Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 307 The Cold War Era in the Ninja World

Chapter 307 The Cold War Era in the Ninja World

What Uchiha Tokumitsu said in the meeting with Sandai Kazekage and Sansho Fish Hanzo is actually not entirely an excuse.

that's the truth.

It’s just that the most obvious expression of war weariness is the ninja ninjas left over from the original Naruto family and the civilian ninjas who support the so-called “orthodox fire consciousness”. There is also no idea of ​​participating in the war to profit for the Uchiha clan and Hatake Sakumo forces in power.

Coupled with the fact that the Senju Clan has always been in check and balance, although the head of the Hinata family has also moved closer to Uchiha Tokumitsu on certain occasions, his family has always maintained a part of the so-called "Konoha Third Force". , The two also restrained a lot of energy of the Uchiha clan.

Therefore, in such an environment, the strength of the headquarter of Konoha Ninja Village cannot be fully utilized, and Uchiha Tokumitsu is unwilling to put his shogunate ninja army into the cruel battle to destroy Ninja Village, so That's why the conclusion that "the main theme of the ninja world is peace" was made during the meeting.

To put it bluntly, it's all about profit.

As a subsidiary benefit brought by the signing of the "United Business and Trade Integration Treaty" by the four countries, the United Company completely removed the obstacles to entering the Land of Wind and began to strengthen its commercial presence in the Land of Rain. Events flooded across national borders like a tidal wave.

After clearing away the artificial obstacles, the legal currency issued with productivity as the anchor showed unparalleled flexibility. Accompanied by the joint company's various marketing activities of reducing prices and purchasing raw materials at high prices, it quickly conquered cities in various countries and won a lot of money. Pay your share.

Although the princes and nobles of the Kingdom of Fire who still maintain a certain degree of independence are worried about this, those ninjas who lack the necessary financial knowledge feel that the gold coupons are a good business tool.

This is especially true for Sand Yin, who is relatively scarce in resources and used to rely on the village's shadow desert to pan for gold to subsidize the village's expenses.

In addition to still listing the national currency as the only designated legal currency for tax payment in order to maintain the independence of monetary sovereignty in form, the gold round notes were quickly accepted by the sand hermits and used to purchase the various commodities of the joint company.

As for those aristocratic officials who can see the harm behind the proliferation of gold coupons... After signing the alliance treaty, they were thrown into prison by the sand hidden ninjas, and replaced by the taxpayers of the United Company in various places in the Land of Winds. The oasis is contracted to operate——for Sha Yin, the system recommended by Uchiha Tokumitsu is for them to raise a huge amount of materials for the war in a short period of time, and the taxpayer of the joint company also has a contracting period for the oasis Restricted, so in a short period of time, Shayin is not worried that it will be eroded by the joint company.

And Sand Yin has also decided that after repelling the Yan Yin invading ninja army, he will formally hang up all the nobles one by one and hang them to dry, in order to warn the unstable elements in the Kingdom of the Wind.

"We will support Sand Yin in all ways except sending troops. Before the last Sand Yin ninja dies in battle, may the tenacious Sand Yin never surrender!"

In private, Uchiha Tokumitsu said this to Hatake Sakumo.

Although the alliance treaty has just been signed, Uchiha Tokumitsu's calculations have already calculated Sand Hidden to death.

After Yun Yin also decided to join the conquest of Sand Yin to a limited extent, under the impetus of Uchiha Tokumitsu, the Konoha Senate and House of Representatives also officially decided to support Sand Yin. Hired into the Kingdom of the Wind to undertake the duty of guarding the tax-paid oasis, at the same time, materials like a tide flooded into Sand Yin, and while quickly emptying Sand Yin's treasury in a short period of time, Sand Yin also obtained a ninja The most well-equipped ninja troops in the history of the village.

The smug Kazekage of the third generation is even more energetic after seeing his own strength expand in a short period of time, coupled with his own vanity, he does not want to ask Konoha for help so soon, so he quickly garrisons from various oases Sand hidden ninjas were all recalled for pre-war joint training, and the defense was handed over to the joint company.

Sanshoyu Hanzo also once again assembled the ninja troops of Urenin Village, and under his own leadership, entered the eastern part of the Bird Country again, threatening the rear general base of the Iwagakure Expeditionary Army.

Although the western part of the ninja world is full of war clouds, Konoha is still singing and dancing at this time, and it is prosperous.

Hatake Sakumo sat in Tokumitsu Uchiha's office on the top floor of the police headquarters, seeing the scenery of Ninja Village outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, he was filled with emotion.

"Mr. Deguang, in terms of strategizing, I am indeed not as good as you..."

Hatake Sakumo said convincingly: "It seems that the whole ninja world is turning with your remote control."

"You and I are a friendship forged by blood and fire. It's really hard to say these things~"

Uchiha Tokumitsu chuckled, "The ninjas in the village are unwilling to start another war, and the shogunate cannot support the task of subjugating the two major ninja villages alone... In this case, we can only try our best to create a better one." The external environment, so that the village can cultivate and recuperate.”

"Over the Kingdom of the Wind, do you need my cooperation?"

