Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 294 Still Needs "Precipitation"

Chapter 294 Still Needs "Precipitation"

Jiraiya has been eating, drinking, and sleeping in Dashemaru's mansion for almost a month.

Now Orochimaru is so regretful that his intestines are turning green.

"……when are you leaving?"

Orochimaru asked for the 10086th time with a gloomy face.

"No hurry~ You're pretty good here. Although the food is a bit poor, I can go out to hunt some prey and come back to barbecue by myself, so why don't I just stay a little longer and get close to you~"

Zilai also lay on the guardrail of the courtyard porch, and said lazily.

Orochimaru's eating habits are surprisingly light. Apart from apples and eggs, he occasionally cooks some high-quality Kusanagi beef and fry some half-cooked steaks in Jiraiya's eyes. Come too.

But Orochimarumoto only kept this old friend at home during the purge campaign started by Uchiha Tokumitsu, so he stayed at home, but now that the purge campaign is over, the thick-skinned Jiraiya still doesn’t care Let's go, which troubled Orochimaru very much.

Moreover, the existence of Jiraiya also made Orochimaru feel very inconvenient, and some things that were not very convenient to see people could not be operated, which made Orochimaru feel as uncomfortable as countless ants crawling in his heart.

Jiraiya held a rattle in his hand and played it repeatedly. Erlang's upturned Lao Gao still shook from time to time, and there were still several balls of black mud pellets thrown on the ground.

Orochimaru, who is obsessed with cleanliness, looks disgusting.

"You can go back to your house and have a barbecue!"

As soon as the barbecue is mentioned, Orochimaru becomes furious.

The dry landscape garden he had painstakingly arranged was ruined by this guy directly as a barbecue site, and he still hasn't settled the debt!
And the most hateful thing is that Jiraiya is still thinking about those psychic snakes under him!Catch them to make snake soup!
"Hey~ Isn't my poor place not as comfortable as yours~"

Jiraiya still looks like a fool.

"If you still don't leave, then don't blame me for being rude!"

Orochimaru said grimly.

This is the most unkind thing he has said in the past month.

"Then you're welcome~"

Jiraiya stared at Orochimaru indifferently.

"Hidden Shadow Snake Hand!"

Orochimaru didn't hesitate anymore, and with a wave of his hand, several poisonous snakes rushed towards Jiraiya who was still lying on the guardrail.

"Hey! You are serious!"

Jilai also quickly used the instant body technique and turned into a puff of smoke to evade, and then landed on a rockery in the courtyard with a pair of heavy clogs, knocking off a corner of it.

Orochimaru watched the uniquely shaped rockery being so ruined, the corners of his eyes couldn't help twitching, and the anger in his heart also rose.

"Can't you bear to engage in human experiments again?!"

Seeing that Orochimaru was going to continue to attack, Jilai also hurriedly yelled.

"Shut up, you idiot!"

Orochimaru's face suddenly changed, and he looked around with a trace of panic, as if he was afraid that some special person would come out and take him away.

Afterwards, Orochimaru made another seal casually, and activated the one-way silent barrier arranged at home.

"You have been living here for more than a month, and the purge movement in the village has stopped for a long time now, so hurry up and leave!"

Orochimaru, whose secret was exposed, couldn't continue to do anything, so he just issued an order to drive away the guests coldly: "As for the things you destroyed, I can show mercy and don't want you to pay for it!"

"Are you going to conduct human experiments at home again?"

Jiraiya asked again with a solemn face.

"...What nonsense are you talking about!"

Orochimaru's face was still cold, "How can you slander other people's innocence for nothing! This is a crime of defamation. If you report it to the police department, you will be imprisoned for five days!"

"It's just under this rockery, right..."

Jilai also slightly lifted his clogs and knocked on the rockery below him, and fixed his eyes on Orochimaru whose face changed drastically: "Although I didn't go in to check it myself, the smell of blood can't be covered up..."

Orochimaru didn't say anything more, just spread his hands down, and poisonous snakes gushed out of his sleeves like a tide.

"Hey Hey hey!"

The venomous snakes all over the ground felt their scalps go numb, "Don't tell me you're going to be serious!"

Orochimaru still didn't speak, but just stared at Jiraiya who was pretending to be flustered. Even under his restraint, the poisonous snakes on the ground were still eager to try one by one, spitting letters at Jiraiya.

