Chapter 286

In the evening, Uchiha Tokumitsu, who rushed back to Konoha, was surrounded by a group of subordinates and returned directly to the clan, without any relationship with any outsiders.

But this scene fell into the eyes of Konoha's other forces, but it aroused some discussions.

Mimura Hanomaki's proposals in the House of Representatives to abolish the Ninja Army and annex Kirigakure, in the eyes of the so-called "Konoha Third Force" such as the Senju Clan and the Hyuga Alliance, are actually dog-eat-dog within the current ruling class of the village. My psychology is that it is not a big deal to watch the excitement, and I am still constantly fanning the flames.

For example, while the House of Representatives hypocritically opposed Hanomaki Mimura's disarmament bill, it also privately ordered the lower-level ninjas of the family to publicize the benefits that the abolition of the standing ninja army and the annexation of Kirigakure would bring to Konoha, etc. The main focus is a Schizophrenia.

The Senju Clan lashed out at Tokumitsu Uchiha's behavior of controlling Kirigakure from the dimensions of the one-village-one-country system and the five Ninja Villages establishing a peaceful pattern in the ninja world, putting pressure on the Uchiha Clan in public opinion.

But after all, "the weapon of criticism is not as good as the criticism of weapons."

The Uchiha Ninja Army who returned to Konoha in a bloody storm immediately silenced all the sounds in the village.

Especially after the second batch of members of the shogunate arrived at Konoha, Hinata Ninja, who was in charge of intelligence, recognized the identity of the little dwarf among them at a glance——former Kirkakure Three-tailed Jinchuriki Kutachi Yakura!
As we all know, the Tokumitsu shogunate, which won great victories in several battles of the Kirigakure Conquest and the Cloud Conquest, controlled the most tailed beasts in the ninja world!And this time even Renjuriki was brought back to the village...

No one doubts that the Uchiha clan, who are playing with eyes and illusions, can't control just one Churiki, let alone they have the full support of the Uzumaki clan.

Similarly, no one doubts that the Uchiha clan does not have the courage to start a civil war!

A chill, a chilling chill, quickly passed from the gate of Konoha Ninja Village to every Konoha faction who was concerned about the development of the situation.

Hatake Sakumo couldn't sit still anymore.

He also has a lot of responsibility for the reason why this matter has fermented to this point.

Habitual compromise and appeasement are the reasons why Mimura Hanomaki and other "Ninja Village School" forces feel that Hatake Sakumo is a "gentleman", so they boldly "deceive him".

But in fact, Hatake Sakumo clearly understood that although his alliance with the Uchiha clan had indeed changed the image of the Uchiha clan in the village, in the process of completely defeating the Hokage clan, he and The Reform Society didn't make much effort.

However, the actions of the police department immediately caused Hatake Sakumo to suspend his journey to the Uchiha clan.

"Order of the Police Department: From now on, a curfew will be enforced from [-]:[-] p.m. to [-]:[-] a.m. the next day!"

"Those who do not hold a special pass issued by the Ministry of Police or have urgent matters are prohibited from walking on the streets during the curfew period!"

"Anyone who violates the curfew order will be sentenced to more than six months' imprisonment once investigated!"

"Anyone who resists the police department's implementation of the curfew punishment will be killed on the spot!"

Less than an hour after Uchiha Tokumitsu returned to the clan area, the police stations in each division of the police department immediately posted notices, and the tweeters broadcasted to the whole village at the same time. .

Hatake Sakumo looked at the clock at home, it was about nine o'clock at night...

Although he was confident that even if he went out, he would not be sternly enforced by the police department, Hatake Sakumo thought about it and chose to give up his plan to go out.

He can't guess Uchiha Tokumitsu's mind, so there is no need to guess.

Based on Hatake Sakumo’s understanding of Uchiha Tokumitsu, Uchiha Tokumitsu will start to take action inside Konoha at the earliest tomorrow morning, and at the latest the day after tomorrow. At that time, he only needs to control the situation and not go to extremes. up.

"But this time, many people may die..."

Hatake Sakumo sighed deeply.

Especially Mimura Hanomaki, Hatake Sakumo has always regarded him as his right-hand man, so I don't understand why he suddenly chose to attack Uchiha Tokumitsu's shogunate, and even moved the Uchiha clan's military power against him. scale.

It's just that this time, Hatake Sakumo no longer intends to put up his own face and continue to intercede.

After taking charge of Konoha's supreme power, Hatake Sakumo's psychology has also undergone some changes, and the moral bottom line has become relatively flexible, such as learning how to choose between interests.

"Father...can you practice ninjutsu with me today?"

