Chapter 291
After being modified by Sakumo Hatake, the Konoha Ninja School Education Reform Proposal was unanimously passed by the House of Representatives.

All the Jonin expressed their support for the correct direction of Chairman Sakumo, adhered to the wise guidance of Governor Tokumitsu, and supported the line and policy of the Uchiha clan.

After all, although the Great Purge Movement lasted for a short time, it taught Konoha ninjas a vivid lesson in terms of intensity and depth.

It was only then that everyone discovered that the wealthy clan would be so cruel and senseless if they became ruthless...

Naturally, the education reform proposal passed smoothly without any changes, and then passed to the Senate for a final vote.

Of course, judging from the current situation, if the Senate where the ninjas gather does not have one or two decorative negative votes arranged by the Uchiha clan, there is a high probability that it will pass unanimously.

It's just about the organization of the Zhongnin Exam that Uchiha Tokumitsu doesn't care much about. All the Jonin members in the House of Representatives have spoken enthusiastically.

"The joint exams of the ninja school and the police preparatory school are still a bit smaller. There are still many experienced ninjas in the village who can take the Chunin exam. Getting them promoted will also help ease the current task pressure of the village."

A commoner Jonin suggested.

In addition to the ninjas who were born in ninja schools, some civilian ninja families also have a small number of self-cultivated children who refer to the ninja education model and have also obtained the status of ninjas during the expansion of war enrollment. If you are promoted, it will also help expand the influence of civilian ninja families.

"If the Chunin exam is limited to the joint exams of the two schools in the village, it may appear that the structure is not enough..."

Another ninja suggested, "Maybe we should invite other ninja villages to hold joint exams?"

"Kono is number one in the ninja world. Inviting Waicun to take the joint exam will also help spread the village's prestige and strength in the ninja world."

"Makes sense..."

All the Junin reconsidered one after another.

Uchiha Tokumitsu and Hatake Sakumo naturally follow good people.The members of the House of Representatives Jonin also felt that their opinions were fully respected, and they were naturally very happy.

Then, as the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Hatake Sakumo announced that he fully accepted everyone's suggestions, and entrusted Uchiha Tokumitsu, the governor of Konoha, to invite other ninja villages to participate in the Zhongnin entrance examination.

Of course, Uchiha Tokumitsu would not personally handle this matter, so he summoned Mitomonyan, who used to be in charge of the Konoha Foreign Affairs Department, and told him to send invitations to the Zhongnin Entrance Examination to various ninja villages in the ninja world.

The supple Mitomen also had no complaints, and patted his chest to accept the task.

At the same time that the Konoha House of Representatives announced plans to hold the Chunin Ninja Joint Examination, and the Senate passed the ninja school education reform proposal with 99% of the votes in favor, invitations to the Chunin Ninja Joint Examination arrived at various ninja villages in the ninja world.

The first one to respond was of course Uchiha Tokuhiko's Kirigakure.

The Kirigakure Jōnin Joint Meeting immediately announced that they will participate in the Konoha Chunin Joint Examination, and plans to send [-] outstanding Jnin to take the examination.

Cao Ninja Village under the control of the Huomen Shogunate agreed to send the village's ninjas to take the exam only after confirming that they could take the entrance exam with free food and accommodation, and also stated that all the gnin who took the exam were still subject to the qualification review by the Huomen Shogunate, and they could not for the time being Determine the number of participants.

Even the well-informed Messenger Konoha couldn't help admiring the completely laid-back Kusanagi Village.

The softness of the body can reach such a state, it has to be said that this is also a rare and precious feature of Kuanin Village.

Then there is Yuren Village, who has an inseparable relationship with Uchiha Tokumitsu.

After receiving the invitation letter from Konoha Messenger, Sansho Hanzo didn't say much, just flipped through the invitation letter to the last page, and after seeing the seal of Uchiha Tokumitsu on the signature, he also It was stated on the spot that they would send Xia Nin to take the exam as promised, but the number of people could not be determined for the time being.

After many rounds of wars, the Urenin Village has long been short of talent; although Uchiha Tokumitsu has obtained a large amount of resources as a supplement, the cultivation of excellent ninja is not a matter of one day. In addition, the strong sansho Uo Hanzo also doesn't want the excellent ninja he sent from Ninja Village to come to Konoha for a day trip, so he still has to choose carefully.

And Sand Yin, who is still engaged in a brutal tug-of-war with Iwain, expressed his willingness to participate in the Chunin joint exam held by Konoha after hesitating for a while, and sent a huge team of 60 people and [-] lower ninja teams to the exam, and then In addition to accompanying Jonin, study groups, business groups, etc., the number of people has exceeded [-].

