Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 302 Betrayal Ninja Self Come!

Chapter 302: Betrayal Forbearance の Jiraiya!

Orochimaru knelt down in the main hall of his mansion expressionlessly, surrounded by nine jounin of the Uchiha clan standing skillfully, seemingly idle.

There is also a group of heavily armed police ninjas lined up in the yard for guarding. One of the red-haired Uzumaki ninjas is also looking at a rockery in the scene of the dry landscape with interest. As his eyes move up and down, Orochimaru's My heart was also up and down.

That's the entrance to his private lab.

Although there was nothing foul, he was still reluctant to have people searched inside.

But fortunately Uzumaki Ninja just looked at it and didn't try to crack it.

"Oshemaru Jami, are you really unwilling to dissuade me?"

Uchiha Jōnin in the hall saw a signal flare not far away, turned his head and said to the silent Orochimaru: "After all, Jiraiya Jōnin is your friend from the same school, you can't just sit and watch him misunderstand. Go astray!"

Orochimaru still adheres to the principle that silence is golden and doesn't say a word.

"After Jiraiya Jonin returned to the village, you were the first to look for..."

Uchiha shinned and sighed: "Now it's only one street away, don't you want to meet?"

cat crying mouse...

Orochimaru still looked indifferent, indifferent to the verbal offensive of this Uchiha Jonin.

He originally stayed at home today to calculate the secrets of ninjutsu quietly, but suddenly a group of ninjas from the police department swarmed in, let him be controlled without saying a word, and blocked the external perception with a barrier; After he was placed under house arrest in the living room, he realized that the police department had received information that Ji Laiya was returning to the village and was walking towards his house, so the elite police force came here directly for latent control.

Moreover, it seems that the police department thinks highly of him, and the number of people who come to control the house is more than those who intercept Jiraiya outside.

But no matter what the police department said, Orochimaru was simply not cooperating, mainly highlighting that there was no way to take him under a legal situation.


Uchiha Jonin sensed the chakra fluctuations that were turbulent outside and that a frontal conflict was about to occur, so he ignored Orochimaru, who was implementing a non-violent non-cooperation strategy, and waved his hand to signal the ninja of the police department in the courtyard Go to support.

He boasted that his strength was extraordinary, no matter how strong Orochimaru was, the eight Uchiha Jonin in the hall would not be unable to resist.


"Magic · The Art of Hanging!"

Uchiha Jōnin, who led the team to carry out the roundup, was short, and cast illusions in the eyes of Jiraiya, who bowed his head slightly, and then swung a knife and rushed directly.

"Uchiha Ryu Sword Flame Slash!"

The ninjas of the surrounding police department also rushed forward immediately.

Jiraiya's strength is well known to everyone, so the ninjas in the police department cheered up without the slightest carelessness, and used their killer moves as soon as they started.

"Ninja Law Three-Party Seal!"

The three Uzumaki ninjas also acted immediately, using the sealing technique to summon a triangular three-dimensional barrier, locking the ninjas and Jiraiya together in the police department.

Although the defensive effect of this enchantment is relatively average, considering the limited space in the alley
Other less powerful police ninjas began to prepare to perform joint ninjutsu.

"Illusion · Solution!"

Jiraiya first activated the dispelling ninjutsu, then pinched himself to remove the influence of Uchiha Jonin's illusion, and then flicked his head to activate his own secret technique.

"Ninja · Needle Jizo!"

Jiraiya shook his head, and his silver hair swelled instantly, covering his whole body, blocking the first wave of attacks from the ninjas in the police department.

Although the chakra-infused silver hair was cut and broken inch by inch by a group of ninja ninjas, it also bought the most precious reaction time for Jiraiya.

"Xianfa·Thousands of wool needles!"

Jiraiya squatted down, breath sank to stand on the heels, his hands were knotted and his head continued to shake, his hair swelled again, shooting thousands of hairs as dense as a torrential rain, forcing all the jounin to retreat.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

While retreating, the upper ninja waved their swords to block the oncoming hair Chibon.

"It's really difficult..."

Uchiha Jonin stood back, his face very ugly.

Although he had some understanding of Jiraiya's secret technique, he didn't know that it was activated so quickly. Caught off guard, several Jonin who joined forces to attack had already suffered slight injuries.

However, he also noticed from the corner of his eye that a group of heavily armed police ninjas had rushed over from the direction of the Oshemaru mansion, and quickly dispersed for control.

"...You can't escape under the net of the police department."

Uchiha Jōnin signaled Uzumaki Ninja to remove the limitation of the three-party seal and maximize the number of people as much as possible, "And... Jiraiya Jōnin, this time you really did something wrong, don't you have the courage to accept punishment? !"