His son Hatake Kakashi leaned on the porch and asked with his big eyes blinking.

"How about knife skills? There's a curfew outside and you can't go out...I don't have enough space at home?"

Hatake Sakumo forced a smile on his face, and fondled his son's silver hair, which was exactly the same as his own.

"Don't let me down...Kakashi..."

Hatake Sakumo muttered to himself.

In this generation of Konoha, it is estimated that no one can compete with Uchiha Tokumitsu, but the next generation may still have a chance.

For example, his talented son...

Immediately, Hatake Sakumo recalled what Orochimaru and Jiraiya said last night when they visited...


After Uchiha Tokumitsu returned to the clan, he first sent someone to the mansion of the Great Elder Setsuna to report, and then returned home to have a meal with his parents who had been waiting for a long time.

Afterwards, after Uchiha Tokumitsu washed up, he took the Uchiha Clan's sacred weapon, the Homakuan Fan, to the mansion of the Great Elder Setsuna.

It was different from usual, but this time the door of Setsuna Great Elder's mansion opened, and two guard ninjas stood respectfully at the door, seeing Uchiha Tokumitsu approaching from a distance, one of them immediately went back inside to report, and the other stepped forward to greet him.

"Lord Deguang..."

The attitude of the guard ninja was also very respectful, "The Great Elder is already in the hall, please follow me..."

"Excuse me."

Uchiha Tokumitsu didn't show off at all, and said gently.

"You're being polite, it's just a matter of duty."

The guard ninja also replied politely.

And his gaze, from time to time, turned to the flame fan in Uchiha Tokumitsu's hand.

The whereabouts of the artifact Homura Fan has always been the family's goal since Uchiha Madara left. There was a time when the Uchiha clan thought that after the Battle of the Valley of the End, the Homura Fan was hidden by the Senju Clan, so they also got along with them. There was quite an unpleasant quarrel between the Senju fans of the second generation, but the family gradually gave up the plan to recover the Homakuan fan from the Senju clan under the mediation of the Uchiha realm.

Today, Uchiha Tokumitsu seized the long-lost and unheard-of artifact Homakusa Fan from Mizukage's hands during the Kirigakure Conquest. How many strange or coincidental things are behind this matter, it is up to the Uchiha people Not fancy.

Setsuna Great Elder also stood on the porch in front of the hall, smiling at Uchiha Tokumitsu who was striding forward.

"Big elder..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu was also unambiguous, and immediately bowed to the elders.

"Long time no see Deguang-jun..."

Setsuna Great Elder greeted Uchiha Tokumitsu with a smile to come in and sit down.

The Homura fan was also presented by Uchiha Tokumitsu with both hands.

"How many years..."

The great elder Shi Mo was full of desolation, and gently stroked the Gouyu logo on the Yantuan fan.

"Since Madara-sama left the village, I have never seen the family's artifact..."

"Besides, I thought that I would never see the artifact return to the family in this life..."

The Great Elder Setsuna had a complicated expression on his face.

Uchiha Tokumitsu remained silent.

"Deguang-jun, are you willing to tell me the truth?"

After feeling sad for a while, the Great Elder Setsuna handed back the flame fan in his hand to Uchiha Tokumitsu, and then asked.

"Naturally, the Great Elder knows everything and speaks endlessly."

Uchiha Tokumitsu also answered simply.

The Great Elder Setsuna hesitated for a moment, first waved his hand to make the guard ninja retreat, and then asked hesitantly, "Who took this fan... from?"

"On the bright side, there are three generations of Mizukage of Kirigakure..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu replied: "Actually..."

"...Madara-sama, right?"

The Great Elder Setsuna lowered his head slightly and interjected.


Uchiha Tokumitsu nodded very simply.

"I didn't expect... Madara-sama is still alive..."

The elder's mouth trembled slightly, and he said in a complicated tone: "So, is he dead now?"

"He was seriously injured and fled, but I don't know if he really died later."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said frankly: "I secretly sent a search team to investigate everywhere in the ninja world, but there was no result."

"... Madara-sama died in the Valley of the End decades ago."

The tone of Great Elder Shan Mo became indifferent: "If you find him, give him a face..."

Just like "Ye Gong loves dragons", Uchiha Madara is only suitable to be an idol with unknown meaning and everyone smears it. Its image and original intention have nothing to do with Uchiha Madara who once really existed; The old patriarch who once gave up his clan was regarded as a spiritual idol, so even the Great Elder Setsuna, after a little hesitation, chose to sweep him into the dustbin of history.

"That's what I'm going to do too."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said without humility.

