Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 301 Where is Hometown

Chapter 301 Where is Hometown
It is reasonable for water to flow to low places and people to go to high places.

Therefore, it is reasonable for the United Company to harvest the elites of Xiaoren Village with relatively high salaries and a complete welfare system.

This is the same as Uchiha Tokumitsu’s famous school in his previous life who pinpointed top students. The emphasis is on mutual benefit and mutual benefit. As for Xiaonin Village, the United Company does not treat them badly, and will give them a little bit of commission to their village executives. .

Therefore, Kusanagi Village does not mind the recruitment of the United Company within its Shinobi Village. The Urenin Village of Sanshoyu Hanzo is also a half-covered gesture. In addition, Kirigakure has become a puppet of the Tokuko Shogunate, so the United Company The source of low-level employees has been successfully resolved, and the Uchiha ninjas and ninja ninjas have also become low-level managers with the expansion of the joint company. Everyone has a bright future.

But after all, the joint company mainly faces the recruitment of grassroots ninjas from the small ninja village. When the ninjas of Shayin sneaked to the recruitment site of the joint company to inquire, the ninjas of the joint company on the spot did not dare to make decisions without authorization, so they vaguely declined on the spot and then Report the demands of the sand hidden ninja upwards.

Considering Uchiha Tokumitsu's current attitude towards Sagakushi, the middle managers of the joint company did not dare to be expert, so they submitted the report layer by layer and sent it to Uchiha Tokumitsu.

"What is this..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu also felt very speechless when he saw the report on whether sand hidden ninjas could be recruited.

Although Sand Yin is poor, he is also one of the five great ninja villages, and has always been known for being aggressive and extremely independent. Now, the junior ninjas carefully selected by a dignified ninja village actually saw the recruitment of the joint company. feeling excited...

Uchiha Tokumitsu doesn't feel very reliable no matter what he thinks.

Because this kind of thing is so outrageous that it is suspected that Sha Yin is deliberately sending spies in reverse to try to sneak into the joint company.

But after thinking for a while, Uchiha Tokumitsu signed an order on the report of the joint company——

"I understand the intention to join the job, and I will not sign a contract for the time being."

When Kazekage came to Konoha in the final stage of the Chunin Entrance Examination, Uchiha Tokumitsu planned to talk to him about this issue again.

After all, compared with starting a war between ninja villages, this kind of "peaceful evolution" that can be done with only a little money is really a bargain.


Jiraiya has also practiced in Mt. Miaomu for nearly a month.

During this period of time, he begged Fukasaku Sage to send a small ninja frog to sneak back to the village to inquire about news at the risk of being wiped out by the police department, and he also learned about the recent developments in many villages.

Especially the final trial results of the police department's voyeuristic case.

But what he didn't know was that under the instruction of Fukasaku Senjin, the intelligence ninja concealed the fact that the police department listed him as a "ninja of questionable loyalty".

Knowing the truth but not the whole truth, Jiraiya, who feels good about himself, is ready to bid farewell to the two sages, Fukasaku and Shima, and return to Konoha after he has been away for more than a month.

"...Don't go back to the village, after all, Uchiha is controlling it."

After knowing Jiraiya's plan, Fukasaku Immortal "actively" comforted him.

"It's all right~ What's the big deal? Pay another bail~"

Zilai didn't take it too seriously.

"How about it... I'll leave you a curse mark. If there are special circumstances, you can activate the reverse spirit technique at any time and return to Mount Miaomu. In this way, there is no risk..."

Immortal Fukasaku seemed to think about it for a while, and gave a suggestion.

Although Zilai also felt that Shenzuo Immortal was making a big fuss, but also thought that this was the kindness of the elders after all, so he readily agreed.

"Fuck the kid..."

Immortal Fukasaku brought Jiraiya to a cave, and then called Kamishima Immortal, and together they left a spell with a frog head on Jiraiya's back.

"Little Ziraiya, you still have to be careful..."

Immortal Shima didn't know about Immortal Fukasaku's plan, but out of maternal instinct, he persuaded Zilai: "If you don't need it, don't rush back, I will cook for you every day if you stay here..."

"This... I still have to go back..."

Jiraiya's scalp tingles when he thinks of the worm feast of the Immortal Shima, and he is more determined to go back to the village to eat and drink, "And I haven't finished the task arranged by the Immortal~ It is my job to find the savior and teach him Fate!"

