Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 292 The Iron Curtain and Standing in Line

Chapter 292 The Iron Curtain and Standing in Line

Yunyin's latest compensation and bond redemption funds were sent to the Nanhechuan Stock Exchange in Muye Village again.

When Yun Yin chose to reconcile with his deadly enemy Iwa Yin, and stood with Iwa Yin and Taki Shinobi in the Chunin Exam to start a new stove, the upper ninja inside Yun Yin once said that they would stop paying war reparations and bonds to the Tokuko Shogunate Redeem funds.

It was the third generation of Raikage who overcame all opinions and continued to maintain the treaty between the two parties on war reparations.

"Unless there is a full-scale war with the shogunate or Konoha, the treaty between the two parties will not be changed!"

In Raikage's office, the third generation of Raikage said so in front of all the high-level officials.

"It's just that if the indemnity continues, the village's funds for developing armaments will continue to be insufficient, and if His Royal Highness is required to increase investment, then the reconstruction of the northern region will be even more delayed..."

A high-ranking shinin said.

After the ravages of the Shogunate Allied Forces and the Kirigakure Expeditionary Army, the Land of Thunder has long been devastated and devastated. If funds are not allocated for reconstruction, the Land of Thunder may not be able to recover in the next 30 to [-] years.

What's more, the southern region is still under the control of Konoha and Yanyin.

Although after choosing to reconcile with Yanyin, Yanyin also stated that it will gradually return the occupied area, but this requires a transitional time to prevent Konoha from overreacting; moreover, there are still a large number of Konoha occupation forces that control Lei Southeast of the country.

With a country of Thunder that suffered a lot of trauma after the war, to compete with the shogunate and even Konoha that controlled Kirigakure and many small countries, no matter how arrogant Yunyin was, he didn't have the courage to brag about it.

After all, Yun Yin was abruptly broken by the shogunate and Wu Yin from the prosperous period.

"...In addition, the shogunate's gold-dollar coupons are also in circulation in the southern region. If there is no way to restore the regime, the gold-dollar coupons with relatively stronger purchasing power will penetrate into the central and northern regions sooner or later, causing an extremely bad impact on the country's financial environment... "

The person in charge of Yunyin Intelligence Department also said.

Although the series of financial + military combined offensives launched by the shogunate in the land of water were rough, they also opened the eyes of bumpkin ninjas in the ninja world.After intelligence analysis, they found that unless the import of the shogunate's gold-dollar bills was prevented from the very beginning, sooner or later, the gold-dollar bills with strong purchasing power would squeeze the space of the local currency, thus losing control over the national economy.

"Taki Shinobi will increase reconstruction assistance to the village, and there will be no problem with funding in a short period of time."

The third Raikage said to the fourth Ai: "In exchange, the village will train Anbe for Taki Shinobu... Ai, you are in charge of this matter!"

"As ordered!"

Fourth Ai, who was seriously injured by Hatake Sakumo's "Millennium Kill" in the southern battlefield, has now recovered and looks much calmer.


The third generation of Raikage said to Kirabi who was sitting aside scratching his head: "You go to the southeast ceasefire line to take charge of the border forces. The most important duty is to block and strangle all smuggling lines from the south!"

The shogunate and the joint company started from the smuggling business of the country of water, and after they developed, they relied on the issuance of gold coupons as a pioneer to infiltrate the country of water and various small countries in the ninja world, and then achieve control of their economy and military The purpose is that the Kingdom of Thunder now needs to rebuild and revive. The first priority is to block the "civil trade" that has just boomed in the Kingdom of Thunder, so as to earn enough seigniorage from the scissors difference to rebuild and train the Ninja Army.

"As ordered..."

Kirabi didn't dare to overstep in front of the third generation of Raikage, so he obediently agreed.

After the high-level members of Yunyin left, the third Raikage, who had maintained a strong and authoritarian posture, heaved a sigh of relief and slumped on the chair.

His pressure was far greater than Yunyin's top executives imagined.

In particular, he chose to reconcile with his deadly enemy Iwain, and torn a layer of face with the unstoppable shogunate, which made him controversial in the village.

But fortunately, I bet right.

The response from the shogunate and even Konoha was not as big as expected, and they did not organize a second conquest of the Ninja Army to try to interfere in Yunyin's internal affairs. The doubtful public opinion in the village gradually dissipated, and everything was moving in the expected best direction.

"At this time, the team should have reached Konoha..."

The third Raikage looked at the clouds outside the window and thought.


The Yunyin escort team who arrived at Konoha felt very bad!

