Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 310 Qing Suppression: When Toad Died

Chapter 310 Qing Suppression: When Toad Died

"First Squadron is ready!"

"The second squadron is ready!"

"The third squadron is ready!"

"The intelligence team confirmed it is correct!"

"The reconnaissance team verified it is correct!"

Following the orderly orders, under the wisdom of Namikaze Minato, the ninjas of the police department teamed up with the former Anbu personnel transferred from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Hyuga ninjas, Inuzuka ninjas, and oil ninjas from the intelligence department. Together, the specialized ninja ninjas surrounded a flood discharge channel of Konoha's underground drainage system.

Namikaze Minato's method of clearing the Mt. Myogi psychic beast hidden underground in Konoha is different from the staged capture and killing of the police department. He pays more attention to the early intelligence reconnaissance and encirclement and coercion, so as to create opportunities for annihilation in one fell swoop.

Of course, this is not because the police department of the police department was slack or lacked coordination ability when it was responsible for clearing out uncontrolled alien psychic beasts in the early stage. In fact, there is something else hidden.

According to Uchiha Yukina, the head of the North District Police Station, Namikaze Minato also understands why these alien psychic beasts with little combat effectiveness have not been completely wiped out - because the divisional police station's current personnel growth is too fast, leading to the theory of excluding funds. The promotion cycle of the seniors is lengthened, so some ninjas who are more "motivated" need a continuous source of credit, so they have been deliberately carrying out limited elimination rather than complete eradication.

But Namikaze Minato is different from other ninjas in the police department. He is a ninja promoted by Uchiha Tokumitsu himself. He does not need to worry about the ideas of too many people in his actions, even if it is the interests of grassroots Uchiha ninjas. , but devised a strategy to completely eliminate these hidden dangers lurking under Konoha.

And because of this, the police stations in the various districts of the police department had no choice but to take out the most capable personnel to form a special squadron to participate in the suppression, in order to gain the greatest credit for this campaign.

After Hinata Ninja's supercilious positioning and Inuzuka and Yume Ninja's reconnaissance, the suppression force commanded by Namikaze Minato successfully blocked all the exits of the gathering place of strange psychic beasts, and everything was ready to be burned toad.

"Everyone, please forgive me."

Namikaze Minato turned his head and said to the six ninjas from the sealing class who came to support them.

"Inspector Watergate, you're welcome. It's our job."

The Uzumaki ninja in the lead nodded to him in a friendly manner, and then waved his hand. The other five ninjas from the sealing class quickly dispersed and began to form seals to perform spells.

There is another reason why it is difficult to eliminate psychic beasts, that is, if the knowledge is really bad, you can cancel the psychic spell and return directly to the gathering place. Therefore, in the past, most of the ninjas in the police department focused on wounding during the suppression, and there were few kill records. There are very few of them.

But because of this, although these alien psychic beasts from Mt. Miaomu are lurking in Konoha, their vigilance is relatively low. There are still not enough sentry arrangements on the periphery, and they are completely surrounded by the well-prepared Namikaze Minato.

"Ninja Law - Boundary Sealing Array!"

Following an invisible ripple, Uzumaki Ninja's sealing technique blocked the space and cut off the shortcut for these strange psychic beasts to escape through psychic technique, and then another sealing technique completed the deployment——

"Seal · Steel Land Dharma Realm!"

The function of this sealing technique is to harden the underground earth and rock formations, so as to prevent the blocked alien psychic beasts from escaping through the earth escape.

In this way, those strange psychic beasts in Miaomu Mountain belonged to the category of calling the sky and the earth, and there is no way to go to the sky or to the earth.

"Inspector Watergate, the toad inside has noticed."

A staring Hinata ninja reported.

"Then act!"

Namikaze Minato immediately ordered: "All the toads will be killed on the spot, and no one will be left alive!"


All the ninjas participating in the suppression shouted and acted immediately.

The first to launch was the parasite that the oil ninja had already lurked in.