"There's no need to persuade me... I have my own ambitions in all directions, how can I be confined to Miaomu Mountain for the rest of my life!"

Immortal Fukasaku interrupted hastily.

"Sage Fukasaku is right!"

Zilai also laughed, and bowed respectfully to the two immortals, "Then I'll go back first..."

Afterwards, he lifted the reverse spiritism and left Mount Miaomu.

"This child is really worrying..."

Immortal Zhima shook his head and sighed, then staggered out of the cave.

Immortal Fukasaku froze in place for a long time, his expression also fluctuating.

"...This is all an arrangement of fate!"

Suddenly, the sound transmission of Immortal Toad sounded in its mind.

"...I understand, Great Immortal."

Immortal Fukasaku sighed, and bowed in the direction of the palace.


After returning to Konoha, Jiraiya immediately held his breath and lurked quietly for a long time, and only took a walk around his home after finding nothing unusual.

Obviously, someone broke in while he was away from the village, but did not damage the objects in the room. Based on the traces left at the scene, there is a high probability that they are some novices at the ninja level.

"...The Police Department has degenerated to such an extent!"

Jiraiya moaned and moaned while cleaning up the traces in the room, while searching for all kinds of contempt from the search and inspection ninjas of the hostile police department.

After cleaning up lightly, Jiraiya carefully made a disguise for himself, and then carefully escaped to an alley with the technique of diving in the soil, and then walked slowly onto Konoha Street.

The reason why the transformation technique is not used directly is to avoid the chakra fluctuations from being sensed by the sensitive Hyuga ninja or Uzumaki ninja and being interrogated by them.

As a senior Jonin, Jiraiya also understands the importance of information. Although there is Ninja Frog to inquire on his behalf, but considering that Ninja Frog is a different kind in Konoha, it will be inconvenient after all, and there may be some omissions, so Jiraiya still Choose to see for yourself.

"There is nothing abnormal in the police department..."

After Jiraiya swaggered around the street, he stood curiously in front of the West District Police Station of the Police Department, looking at the Uchiha ninja who was mediating the conflict between Kusanagi and Amane.

Besides him, there were many Konoha villagers watching the fun, so it didn't look awkward for Jilai to stand there.

"What are they doing?"

Jilai also curiously asked the Konoha villager dressed as a shopkeeper beside him.

"Let's fight~"

The Konoha villager replied cheerfully.

"...Didn't they come to take the Zhongnin entrance exam? Why did they fight before the exam even started?"

Zilai also continued to ask.

"It is said that Yu Ninja robbed Kusanagi's recruitment quota, so they fought in groups on the street, and it is said that there are many arrests in the Eastern District~"

The villagers of Muye obviously didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, and they enthusiastically explained to Zilai: "To be honest, although they are from Xiaonin Village, it's really good to fight ~ everyone's head is broken and bloody!" of~"

"Hehe, is it..."

Zilai was also very speechless, laughed dryly, then walked to the bulletin board of the police station and looked at it.

"It seems that there is nothing special..."

Apart from the routine security report and the recent Chunin entrance examination information, no special information was found on the messy bulletin board.

Jiraiya's heart was completely put back in his stomach, and then he strolled to the villager of Konoha, and squatted down to watch the excitement.

"By the way, is there anything new in the village recently?"

Jiraiya asked seemingly casually.

This is also his usual way of finding out information, by chatting nonsense with some street people who are idle but like to join in the fun, to find out some things that are apparently irrelevant but not widely spread, and then infer some hidden information from them.

"Except for the Chunin exam, it's just the fun of the joint company recruiting people~"

The Konoha villager, who is obviously also a fun person, said cheerfully.

"By the way, don't you know these things?"

The Konoha villagers seemed a little surprised.

"I went to Daming Mansion to buy supplies a while ago, and I just came back yesterday."

Ji Lai also didn't change his face.

"How long have you been there?"

Le Ziren also asked casually.

"It's been more than a month~"

Zilai also answered calmly.

"Oh~ Then you missed the excitement a month ago~"

Obviously, Lezi people are very eager to share.

"tell me the story!"

Jilai also immediately showed a gossip look.

"Jiraiya, you know it~ is the disciple of the third generation~"

Le Ziren immediately danced and danced, and it was obvious that sharing gossip about high-level ninjas gave him a sense of accomplishment: "He fled before being judged!"

