Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 304 Xiao Organization!

Chapter 304 Xiao Organization!
The haze of the Ninja Jiraiya incident quickly dissipated. Instead, what attracted the attention of Konoha villagers was the long-awaited Zhongnin entrance examination that was about to begin.

And the ninjas of various families, especially the ninjas of the original Hokage family, were even more relieved.

After the end of the Zhongnin entrance examination, the respected Lord Deguang should also return to Fuba City, his loyal shogunate resident, and everyone can take a big breath at that time~
It has to be said that, as a ninja village ruler who convinces people with strength, Uchiha Tokumitsu puts too much pressure on Konoha ninjas, especially ninjas who are not from this camp.

After the candidates from each ninja village who arrived in Konoha ahead of time made due contributions to boosting the economy of Konoha villagers, there were also many martial arts scenes on the street due to the conflicts between different ninja villages, which made Konoha go up and down The people who eat melons are delighted to see it.

After the most distant snow ninja village Xiaren arrived in Konoha, the Konoha Chunin entrance examination officially kicked off.

Tokumitsu Uchiha did not interfere too much in the setting of the examination system and procedures, but let Hatake Sakumo play freely. Therefore, the examination settings still follow the old three procedures of written examination, survival trial, and ninja battle.

And Tokumitsu Uchiha doesn't really care about the Chunin entrance exam itself. With his current strength, watching a group of chickens pecking at each other will not gain anything except feeling hot eyes, and there is really no need to waste time on it.

So after Hatake Sakumo arranged the content of the written test and the test of survival, he began to focus on tracking Jiraiya's whereabouts.

Although I also promised Orochimaru to give Jiraiya some opportunities, it doesn't mean that Uchiha Tokumitsu will really keep his hands because of this. At most, it would be considered as benevolent to say something more before the arrest.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have spent so much effort to plan and deal with a mere remnant of the former Hokage series of Jnin.

In order to obtain the information that Jirai is also walking in the ninja world at the first time, Tokumitsu Uchiha also specially told the ninjas of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who were sent to search all over the ninja world to pay special attention to the fireworks places in various places, so that they can intercept until they can't hold back The natural origin of the wind and the flu.


"Two immortals... I have caused a catastrophe..."

Jiraiya also said to the two immortals of Miaomushan after using the reverse spirit spell to escape from Konoha in front of a group of ninjas from the police department.

"……I know."

Immortal Fukasaku nodded calmly, "It's not your fault. According to what you humans say... this should be the so-called political persecution, right?"

"...You are actually right."

Ji Lai was also taken aback, but then a wry smile appeared on his face, "But when I dealt with this matter, I also acted somewhat inappropriately."

"Little Ziraiya, are you okay!"

Immortal Zhima hurried over after hearing the news, still holding a frying pan in his hand, and blah blah blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

"I'm fine..."

Ji Lai also sniffed his nose slightly, with a bright smile on his face, "Don't worry about me, I'm not a child anymore~"

"Your age is not even one-twentieth of mine, what else can you be if you are not a child!"

Immortal Zhima taunted unceremoniously: "You! You know how to be brave all day long, and you will end up miserable sooner or later!"

"It's better to live in Mt. Miaomu in peace and stability from now on, and then I will use more toad oil to transform you into Mt. Miaomu ethnicity. At that time, I will find you a suitable female frog and give birth to a group of tadpoles. This is better than you. It's much better to wander around in the ninja world!"

"Shima Immortal... I still have my mission..."

Zilai also said with a wry smile.

As for what Immortal Zhima said about turning him into a frog and giving birth to a group of tadpoles, he didn't take it seriously, he just thought it was the kindness of his elders.

"You child just won't listen to advice! Stop torturing us two old bones in the future!"

Shima Sen was so angry that he jumped up and slapped Jiraiya on the head with a frying pan.

"... Konoha and I should have completely turned our faces."

After Ji Laiya was silent for a while, he said quietly: "I don't know what kind of punishment they will issue..."

"Take a break..."

Shenzuo Immortal also sighed, "The Great Immortal wants to see you later..."


When he heard that he was going to meet the Great Immortal Toad, Zilai also immediately became serious.

"Then you talk to the old guy first, I'll prepare lunch for you!"

Immortal Zhima left in a hurry.

"...don't you take a break?"

Immortal Shenzuo asked.

"No...let's talk about it after meeting the Great Immortal."

Zilai also sighed.

"Come with me..."

Fukasaku Sento walked slowly with his hands behind his back.

Zilai also followed suit.

"...You should also know that I didn't really believe in the so-called prophecy of the Great Immortal."

After the two walked a certain distance, Fukasaku Immortal spoke.

Zilai also nodded, but did not speak.

"But now I believe in the fate that the Great Immortal said..."

Immortal Fukasaku said to himself: "Today's ninja world really needs a savior to save this miserable world, and only in this way can we avoid things like you from happening..."


I was also a little frustrated.

"I know."

Immortal Fukasaku continued walking and said, "It's normal not to be able to find it for the time being. After all, the savior is not just a cat or a dog. He can be seen everywhere, and the dark forces in the ninja world are also preventing the birth and rise of the savior."

"... dark power?"

Jilai was also a little stunned, "You mean the black market ninja?"

"It's not those stinky fish and rotten shrimps that nest in the gutter and dare not show their heads..."

Immortal Fukasaku shook his head, "The Great Immortal told me that he is a descendant of Indra..."

"Indra is...?"

Zilai was even more puzzled.

"The Uchiha clan of Konoha is the direct descendant of Indra."