The Konoha envoys who went to Sand Yin to make invitations never refused, and they accepted them all.

The reason why Sand Yin is willing to dispatch precious ninjas to lead the ninja group to Konoha at such an urgent juncture is mainly to be able to express his goodwill to Uchiha Tokumitsu, and to take this opportunity to be accompanied by the accompanying business group in Konoha. Ye conducts military procurement.

Moreover, after Shayin turned the village into a country, it also faced another problem besides international interference.

That is, the sand hidden ninjas simply do not have the ability to govern the country.

This is also one of the main reasons currently troubling the Shayin organization to expand the ninja army and counterattack Iwayin.

In order to maintain the order and governance of each oasis, and to prevent the limited ninja power from being too scattered, Sand Yin had to retain the original local nobles in the Kingdom of the Wind and apportion supplies to them. The inefficiency here is outrageously low, so Sha Yin also plans to "use the strong skills of the shogunate to make Iwa Yin" again, and the inspection team accompanying Konoha came here for this.


"Shayin's request is quite reasonable, so I don't blame you for making your own decisions this time."

After the envoy returned to the village to report Sand Hidden's proposal, Uchiha Tokumitsu said to him.

"Thank you Lord Deguang for your forgiveness!"

The messenger immediately thanked him.

Accepting Shayin's request to submit the request without authorization is also an act of overstepping.

It's just that Uchiha Tokumitsu, who has seen a new benefit space, is in a good mood, so he doesn't intend to pursue it.

The study of the system is the easiest way to subtly change the other party's thinking. Uchiha Tokumitsu does not reject the arrival of the Sayin inspection team, and he is afraid that Sayin will not understand the essence of the Tokumitsu shogunate.

Moreover, Nangachuan Stock Exchange and the joint company, which have been sluggish recently, are also very willing to provide Sha Yin with a full system of operational services, from financial support to production management to logistics and warehousing.

"Are you from the Nara tribe?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said to this Konoha ninja who served as an envoy to Sayin with a ball head on his head.

"Yes, Tokumitsu-sama, Yukiyoshi Nara is indeed from the Nara clan, but I, like Shinpei Jonin, are from the collateral line."

Nara Shinpei was the combat staff officer of Uchiha Tokumitsu's Northwest Frontier Defense Force, and he was the only Nara ninja with a good relationship.

"Since this is the case, then you should carry more burdens..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu wrote a reply letter and handed it to Nara Xinyi, "Take the people from the joint company to go to Sand Hidden again, and tell them that I have agreed to Sa Hidden's request..."

"As ordered!"

Nara Xinyi was overjoyed, and respectfully accepted the document handed over by Uchiha Tokumitsu.

Any Konoha ninja is very clear about the status and importance of the joint company in the Uchiha clan.

Let Nara Xinyi and the United Company go to Sand Hidden together, which also shows that Uchiha Tokumitsu still has some good feelings for him.

For the Nara family who are still in a predicament, this is a moderate benefit.

"Maybe it can be used as a link to improve the relationship between the family and the general..."

Nara Xinyi happily took the order and left.

Within the Nara clan, except for the direct clan members with the word "鹿" in their names, all other names are of collateral origin.

Although the Nara clan is not so clearly separated from the main family of the Hyuga clan, the immediate clan still has a great advantage in the allocation of resources within the family.

But if Nara Xinyi successfully hugged Uchiha Tokumitsu's thigh, it would be a different matter.

Because for the Nara family who are good at climbing vines, the favor from the superiors is higher than the traditional differences between direct and collateral lines.

Besides, maybe the current collateral line of the Nara clan can successfully join the Uchiha clan's circle of influence and grow bigger, then it is not impossible to switch to a direct line in the future.

After all, the Nara clan, known for their smart people, never cared much about their figure.

It's just that the attitudes of Yan Yin, who is still fighting the bloody Sha Yin, and Yun Yin, who has just come out of the haze of the war, are a bit ambiguous.

After the Konoha envoy sent by the Ministry of Government Affairs arrived at Yunlei Gorge, the headquarters of Yunyinren Village, he was first told that the contemporary Raikage was cultivating his mind behind closed doors so that he would not be disturbed, so he gave Konoha envoy a soft nail; After waiting for several days, the third Raikage who walked out of the training room declined Konoha's invitation.

"Yun Yin has been devastated by the flames of war, and he is really unable to organize his subordinates to go out for the exam. Please don't be offended by Konoha."