Under the urging and forcing of the host, the parasites suppressed the fear of biological mutual restraint, and swarmed viciously towards the toads.

Then the ninjas of the police department of the three squadrons immediately used the instant body technique to kill them, and the ninjas of Inuzuka scattered the ninja dogs they raised around to block the possible frogs that slipped through the net.

"Toad Oil Fire Bomb!"

Under the attack of parasites, the toads in Mt. Miaomu, who were in disarray, panicked for a while, and under the leadership of the large fighting toad, they used fire escape ninjutsu to fight back.

"Senior Loyalty! The psychic spell can't be lifted suddenly!"

Toad Kosuke, who was only in charge of liaison and had no fighting power, screamed.

After being attacked by the oil girl ninja, the toads in a panic tried to dispel the spiritism and return to Miaomu Mountain after killing the bugs, but found that there was a strange fluctuation blocking the space travel ability of the spiritism.

"Kill out! Only by killing out can there be a way to survive!"

Toad Zhong with a round bead hanging around his neck picked up a steel fork and shouted angrily.

"Kill it out!"

Toad Xiaosuke yelled immediately, and then jumped into Hama Zhong's mouth and hid it. A group of fighting toads also protected the same kind that had no combat power. The few passages rushed out.

"Fire Escape, Dust Hidden Technique!"

A Uchiha jounin immediately performed ninjutsu, spraying out a strong high-temperature smoke and dust to block the passage.

"Wind Escape Great Breakthrough!"

The toads immediately used wind escape ninjutsu in an attempt to disperse them.

However, Uchiha Jonin's fire escape attainment is not something that can be cracked by a simple wind escape ninjutsu. Although it was shaken by the ninjutsu breakthrough, it was still firmly blocked under the maintenance of the caster. aisle.

"Water Escape Water Iron Cannon!"

The leader, Toad Zhong, immediately puffed up his mouth, and sprayed a highly concentrated water escape chakra ball towards the high-temperature smoke and dust.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The water attribute chakra group quickly aroused bursts of extremely intense chakra explosions, sweeping away the high-temperature smoke and dust in the passage.

But it was too late by this time.

After being delayed for a while by Uchiha Shinobi with a dust concealment technique, the two squadrons chasing in from other passages have blocked the rear of the Mt. Miaomu toads.

Blocking at both ends means pinching front and rear, which is extremely unfavorable to the Mt. Miaomu toads, who are at a disadvantage both in terms of number and individual combat effectiveness.

"After you are done, the other toads will follow me!"

Toad Zhong made a decisive decision and drew a group of toads to block the two squadrons behind, while he led the other toads to kill a squadron in front.

But one wrong step.

Although the squadrons of the police department in front of him are not many in number, they are all elite Uchiha ninjas dispatched by the West District Police Station, and each of them is proficient in how to grab credits. The reason why they used the dust hiding technique to block The passage is only to fulfill the delayed group attack requirements that Namikaze Minato confessed, and it does not mean that the Uchihas are not sure about dealing with these toads.

Therefore, facing the oncoming Mt. Miaogi toads, the Uchiha ninja was not surprised but delighted. He immediately used ninjutsu to strike first, and then swung his ninja knife screamingly to kill them.

Although the battle took place in the channel of the flood discharge channel, under the support of Uzumaki Ninja's sealing technique Steel Land Law Realm, even after suffering continuous ninjutsu bombing, the channel still did not completely collapse.

At this time, the ninjas of the police department have already started hand-to-hand combat with the toads of Mount Miaomu.

Namikaze Minato led the Anti-Mafia Team of the North District Police Station directly under him, Hinata, and Yume Ninja to stand on the periphery, silently observing the battle taking place in the passage through perception.

The chakra fluctuations of the different types belonging to the toads were wiped out one by one, and the unique chakra with a bit of evil in the Uchiha clan was constantly advancing, which showed that the battle was still very smooth.

Moreover, judging from the current situation, none of the Uchiha ninja's chakra fluctuations have been extinguished, so there should be no death in battle.

