Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 293 Entering the World and Escaping from the World

Chapter 293 Entering the World and Escaping from the World


In the palace of Mount Miaomu, Immortal Toad, who was originally sleeping and sensing the future, suddenly woke up and let out a hasty exclamation.

"Great Immortal!"

The two immortals, Fukasaku and Shima, quickly dropped their work and rushed to the gate of the palace to stand there.

"……come in."

After a while, the exhausted voice of Immortal Toad came from the palace.

Fukasaku and Shima looked at each other, and walked inside with a trace of worry.

This is the second time that Great Immortal Toad woke up from his sleep.

And after waking up for the first time, it was the ancient times when the sacred tree was born and Hui Ye came to the world...

After entering the palace, the Great Immortal Toad had returned to his usual dazed appearance, as if the exclamation just now was just an illusion of the two immortals.


After saluting, Fukasaku and Shima stood with their hands down, waiting for orders.

Although usually, Fukasaku is not polite to the patriarch of Mount Miaogi, yelling "sleeping old fool" from time to time, but in fact, everyone in Mt. The sleepy old guy in the house is the pillar of Miaomu Mountain.

"...I can no longer see the future."

After a long time, Immortal Toad opened his mouth and said.


Fukasaku and Shima were shocked.

"...I can only see a piece of blood, and I can no longer see the future."

Great Immortal Toad said again.

While speaking, the sound of breathing became heavier and heavier, as if he was about to burp his breath soon.

But Fukasaku and Shima didn't care about Toad Sensei's behavior at this time, they were just thinking about the meaning of what they just said.

Don't look at Toad Sensei's aging appearance, in fact, judging from the exuberant vitality in Toad Sensei's body, I am afraid that its remaining lifespan is longer than Fukasaku and Shima's two juniors.

"Excuse me, Great Immortal, is this time to close Miaomu Mountain to hide from the world or..."

Under Fukasaku's gesture, Shima stepped forward and asked.

"...No, I'm still in the WTO!"

Great Immortal Toad slowly shook his head, his voice as deep as rolling thunder.

The two immortals Fukasaku and Shima were taken aback for a moment, and then a trace of panic appeared on their faces.

The reason why the three places of inheritance are regarded as holy places is because of the long history of inheritance, and because of the ability and means to avoid it when encountering great changes in the world.

However, during the time of Kaguya's coming to the world, Miaomushan abandoned the traditional way of coping with the world under the leadership of Toad Daxianren, and chose to join the WTO to support Otsuki Hagoromo. Although Kaguya was successfully sealed in the moon in the end, Miaomushan As a result, the Yimai suffered heavy casualties.

Although a lot of benefits have been obtained due to active participation in the WTO, it will take time to convert the benefits into basic strength, especially for the Miaomushan Toad lineage, and it will take time to recover to its full glory.

Before Fukasaku and Shima, there were many other immortals in Mt. Myogi, but they were all lost in the battle of annihilation.

"Great Immortal, think twice..."

Fukasaku couldn't sit still anymore, and hurried forward to persuade him.

It is only about [-] years old with Shima, and it is even a junior compared with the three gods in Ryūji Cave. The price of the world war is what these "parties" are unwilling to do.

The great change of the world is equivalent to crossing the catastrophe, and it is two different things to accept the psychic call to participate in the battle. Once involved, even the high-level Miaomu Mountain who has mastered the fairy art is very likely to end up in pieces.

After all, not even a toad wants to die.

"...I have made up my mind, there is no need to discuss it."

Immortal Toad's thunderous voice sounded again, "Also, the stinky snake in Longdi Cave will probably change its position this time..."

"White Snake Patriarch..."

Fukasaku and Shima looked at each other.

Miaomu Mountain and Longdi Cave have always been sworn enemies, why does it sound like they are united this time?

"The cooperation with Longdi Cave depends on the relationship between the two parties on the ground. In this regard, we only need to exert influence but not directly interfere..."

Great Immortal Toad said again: "By the way, let Zilai come back a few more times when he has time... His skills in immortal arts are really bad, you should give him a lot of guidance..."

After finishing speaking, Great Immortal Toad fell into a state of false sleep.

Fukasaku and Shima stood respectfully for a while, and after confirming that the great sage had no other orders, they backed away respectfully and left the palace.

"Access to the WTO..."

Fukasaku let out a long sigh, "I don't know how many children will die this time..."

"...Forget it, let that kid Jiraiya come back quickly!"

Zhi Mafeng rushed home in a hurry, "The food at home is still burning, you use the contact frog to call Zilaiye, he just arrived to have a meal together!"


Fukasaku continued to sigh.


Since the Battle of Settsu, Tsunade, who has been reclusive in Konoha's Senju Clan, also sensed the reverse spirit summoning from Shishibone Forest.

