Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 308 Godfather and Disciples

Chapter 308 Godfather and Disciples

Even though the sun is shining in the sky at this time, the sky of the Land of Rain is still raining.

But this is already a rare "sunny day" for the people of the country of rain - at least, they can see what the sun hanging high in the sky looks like at this time.

However, Jiraiya is still a bit unaccustomed to the environment of the Land of Rain in the sun. His impression of the Land of Rain is still that of the whiteness and cleanliness after the torrential rain and crazy killings during the Second Ninja World War on the eastern battlefield.

Moreover, the sun in the Land of Rain doesn't look so glaring, you can look straight up, but you just came from the scorching desert environment of the Land of Winds to this humid country that seems to be permeated with a musty smell that is everywhere. It is also somewhat stressful.

Stretching out his hand to scratch his crotch, Zilai also felt a little better, and then inquired about local restaurants, dance halls and other places for fireworks on the street.

After playing all night to regain his vitality, Zilai, who successfully obtained the required information, also quickly galloped towards a small city in the southern part of the Rain Country.


"Xiao Nan!"

In an alley in Iron Rain City in the southern part of the Land of Rain, Zilai also landed behind a girl with light blue-purple hair, and let out a cry with a doting smile on her face.

When the purple-blue haired girl heard the cry from behind, her body froze first, and then she slowly turned her head with an expression of disbelief.

"Teacher Jiraiya!"

Xiao Nan cheered, threw away the stuff in his hand, jumped into Ji Laiya's arms, and was hugged and spun around twice.

"You're back...you're finally back..."

After some master-student love, Xiao Nan wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, and was a little incoherent with excitement.

"Come back and see you..."

Zilai also fondled Xiaonan's hair, "By the way... you bought these things?"


Xiao Nan screamed, and hurried over to pick up the scattered items one by one, and carefully wiped off the rain stains on the packaging bags.

Jilai also helped clean it up, but he also saw the words "United Company" and "Special Dried Fish of Water Country" printed on the outer packaging bag, and he felt a little displeased.

However, as an adult, and he had just been beaten by Uchiha, Jiraiya didn't show any strange expression on the surface. After helping to clean up, he slowly moved towards them under Xiaonan's leadership. Now I am walking where I live.

Xiao Nan, who saw her mentor again, also chatted about the experience of the past two years to the teacher.

After Jiraiya returned to Konoha, Xiaonan and Yahiko moved from the barren village to the current Iron Rain City with a group of orphaned children, and occupied an abandoned mansion to live in. Some simple tasks of farmers get some rewards to buy food, and some simple crops are planted outside the city. Although the output is very low, they can be used as a basic source of food, and at the same time can exercise children's self-working ability. Even if these gathered children choose to leave in the future, they will have skills to support themselves.

After Jiraiya's teaching, both Yahiko and Konan are considered excellent ninjas, and they are still capable of performing simple tasks such as searching for items or expelling wild animals. Although the rewards are not high, they are used in exchange for food and Basic clothing is still sufficient.

"It looks good~ You can support yourself and learn to help others, and I see that you have bought a lot of food. Are you planning to improve the food?"

Jiraiya seemingly casually pointed to the food that his left hand was helping to carry.

"...Oh, these are dried fish sold from far away, and they are not really tasty."

Xiao Nan still looked cheerful, "But one good thing is that it's very, very salty, and it's very, very cheap. Whether it's mixed rice balls or rye buns, you can put a little bit, so you can save money on buying salt~"

"Is it……"

Zilai also suddenly felt a little panic in his heart.

"It seems that the shogunate and the joint company are not useless..."

Jiraiya laughed at himself, and decided that after overthrowing the "dark rule" of the shogunate, he must retain the logistics function of the joint company, so that more poor children can obtain cheaper food.

"By the way, where is Yahiko? Has he gone on a mission?"

Zilai also asked casually.

"He was conscripted by Lord Hanzo to fight..."

Xiao Nan sniffed, feeling a little depressed.


Jilai also frowned, "He joined the Rain Ninja Village?"

"It's not... It's just that Lord Hanzo stipulates that all ninjas in the country, whether they are in the village or in the wild, must wear the head protection of Urenin Village and be recruited during wartime, otherwise they will not be able to undertake the mission..."

Although Xiaonan was a little depressed, he still patiently explained to the teacher: "Although Mr. Hanzo's recruitment is mandatory, he also paid a lot of signing fees and battle fees, otherwise we wouldn't be able to afford these dried salted fish... ..."

"...Thank you for your hard work."

Ji Lai was also silent for a while, heaved a long sigh, and rubbed Xiao Nan's hair again.

At the beginning, he instinctively substituted the income level of Shinobi Konoha into Konan and Yahiko, but he forgot the income gap between the two countries.

Although Xiaonan said it lightly, but now that I think about it carefully, the rewards are pitifully low for just relying on two ninjas to perform some rubbish tasks that even the poor Yuren Village is too lazy to undertake...

As for the so-called cultivation... It is difficult to imagine the difficulty of growing crops in the Land of Rain, let alone a group of inexperienced children.