"...Remember, give the boss a little dignity."

The Great Elder Setsuna said with a complicated mood.

"That's natural..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu also nodded filially.

" do you plan to deal with the affairs of the village?"

The Great Elder Setsuna casually chatted a few more homely words before changing the subject.

"It is necessary to draw a few insurmountable red lines in the village."

Uchiha Tokumitsu's attitude has also become firmer.

"... What if the clansmen are also involved in this matter?"

The Great Elder Shi Mo let out a long sigh and said quietly.

"...the conservatives?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu's complexion became even darker.


The Great Elder Setsuna took out a scroll from his cuff and handed it over.

Uchiha Tokumitsu frowned and opened it to read carefully, and found that the conservative tribe who was sent to the country of grass really did a lot of things...

Including but not limited to attempting to promote disarmament so that he can return to the village...

"The guy who succeeds more than fails!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu cursed bitterly.

There is also a list of the Uchiha people involved in the scroll. Uchiha Tokumitsu noticed a very impressive name in the family composition of a participant:
"Uchiha Shishui!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu frowned even tighter.

In order to go back to the village, he could actually engage in an affair with outsiders to promote disarmament and dig up the foundation of the family. This is simply unreasonable behavior!
Besides, the Uchiha Fire Gate, who is in charge of the Northwest Shogunate, did not treat these conservative clansmen badly. In the frontier army, they were treated with dignity!

"Generally speaking, clansmen who have opened their eyes are always more stubborn in certain things..."

Great Elder Setsuna also had a headache, "So, what are you going to do?"

He doesn't intend to hide this matter, after all, with Uchiha Tokumitsu's prestige within the family, sooner or later someone will reveal this matter in front of him.

"It happens that there are ten members of the tribe involved, so let's execute the eleventh."

Uchiha Tokumitsu put away the scroll, and said indifferently: "It might as well show them that the family is not protecting them unprincipled."

"...As for those children, they should all be deprived of their guardianship rights and put into the preparatory training school of the police department for intensive study."

At the end, Uchiha Deguang added another sentence.

"You do things, I don't worry..."

The Great Elder Setsuna nodded indifferently.

Uchiha Tokumitsu's handling method was also milder than he expected.

According to his estimation at the beginning, he believed that Uchiha Tokumitsu would at least kill all the people involved.

"But I don't plan to let anyone else in the village interfere with this matter..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said: "This time, the edge of the knife must be inward!"

"I don't care about these things, or that sentence, I can rest assured that you do things..."

Great Elder Setsuna didn't want to get involved in this matter either.

"Then please sit firmly in the mansion, the Great Elder, and watch the younger generation perform..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu raised his cup and drank tea.


On the second day, after the end of the first round of curfew, the Konoha villagers who had just left saw the troops from the Ministry of Police and the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Under the command of Tokumitsu Uchiha, the police department directly sealed off Mimura Hanomaki's mansion, and broke into it in public to arrest several Chunin; Mimura Hamoki tried to obstruct it, but also chose to back down in front of several pairs of scarlet Sangou jade.

Subsequently, many ninja ninjas were taken away by the Ministry of Internal Affairs for review in the name of "inciting to destroy the good situation of Konoha" because of their radical remarks.

At the same time, the police department officially announced the reporting channel, announcing that it will accept anonymous reports from Konoha Ninja.

At noon, the Ministry of Internal Affairs arrested many ninjas from the Ministry of Government Affairs and the mission center based on the report. This time, the representative of the old Naruto sect, Mitomon Yan, was also a little restless.

He didn't know when it would be implicated in him.

As for the private connection between his subordinates, Mitomonyan has always been aware of it, but he just chose to turn a blind eye.

It's just that this time it seems that the reaction of the Uchiha clan is a bit too intense...

In the afternoon, Uchiha Nakagen personally led his troops to the Inuzuka Tribe, and took two Inuzuka Gami and an oil girl Jōnin who happened to be in the same room for review.

The Hyuga clan immediately nodded their heads.

At night, the loudspeaker of the police department once again broadcasted the whole village, informing that the curfew time was adjusted from [-]:[-] p.m.

All of a sudden, there was a lot of trepidation in the upper and lower leaves, and the grass and trees were all soldiers.

 Because Naruto is a long manga, it is understandable that the timeline is confusing.Zhishui's age is indeed a bug.Because Shisui's ancestor is Uchiha Kagami, but when Kagami died (25 years old) it was only five or six years before Shisui was born, so the timeline in Hokage doesn't have to be too entangled. If the time bug is thrown away, Hokage itself is also a A very good cartoon.

(End of this chapter)

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