Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 290 Education Reform

Chapter 290 Education Reform
Mimura Hamoki's death seemed plain and natural.

Under the joint escort of the police department and the ninjas of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Mimura Hanomaki was sent back to her mansion. After bidding farewell to her family, she silently committed seppuku. There was no disturbance in the process except for the mourning of her family.

No one came to intercept, and no one interceded.

In a pool of blood, this veteran Jōnin with great military exploits came to the end of his life in this way, and it also brought an end to the anticlimactic purge movement.

Uchiha Tokumitsu also promised not to make any more killings. After executing the tithe killing order and all the detainees were sent to the punishment camp, he announced the end of the Konoha curfew.

All the ninja clans, including the Qianshou clan, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The original idea of ​​cultivating health and rest to accumulate strength and be different from the Uchiha clan disappeared after this purge movement.

It turns out that the Uchiha clan really dared to kill people regardless of reason...

After understanding this truth, each family of ninjas naturally cherishes the hard-won ninja republic, and the Senate and House of Representatives returned to a harmonious situation again. After all, this is already the best result.


"The new era has the rules of the new era, this time it will be a lesson..."

After the purge movement came to an end, Uchiha Tokumitsu once again invited Hatake Sakumo to discuss Ninja Village affairs.

"...It's just that the price is not small."

Hatake Sakumo shook his head with a wry smile.

After Mimura Hamoki naively raised the banner of opposing Uchiha, he did not push things down immediately because of the friendship he once had.

When Uchiha Tokumitsu chose to wield the butcher knife willfully, he found himself powerless to stop it.

But Hatake Sakumo didn't have the face to accuse Uchiha Tokumitsu of overreacting, because as an ally, the matter was brewing to this point because he failed to stop it in time.

"It's better than another large-scale civil war. At least the village hasn't suffered too much damage."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said indifferently.


Hatake Sakumo could only sigh.

With his friendship with Uchiha Tokumitsu, it is really impossible to do things against the Uchiha clan; moreover, with the strength of the Uchiha clan, even if all other factions of Konoha unite, there is a high probability that they will not be the opponent of the Uchiha clan .

At least... It is also a good thing that the purge movement can satisfy a rich family like Uchiha and is willing to continue to maintain the ninja co-governance system of the Senate and House of Representatives...

"In terms of ninja school, I plan to carry out some reforms..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu took out a plan and handed it to Hatake Sakumo.

"Ninja school..."

Hatake Sakumo took the plan by accident and started to read it.

The ninja school founded by the second generation of Senju Banma is the cradle of the growth of most Konoha ninjas, and it is also the foundation for the rise of civilian ninjas. In addition, it is also the place where the Naruto family maintains the ideological consistency of the ninja village.

After passing the basic learning in the ninja school, new ninjas will be assigned to different groups and their own teachers to practice, and undertake tasks suitable for them at different levels to get paid.

However, this set of systems has been in operation so far, and it has become more or less outdated.

To put it simply, the training efficiency is relatively slow, and even compared with the newly established police preparatory training school, the ninja school has no advantage at all.

Moreover, after the Uchiha clan collectively launched the ninja school education system, other ninjas followed suit. Today's ninja school has become a place for civilian ninjas, and the quality of natural graduates has also plummeted.

"Special education in special classes? School of continuing education?"

Hatake Sakumo was a little surprised by what Uchiha Tokumitsu mentioned in the plan.


Tokumitsu Uchiha nodded, "Although the ninja school's education period is as long as six years, many of the training contents are unnecessary and fail to teach students in accordance with their aptitude, so it is necessary to build on the basis of the original ordinary classes. , increase special training courses; in addition to six years of basic education, after graduating from ninja, you can also participate in continuing education to increase ninja strength..."

"...Then let go of the restrictions on teaching ninjutsu?"

Hatake Sakumo tentatively said.

"I think it's okay to be open to regular C-rank ninjutsu."

Anyway, the police preparatory school controlled by the Uchiha clan has more levels and numbers of ninjutsu open, and there is no worry that the ninja school will impact the interests of the Uchiha clan.

The big deal is that at that time, in the name of further study, we can recruit the outstanding students of the ninja school into the police preparatory school and train them as our own.

"In this way, the role of the leading teacher will be relatively weakened..."

Hatake Sakumo said.

"Leading teacher... Are you referring to those mediocre senior Chunin?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu chuckled lightly.

Among the graduates of Ninja School every year, except for the top ninja who can be assigned to lead the jnin for targeted elite training, most of them are led by a senior ninja to perform various cumbersome and low-paying tasks. Task.

"The Chunin is also the backbone of the village, okay..."

Hatake Sakumo was still a little unconvinced: "After all, not every family has a large number of ninja like the Uchiha family."

