Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 285 Ninjas Without Borders

Chapter 285 Ninjas Without Borders

After Uchiha Tokumitsu met with Iwagakushi and Yunyin messengers at Midway Island, he hurried back to Fuba City to arrange various affairs in the country of water, and then prepared to return to Konoha.

After Kirigakure became a puppet of the shogunate, the country of water, which consciously enshrined the title of Guanbai, also failed to escape the control of the shogunate.

A large number of shogunate ninjas were transferred to the north, and began to take over the various defenses of the country of water, and transferred the Kirigakure ninjas to join the garrison for mixed formation, so as to achieve the purpose of actual control while cultivating the friendship between the two sides.

Wuyin Ninja Village also followed the mystical principles of the past, while the coastal areas of the country of water implemented a closed-door policy. Except for fishermen and inland sea vessels, all ocean-going merchant ships were uniformly expropriated by the shogunate in the form of "redemption". The business communication between the two companies will be handed over to the joint company to take full responsibility.

As for the armored fleet of the shogunate, it also formed a patrol formation to implement a maritime blockade. All ships on the sea that did not belong to the shogunate were destroyed on the spot indiscriminately.

This time, the shareholders of the joint company, that is, the Uchiha clan and various ninja clans have made a lot of money.

In this world, is there any business that is more profitable than mastering a big country?
From this, it can also be predicted that the development momentum and prospects of the Uchiha clan and the various ninja clans in the future are absolutely immeasurable!
The reason why Uchiha Tokumitsu rushed back to the village was because of a letter from his father Uchiha Nakagen, and the second was to go back to deal with the dissatisfaction in the village that "doesn't worry about scarcity but about inequality".

In the letter from his father Uchiha Nakagen, it was mentioned that there seemed to be some problems with the elder's body, and the elder seemed to have some things to explain to Uchiha Tokumitsu face to face.

Uchiha Tokumitsu naturally would not ignore the weight of the letter.

What's more, the Great Elder Setsuna is also the guide of this life, and his support for Uchiha Tokumitsu at the beginning of his rise is also very strong.

On the way back to Konoha, Uchiha Tokumitsu was thinking about another question.

This is the so-called "ninja without borders" hot topic in Konoha.

Naturally, like Konoha's various key public opinion topics in the past, Konoha ninjas have mixed opinions on this point of view.

Those who support and believe that "Ninjas Without Borders" are legitimate and reasonable groups are naturally members of the Ninja Clan and have gained real benefits in the process of the expansion of the shogunate.

Those who are opposed are mainly Konoha civilian ninjas and ninjas from various small ninja clans.

The most troublesome thing also comes from this point-most of the members of Hatake Sakumo's Reform Society are from civilian ninjas or small ninjas.

Therefore, this is also regarded by Uchiha Tokumitsu as a major event that may shake the relationship between the two allies.

In Uchiha Tokumitsu's impression, Hatake Sakumo is a relatively easily influenced person, and he is also a person who is pure but is actually a "Konoha supremacist" in nature.

Therefore, in fact, Hatake Sakumo may be influenced by other people and change his position unconsciously.

Just like when Uchiha Tokumitsu used various means to pull Hatake Sakumo to the opposite of the Hokage series, thus prompting him to become his ally.

But human nature must be upright and upright.

There are some things Uchiha Tokumitsu can do by himself, but it doesn't mean he is willing to see others imitate them.

In particular, this will also affect the rear of the Uchiha clan.

"Lord Deguang..."

An attendant ninja picked up the speed and came to Uchiha Tokumitsu, handing over a piece of information with both hands.

Uchiha Tokumitsu opened it casually, took a rough look, and then stopped walking.

Although the accompanying ninja army didn't know why, they immediately stopped advancing and quickly deployed a guard formation around them.

"...Mimura Hanomaki!"

The intelligence mentioned an event that happened a few hours ago-Hanomaki Mimura requested at the executive meeting of the House of Representatives to abolish the mobile unit directly led by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Sakumo Hatake!
The mobile unit is not only composed of jounin of the Uchiha clan, but also a symbol of the alliance between Hatake Sakumo and the Uchiha clan!
What is especially intriguing is that Hatake Sakumo did not immediately refuse, but after hesitating for a long time, he chose to put the matter aside for further discussion!
Uchiha Tokumitsu's forehead was bursting with blue veins.

In addition, Mimura Hanomaki also proposed a series of proposals to abolish the ninja army, requiring the abolition of one-tenth of Konoha's existing standing ninja army within one year, and strive to reduce the standing ninja army within three years. The ninja army has been abolished to one-fifth of the existing ninja army!

Abolition of the standing ninja army... This is the order of Uchiha Tokumitsu!It is even digging the foot of the Uchiha clan!

Uchiha Tokumitsu began to wonder if it was because he seemed too gentle in the process of dealing with the original Hokage series, so that those who had different intentions began to have unrealistic fantasies.

Especially Mimura Hanomaki!
Uchiha Tokumitsu has always regarded him as the wing of Hatake Sakumo and took more care of him, including when he divided the benefits after defeating the Naruto family, he also handed over the Konoha mission center because he regarded him as his own. for him!