And this is also the first time that the slug fairy has actively summoned it.

After Tsunade hastily explained some matters, he turned into a puff of smoke and went to the wet bone forest accordingly.

"Master Tsunade..."

A soft and sweet voice sounded from behind her.

"Slug... are you looking for me?"

Tsunade, who had just arrived in the Wetbone Forest, held his breath to shield himself from the erosion of high-concentration acid gas, and turned around to ask a large adult-sized slug behind him.

"Yes... Master Tsunade, please let me take you to see the main body."

The slug obediently bent down its soft body, beckoning Tsunade to sit on it.

Tsunade also stepped forward without hesitation.

Shibone Forest is different from the equally famous Longdi Cave and Mt. Miaomu. The large number of slugs living here are actually clones of the ancestor slug fairy. Every slug that accepts psychic communication is an extension of the common consciousness. The ontology will hold relatively more knowledge or mysteries.

Moreover, what would it mean if the wet bone forest, which has always been indifferent to the world, suddenly made such a move?

Slugs move very quickly in acidic solutions.Just when Tsunade was still thinking wildly, the slug clone had already carried Tsunade to the body of the slug ancestor.

"Master Tsunade, long time no see..."

Although the voice of the Slug Immortal resounds through the heavens and the earth, he still uses honorifics just like the cloned slug.

"Great Immortal..."

Tsunade got down from the back of the clone slug and said hello to the slug sage.

"The ninja world may undergo major changes..."

The slug fairy said.

"Big change?!"

Tsunade's expression changed accordingly.

"The toad from Mount Miaomu said..."

Slug Immortal said again: "It is said that this time, Hama Wan will never see the future again."

Tsunade was still in a state of shock, scorched by one big melon after another.

"Moreover, Longdi Cave will even change its original intention this time, and choose to unite with Mount Miaomu to deal with the great changes in the world in the future..."

"Excuse me, Great Immortal... what is the Great Change of Heaven and Earth?"

Tsunade asked, frowning.

"...I don't know, I was sleeping when the world changed last time, and there was no contracted ground walker at that time."

The slug fairy said without hesitation.

"So... when will the so-called great changes in the world take place?"

Tsunade continued to ask.

"I don't know~ Maybe it's the future, maybe it won't come..."

The slug fairy shook the two huge tentacles on his head, "And this is what the old toad from Mount Miaomu said. Its prophecies sometimes fail to work, and no one can say for sure..."


Tsunade was speechless.

"You are my ground walker, so I will support you."

"And I won't interfere with the direction of the ninja world, I just want to tell you in person."

After speaking, the slug fairy gnawed towards a big tree beside him.

"...Thank you, Great Immortal, for your guidance!"

After being silent for a while, the heavy-hearted Tsunade saluted the slug sage who was eating, and then lifted the reverse psychic spell and left the wet bone forest.

A short figure with the appearance of a big toad fairy walked out of a big tree that was bitten like an umbrella, and came to the slug fairy, looking up at it, which looked like the largest mountain in the world. body of.

"Are you really not going to join the WTO?"

"What do these things have to do with me? The destruction of the ninja world won't hit a single hair in the Holy Land..."

The slug fairy didn't stop gnawing, but just turned the two tentacles on his head and said, "But you...is your body okay? Going out with the avatar technique like this may have a greater impact on your lifespan... ..."

"...There is still another 1000 years to live."

The avatar version of Immortal Toad said so.

"It's really sad... Did it hurt you that much to seal Kaguya with Yuyi last time?"

"Often looking at the future also consumes a lot of vitality..."

Immortal Toad replied: "Besides, I have another clone going to Longdi Cave, and the White Snake will also send its people into the world, don't you really think about it?"

"You have lost the detachment of the immortal, it is very dangerous, Hamawan."

A small slug detached from the main body, and said in front of Immortal Toad.

"...you are still the same."

Immortal Toad sighed.

"You too, but I hope you can still be alive after I wake up next time..."

The slug fairy said indifferently.

"Indra's descendants control most of the ninja world, which is completely different from the scene foreseen in the future."

Immortal Toad continued to try to persuade.

"Changed the future? That's really exciting~"

The slug fairy still didn't take it seriously: "And, do you think the future you see is the future? Isn't it just a dream of nothingness?"

"It's different this time, and if the descendants of Indra become stronger and stronger, it may attract the prying eyes of those aliens in the deep space..."

Fairy Toad shook his head.

"The white snake belongs to the past, you are obsessed with the future..."

The slug fairy stopped eating, turned around his huge body, looked at the dusty toad fairy clone and said: "But no matter what, I will not try to change the present, because only in this way, the present will be more exciting. ..."

 Today's update (2/2) I wish all book lovers a healthy Dragon Boat Festival~Happy Zongzi Festival~
(End of this chapter)

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