Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 280 to welcome the king

Chapter 280 to welcome the king
Facts have proved that no matter which dimension it is, the bottom line of intelligent life can be very flexible, and moral standards and integrity levels can also change according to changes in the situation.

For example, Hidden Fog is the best example.

When Ashina Uzumaki led his troops to formally capture the headquarter of Kirigakure Ninja Village, Uchiha Tokumitsu finally started to leave for his "loyal Kirigakure".

"...Master Tokumitsu, the village and other envoys from Ninja Village have been staying in Uzumaki for a long time."

The attendant ninja reminded me.

"Let them wait..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu hesitated.Then he ordered: "Let's talk about it after dealing with the matter of Wu Yin."

Kirigakure, who has spent a lot of thought, is now about to become a possession, and Uchiha Tokumitsu is unwilling to disrupt his steps due to external interference.

"As ordered!"

The squire ninja understands.

For the Uchiha clan, this will undoubtedly be an overall improvement similar to ascension.

Since then, the Uchiha clan is no longer the ninja of Ninja Village, but the ninja who owns Ninja Village.

Although today's Kirigakure has fallen to the bottom of the Five Great Ninja Villages due to the continuous war and loss of personnel, the Uchiha clan, which has all the resources of a Great Ninja Village, will expand to To what extent?

Uchiha Deguang himself can't even imagine it.

And the Konoha messenger Mimura Hanomaki who was intercepted by the shogunate ninja in the Uzumaki country, the loess of Yanyin, Kirabi of Yunyin and others have nothing to do.

Although it is not difficult for them to step across the sea, the patrolling shogunate ironclad ship made them dispel this idea.

After all, in the vast sea, it is very normal for a team of ninjas to disappear.

Moreover, they also believe that the shogunate has the ability and willingness to do this very normal thing, which is also the most terrifying.

"...Don't look! You can't see the flowers!"

On the coast of Uzumaki Country, Kirabi who was hidden in the cloud yelled at Huang Tu who was watching all kinds of shogunate warships by the sea in a daze.

During the few days when the shogunate of Uzumaki was stranded, Huang Tu spent a few hours looking at the coast every day. At first, Kirabi and the others just thought that Yan Yin’s bumpkin had never seen such a clean seawater, so they came to see it fresh. That's all, but after paying attention to Huang Tu's actions, everyone roughly understood his intentions.

He was counting how many ironclad ships the shogunate had.

"...Eight warships with different hull numbers appeared today."

Huang Tu said solemnly: "A total of 33 different warships have appeared on the sea, and these are only part of the shogunate fleet."

"It is said that their main force is still at Kirigakure, and only some of the damaged ships are returning to Hong Kong..."

"...Could it be that Yanyin also intends to build a ship for an arms race?"

Kirabi sneered.

Although Yun Yin and Yan Yin are deadly rivals, they are now the envoys of their own country's daimyo, trying to conduct so-called "mediation" on the shogunate's conquest of Yun Yin, and at the same time they are not taken seriously. In addition, although the shogunate ninjas did not restrict their actions Freedom, but no one is willing to talk to them, so when they are extremely bored, the two also have some more mutual interactions.

"How does Yunyin's little house sparrow understand the ambition of Yanyin Goshawk..."

Huang Tu snorted coldly, neither admitting nor objecting.

"Goshawk... heh!"

Kirabi began to rap in a strange way:

"Rock Hidden~"


"Not very capable~"

"But I call myself Goshawk~"

"What are you barking at?"

The slightly clumsy Huang Tu was so angry that his veins bulged: "Don't forget! The southern part of the Land of Thunder is still in our hands!"

"Now Yunyin has completely lost the tail beast, and the strength of the ninja army can't even beat Kirigashi, what else can you be proud of!"

"Then what do you think Yan Yin can do?"

Kirabi also restrained himself a bit, showing a mocking look on his face that was completely different from the funny expression in the past, "The shogunate has conquered Kirigakure now, but Yanyin is still stuck in the quagmire of war that is just sand hidden!"

"That's right! Even the dilapidated Yunyin knows that the military equipment of Shayin is provided by the shogunate, so Tangtang Yanyin doesn't know about it?"

Huang Tu's face immediately darkened, he opened and closed his mouth a few times and didn't know what to say, so he could only snort coldly and strode away.

"Deceiving yourself!"

Kirabi cursed secretly, and returned to the post house arranged by the shogunate from the other direction.

As for Mimura Hamoki, she behaved extremely Buddhist.

During the few days he stayed in Fubo City, not only did he not repeatedly urge and interrogate him, he didn't even inquire about the progress of the war. Instead, he wandered around Fubo City, and even went to the warehouse of the United Company in the country of Bo Take a tour.

The shogunate ninja also relaxed his vigilance a little because of his attitude, so he got some information from the side.

"Remember, the shogunate mobilized about [-] ninja troops to take Kirigakure..."

After a day of wandering, Mimura Hanomaki returned to the post house and gave instructions to his confidant ninja.

"Continue to copy Tsunade Hime?"