Immortal Fukasaku stopped in his tracks, turned his head and looked directly at Jiraiya, and said in a word: "Those Uchihas are dark forces trying to drag the ninja world into the bottomless abyss!"

"I understand……"

Although he was still a little puzzled and didn't know the so-called secret story between Indra and the Uchiha clan, Jiraiya still nodded.

After experiencing a series of recent incidents, Jiraiya's xinxing has also undergone some changes, at least he will no longer speak out of his mind like before.

Because, it was also during the arrest operation of the police department that he truly realized that after losing the thigh of his teacher Hiruzaru Sarutobi, his status in Konoha is no longer the same as before, no matter what he does. Forgive the special person too.

"The so-called Indra is the eldest son of the legendary Sage of the Six Paths..."

Senjin Fukasaku threw out a piece of heavyweight information.


Jiraiya's eyes widened, like a Mt. Myogi frog.

"Isn't the Uchiha clan...the descendants of the Sages of the Six Paths?!"

Jiraiya's mind was a little confused.

In this way, the one who endangers the ninja world is actually the Six Paths Sage who once supported the ninja group with one hand?

So, is the Sage of the Six Paths the culprit of the tragedy in the ninja world? !
"Yes, not only that..."

Immortal Fukasaku nodded, "Sage of the Six Paths also has a heir named Asura, and his descendants are the Thousand Hands Clan and Uzumaki Clan..."


Zilai was also shocked.

"Not only that, the younger brother of Sage of the Six Paths also has two descendant ninja clans in the ninja world, namely the Hyuga clan and the Kaguya clan."

"...Also, there is such a background?!"

Jilai also suddenly discovered, why are these famous and powerful families in the ninja world all born from the blood of those legendary nobles?

Moreover, according to the history of the Ninja Warring States that Jiraiya knew, basically the biggest battles at that time were fought between these extraordinary families.

In this way...the dark forces mentioned by Immortal Fukasaku seem to have some truth...

"It's not what you think it is..."

Immortal Fukasaku glanced at him, and he understood Jiraiya's thoughts, "The ones in the Ninja World are the Uchiha clan inherited from Indra's blood, and they don't have much relationship with other wealthy families."

"This is really..."

Jiraiya thought about it for a while, and used a word to describe it: "Appalling!"

Immortal Fukasaku nodded.

"Is everything in the ninja world the playthings of those born nobles? Is it true that the common people must have no way out? This is the case in the Warring States Period! It is still the case in the Ninja Village era!"

The more Jiraiya thought about it, the more painful it became, "No wonder the ninja world needs a savior! I finally understand!"

"This is fate..."

Sento Fukasaku sighed, "Only the savior can break the cycle of fate..."

"Thanks to the fairy for pointing..."

Zilai also bowed deeply and said sincerely.

His tone was extremely firm.

"Let's go... the time is just right, let's go meet the Great Immortal together."

Immortal Fuzuku turned around with his hands behind his back, and walked towards Immortal Toad's bedroom.


"Zilai also...you are here..."

After Immortal Fukasaku stood in front of the palace with Zilaiye for a long time, Immortal Toad on the tall throne slowly opened his eyes, and looked at Zilaiye standing respectfully below with his old eyes with a yellowish color.

"Great Immortal, here I come..."

Zilai also bowed deeply.

"...Do you understand what fate is?"

The voice of Great Immortal Toad echoed in the bedroom.

"I understand!"

Jiraiya also said firmly: "I will end the fate of this tragic cycle and create a bright future for the ninja world!"

"It seems that you really realized..."

Great Immortal Toad nodded slowly, "In this way, you can be regarded as a qualified savior and guide..."

"Please show me, the Great Immortal, where the savior is at this time, I will go back and assist him!"

Zilai also waved again.

"……do not know."

Great Immortal Toad shook his head, "I can no longer see the future..."


Ji Lai also suddenly felt disillusioned.

"All I can see is blood, as if the evil spirits of Huangquan Jiudanzaka are about to break into the world from the world of the dead and set off boundless killings..."

The voice of the Great Immortal Toad was deafening: "That's why I am sure that the ninja world is in danger, and the power of all righteous people is needed to smash the expansion of the dark forces!"

"Moreover, if the dark forces are allowed to expand in an orderly manner, even the three pure holy places will sooner or later fall into war, so this time Miaomu Mountain will no longer be a place of pure cultivation..."

"Excuse me, Great Immortal, what should I do?"

Jilai also took a deep breath to calm his mind.

"One person's strength is not enough, I believe you have already experienced it."

Great Immortal Toad said.


He also nodded without hesitation.

"You need an organization to unite the righteous people in the ninja world, and work together to turn the fate of the ninja world back on the right track!"

"...The enemy is Konoha?"

Zilai also suddenly hesitated again.

"Not just Uchiha, but also his vassals..."

Immortal Toad's tone also became a little heavy, and his voice could not be heard echoing in the bedroom.

It's actually a toad who is still above the skill of toad's singing...

Shenzuo Immortal sighed secretly.

The Great Immortal actually used this secret technique...

But it can't open its mouth to say anything, it can only continue to listen with a complicated heart.

"Then what should I do?"

Jiraiya's expression changed from bewildered to inexplicably determined.

"The darkness before the dawn will pass, and the dawn will eventually come..."

After pondering for a while, Immortal Toad said quietly: "I once saw a picture from a scene in the future, and now I am sure that it is the direction of the future...

"So, you go to form an organization first..."

Immortal Fukasaku and Jiraiya immediately held their breaths and listened attentively.

"Xiao Organization!"

 Update today (2/2)

(End of this chapter)

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