From the moment they entered the territory of the Land of Fire, several Konoha ninja troops relayed "escorts", leaving them no chance to inquire about information on the spot.

After arriving at Konoha, Yunyin Ninja who escorted the indemnity and cashed the payment felt the naked malice of Konoha Ninja and even ordinary villagers.

...Moreover, it's still maliciousness that looks down from above with a contemptuous attitude!
The Yunyin ninjas, whose sensitive hearts have already broken their defenses, walked through the Konoha Commercial Street under the "guard" of the police patrol force with expressionless faces, like baboons being watched, and went to Nanhechuan Securities The exchange submitted the current payment to the shogunate.

Later, the leader Shinobi proposed to purchase some supplies in Konoha, but was flatly rejected by the accompanying police ninja.

Then he proposed to meet Uchiha Tokumitsu, but the ninja of the police department also disagreed.

There was no other way. After paying the indemnity, the Yunyin escort team left in despair without even getting a hot meal.

And within Konoha, the praise of Tokumitsu Uchiha is endless, thinking that it was the brave and skilled shogunate ninja army that defeated the once invincible Yunyin, and forced Yunyin to pay war compensation and cede the land , really deserves to be the son of "No. [-] ninja family" and "the spokesperson of the Konoha Hawk faction".

Of course, during the Great Purge not long ago, the pent-up resentment of the Konoha villagers was also transferred to Yun Yin, who was inexplicably shot.

After all, it is all scolding, and it is much safer to scold the defeated Yunyin than to scold the uchihas who are everywhere.


"An order has been sent to the Northwest Border Defense Force to block the border between the Land of Grass and the Land of Earth from now on, and cut off all passages of personnel."

Although Uchiha Tokumitsu had no intention of starting another war, he also took appropriate countermeasures to Yanyin.

Then there is the Frost Country, where the shogunate and Iwagakushi ruled together. Uchiha Tokumitsu also ordered the blockade of its borders, and dispatched garrison ninja troops to deploy at the border
Of course, blocking part of the border is only a countermeasure, and Uchiha Tokumitsu continued to attack Iwagakure.

"Allow a low-interest military loan of 20 billion taels to Yuren Village, and support its expansion to the country of birds."

The so-called Country of Birds is a small buffer country sandwiched between the Country of Wind, the Country of Earth, and the Country of Rain. Bird Country maintains front-line supplies.

Even if Sanshoyu Hanzo still fails to open up the situation in a short time after receiving the assistance, as long as Urenin Village maintains a posture of expanding westward in its attitude, it can also threaten the Yanyin Expedition that is currently working hard in the Land of Winds military.

This is also a good intention released by Uchiha Tokumitsu to the third generation of Kazekage who controls the country of wind.

Since he chose to stand in the camp of the shogunate and even Konoha, Uchiha Tokumitsu, the contemporary Konoha supreme ninja commander, will never treat his "old friend" badly, and will definitely provide him with all help except for participating in the war.

So far, with the deployment of Tokumitsu Uchiha, an Iron Curtain, although rough and with many loopholes, has been established across the north and south of the ninja world.

At this time, camp and standing are the only things that small countries and neutral countries need to consider.

If you still want to eat at both ends, even if Uchiha Tokumitsu will show generosity, the shogunate ninja army will not tolerate him!
Subsequently, under the instruction of Uchiha Tokumitsu, Minazuki Kenno led the five hundred fog ninja army, escorted by the shogunate fleet, to the Tajima Peninsula in the southern part of the Iron Country, and expelled the samurai stationed there. Here the forward battalion was established.

During the Second Ninja World War, the Kirigakure Second Army once established a secret base on the Tajima Peninsula to attack the eastern part of the Fire Country. With the Ninja Army commanded by Uchiha Tokumitsu, it defeated the Suikayama Pufferfish like the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves. Oni's Kirigakure First Army, this secret base was burned down by Uchiha Tokumitsu who returned to support him in a surprise attack, and Kirigakure, who suffered heavy losses, could only withdraw his troops under the protection of Mizukage Mizukage.

Returning to this familiar sad place again, Kirigakure Ninja was somewhat sad, but Minazuki Chino, who led the team, was full of spirit and passion.

While maintaining pressure on Yunyin and Yanyin, Uchiha Tokumitsu did not forget his own Kirigard.

As an island country, Kirigakure, the country of water, has always had a long-cherished wish to obtain a fulcrum that can be occupied for a long time on the Ninja World Continent, as a window for the country and Ninja Village to communicate with the outside world.

