Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 306 Establishment of Faction

Chapter 306 Establishment of Faction
On the morning of May 39th, [-]th year of Konoha, the three Kazekages of Sagakushi and Sansho Hanzo, the leader of Aminin Village, arrived at Konoha at the same time. They will meet with Tokumitsu Uchiha, Sakumo Hatake, and Konoha three days later. The Uchiha Quartet jointly attended the official match of the Zhongnin Entrance Examination.

Since Kirigakure has been reduced to a vassal of the Tokumitsu Shogunate, and the position of Mizukage has been abolished by Uchiha Tokumitsu, Kirigashi Masahiko, who is in charge of Kirigakure government affairs, will attend as the chief speaker of the Kirigakure Jōnin Joint Conference. And because Kirigakure's joint meeting is one of the governing bodies under the shogunate, Masahiko Onito didn't get the same treatment as the five.

But even so, Uchiha Tokumitsu still stood up to Kirigakure, and insisted on listing it in the array of the five major ninja villages. Whether it was the board and lodging treatment during the Chunin Entrance Examination or the seating arrangements in the viewing area, Uchiha Tokumitsu was very special. The confession is the same as that of Sand Yin.

In addition, the Prime Minister of the Fire Nation and Konoe Atsushi, the Taisho Minister of the Water Nation, also announced that they will arrive in Konoha the day before the Chunin Entrance Exam, and will represent their country's daimyos to attend the Chunin Entrance Exam competition.

This is also what Uchiha Tokumitsu strongly requested, and the reason why such a game was saved is also to use the opportunity of the Zhongnin entrance examination to promote the formation of an alliance of unanimous positions against Yan Yin and Yun Yin.


"Your Excellency Fengying, how is the war situation in your country?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu received the three generations of Kazekage and Sansho Hanzo from afar at the wine shop in the Uchiha clan.

Although the restaurants opened by the Uchiha tribe, the food and beverage environment is not outstanding, but after all, it is in the Uchiha tribe, and the reception here reflects Uchiha Tokumitsu's close attitude towards the two.

"I'm sorry, General Tokumitsu. The current battle line is basically stable. After Ninja Village adjusts its deployment, a large-scale counterattack will be launched to defeat all the Yanyin invading ninja troops in one fell swoop!"

Although he was indoors, Sandai Kazekage still kept the veil on his face, but changed into casual clothes, while Sansho Hanzo still wore his usual gas mask.

However, the gas mask of Sanshoyu Hanzo seems to have undergone some modifications, at least now it is possible to drink some alcohol with a straw through a small valve.

"But I still have to thank Your Excellency Hanzo..."

Sandai Kazekage then nodded slightly to Sanshoyu Hanzo: "The move of Aminin Village to the country of birds has also restrained Iwagakushi in front to a certain extent, and because of this, Sagakushi was able to quickly withstand the invasion of Iwagakure The offensive momentum of the army."

"Your Excellency Kazekage, you are being polite. It's a pity that Urenin was not strong enough to break through Yanyin's rear base. I'm ashamed that Your Excellency Kazekage is so absurd..."

Sansho Hanzo also put down his cup very politely, and nodded slightly to Kazekage Sanshiro in return, "And this matter was also entrusted by General Tokumitsu. Urenin Village is only fulfilling its duties as a ninja mercenary."

Uchiha Tokumitsu was also very satisfied, feeling that this private meeting had a good start.

In the Western Battlefield of the Land of Rain during the Second Ninja World War, Sain, under the leadership of the elder advisor Chiyo, fought fiercely with the Urenin village of Sanshoyu Hanzo, and the two sides also formed a lot of trouble; Soon after, he was beheaded by Uchiha Tokumitsu on the battlefield of Chuanuo Country, and Sand Yin was also defeated in this battle.

But in the face of common interests, as a superior, one can completely restrain one's own emotional impulse and take actions that are more in line with interests.

Therefore, in this small situation created by Uchiha Tokumitsu, Sandai Kazekage chose to take the initiative to show his favor to Sanshoyu Hanzo, in order to achieve a clear reconciliation between the two parties, and Sanshoyu Hanzo also tactfully accepted and pushed the credit It was given to Uchiha Tokumitsu who contributed to this matter, and the mutual reconciliation of the three parties was also achieved.

"The two are high-spirited and bright, and they are indeed the cornerstone of peace in the ninja world..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu opened his eyes calmly and said nonsense, "In my opinion, the war between ninjas is actually unnecessary. There is enough space in the ninja world to accommodate the existence of ninjas..."

Sandai Kazekage and Sanshoyu Hanzo also nodded in agreement.

"It's just that the remnants of the old era are still unwilling to give up. They are still trying their best to interrupt the ninja's road to self-improvement, vowing to make the ninja succumb to those corrupt nobles who are incapable of fighting back... ..."