"I'll go, I'll go!"

Zilai also quickly yelled: "Hurry up and put away you stinky snakes! I'll leave right away!"

Orochimaru's expression softened a little, and he breathed a sigh of relief, then waved his hand, and the poisonous snakes all over the ground turned into clouds of smoke and returned to Ryūchi Cave.

"...I remember that you are still the director of the Ethics Committee of the House of Representatives? If you continue to conduct human experiments, no one will be able to protect you if something goes wrong."

Zilai also jumped off the rockery and said quietly.

"...is the Chakra Technology Development and Research Ethics Committee!"

Orochimaru frowned and said, "It's better than your title of Deputy Director of the Beast Committee!"

"...I am the Ninja Beast Management and Protection Committee!"

Zilai also complained: "I can't even remember this, but I have the nerve to say that you are my friend!"

Angrily, Zilai also went straight into the house, and bumped Orochimaru's shoulder with a little childishness, packed up his things a little, and prepared to leave.

"Be careful yourself, don't go to the female soup to peep..."

Orochimaru said with a strange expression: "The teacher is gone, no one can protect you anymore..."

"It's the same for you. If human experiments are discovered, those Uchihas will not let you go."

Jiraiya turned around, and his face turned serious: "Oshemaru, you should know that times have changed... It's very dangerous for you to continue dancing on the tip of a knife!"

"...I am not doing human experiments! The consumables in the underground laboratory are monkeys!"

Orochimaru made an excuse.

"...You don't need to explain to me."

Jilai also shrugged, "Anyway, I won't say it, but you should pay attention."

In fact, for ninjas who regard human life as trivial and despise life and death as ordinary, human experimentation is actually not a big deal.

But the premise is not to use your own people for human experiments-this is an absolute taboo.

Therefore, no matter whether Orochimaru justifies using monkeys as experimental consumables, or arresting civilians from outside for experiments, Zirai actually doesn't pay much attention to it.

It’s just that after staying in Dashemaru’s mansion for a month, Jilai also found out through public channels that there have been no cases such as the disappearance of villagers in the village in recent years. From this, it can be seen that even though Dashewan did human experiments, it was not insane Arresting people indiscriminately nearby in the village.

Orochimaru's face looked gloomy, but he didn't say much, just lowered his eyes slightly.

"I know you're brooding over the teacher's death, but..."

Jiraiya had just finished speaking halfway, when the words in his mouth were stopped by Orochimaru's cold eyes.

Living together under the same roof for a month also allowed the two people who originally had many differences to understand each other better.

In their hearts, both of them were full of dissatisfaction with the death of their teacher Sarutobi Hiruzen. They both believed that as contemporary Hokage, they should not be humiliated by a junior who was inferior to him; but what could be done?

After Uchiha Tokumitsu dismantled the original ruling four high-level family forces, he did not continue to eliminate the relevant personnel of the original Hokage family. It is considered magnanimous. If he still wants to reverse the case, he is looking for death.

Moreover, the recent purge movement has clearly told everyone what it would be like to try to challenge the hidden ruling authority of the Uchiha clan in Konoha.

"Let's do it for ourselves..."

After Jiraiya packed his things, he pulled them over his shoulders and prepared to leave.

"Has Mount Miaomu looked for you recently?"

When Jiraiya was about to go out, Orochimaru asked behind his back.

"Not yet, what's wrong?"

Jirai also turned around and asked a little strangely.

"...Don't take those alien dreams too seriously, and don't waste too much energy on the so-called savior. Your strength has stagnated for a long time."

Orochimaru said.

"I will be reasonable, but you can ask for more blessings! Also, you also remember to settle down, don't be stuck in the quagmire of hatred all the time!"

Ji Lai also waved his hand, opened the door and left.

Orochimaru stood there in a daze, and after a long time, a sentence popped out from between his teeth:
"...Only scum needs precipitation!"


Taking the opportunity of the two Zhongnin joint exams held almost at the same time, one in the south and one in the north, the positions of the five major ninja villages have also been confirmed, and the situation in the ninja world has gradually become clear.

Although it is clear that there is hostility between each other, except for the ongoing war between Yan Yin and Sand Yin, the situation in the ninja world is generally stable and positive, and it is developing in the direction of peaceful confrontation and prosperity. .