And Tokumitsu Uchiha fulfilled their wish.

Although Kirigakure is extremely weak today and has been regarded as a vassal of Uchiha Tokumitsu and a shame of the Five Great Ninja Villages, this has not extinguished the pride of Kirigakure who was once a great ninja.

Especially after landing on the Tajima Peninsula again, the grievances that the Kirigakure ninjas had always dared to speak against Uchiha Tokumitsu dissipated a little.

Although it failed to change everyone's mind, at least Kirigakure did not continue to be passive and sabotage.

And this is what Tokumitsu Uchiha wanted.

It's still the same sentence, "If I don't give it, you can't take it"!
It's just that the arrival of Kirigakure and the shogunate fleet made the high-level officials of the Iron Country shake and uneasy.

As we all know, the rulers of the Iron Country are warriors from the old days, just like the witches of the Ghost Country, they are the gathering place for the losers of the Warring States Period.

The Kingdom of Iron, adhering to the principle of neutrality, also has a large number of samurai troops, and there are endless new-age samurai who practice chakra sword skills.From the point of view of the radicals of the Iron Country, from the perspective of strength comparison, if a surprise attack is adopted, the Kikakure Ninja Army currently stationed in the Tajima Peninsula only needs to gather a sufficient number of iron country samurai masters to expel them from the country.

But after thinking it over and over again, Mifune, the chief general of the Iron Country, still rejected the proposal of a group of senior warriors from the fighting faction.

——You can’t start a war against Kirigakure and even the shogunate behind it because of a desolate Tajima Peninsula!Otherwise, the sharpness of the warriors of the Iron Kingdom would definitely not be able to withstand the onslaught of the large-scale shogunate ninja army.

You know, before the Second Ninja World War, even Sanshoyu Hanzo's Urenin Army could defeat the established Samurai Army of the Iron Country, if it weren't for the repeated defeats of Mifune who led his troops to fight against the rain Forbearance, I am afraid that the Iron Country has long been wiped out by the second-rate ninja troops in the ninja world.

"...Send an envoy to Konoha."

In the castle tower of the chief general, the chief general Mifune slowly expressed his decision.

Although the faces of the high-ranking warriors of the Iron Kingdom changed slightly, they were more relieved.

Not having to fight is also a good thing. After all, when the shogunate ninja army destroyed Kirigard Tajima's camp, the spies of the Iron Country had witnessed the almost destructive power of Susano.

"But it goes against our principle of neutrality..."

Dai Dao, one of the sword masters of the Iron Country, said so.

"The shogunate is powerful, and it is helpless to make a proper compromise..."

Another samurai commander stood up and argued.

"...how do you feel?"

Mifune's gaze turned to his most capable assistant, the samurai commander Satoka.

"The power is not as good as others, and the skills are not as good as others, so the only way is to compromise and reach an agreement with the shogunate."

Lijiao got up and said: "If the shogunate is unwilling to make concessions on this point, then we can only give up the Tajima Peninsula and take refuge in the camps of Yun Yin and Yan Yin."

"We are a neutral country...why should we get involved in the infighting among those lowly ninjas...

A trembling old master said.

"The status of a neutral country requires the approval of the five major ninja villages of the five major countries to be a neutral country. Otherwise, if the strength is insufficient, it will only be a belly meat to be slaughtered!"

"When Sanshoyu Hanzo set off expansion and conquest, the five major powers imposed sanctions on him, but now? No one can rule the dominant Konoha!"

"My lords, times have changed!"

Li Jiao said in a heavy tone.

All the senior warriors were silent when they heard the words.

Mifune is also very satisfied with the performance of his mouth substitute.

"That's how it is..."

Mifune sighed and broke the silence: "Rijiao, please go to Konoha and discuss it with General Tokumitsu...see if you can win."

Li Jiao silently bowed to accept the order.

But all the high-ranking warriors knew the outcome of the mission to Konoha.

The so-called struggle is just a fig leaf before the country of iron chooses to fall to the Konoha camp.

After all, the samurai were all of noble origin, so they had to be more or less polite and honest. Even if they chose to stand in line, they had to cover up with a bit of posturing reluctance.

"...A world of great contention!"

An elderly warrior sighed, then shook his head.

The mood of the warriors fell to the bottom again.

Could it be that the huge ninja world cannot accommodate a piece of pure land controlled by warriors?
Is it possible that the chaotic times of the Warring States Period for thousands of years will reappear in the world with the confrontation between the two camps?
 Update today (1/2)

(End of this chapter)

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