Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 305 Apprentice Inspector Namikaze Minato, Come and Report!

Chapter 305 Apprentice Inspector Namikaze Minato, Come and Report!
In about a week, the written test and the survival test of the Zhongnin joint exam were all completed, and the next thing was the official game of the Genin battle, which was most loved by the Konoha villagers.

After Uchiha Tokumitsu arranged the eyeliner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Intelligence, he also began to look back and pay a little attention to the situation of the Zhongnin Entrance Examination.

After two rounds of elimination, there were as many as 64 people who entered the final Ninja battle. The so-called total number of finalists is not a multiple of 3 because many teams died directly in the survival test in the death forest. As a result, its team is short-staffed.

Among the 64 shortlisted ninjas, there are 33 people in eleven full-staffed teams as Konoha ninjas, Sand hidden in four teams with 12 people, and Kirigakure in three teams with nine members; in addition, the six rain ninjas are short-listed ninjas The small team, 6 grass ninjas, 2 snow ninjas, and the frost ninja representative team were completely annihilated.

I have to say that there is still a big difference between Da Nin Village and Xiao Nin Village.

Even if the ninjas sent by Xiaonin village including Yuren to take the exam are elites selected layer by layer, and even many years of ninjas who have been deliberately suppressed in ninja level, but when competing with Dainin village, The gap is still evident.

In order to better organize the final battle event, Hatake Sakumo also personally sent the performance record reports of all shortlisted ninjas in the death forest survival trial to Uchiha Tokumitsu's office at Minamigagawa Stock Exchange, asking him to make plans How to present the most exciting event.

"...It's just a group of ninjas, what's so interesting about it."

Uchiha Tokumitsu was very speechless, casually weighed the thick stack of ninja materials, but couldn't arouse the interest in reading them.

Among the eleven ninja teams shortlisted by Konoha, up to seven teams are the ninja graduates from the police preparatory school. They made a big splash in the survival trial and beat the ninja from Konoha ninja school and other ninja villages to the ground. Therefore, Uchiha Tokumitsu is naturally not interested.

He didn't even have the chance to pick the top ones to reap the talents, so how could he have so much leisure time to read so many materials.

"Although the ninja candidates for the entrance exam this time are not very talented overall, they are still rising stars and future stars of the village..."

Hatake Sakumo persuaded again: "Although the joint entrance examination did not bring much income to the village, the consumption of the ninjas in the village still brought a lot of benefits to the small businesses at the bottom. If we can make a good plan, Maybe the village's economy can continue to grow a bit..."

"...That little money is not enough for the joint company's profit for a day."

Tokumitsu Uchiha casually picked up the economic analysis report in the materials and looked at the conclusions in it, then put it down with disgust on his face.

"The village is only a joint company, and there is no way to reach the lower levels..."

Hatake Sakumo spread his hands helplessly.

"Alright alright……"

Uchiha Tokumitsu had no choice but to pick up the information and read it carefully.

"Is there no other income item other than tickets?"

"...What else? Can't the village come forward to organize gambling?"

Hatake Sakumo was very puzzled.

As a major event in Konoha, the Zhongnin Entrance Exam has an extraordinary influence.

For ordinary people, the ninja game is actually more exciting.Not only are there close-to-hand combat from fist to flesh, a variety of ninja tools, brilliant ninjutsu like fireworks, and wonderful scenes of tenacious struggle and Jedi counter-kill, ordinary villagers like these.

As for the battles of Chunin and above, due to the problem of personal eyesight, ordinary people can often only see groups of dark shadows constantly bumping into mid-air and then end, which is really boring.

However, no matter how big the test room for the duel match is built, it is impossible to accommodate all the villagers of Konoha.Therefore, in terms of tickets, the village will draw half of the tickets for free internally this time, and use the other half to sell them to make a little money.

"Is the competition venue too empty?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu pointed to the inspection floor plan and said: "For example, these walls, guardrails, and the backrests of chairs are empty, don't they look good? What do you think~"

"...This is built by earth-dun ninjas using magic to build soil, so it's basically like this?"

Hatake Sakumo was a little puzzled, "Can't you carve a few dog heads on it? After all, not all ninjas like ninja dogs..."

"I mean...can you make some articles in these positions, such as selling them as advertising spaces..."

Tokumitsu Uchiha: "The influence of the Chunin entrance exam in the village is so great, if there are merchants advertising in the exam venue, wouldn't it be very beneficial~"

"Advertising... selling advertising space..."

Hatake Sakumo's mind suddenly froze.

It sounds like it is a bit feasible. After all, there are many wealthy businessmen and nobles who came to watch the game this time, and they should be able to pay for it.

However, Hatake Sakumo was still a little scrupulous.

"Doesn't this seem less solemn..."

Although Hatake Sakumo was very excited, he still showed a little hesitation.