The confidant ninja asked in a low voice.

"Send it over..."

Mimura Hanomaki thought for a moment, and added: "Send this document to Sakumo-kun too..."

"My lord... After all, Chairman Shuo Mao and His Excellency Deguang are..."

The trusted ninja hesitated.

"You do not understand……"

Mimura Hamoki lowered her eyelids and whispered, "The Tokuko shogunate is too powerful to be controlled, so Sakumo-kun should be mentally prepared..."


The trusted ninja nodded, then took out a psychic scroll to summon a ninja, and handed it a document full of information.


The ninja then turned into a puff of smoke and left.

"……grown ups."

There was a dead silence in the building again.

After being silent for a long time, the confidant ninja couldn't help asking: "Why is the village..."


Mimura Hanomaki glanced at him, but said nothing.

"...But conquering Kirigakure is always a good thing for the village."

The confidant ninja muttered: "At least from now on, there will be no need to keep so many people in the coastal areas for defense..."

"It was not the village that conquered Kirigakure, but Uchiha."

Mimura Hanomaki replied in a deep voice: "Konoha cannot be the only family, otherwise it will lead to more serious consequences than what the third generation did."

The trusted ninja hesitated to speak.


Uchiha Tokumitsu didn't pay attention to the undercurrent that was constantly surging behind him. When he led his troops to Kirigakure, what he got was the firm support from the "heart" of Kirigakure.

The remaining [-] Kirigakure Headquarters ninjas and the surrendered [-] Wugan Ninja Army were unarmed and lined up at the entrance of Ninja Village to welcome the arrival of their new lord.

Both the shogunate ninjas and rain ninja mercenaries put on brand-new outfits, and accepted the review of the lord with their heads held high.

When Uchiha Tokumitsu, who was riding Mataburo Natsuo, appeared on the horizon surrounded by Uchiha ninjas in red armor, the Kirigakure ninja knelt down on one knee to offer his loyalty to the conqueror without urging or beating. .

After repeated wars, the defeat of Mizukage in the Mingliang Sea Battle, and the loss of all the tailed beasts, Kirigakure, who has lost all his high-end combat power, can no longer stand up straight and continue to stick to the glory of being one of the five great ninja villages.

After all, the hard-boned Kirigakure either died in battle, or the Kirigakure ninja who stayed in Ninja Village with Loquat Juzang across the sea has lost the last courage to resist.

But for Hikaru Uchiha trying to tame Kirigakure, it couldn't be better.

"...Your gentlemen are in peace!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu stood on top of the majestic Natsuo Mataba, looking down at the ants-like Kistokakuren, his heart was full of joy.

Under the urging of the shogunate ninja, the Kirigakure ninja who knelt on one knee stood up in twos and threes.

"The war is over!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said.

"The war between the shogunate and Kirigakure has officially ended!"

Following Uchiha Tokumitsu's declaration, the Kirigakure ninjas shed tears involuntarily.

"Kirakure will still exist, but it will no longer be reduced to a tool for a certain generation of Mizukage to seek personal gain, but will be an institution for the well-being of all Kirigakure ninjas!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu continued.

The Kirigakure ninjas who were weeping silently began to calm down and listen.

"This day will go down in history forever!"

"For the shogunate, the purpose of launching a war has never been to destroy, but to build a better future!"

"All those who are willing to stand with the shogunate, I will promise to give them a brighter future! Give them more opportunities to display their talents!"

The emotions of the Kirigakure ninjas became stable.

"From now on, Kirigakure will depose Mizukage, and the Ninja Joint Conference will take charge of Ninja Village affairs!"

"From now on, Kirigakure Ninja will enjoy the same educational conditions equally, regardless of his background; Ninjutsu will also be open to every person with lofty ideals with the same assessment standards, and only his contribution will be considered!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu gave two reassurances to the nervous Kirigakure ninjas again.

"...the shogunate is free to come and go, and will not restrict the wishes and choices of every lord present today."

"All ninjas who do not want to accept the rule of the shogunate, please take five steps to the left!"

None of the Kirigakure ninjas moved.

"All ninjas who are willing to serve the shogunate, please take five steps to the right!"

In unison, all the Kirigakure ninjas collectively moved five steps to the right.

"Then, today's matter will be the common choice of all Kirigakure ninjas!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu was very satisfied.

Immediately, three more elders of Kirigakure "voluntarily" came to Erwei tremblingly holding Kirigakure's ninja roster, Mizukage tokens, and ninjutsu secret scrolls, and held them up high.

Uchiha Tokumitsu jumped down from the top of the Tailed Beast, and took over the roster, tokens, and scrolls that symbolized the conquest of Kirigakure.

"From today onwards, the ninjas of Ghost Lamp, Kaguya, and Minazuki will officially return to Kirigakure!"

"I will die for my lord!"

The excited ninjas of the three clans immediately knelt down and shouted.

 Some MGs have been suggested as XX, so it may seem a bit out of stock, let me see how to supplement or make a metaphor in the next chapter...

  Update today (1/2)

(End of this chapter)

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