Uchiha Deguang raised his glass and said: "They! They are the enemies that hinder the rise of ninjas!"



Sandai Kazekage and Sanshoyu Hanzo also raised their cups at the same time to express their approval.

Especially the Three Generations of Kazekage.

Ever since he turned his village into a country and concurrently served as Guanbai, the country of wind, he has been under various pressures from inside and outside the village, as well as at home and abroad. If it weren't for Uchiha Tokumitsu's secret support of a lot of military supplies, Sagakushi's urgent need would be alleviated. , it is estimated that his faction has long been defeated by enemies both openly and secretly.

And Sanshoyu Hanzo has accepted the employment of the Tokumitsu shogunate many times in his Urenin village, and the ninjas under his command have a special feeling for the shogunate, so he has long acquiesced in the leadership of Uchiha Tokumitsu in his heart, but It's just a little bit of innocuous awkwardness on the face.

"The war should end as soon as possible."

Tokumitsu Uchiha said the most concerned issue of the three generations of Kazekage: "The only fate of the Iwagakure invading army that violates morality is failure or perish!"

"Thank you General Deguang for your support!"

Three generations of Kazekage did not ask Uchiha Tokumitsu if he would give any kind of support to Sagakure, who was fighting hard, and took a drink from his glass.

Afterwards, Uchiha Tokumitsu turned his head and said to Sanshoyu Hanzo: "The road to the rise of the rain ninja village is a symbol of the ninja's indomitable spirit, and it is also the legitimate power of a ninja village with complete independence. The repression and the attacks are not right."

"...General Tokumitsu's kindness, Urenin will never forget it!"

Sansho Hanzo also bowed slightly to Uchiha Tokumitsu in a solemn tone.

After the Second Ninja World War, the rebuilding of Urenin Village actually depended on several times of employment by the Tokuko Shogunate. Ninja Village was able to get rid of the plight of extreme poverty and began to embark on the road of reconstruction and revival.

"With Mr. Hanzo here, I think it is not impossible for Urenin Village to become the sixth largest ninja village in the ninja world..."

Tokumitsu Uchiha once again painted a cake in the void: "Today's Taki Shinobi is colluding with the conservative forces in the ninja world such as Yun Yin Yan Yin. He has long been unworthy of virtue, and should be replaced by U Ninja!"

"What do you think? Your Excellency Fengying."

Uchiha Tokumitsu asked the three generations of Kazekage for advice.

"What General Deguang said is absolutely true!"

Sandai Kazekage nodded to Uchiha Tokumitsu and Sansho Hanzo.

The sixth largest ninja village...

The gas mask on Sanshoyu Hanzo's face let out slight but distinct breathing sounds.

Ever since Sanshoyu Hanzo became the leader of Yuren Village, this has been an honor he has been striving for but can't ask for.

Although perhaps the so-called "Sixth Great Ninja Village" is just a false name and may not bring much additional benefit to Yuren, this "false name" has entrusted the long-cherished wish of several generations of Urenin, and it is even more comforting to those who fight for it. The only cure for dead rain ninjas.

Sanshoyu Hanzo also understood that Tokumitsu Uchiha must have a picture, otherwise he would not have drawn such a big pie.

But he has no other better choice.

What's more, Uchiha Tokumitsu's words and three generations of Kazekage agreed, which also shows that the three major ninja villages of Konoha, Sand hidden, and Kirigard will all endorse the status of the "sixth largest ninja village" of U nin village, as long as he can defeat Today's Taki Shinobi, then the three major Ninja Villages can use this to justifiably recognize the status of Yu Ninja Village.

"Rain Shadow...it seems that this title is also good..."

Even the resolute Sanshoyu Hanzo couldn't help being fascinated.

In the final analysis, Uchiha Tokumitsu's dismissal of Kirigakure Mizukage does not conform to the traditional organizational structure of the ninja world. As a strong man in the old era, Sansho Hanzo is naturally more inclined to put a shadow hat on himself.

"Of course, as I said just now, the supporters of one village and one country in the old days and the corrupt and incompetent nobles have been persistently trying to stifle the progressive forces of the ninja world..."

After the emotions were almost aroused, Uchiha Tokumitsu also officially expressed his plan: "So, we should put down the old grievances and unite to suppress those villains who try to interrupt the ninja's road to self-improvement..."

"General Deguang, if we combine the power of Sannin Village and Kirigakure...there should be enough confidence to wipe out Yanyin and Yunyin in one fell swoop..."

Three generations of Kazekage said sincerely: "Iwagakure is dead, Yunyin is dying, and Taki Shinobi is even more conservative and vulnerable. If we jointly launch the Northern Expedition, we are absolutely sure to wipe out the two ignorant ninja villages." , wouldn’t it be beautiful~”

"Peace is the main theme of the ninja world..."