"Is that so... I've heard of it but don't know the specifics..."

Eating melons and eating melons on my own head made me feel bad.

Moreover, the result of this incident was known without any analysis, which means that this incident has been spread in the village for a long time.

"Fortunately, I did some research myself... Is Ninja Frog a different species, and it's not very good to find out information!"

Jilai also felt a little nervous, but he was proud of his "foresight".

However, after listening to the sharing of the villagers of Leziren, although Zilai was super happy on the surface, his heart was already turbulent.

"It's so! It's more than that!"

On the surface, Zilai, who was satisfied after eating a big melon, also found a reason to say goodbye to the villagers of Leziren, and the hatred in his heart was almost overflowing.

Although he didn't care much about his reputation, it didn't mean that he was willing to change his reputation from "coquettish" to "indecent", not to mention that he was charged with "escaping before court" and "questionable loyalty".

"That boy Orochimaru!"

Jilai also wanted to go to Orochimaru to settle the score, and asked him why he didn't help him settle the matter, but after thinking about it, he realized that he had actually tricked Orochimaru, so he stopped walking .

In the final analysis, the Konoha of today is not the Konoha of the past... After the fall of the third Hokage, it is Uchiha’s mercy that these direct disciples were not wiped out, and Orochimaru did not have that much power to settle the powerful police. Ministry of Affairs...


Standing on the street, Ji Lai also felt at a loss in his heart. There was a constant flow of people coming and going to the commercial street, and the shopping villagers kept walking past him, without stopping or looking at him. It seemed that the bustle and bustle had nothing to do with him. .

"Is this still my Konoha..."

Jiraiya has mixed feelings in his heart.


"Go and notify the police department! An abnormal chakra was found in the monitoring barrier to warn!"

In Konoha Seal Squad, a Uzumaki ninja calmly gave instructions to his subordinates.

Another Uzumaki ninja who received the instructions nodded slightly, found an excuse to leave, and then went straight to the police headquarters.

Although Jiraiya also pays great attention to the concealment of his whereabouts, his chakra characteristics have long been recorded, and once he is sensed by the monitoring barrier, his location will be revealed.

"If you run away, you run away. Lord Deguang doesn't intend to identify you as a traitor anyway, but if you still dare to come back, don't blame me..."

The Uzumaki ninja who was the first to notice sighed secretly.

But he just sighed, and then began to dispatch the Sky Eye monitoring facilities deployed on the main street of Konoha, and began to pay close attention to Jiraiya's whereabouts.

"...Huh! This location...is going to the mansion of Orochimaru Jōnin?"

Afterwards, Uzumaki Ninja felt that Jiraiya's trajectory and Ninja Village's relationship network had judged his destination.

"It's a bit difficult..."

Uzumaki Ninja immediately got up and ordered another person to go to the police headquarters to make a supplementary report.


Jiraiya thought about it for a long time, and finally decided to go to the Oshemaru mansion.

He planned to say goodbye to his friends who had helped him a lot recently, and then left the village to wander in the ninja world. After the three-year trial period expired, he came back to see if there were any juniors with the characteristics of a "savior" among the ninjas in the village.

However, in a small alley one street away from the Dashemaru mansion, a team of ninjas from the police department blocked his way.

"Juraiya Jonin, please come with us!"

Uchiha Jonin, who was the leader, showed the Sangodama and said eeriely.

It seems that the identity has been seen through...

Zilai also sighed inwardly.

Although he still maintained his disguised appearance, he didn't mean to justify, but took a step back with his right foot, and assumed a confrontational posture.

As a ninja, once his identity is exposed, it is really meaningless to continue pretending to be wronged.

"...if you resist arrest, it could implicate those who bailed you out."

Uchiha Jominin waved his hand, and his subordinates immediately dispersed to surround Jiraiya.

Uchiha, Uzumaki, and Kurama...so the soft persimmon is the phantom ninja of the Kurama clan...

Jiraiya lowered his head slightly to avoid Sangouyu's direct gaze, and took a little look at the composition of the ninja personnel of the police department blocking him.

"The village has already given you a bit of dignity... If you don't know how to be funny, then don't blame the police department's iron fist for being ruthless!"

Uchiha Jonin slowly drew out his sword, and said in a serious tone.

Ji Lai also just twisted his neck and didn't reply.

 Update today (1/2)

(End of this chapter)

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