"This is a matter of mutual benefit, how can it be undignified~"

Uchiha Tokumitsu also persuaded with great face: "The income of the village has increased to provide better public services for the villagers, and the exposure and popularity of the wealthy businessmen who advertise will increase. This is a win-win situation." thing!"

"Tokumitsu-kun is indeed the number one strategist in the ninja world, what he said is too reasonable~"

As expected, Hatake Sakumo immediately obeyed Uchiha Tokumitsu's proposal.

"However, the term "advertisement" seems too commercial, how can we modify it?"

"Well...that's called sponsorship!"

Tokumitsu Uchiha wiped his chin and thought for a moment: "The wealthy merchants voluntarily sponsored the village's Chunin exam, and then the village rewarded them with advertising space in return... In this way, the problem of commercialization will be eliminated."

"So good!"

Hatake Sakumo nodded repeatedly.

"What's more, the game can also sell the broadcasting rights to the big merchants in the village..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu continued to say hello: "As long as the merchants are willing to spend money, they can broadcast the real-time broadcast of the Zhongnin Entrance Examination on the TV in their stores. In this way, villagers who have not got tickets can have the opportunity to see The heroic appearance of the village's Shinobi in the battle, the merchants who bought the broadcasting rights can also gather customer traffic, and the village can get an extra income... This is another win-win result!"

"very good!"

Hatake Sakumo hurriedly took out a notepad and recorded it on the spot.

"Any more?"

"It's almost... In this way, the village's initial investment will not only be fully recovered, but also a lot of profits will be made."

Uchiha Deguang said that enough is enough, after all, overexposure is not good for ninjas.

"Very good very good~"

The more Hatake Sakumo thought about it, the more flattered he felt. According to Uchiha Tokumitsu's proposal, he had already found in his mind one by one the "bosses" who had sponsored sponsorships.

Moreover, the protective wall in the center of the competition venue, the guardrail of the audience area, the backrest of the seats, the surrounding walls and other empty places have all been listed in Sakumo Hatake's heart one by one, waiting to be taken advantage of. They moved the knife.

This Chunin entrance examination is the first public Chunin examination after the overthrow of the original three generations of Naruto Sarutobi Hiruza. For Hatake Sakumo, it is also a very rare political show, so Hatake Sakumo is also very interested This showed great enthusiasm.

"By the way, when the time comes, the stadium will need to borrow some personnel from the police department to maintain order. I would like to ask Mr. Deguang to help with this..."

Hatake Sakumo added as if he suddenly thought of something.

Konoha's standing ninja army is under the control of the Uchiha clan. The ninja army deployed in the village, whether it is the police department, the Ministry of internal affairs, or the newly formed police patrol force, is basically decided by Uchiha Tokumitsu. Although Hatake Sakumo is the speaker of the House of Representatives, he has no other ninja troops to dispatch except for the mobile troops he directly leads.

Moreover, even the mobile unit is based on the Uchiha clan's ninja as the main force.

"no problem."

Uchiha Tokumitsu naturally agreed to this extremely simple request for him, and immediately picked up the bell on the table to summon the attendant ninja.

"Go to the police headquarters and summon the trainee inspector Namikaze Minato."

Uchiha Tokumitsu ordered.

"As ordered!"

The attendant ninja immediately took orders to leave.

"Namifeng Minato..."

Hatake Sakumo raised his eyebrows, "This name seems familiar..."

"He is an excellent graduate from a ninja school exchange to a police school. His strength is not bad, and he is very friendly~"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said: "After graduating from the police academy, because his assessment was No.2 in the whole school, he also obtained the qualification to be specially awarded as a trainee inspector~"

"Then it's at most at the Chunin level... Will it be a little lacking?"

Hatake Sakumo was a little puzzled.

"You can't let the Uchiha ninjas come to the scene to maintain order, right? If that's the case, there's no atmosphere to speak of~"

Uchiha Tokumitsu shrugged and said a little helplessly.

Although the image of the Uchiha clan in the village has been greatly improved, the improvement is mainly in the ninja group. In the eyes of ordinary villagers, the Uchiha who is good at fighting and selfless is still an existence that cannot be provoked. Usually, they have to detour when they see each other. The kind that walked, if they appeared in the spectator area of ​​the game, everyone at the scene would probably be trembling, and they wouldn't bother to watch the ninjas peck each other.

"Knock knock!"

After the two chatted and chatted for a while, there was a restrained and rhythmic knock on the office door.

"come in!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said.

A blond-haired boy pushed the door open and entered.

"Your Excellency the Governor, Chairman Shumo!"

The yellow-haired boy stood at the door and saluted, "I'm here at the police headquarters as a trainee inspector, Minato Namikaze, and I'm ordered to report here!"

"Don't be shy, come and sit down!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu pointed to the chair in front of the desk kindly.

"As ordered!"

Namikaze Minato immediately saluted again, stepped forward and sat on the chair designated by Uchiha Tokumitsu.