Namikaze Minato heaved a sigh of relief.

It is of great significance to him to fight a grand slam without death and annihilation. It is a stepping stone that can support him to go higher on the road of the police department, so there is absolutely no room for mistakes in this battle.

"Minato-sama...how about we go too?"

One of the Uchiha ninjas in Namikaze Minato's immediate unit is eager to try.

"...No, the terrain is limited and cannot deploy too many people. It is enough to invest in three squadrons at present, and more people will only get in the way."

Namakaze Minato thought for a while, then politely declined his subordinate's proposal.

In addition to the difficulty of deploying more battle formations of the Ninja Army, another reason is that Namakaze Minato needs to give way moderately. He already has the credit for the overall command, and his subordinates can also share some post-war rewards, so naturally there is no need to compete with other colleagues for credit.

"Minato-sama is really thoughtful..."

The obvious reasons are indeed reasonable, and the subordinates can only accept Namikaze Minato's opinion in awe.

"Master Minato..."

Uzumaki ninja, who was maintaining the barrier, screamed eagerly.

"What's wrong? Is there a problem with the enchantment?"

Namikaze Minato's eyelids twitched immediately when he heard this, and he walked over immediately.

"no no……"

Uzumaki Ninja quickly explained: "The enchantment is fine, there are other things that need to trouble you, but I don't know if it's suitable..."

"As long as it doesn't affect the complete annihilation of these alien psychic beasts, then everything is fine."

After Namikaze Minato gave a premise and restriction, he conditionally agreed to Uzumaki Ninja's request: "Speak, I will do my best according to the situation."

"It's like this... I sense that there is a special chakra energy in the largest toad psychic beast inside... If I'm not wrong, it should be the subject that Master Deguang ordered the Research Institute to study ——Senjutsu Chakra!"

Uzumaki Ninja replied immediately.


Namikaze Minato raised his eyebrows, "Then what do you mean..."

"I wish I could catch it alive!"

Uzumaki Ninja licked his lips, his eyes became hot: "If you can successfully dissect it, then it is very possible to understand the mystery of the legendary fairy chakra!"

"Since it's related to Mr. Deguang...then I will try my best to complete this matter!"

Namikaze Minato nodded and agreed.

"Inuzuka Ninja maintains the interception array, Hyuga Ninja always pays attention to whether there is any abnormality, oil girl ninja and anti-gang group follow me!"

After Namakaze Minato redeployed his lineup, he immediately led his troops to charge forward.


"Uchiha Ryu Sword Flame Slash!"

"Magic · The Art of Hanging!"

At this time, the ordinary toads in Mt. Myogi in the passage had been wiped out by the ninjas of the police department, and only a few larger toads were still struggling to maintain under the siege of Uchiha jounin.

As soon as they saw Namikaze Minato leading his troops, the Uchiha ninjas who were trying to kill the toads at the least cost immediately increased their output.

They thought it was Namikaze Minato who was dissatisfied with the progress of the extermination and led his troops to come in person.

"Leave frogs under the sword! Catch them alive!"

Namikaze Minato immediately shouted.

Although it is a little unclear, the Uchiha shinin obeyed the order to slow down the attack speed and changed to ninjutsu to consume.

The oil girl ninjas began to spawn parasites, and the Uchiha ninjas changed their formations to prepare to bless the forbidden barrier again.

"Secret Art Insect Jade!"

Several oily ninjas teamed up to perform secret techniques, urging the insects to transform into a pagoda and cover the struggling toads in Mt. Miaomu.

"Fire Escape·Toad Oil Flame Bomb!"

Toad Zhong immediately puffed up his mouth, spit out a series of flame bombs wrapped in grease and hit Chongyu, but he was also distracted by the spell, so he couldn't parry and was hit continuously by the Uchiha ninjas' ninja tools, and there were more wounds on his body. Several scars.

Although Chongyu suffered heavy casualties under the attack of the oil flame bombs, some of the parasites landed on the toads and quickly absorbed the chakra in their bodies.