——The above is Sakumo Hatake’s official response to the recent deep concern of the respected members of the Senate and House of Representatives at the plenary session of the Senate and House of Representatives.

That is to say, although I know that you are full of malice towards me, you also know that my covetousness for you is not dead, but I pretend not to know your malice towards me and you also pretend not to know my covetousness for you , although I know that you are guarding against me, you also know that I am indeed going to hit you, but you can't beat me and I don't plan to hit you for the time being, so let's just do it.

Even the caravan under the United Company is still unimpeded in the territory of the Land of Thunder as always, but since Kirabi went south to lead the border forces, some smuggling channels that bring in money faster have been blocked, but in general , the general situation is still developing for the better, it's just that there are some not-so-pleasing voices making noise.

"The Kingdom of Thunder refuses to accept gold coupons?"

In the office of the Minamigagawa Stock Exchange, Uchiha Tokumitsu frowned and flipped through a report sent by the United Company.

"Yes, according to the report of the team ninja in front, the daimyo of the Land of Thunder has begun to privately boycott the circulation of the gold coupons in the area controlled by them, claiming that the gold coupons are waste paper that cannot be exchanged for gold."

The Shiranui patriarch who was the business representative of the joint company immediately got up and answered.

"Notify the caravan in front that all products sold to the Land of Thunder will be charged [-]% more if they receive paper money from the Land of Thunder! If you pay with gold coupons, then you will get a [-]% discount."

Uchiha Tokumitsu turned his head and said to the attendant ninja: "In addition, let General Huomen's border troops strengthen the defense work of the country of grass and the country of Tian, ​​for example, to block the border for one month and conduct special military exercises."

"As ordered!"

The attendant ninja left immediately.

"In addition to this, increase the purchase of raw materials in the Kingdom of Thunder, don't worry about the price, as long as you can spend the gold coupons."

Uchiha Tokumitsu then gave instructions to the Shiranui patriarch.

"... I am following orders!"

Although the Shiranui patriarch didn't understand why he did such a loss-making business, he immediately stood up and agreed.

Then Uchiha Tokumitsu gave some precautions, and let the Shiranui patriarch retreat.

"Northern Alliance..."

After putting down the official report in his hand, Uchiha Tokumitsu felt a little sore eyes, so he closed his eyes and pressed his temples.

It's not that he is willing to tolerate the flirting between Yunyin and Yanyin, but because after swallowing Kirigakure, the power of the Uchiha clan and the ninja clan has been dispersed to the extreme.

If you choose to continue to expand, even if you can defeat the Ninja Army of Yunyin or Yanyin in a frontal battle, you will not be able to actually control its territory or Ninja Village.

And a simple rout doesn't do much other than lead to deeper hatred.

This contradictory relationship between a limited population and an overly wide control area cannot be resolved in a short period of time.

Moreover, it will take enough time for the Uchiha clan to digest Kirigakure, and it will take more time to train the new generation of Kirigakure ninjas and integrate them into the shogunate system.


Uchiha Tokumitsu felt a little headache.

Although he has time, the most precious thing is time.

Moreover, Uchiha Madara, who was seriously injured and escaped, has never seen anyone alive or dead. The relevant areas such as the Kannabi Bridge in the memory of the previous life have been secretly searched several times by the Uchiha Ninja Army, but they have not found even a little bit of clues. I don't know where Uchiha Madara's secret base is hidden.

Moreover, after experiencing the effect of the "sacred particles" after the white blood cells have been refined at a high concentration, Tokumitsu Uchiha wanted more!

Moreover, if other Uchiha clansmen can also receive part of the "sacred particle" injection, then the overall strength of the Uchiha clan will increase exponentially!

The only problem is that the captured Baijue has been exhausted. Whether this precious strategic resource can find a new source channel is a headache for Uchiha Tokumitsu.

"Shortcuts are always full of luck..."

After Uchiha Tokumitsu's thoughts fluttered for a while, he shook his head slowly, abandoning all kinds of unrealistic ideas.

After simply collecting the documents on the table, Tokumitsu Uchiha got up and prepared to go to the training ground for self-cultivation.

"Ninja~ You still have to rely on self-precipitation..."

 Today's update (1/2) I wish all book friends a healthy Dragon Boat Festival~
(End of this chapter)

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