Unexpectedly, he was the first to stab the knife now!
"I'm afraid not everyone thinks that Uchiha's Ninja Sword is bad!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu sneered, and ordered to his subordinates: "Notify Fuba City, and send someone to bring Yakura Goju to Konoha!"

This time Uchiha Tokumitsu did not intend to compromise.

He has to be prepared to fight with both hands, with one hand for literary combat and the other for martial arts, and he must be tough with both hands.Moreover, he had to punch with both hands to silence the objections inside Konoha in one go!

Tokumitsu Uchiha wants to let them know that even though Konoha has achieved the Jōnin Republic in name, there will still be people who are more equal than ordinary people even if they have an equal right to speak!

After finishing the executive meeting of the House of Representatives, Hatake Sakumo returned to his mansion with mixed feelings.

There is no doubt that the uproar caused by Mimura Hanomaki's proposal in the House of Representatives will inevitably provoke a backlash from the Uchiha clan.

Regardless of the number of ninjas or the power they hold, the Uchiha clan has an overwhelming advantage within Konoha, which is beyond the reach of any challenger.

Hatake Sakumo didn't understand why Mimura Hanomaki chose to jump out against his will to provoke trouble at this time, and even after the meeting he wanted to call Mimura Hanomaki to discuss privately, but he flatly refused.

In addition, divisions began to appear within the Reform Society.

The civilian ninja and the little ninja ninja expressed dissatisfaction with Uchiha Tokumitsu after he conquered Kirigakure. Konoha's power to expand its own power violated Konoha's long-standing principle of fairness.

But the problem is, even though they covet the shogunate's gains in the Kirigakure conquest, these dissidents are not part of the ninja army!

You know, the Ninja Army of the joint company that participated in the war did not treat them badly at all, and all of them made a lot of money.

And as far as he knows, some people within the Reform Association have already started conspiring to start re-election, so as to remove Uchiha Tokumitsu's position as the chief director and eliminate the influence of the ninja family in the Reform Association.

What's more, some voices have begun to ask the Uchiha clan to open up the control of the country of water and bring it into the jurisdiction of Konoha, so that Konoha ninjas can undertake the task of the country of water...

To be honest, the changes in the Innovation Society also surprised him.

Especially the change in the attitude of some middle-level ninjas chilled him even more.

All kinds of voices were so noisy that it made Hatake Sakumo very upset.

"Those bastards!"

The good-tempered Hatake Sakumo couldn't help but curse too.

It is actually a good thing for Konoha that the Uchiha clan brought its affiliated ninja clan to expand abroad. At least from the current point of view, Konoha's involution has eased a lot, and the number of tasks that can fall into everyone's hands A lot more.

But now even Konoha's mission can't be carried out, those people actually have the time to think about the mission of the country of water!Don't they all think that Uchiha Tokumitsu really dare not use his strength internally?
What's more, if Uchiha Tokumitsu chooses to use tough measures internally, with Konoha's current strength, who can compete with the Uchiha clan?

You know, the original Hokage series has completely disappeared!Even Anbu has been merged into the Secret Service Headquarters of the Police Department!
Don't even think about it, with their strength, why should they fight against the Uchiha clan!
The more Hatake Sakumo thought about it, the more angry he became, and he began to regret his attitude of trying to ease the situation in the House of Representatives meeting. ,

"If I knew it earlier, I would reprimand and dismiss it on the spot..."

The more Hatake Sakumo thought about it, the more difficult it became.

Today's good situation in Konoha is based on the fact that Uchiha Tokumitsu is relatively "reasonable" to maintain the current situation. Otherwise, after killing the original third generation of Sarutobi Hiruzen, even Uchiha Tokumitsu called himself Konoha The new Hokage, who in the village can or has the courage to raise objections?

"Don't worry about scarcity, but about inequality..."

Hatake Sakumo thought of a sentence Uchiha Tokumitsu once said, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt it made sense.

But the problem is, Uchiha Tokumitsu has never made the slightest concession on anything related to the interests of the family, even if it is a strategic superficial concession.

Even in the distribution of benefits after the coup, although nominally the Senate and the House of Representatives stand side by side, and the House of Representatives is handed over to Hatake Sakumo, in fact, the Uchiha clan and its pro-ninja forces are enough to influence any resolution of the House of Representatives , but they chose not to express their views on daily affairs in order to maintain the alliance relationship.

Just like during the ninja class meeting, Uchiha Tokumitsu chose to let the family's ninja fully support Hatake Sakumo in the affairs vote.


Hatake Sakumo's son, Hatake Kakashi shyly opened the door of the study, and said timidly to his father, "Are you free to teach me swordsmanship today?"


There was a smile on Hatake Sakumo's face, "Wait a minute, okay? I'll deal with some things first..."


His son Hatake Kakashi nodded obediently.

Hatake Sakumo returned to the study, took out a pen and paper and was about to write something, when suddenly a notification from the family attendant came from outside the door.

"Master Sakumo, Orochimaru Jominin and Jiraiya Jominin are here to visit..."

"……I see."

Hatake Sakumo hesitated for a moment, but put away the pen in his hand, intending to meet two Jōnin with special identities.

"...By the way, tell Kakashi, maybe I don't have time to practice swordsmanship with him anymore."

 Update today (2/2)

(End of this chapter)

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