Toad Zhong yelled, released the celestial chakra, and the parasites that were sucking chakra immediately turned into small pebbles and fell down.

But the other toads without sage chakra were not so lucky. After being disturbed by parasites, they were quickly subdued by the besieged Uchiha ninjas and dragged aside to be imprisoned.

"Fire Escape: The Technique of Dragon Fire!"

Immediately, the Uchiha shinobi teamed up to perform ninjutsu, and sent out several huge fire dragons to attack Toad Chu.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Although desperately struggling with ninjutsu, the outnumbered Hama Zhong was still baked half-baked by the high-temperature flames, and was then easily knocked down to the ground.

"Sealing Technique: Separation of Soul and Body!"

"Sealing Technique · Limb Compression!"

"Sealing Technique Flame Imprisonment!"

"Sealing Technique Five Elements Seal!"

Toad Chu, who fell to the ground, was quickly held down by a group of Uchiha ninjas, and the sealing techniques were blessed up one after another as if they didn't need money.

"Who are you! How dare you name me!"

Toad Tadashi, whose chakra was completely sealed, roared viciously at Minato Namikaze.

"I am the inspector of the Konoha Police Department, the head of the Anti-Mafia Team of the North District Police Station, and the person in charge of the special elimination of aliens by Mr. Tokuko, especially Ninami Fengshuimen!"

Namikaze Minato laughed loudly, and reported his long and stinky full job title without hesitation: "It is also an honor for you, a different kind, to be wiped out by my troops and become part of the record!"

After winning the big victory, Minato Namikaze made no secret of his pride and publicity.

And the Uchiha ninjas also appreciate this very much-the strong should have the right to let themselves go!

Compared with the usual humble and polite appearance, the high-spirited Namikaze Minato at this time is indeed more in line with the temperament and appetite of the Uchihas!

"Confirmed! All the alien psychic beasts have been wiped out!"

The white-eyed ninja who rushed over observed it and gave a definite answer.

"very good!"

Namikaze Minato nodded in satisfaction, and the Uzumaki ninja who was maintaining the barrier at the rear saw the signal, and quickly lifted the barrier and ran over.

After all, the so-called holy land psychic beast caught alive is too rare, and it is even more rare that it is a big toad with fairy chakra.

"...I remember you!"

Toad Tadashi stared at Namikaze Minato, gritted his steel teeth, as if he was about to jump up and take a bite of his flesh.

But under the confinement of countless sealing spells, it couldn't even struggle and squirm, let alone resist.

"A mere alien dares to bark..."

Namikaze Minato scoffed at this.

Although his personality is gentle, but in the working environment of the police department, coupled with getting along with the Uchiha ninjas day and night, he has become a bit more domineering and fierce over time.

"Mt. Miaomu will never forget you! Don't worry!"

Toad Zhong's face showed a ferocious expression, and then his stomach let out a muffled "bong".

"This is……"

Namikaze Minato and all the Uchiha ninjas were shocked.

"Toad Xiaosuke has returned to Mount Miaomu, the Great Immortal will know what happened today!"

Toad Tadashi was still staring at Namikaze Minato, the hatred in his eyes was getting stronger and stronger.


After Namikaze Minato checked the sealing spell, he found that there was nothing unusual, and then stared viciously at the blushing Hinata Ninja.

It was precisely because they said they had confirmed the complete annihilation that Uzumaki Ninja lifted the barrier that blocked the space shuttle of spiritism.

"Minato-sama... Maybe because of the interference of the sealing technique, I couldn't find that there was another one hidden in its belly..."

A Hinata ninja explained obediently.

"Forget it... I will explain it to Lord Deguang."

Namikaze Minato sighed, shook his head, and asked Uzumaki Ninja to apply a few more sealing techniques to the already tightly imprisoned Mt. .

 Ask for a ticket at the beginning of the month~ask for a monthly ticket and ask for a recommended ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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