Tokumitsu Uchiha chuckled, and gave an unconvincing explanation: "The Konoha ninjas have long been tired of fighting, and the rain ninjas are waiting to be done. It is not the best time to gather ninja troops to fight, and as we In the future, we will definitely be able to eliminate those ignorant enemies at the lowest cost, so why waste the power of Ninja Village for no reason~”

After all, Uchiha Tokumitsu can't say that he hasn't found the trace of Uchiha Madara, so he doesn't want to spend too much energy on Yan Yin and Yun Yin at this time.

Moreover, even if Yanyin and Yunyin were wiped out in one fell swoop, so what, he couldn't just turn his guns and launch a war against Shayin right away?

"General Deguang is indeed the most benevolent and great ninja in the ninja world..."

Sandai Kazekage raised his eyebrows and politely replied with a scene.

And the so-called "Dangping Ninja World" is actually just a temptation of Sandai Kazekage.

Although there are no such proverbs in the ninja world as cold lips, cold teeth, and cunning rabbits, but every high-level ninja village understands similar truths.

The Tokumitsu shogunate has now completely controlled Kirigakure, and Konoha is also in control. If the Northern Expedition is really launched to destroy Yanyin and Yunyin, then the entire ninja world will fall under the control of the shogunate and Konoha. Sand hidden and rain ninja, who also put in a lot of effort, either became vassals like Kirigakure, or were wiped out by the shogunate who turned their guns.

Therefore, even if Sandakang and Iwakage are still in a state of war, Sandai Kazekage is unwilling to see the destruction of any Dai Ninja Village.

This comes from an instinctive sense of balance.

And Tokumitsu Uchiha established the "Ninja Balance Policy" long after he conquered Kirigakure, and naturally he didn't want to see the current balance state being artificially destroyed, so as to allow enough time to continue accumulating strength.

After all, the enemies of Konoha and the shogunate are not just Iwagakushi Yunyin, who is holding a group to keep warm, but also the remnants of Uchiha Madara who are lingering in the dark, the so-called psychic beast holy land prophesying the savior, and the blood descendant of Hamura on the moon. Mu Yimai... There are so many things, these special existences are what Uchiha Tokumitsu most needs to go all out for.

"Then according to what General Deguang said..."

The Third Kazekage nodded, "Then it is indeed necessary for us to establish a mutual watchful alliance to deal with the counterattack of the old forces..."

"What Your Excellency Fengying said is absolutely true!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu expressed his satisfaction with Sandai Kazekage's interest, and then turned his attention to Sanshoyu Hanzo.

"General Deguang and Your Excellency Kazekage's words are reasonable, and Urenin is naturally happy to join in the grand event..."

Although Sanshoyu Hanzo hadn't weighed the pros and cons so quickly, but under the watchful eyes of the two rulers of Dainin Village, the only choice was to agree.

"Then... for our unbreakable alliance!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu laughed and raised his glass to invite him to drink.

"The alliance is evergreen!"

"The ninja world will always be peaceful!"

"I wish General Deguang Wude Changsheng!"

"I wish Your Excellency Fengying a stable rule!"

"I wish Chief Hanzo all his wishes come true!"

With cups of sake in his belly, Uchiha Tokumitsu's mood was even more joyful.


Konoha 39 May [-]th.

At the opening ceremony of the Chunin Entrance Examination Official Competition, Tokumitsu Uchiha officially announced that Konoha will sign the Overwatch Mutual Assistance Alliance Treaty with Sand Yin and Aminin at the same time. It is our responsibility to promote the development of the ninja world and maintain the peace and order of the ninja world.

As Kirigakure’s representative Onito Masahiko said, as a member of the Tokuko shogunate, Kirigakure has always been the leader of the shogunate, even when Konoha announced his support and applied to join the contracting ninja village of the alliance treaty.

Subsequently, under the coercion of Uchiha Tokumitsu, the Prime Minister of the Fire Country, the Taisho Minister of the Water Country Atsuji Kinno, and the representatives of the Wind Country and the Rain Country also signed the "Joint Commercial Integration Treaty" in Konoha, Announced the establishment of a customs union and the promotion of economic integration among the four countries.

On May 39, Konoha [-], in response to the pressure from the four villages and five parties, Yun Yin and Iwa Yin signed an offensive and defensive alliance treaty at the headquarters of Taki Ninja Village between the jurisdictions of the two parties. However, he also stated that this move will never interfere with the normal exchanges between Yunyin, the shogunate, and the Nangachuan Stock Exchange.

Since then, the alliance camp and the alliance camp in the ninja world have been formally established, and a war of confrontation with no smoke in sight for the time being has kicked off.

 It's the last two days of June, can I ask for another monthly ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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