"Living in the city is actually quite good. Although there are many places to spend money, at least you don't have to worry about those poisonous snakes and beasts or all kinds of bugs when you sleep at night. Otherwise, it would be difficult to find if you were bitten by poisonous bugs like before. Appropriate medicines..."

Xiao Nan still walked ahead cheerfully, beeping non-stop, describing to the teacher the beautiful life after entering the city.

But this so-called "beautiful" only made Zilai feel extremely sad.

After passing through the alleys with twists and turns, Xiaonan finally returned to the deserted house where he lived together.

Jilai also looked at it a little bit. Although it looks very old, the details seem to have been carefully repaired. There should be no problem with the basic structure. For a group of orphans who lost their parents since childhood, there is no need to have a place in the Wandering in the city is already considered lucky.

"Great Buddha, Zhenzhu! Come and help!"

Xiao Nan called out very imposingly.

Then a group of children rushed out of the house, among them a burly man whose head was covered in sawdust dust, stepped forward to take all kinds of dried fish from Xiaonan's hand, and a little boy with ninja makeup ink on his face gave it to him. Xiao Nan handed him a glass of water.

All eyes were on the tall and burly Jiraiya.

"This is Yahiko and I's teacher - Jiraiya Jonin!"

Xiao Nan proudly introduced to the group of children: "If you want to call him Shigong!"


All the children hurriedly bowed and saluted respectfully, even the little boy with ninja makeup who had a face full of rebellion was no exception.

Ji Lai also laughed, helped everyone up, exchanged a few words of greeting, and showed a skill of ninjutsu, directly repairing the damaged parts of the house with earth escape, so that the children who hadn't seen much of the world would do it for them. The cheers continued.

"Teacher... I'm sorry..."

After finishing dinner and settling down a group of children, Xiao Nan poured a cup of hot tea and apologized to Zilai with some anxiety.

"You did a good job, why did you say that..."

Zilai also took a sip of tea, and said with some distress.

"I taught Chakra practice to other people without your teacher's consent..."

Xiaonan lowered her head, "Yahiko and I just want to let them have some means of self-protection..."

"How could I care about these... You think too much."

Jilai also rubbed Xiaonan's hair sadly, and said earnestly: "You and Yahiko have done a good job. You have taken care of so many children while you are struggling to make ends meet, which shows that my teaching is still useful. And you have also found your ninja path..."


Xiao Nan blinked away the tears from the corner of her eyes, "This time... will you go?"

"...do you know who I am?"

The corner of Jiraiya's mouth twitched, forcing out a forced smile.

"Junin of Konoha."

"That was in the past..."

Jilai also shook his head, first took off the oily forehead protector on his forehead, then took out the Konoha forehead protector from his bosom, put it in the palm of his hand and wiped it for a long time with a trace of reluctance.

"Xiao Nan, you should still remember how to identify a ninja?"


Jiraiya also nodded, put the Konoha forehead protector on his forehead upright, took out another kunai, and scratched a deep scratch on the Konoha logo.

"That's who I am today."

"Being rebellious..."

Xiaonan was a little stunned.

And it is a rebellious ninja from Konoha Ninja Village, the most powerful ninja world today!

"It's good if you understand..."

Jiraiya's heart was also a little sour.

"Then... Teacher! You stay here!"

Xiao Nan rushed forward and hugged Jiraiya's leg, pleading, "We all need you!"

Zilai also rubbed Xiaonan's hair, and then shouted to the door: "You guys also come in!"

Xiao Nan looked back with some surprise.

The Great Buddha and Zhensuke walked in with their heads bowed somewhat awkwardly.

Although they have chakra, they are far from enough in terms of experience and cultivation. They think they are hiding in the eyes of a strong man like Jiraiya, and they are as eye-catching as a bonfire in the dark.


Dafo and Zhenzhu knelt down behind Xiaonan in unison.

"...you should have heard it too?"

Jilai also pointed to the rebellious forehead on his forehead.

"Teacher, we don't care about these things, this is the Land of Rain!"

Xiaonan said first: "Especially in the south, those rain ninjas will come here except when collecting taxes, and there will be no other ninjas at other times, just to give you a rest, teacher."

"Teacher Xiaonan is right!"

Dafo and Zhenzhu nodded again and again.

"...Then are you also willing to worship under my sect?"

A smile appeared on Jiraiya's face.


Upon hearing the words, Dafo and Zhenzhu immediately kowtowed to Zilaiye a few times.

"Get up."

Jilai also got up and helped the two of them up, and said emotionally: "In this case, then you are the disciples of my Ninja sect!"

"Teacher... then what is the name of our ninja sect?"

Xiao Nan raised his hand and asked, ""

"Our ninja sect is called Akatsuki! The external name is Akatsuki organization!"

Zilai also rubbed Xiaonan's light purple-blue hair again, and said with an inexplicable smile on his face, "You guys will call me from now on..."


 It's the last day, please ask for monthly ticket support again
(End of this chapter)

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