to lie flat and pray that the shogunate would give them a decent face.

Even, whether a decent ending can be achieved depends on whether the shogunate is willing to show mercy.

Why is one of the five dignified ninja villages reduced to such a state...

All the elders and the shangren were puzzled.

"My lords!"

A young Kirigakure Shinobu ran in out of breath, and didn't knock on the door or salute, but shouted in panic: "Red flag! Uchiha's ninja army raised the red flag!"


A group of high-level Kirigakures were taken aback, and hurried out of the meeting room and jumped to the commanding heights of Ninja Village to look up.

A flag with the Uzumaki family crest tattooed on its red flag was hung on the top of a big tree in the headquarters of the Shogunate Army. A large group of Shogunate ninjas gathered under the flag and were preparing for battle.

"...the troops have been increased!"

"It's a member of the Uzumaki clan..."

"The fog is over..."

All the Wuyin elders lost their minds.

At this moment, three red flares shot up into the sky, and the shogunate ninja army officially launched an attack.

"The only thing left is to fight to the death..."

An elder Kirigakure smiled wryly, took out a kunai from his bosom, and rushed towards the direction where the shogunate ninja army was attacking.

"...If we don't die, the ninjas in the village won't survive either."

Another Elder Wu Yin let out a long sigh, shook his head, and then charged.

The other two Wuyin elders were ashen-faced and froze in place.

"The weather is too cold, let's go back..."

An elder Wuyin who stayed in place tightened his clothes and found a reason for himself.

"That's right, maybe the water was too cold to take a shower yesterday..."

Another timid Elder Wuyin nodded quickly.

But before he could finish his sentence, a ninja knife came out from behind him.

"Uh uh uh……"

Elder Kirigakure, who was stabbed in the chest by a ninja knife, only had time to let out a few desperate wailings before being decapitated by another ninja knife.

"You! Are you going to rebel!"

Witnessing all this, Elder Wuyin yelled in panic: "You are committing an offense! Don't you want to live?"

The person who stabbed the knife in the back was the elder's confidant Jonin.

"Master Elder... Please be more decent!"

The confidant Shinobu pulled out the ninja sword from the chest of the dead elder with no expression on his face, and then pulled out a short knife from his waist and threw it to the elder who was still alive.

"Elder, please be decent!"

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the terrified Elder Wuyin picked up the short knife on the ground with trembling hands, gently stroking the blade with his fingers, tears in his eyes.


Elder Wuyin laughed at himself, and then stabbed the dagger into his heart without hesitation.

"...Let's go together, let the shogunate see Kirigakure's courage!"

After pouring down a bottle of potion and turning the corpses of the two elders into puddles of puddles, the leading ninja Kirigakure was the first to perform the teleportation technique and rushed towards the overwhelming shogunate ninja army.

"Suffer to death!"

The Kirigakure ninja, who launched a decisive charge, rushed towards the shogunate ninja army like chopping melons and vegetables.

"Water Escape·Water Dragon Ball Technique!"

The smooth sailing shogunate ninja army was also a little surprised when facing the Kirigakure ninja who not only did not surrender, but dared to fight back.

But this is also an innocuous counterattack that can't change anything at all.

"Huo Dun · head hard!"

"Fire Escape: The Technique of Dragon Fire!"

Without Uzumaki Ashina's order from the high command post, a group of Uchiha ninjas immediately went up to meet them, forcibly using fire ninjutsu to wipe out Kirigakure ninja's water ninjutsu.

After that, another group of ninjas of the three tribes led a group of defected Kirigard and killed them.

After a fierce fight, the Kirigakure ninjas who tried to fight back were slaughtered.

"Master Weiming..."

The ghost lamp Masahiko who was also watching the battle turned his attention to the whirlpool Wei Ming who was resting with his eyes closed.

Uzumaki Weiming just stared at the battlefield for a while, then closed his eyes again.


Ghost lamp Masahiko had no choice but to go back to his seat and sit down.

Shui Wuyue Qing Nuo tugged at the hem of his clothes and shook his head, signaling him not to be troublesome.

Onito Masahiko also understood what he meant, so he nodded at Minazuki Chino.

He originally wanted to allow some Kirigakure ninjas to survive through surrender, but now it seems that Uzumaki Weiming, who is in command, obviously doesn't want to keep so many Kirigakure ninjas.


After a long time, Uzumaki Weiming gave the order: "Whoever surrenders within 5 minutes may survive!" Follow orders! "

Ghost Lamp Masahiko didn't dare to say more, and immediately left the table and rushed to the battlefield.

"Prepare a flag of the shogunate and a medal of the United Nations".

Uzumaki Weiming said to Minazuki Kenno standing aside: "In addition, you also need to lead your troops to capture the last few behind-the-scenes of Kirigakure, and plant the flag of the shogunate on the top of the Mizukage Building!"

"Follow orders!"

The overjoyed Minazuki Chino immediately stepped forward and bowed down.

Uzumaki Weiming's expression was still calm, and while watching Minazuki Chino go to organize his subordinates, he gave instructions to the clansmen under his command.

"Send the good news and send it back to the headquarters to Mr. Deguang! Just say..."

Uzumaki Weiming searched for a while, and then said leisurely: "Your Excellency, the supreme governor, please take the time to visit his most loyal Kirigakure!"

 (Updated 2/2 today)

(End of this chapter)

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