Although for powerhouses like Uchiha Tokumitsu and Hatake Sakumo, Namikaze Minato's strength is lackluster, but in all fairness, he is indeed very good among his peers, and his image and etiquette are quite good... …

Although Hatake Sakumo didn't say anything, he secretly gave Namikaze Minato a satisfactory score in his heart.

"It's really good to use as a facade..."

Hatake Sakumo nodded slightly.

"There is a special task for you."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said.

"The mission will be completed!"

Namikaze Minato immediately got up and agreed.


Uchiha Tokumitsu waved his hand with great satisfaction, motioning for Namikaze Minato to sit back in his seat.

I have to say that power is indeed a good thing.

Tokumitsu Uchiha only needs to make a small profit, and he can easily collect people who he never found, reuse or hide as he likes, even the genius little sun in the memory of his previous life, who became a trainee in the police department The inspector was also loyal to him afterwards.

"I plan to arrange for you to lead the team for the security of the Zhongnin entrance exam. Do you have confidence?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu did not continue to circle around, but directly instructed.

"Guaranteed to complete the mission!"

Namikaze Minato was overjoyed upon hearing this, and immediately responded.

He is the only existence in the police department.

Although the position is not high, he is a trainee inspector specially approved by Uchiha Tokumitsu, and he is also the highest-ranking ninja in the police department who is not of the Uchiha clan. Among the ninjas of the same class, his status is particularly detached.

In addition, he has a good personality and is quite gracious in dealing with people, so even the Jonin of the Uchiha clan appreciates him. If it weren't for the fact that his entry and promotion were ordered by Uchiha Tokumitsu himself, it is estimated that there are many Uchiha Jonin is considering accepting him as a disciple or son-in-law.

The Uchiha clan does not have too many restrictions on blood in-laws, and due to the high casualties caused by successive years of wars, the younger generation of Uchihas generally have more women than men, so if you meet a junior ninja with good aptitude Shaoyu Zhibo's ninjas are still willing to recruit son-in-law.

"During the Zhongnin entrance exam, you can deploy ninja troops from the police headquarters and the three police divisions' patrol team, security team, and inspection team to complete the security tasks of the exam venue. In addition, there are special operations teams and The VIP security team will also coordinate and cooperate on the spot, just follow Shuo Maojun's arrangements for details."

Uchiha Tokumitsu ordered.

On the bright side, the work of welcoming and sending can be handed over, but the most important protection of key personnel is still the responsibility of the Ministry of Police and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. This is the principle of Tokumitsu Uchiha.

Just like he is willing to share power with his allies for mutual benefit in certain fields, but the core military power is firmly in his hands.

"As ordered!"

Namikaze Minato immediately stood up and saluted, then turned around and bowed to Hatake Sakumo: "Chairman Sakumo, please give me your advice!"

"... Very good! Very energetic!"

The more Hatake Sakumo watched, the more satisfied he was, "The Police Department is full of talented people! Minato-kun has a bright future!"

"Thanks to the love of Chairman Shuo Mao, everything is cultivated by His Excellency the Governor!"

Minato Namikaze responded modestly: "This is the first time I undertake such a major task. Although I am fascinated, I dare not relax a little. If there are any deficiencies in the work, please ask Chairman Sakumo to give guidance at that time!"

Hatake Sakumo was even more satisfied.

He was originally a very well-behaved person, so he naturally liked this kind of smart and well-behaved subordinate.

It's just a pity that he is from the police department, otherwise Hatake Sakumo would definitely pull him under his command.

Uchiha Tokumitsu was also full of smiles.

"Do it well! As long as you successfully complete this exam security task, not only will your inspector probationary period end ahead of schedule, but you will also be in charge of a police force waiting for you!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu also drew a big cake that can be seen and touched.

The position and rank of the police department are absolutely invaluable to foreign ninjas. Even Hatake Sakumo was a little surprised by Uchiha Tokumitsu's generosity.

"It seems that this kid is really a talent..."

Hatake Sakumo couldn't help but looked at Namikaze Minato again.

"Thank you Governor for your cultivation, I will definitely complete the task successfully!"

For Namikaze Minato, this is Uchiha Tokumitsu's appreciation and promotion, and he is naturally very grateful.

The human heart is an invisible, intangible, and very mysterious thing.

Compared with the peer ninjas from the Uchiha clan, today's Namikaze Minato is not inferior in terms of strength or position. In addition, Uchiha Tokumitsu is also willing to cultivate him to "add burden", and his future is looking at a bright future. Bright, not to mention that the teacher in the previous life, Jiraiya, was also forced into rebellion by Uchiha Tokumitsu. In this way, the two who have never even met face to face naturally no longer have the relationship between master and apprentice.

But I don’t know how Myoki-san will feel if they see Namikaze Minato who is loyal to the police department~
Thinking of this, the smile on Uchiha Tokumitsu's face became even bigger.

 It's the end of the month~ Looking for a recommended monthly ticket
(End of this chapter)

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