The third generation of Raikage said: "It's not that Yunyin has an opinion on Konoha. Konoha's power is recognized in the ninja world, but now Yunyin's strength has been greatly reduced, and it is really impossible to gather enough teams to participate. , so I had to make such a difficult decision..."

Facing Raikage who is known for his toughness, coupled with his soft and sincere words, Messenger Konoha couldn't say anything, so he had to go back to the village.

However, Yanyin rejected Konoha's invitation very simply, saying that he was busy fighting the sand hidden rebels supported by the shogunate to restore order in the ninja world, and temporarily could not spare any manpower to participate in Konoha's Chunin entrance examination, but If Konoha is willing to join in the fight against Sand Hidden Rebels, then Iwa Hidden is not unable to send a team of ninjas to join in the grand event.

Faced with this almost impossible condition, Konoha Messenger who went to Yanyin could only return without success.

"...Don't bother with Yanyin and Yunyin."

After receiving the messenger's report, Uchiha Tokumitsu gave instructions, "Xiao Xiaoyunyin is already a dead bone in the tomb, and the mere Yanyin is also lingering. Since they have made a choice, let him go!"


I have to say that as the former head of Konoha's foreign affairs department, Mitomon Yan still has two brushes.

In the next few days, many small ninja villages agreed to Konoha's entrance exam invitation one after another, including Snow Ninja Village in the Snow Country, Star Ninja Village in the Bear Country, Tang Ninja Village in the Tang Country, etc. , Even the Frost Kingdom, which was controlled by the Fire Gate Shogunate in the southern region, was tricked by Mitomon Yan to form a Southern Frost Ninja Team.

For a while, the Chunin Entrance Examination became the most concerned topic in Konoha. Even the poorest civilians in the Konoha slums couldn't help but straighten their chests proudly when Konoha's international status was mentioned.

However, Yun Yin and Yan Yin, who rejected Konoha's kind invitation, became a model in the eyes of Konoha's villagers who did not know what is good or bad, and they lashed out in public opinion. The villagers were thrown into the clouds.

Uchiha Tokumitsu is very satisfied with the effect of this "topic hype".

But not long after, a piece of news from the north of the ninja world made Konoha's group angry.

Yun Yin, Yan Yin, Taki Nin Sannin Village, and the northern representative team of the Frost Country created by Yan Yin announced that they will hold a joint Zhongnin exam!

A mere impromptu cross-border Chunin entrance examination suddenly became a tool for the major forces in the ninja world to stand in line with each other.With the division of the two major ninja exams in the north and south of the Ninja Continent, the small ninja villages that were not considered by the five major ninja villages suddenly became popular. Intimidation and inducement, trying to make it stand in its own camp.

Not for anything else, just for the momentum.

It seems that the more ninja villages you refer to for the Chunin Exam, the stronger you are.

This is stealing Konoha's limelight!
This is against Konoha's influence!
The anger of the Muye villagers was quickly ignited. In the taverns, commercial streets, and restaurants of all sizes, there were all kinds of remarks about "crushing against the northern barbarians".

In Konoha's public opinion, Yun Yin is just a defeated general, and Yan Yin is also a mob who can't even defeat Sand Yin. The combination of the two losers is trying to challenge the majesty of Konoha, and it is necessary to gather ninja troops for punishment. .

Of course, although members of the Senate and the House of Representatives also expressed their anger in different gestures in private to cater to the trend of public opinion in the village, they never made any clear proposals at the meeting of the two houses.

Everyone is observing the attitudes of several top rulers.

Especially Uchiha Tokumitsu's attitude.

"Mr. Deguang, the public opinion in the village is raging, and everyone is clamoring to declare war on Yanyin Yunyin..."

Hatake Sakumo felt that the public opinion in the village was a bit extreme recently, so he came to find Uchiha Tokumitsu for advice.

"So, Mr. Shuo Mao, are you going to declare war with Yun Yin Yan Yin?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu asked back.

"...not in the short term."

Hatake Sakumo replied without hesitation.

"So, what kind of influence will public opinion have?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu asked again.

"...The consumption of the tavern seems to have increased a lot, does this count?"

Hatake Sakumo racked his brains for a long time before answering a very nonsensical topic.

This time he also wanted to understand.

"The villagers need an outlet for their emotions, and the former defeated general is the best pressure relief valve..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said: "As long as there are external enemies and opponents in the village, the internal conflicts in the village can be used to transfer this kind of public opinion..."

"What if the internal conflict is too big to be transferred?"

Hatake Sakumo continued to humbly ask for advice.

"Reform at home, or go to war abroad."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said: "It's that simple!"

 I will work overtime tonight, and I will double update tomorrow~ I hope you can understand me a little bit

(End of this chapter)

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