"So we need to reform the ninja school system..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu pointed to the plan and signaled Hatake Sakumo to continue reading.

"...But with the amount of chakra in the ninja, so what if you teach them C-level ninjutsu? With just one jutsu, you will be weak and let others slaughter you."

Hatake Sakumo said while watching.

"It's better than nothing, isn't it~"

Tokumitsu Uchiha shrugged.

For the Uchiha clan with a huge number of ninjutsu, even if those ninjutsu masters have some C-level ninjutsu, there is not much threat to the Uchiha ninjas from the rich family. On the contrary, those small and medium ninjas will be affected to a certain extent— —Because their family ninjutsu may not even be as good as general ninjutsu.

The beneficiaries of open ninjutsu are naturally those civilian ninjas who have no backing, but the potential losers of the interests are those who occupy the places of elite graduates to lead teams.

Compared with the traditional apprenticeship-like leadership system, the reformed ninja education system is relatively complete, and the channels for ninjas to improve their strength are relatively relaxed; especially when the channels for obtaining ninjutsu become easier, ninja The personal attachment relationship between people must be weakened, and this is the purpose of Uchiha Tokumitsu.

Moreover, the Uchiha clan only needs to control the Continuing Education Academy in the plan, and they can handle those ninjas who are eager to make progress.

Compared with carrying out tasks to prove yourself, and having to be scraped off by teachers for meager rewards, the threshold for obtaining ninjutsu at the School of Continuing Education after passing the fixed assessment is significantly lower.

Atomized ninjas are easier to deal with than ninjas whose master-student relationship is maintained together.

"...Ninja ideological education reform?"

Hatake Sakumo saw the last chapter of the last proposal.

"It is very important to cultivate the awareness of co-governance among the next generation of ninjas."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said flatly.

"...I didn't write any specific ideological education policy."

Hatake Sakumo casually turned to the last page.

"This part of the content requires you to worry more..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said with a smile: "As for the understanding of the will of fire and the plan to build the new Konoha, I think you are better than me, Sakumo-kun..."

"It's not impossible..."

Having said all this, the last trace of resistance in Hatake Sakumo's heart disappeared.

Uchiha Tokumitsu will also do what he likes.

Is ideological education important?

It does matter.

But as long as there is no problem with the overall direction, as long as the influence of the Hokage series on the Konoha ninjas from Senshoubanma can be successfully eliminated, it will be beneficial to the Uchiha clan.

What's more, the power of the Continuing Education Institute is in the hands of the Uchiha clan. After dismantling the traditional personal attachment relationship between the leading teacher and the students, the benefit-based ninjutsu teaching channel will affect the new generation. Forbearance for effective control.

"...I think this ninja school education reform will benefit the village a lot."

Obviously Hatake Sakumo didn't think so much.

Uchiha Tokumitsu's "magnanimity" also made him very admired.

"Then I will trouble Shuo Mao-jun to modify and supplement it, and then initiate a proposal in the House of Representatives~"

Uchiha Tokumitsu, who plans to communicate, is naturally willing to give credit.

Anyway, after this matter was facilitated, no one can erase the contribution of the Uchiha clan, so it is not a big deal for Hatake Sakumo to get some credit.


Hatake Sakumo hesitated for a moment before agreeing to such a good thing that clearly belonged to the establishment of words and morals.

"From then on, my name can also be handed down along with the textbooks of Ninja School..."

Touching the proposal, Hatake Sakumo thought happily.

Although generally speaking, Hatake Sakumo doesn't have much selfishness, but who can resist the temptation to make their name a test topic~

Suddenly, Hatake Sakumo thought of another question, "Will the Chunin Exam continue this year?"

"The Chunin Exam?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu didn't know much about this large-scale exam that had a great influence within Konoha, except for the memory of his previous life.

Because he didn't follow the normal Ninja Village ninja promotion path.

"...How about organizing a joint exam between the Ninja Academy and the Police Academy?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu thought for a while, "Can it also be used as a reason to implement ninja school reform?"

"...It's not very good."

Hatake Sakumo laughed dryly twice, expressing his refusal.

Compared with the ninja children of the preparatory school under the Ministry of Police, the civilian ninja from the ninja school with serious brain drain is undoubtedly much weaker.And if all the ninjas from the ninja school were eliminated during the joint exam, that scene would be really ugly.

"Then it's in the name of the joint exam, but how about the two schools taking the exam separately?"

Uchiha Deguang is as good as a stream.

"……All right."

Now that Uchiha Tokumitsu took a step back, Hatake Sakumo couldn't say anything more.

"Then I'll leave it to Sakumo-kun~"

Uchiha Tokumitsu nodded in satisfaction.

 Update today (2/2)

(End of this chapter)

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