Hatake Sakumo asked.

As the joint company continues to expand the scale of tax-included operations in the Land of Winds, and Urenin Village begins to gather into the Yanyin logistics base in the Land of Birds, the joint company's hired ninjas have also begun to have a certain amount of gaps, so innovation will As a result, civilian ninjas have also received more long-term missions abroad.For Hatake Sakumo, who has always taken a supportive attitude towards civilian ninjas, this is what he would like to see.

The life of civilian ninjas, who accounted for the largest number of people, was better. Naturally, there were fewer gossips in the village, and those ninjas who chose to hibernate naturally had no medium to continue doing things in private.

"The Kingdom of Wind is fine for the time being, and now that Sha Yin's dice have been rolled, they can only choose to launch the most violent counterattack against Yan Yin."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said.

Compared with military aggression, the economic aggression led by the joint company controlled by Uchiha Tokumitsu is more concealed and effective.

Although from a legal point of view, the sovereignty of the Kingdom of Wind is still under the control of Sha Yin, but as Sand Yin indulges in the illusory power of the moment, coupled with the short-term exhaustion of the river, the future is pre-levied through taxation. Ten years of taxes, under huge financial pressure, Sandai Kazekage had no other choice but to launch the final battle against the Iwagakure Expeditionary Army.

——If he doesn't want to go back to the era when he was the shadow of a village but still wanted to pan for gold in the desert.


"It is dangerous to be an enemy of the shogunate, but deadly to be an ally of the shogunate."

Jiraiya, who walked out of Mt. Miaogi, returned to the Ninja World. The first stop was the Land of Winds. After wandering through all the oasis cities in the eastern part of the Land of Winds, Jiraiya also expressed his feelings.

Although Jiraiya seems to have a little lack of IQ in front of Toad Daxian, in fact he is a ninja with a very delicate heart, and he is especially good at inquiring about dynamics from the perspective of ordinary people and inferring useful information from them.

This time, he saw farther than Sha Yin's wind shadow.

Everything in the shogunate is not free, but the price is cleverly hidden behind the free or cheap, in order to achieve what Uchiha Tokumitsu wants.

The scenery in the Kingdom of Wind gave him an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

Not only are the Fire Nation goods all over the streets, but there are also the shogunate gold coupons that are universal and he hates the most, as well as Konoha ninjas lurking in every corner of the oasis and stationed in the fortifications.

Now it is Sahikaku who should be the master of the Kingdom of the Wind, but it is rare to see it. It seems that the Kingdom of the Wind has become a colony of Konoha.

"The one-village-one-country system seems to have been abolished in another form..."

Jirai, who is in the state of bystander, silently makes judgments based on what he sees and hears.

The Kingdom of the Wind is the first country in the ninja world where "rituals collapse and music is broken". After Kazekage launched a coup, the original order of Ninja Village and daimyo nobles co-ruling the country has been completely destroyed. Naturally, one village is one country. The system has completely lost its foundation in the Land of Winds.

"This is a dark country..."

Jilai also saw government ninjas coming and going in and out of an aristocratic mansion thoughtfully.

When he left Mount Miaomu this time, he also received the strong support of Immortal Toad.

In order to form the "Akatsuki Organization" that he believes will save the ninja world in the future and fight against Konoha's pursuit, the Myogi-san lineage not only provided a lot of material support, but even gave him several treasures of the Great Sage Toad.

It's just that he somewhat miscalculated.

I thought that after turning the village into a country, the sand hidden country of the wind would be in turmoil under the attack of the "righteous" rock hidden, so I listed the wind country as the first stop of the development organization, but I didn't expect Konoha However, the sense of presence in the Land of Winds is so strong. After taking over and contracting the oases all over the Land of Winds, they managed them in an orderly manner within a very short period of time.

However, the joint company's tax-package rule in the Land of the Wind also comes at a price. For example, Zilaiye's favorite channels for intelligence inquiries, such as restaurants, singers, and gambling houses, have also been shut down by the joint company in the name of excessive resource consumption. Instead, each oasis selectively grows a certain kind of crop or develops a certain kind of specific product production. In addition, it also implements an extremely strict floating population management system. Squeezed to the extreme.

"The pornographic gambling industry is completely wiped out, and there are no nobles anymore..."

After hiding and spying among the many oases in the Land of Wind for a period of time, Zilai finally gave up after knowing the domestic situation of the Land of Wind.

After giving up the cliché method to inquire about information, Jiraiya used illusion to subdue a businessman from the Land of Fire, and interrogated him for the latest information on the ninja world, and learned from it that the nobles of the Land of Wind were all hidden by the sand. Go to prison and prepare to air dry the information about hanging street lamps.

There was nothing to be done, in order to avoid leaking his information if he stayed too long, Zilai also stopped procrastinating and immediately left the Kingdom of Wind overnight.

As for his second stop, he chose the Land of Rain, which is relatively weakly controlled by the Alliance camp.

 I left last night due to a temporary incident, so the update of this chapter is counted as yesterday.

  Today is the last day of June, if you have a monthly pass, please give it to the readers~
(End of this chapter)

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