After two times of ninjutsu, Jiraiya's waist-length silver hair was only shoulder-length, and his demeanor was no longer as absurd as usual, and seemed a bit cold.

"...how are you treating Orochimaru?"

Zilai also asked suddenly.

"Oshemaru Jami is a member of the House of Representatives, we will not disturb him for no reason... It's just that he was implicated because of you this time."

Following Uchiha Jonin's eyes, the newly arrived ninja from the police department quickly emptied the villagers in the surrounding houses, and stood still in their respective fighting positions, ready to launch a large-scale enchantment.

Zilai was also silent.

"Catch it with nothing...it will be out in half a year at most, why continue to fight against the village..."

With all the ninjas of the police department getting ready, Uchiha Jonin was determined and persuaded to surrender again: "You still have a bright future, and the village will not have other ideas about you. As long as you accept the punishment, you will still be Konoha after you come out." One of the upper ninja members and members of the House of Representatives..."

"House of Representatives……"

Ji Lai also chuckled, and the hands that were originally maintaining the seal also dropped down.

"Junin's rights are protected..."

Uchiha Jonin's words secretly added the technique of spiritual temptation.

"But I haven't forgotten the teacher!"

Ji Lai also suddenly shouted angrily and broke out.

"Fire Escape, Great Flame Bullet!"

A raging ball of fire suddenly spewed out from Jiraiya's mouth, and hit Uchiha Jonin's face.

"court death!"

Uchiha Jonin's face also showed a ferocious killing intent.

"Fire sealing circle!"

The two Uzumaki ninjas immediately stepped forward, shook out a sealing scroll and performed the sealing technique to suck all the fire into the scroll.

"Uchiha Flame Array!"

The Uchiha ninjas who were armed also quickly launched an enchantment to block all directions.

"kill him!"

Following Uchiha Jonin's angry shout, the ninjas of the police department mobilized.


A funny smile suddenly appeared on Jiraiya's face, and he made a face at Uchiha Jonin.



With a yellow light flashing from behind Jiraiya, his figure suddenly disappeared without a trace.


Uchiha Jonin was inexplicably horrified.

Uzumaki ninjas also quickly launched their respective sensory ninjutsu to investigate. Other ninjas from the police department also swung their knives to dig three feet into the ground, but there was no trace of them in the sky or on the ground.

"Did you see the ghost..."

Uchiha Jonin felt a headache, and he didn't know how to write the report of the failed arrest...


In the office on the top floor of the police headquarters building, Uchiha Deguang stared blankly at a crystal ball in front of him, while several Uzumaki ninjas and attendant ninjas waited for orders.

When Jiraiya's figure suddenly disappeared with a yellow light in the picture of the crystal ball, Uchiha Tokumitsu frowned and signaled Uzumaki Ninja to put away the crystal ball.

Although such a result was a bit unexpected, fortunately, it was better to spy on Jiraiya's hole card than to startle the snake rashly. When the next official arrest is carried out, there is no need to worry that he will escape by the same means.

"Master Deguang, it looks like it should be reverse spiritism..."

Another Uzumaki ninja stepped forward and explained: "And judging from the characteristics of ninjutsu, it should be a preset curse seal or the like, which can realize unmarked activation, and the concealment is extremely high, so..."

"I see……"

Uchiha Tokumitsu nodded, "I won't blame them either, after all, they are descendants of the so-called Three Great Sacred Lands, it's normal for some strange means to cause mistakes..."

Uzumaki Ninja heaved a sigh of relief, bowed and saluted, stepped back a few steps and continued to stand respectfully.

"The text is to inform the whole village of ninjas—"

Uchiha Tokumitsu tapped the table with his right finger and said in a deep voice.

The attendant ninja quickly took out his notebook and prepared to record.

"There is a log Ye Shangren who has no respect for the village's laws and regulations, repeatedly violates the law and does not know how to repent, escapes before the sentence, and openly fights with the police in the village, affecting innocent people, and the resistance to rebellion is particularly serious..."

"Hereby! The Konoha Governor's Office intends to list it as a traitor, and this decision will be submitted to the Senate and the House of Representatives for a vote!"

The attendant ninja quickly formed a manuscript of Uchiha Tokumitsu's words and submitted it for review.

After the Senate and the House of Representatives voted, it became Konoha's opinion to label Jiraiya as a traitor. No one has reason to doubt that this is Uchiha Tokumitsu taking the opportunity to retaliate against the public.

Uchiha Tokumitsu glanced at it and nodded slightly.

"Send a letter to the Senate and the House of Representatives!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu ordered: "The results will come out today, and then spread to all countries in the ninja world!"

 Update today (2/2)

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(End of this chapter)

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