Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 311 Shock and Wrath: Miaomushan's Actions

Chapter 311 Shock and Wrath: Miaomushan's Actions
"Good job!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu was very satisfied with the results of Namikaze Minato's suppression operation. Although he accidentally ran a liaison frog, it was nothing compared to the nearly perfect record.

Even Tokumitsu Uchiha felt that it was a good thing to leak the news and let Myogi-san know that the suppression operation was hosted by Minato Namikaze.

If under such circumstances, Namikaze Minato, who is loyal to the police department and the Uchiha clan, can be won over by Miaogishan who has a blood feud, then Uchiha Tokumitsu will also recognize it.

"Hyuga's side... It can be regarded as a momentary mistake, so there is no need to punish it."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said: "In addition, other people's military exploits in this operation will be compiled and reported by you. It is the principle of the Uchiha clan to reward those who have meritorious service!"

"Thank you Master Deguang!"

Namikaze Minato was overjoyed when he heard the words, and immediately stood up and saluted.

Handing over the distribution of military exploits and action reports to him also means allowing him to gain the support of all ninjas involved in the action.

But the premise is that the distribution of military exploits and the description of the performance of each participating ninja must stand on an absolutely fair position.

"I'll give you a chief inspector this time, and I'll give you a formal promotion next year when the title is awarded!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu thought for a while, and added another sentence.

The reason why the temporary promotion of Namikaze Minato was also due to a problem exposed in this incident of suppressing alien psychic beasts, that is, the Uchiha ninjas began to slack off.

Even the reason why the toads in Miaomu Mountain have not been eradicated may be because of the intentional or unintentional indulgence of the clansmen in the police department.

This is the most intolerable for Uchiha Tokumitsu.

As the saying goes, ants break the dam, and the qi blows out the needle.

The occurrence of any major event cannot do without the accumulation of bits and pieces, and the collapse of any organization cannot do without the daily slackness and corruption that are invisible, intangible, or even worth mentioning. If so, I am afraid that the Uchiha ninja of the police department will one day be reduced to the Hachiban waste in the memory of Uchiha Tokumitsu's previous life.

But those people are clansmen after all, and Uchiha Tokumitsu is not easy to punish for a while. After all, they have paid so much for the family, and they cannot even have the opportunity to "enjoy enjoyment"; To express his attitude, he knocked on the side, and made up his mind that no matter what the report submitted by Namakaze Minato, all Uchiha ninjas will be rewarded by half.

"Thank you, Lord Deguang, for your promotion! I will do my best to die for Lord Deguang!"

Namikaze Minato's face was filled with joy, almost bursting into laughter.

Not long after he was promoted from trainee inspector to inspector, he was immediately promoted to chief inspector. Although he did have a solid foundation of merit, the speed of his promotion was second to none!
"Come on! The police department has a big platform, enough for you to show off your talents!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu ended the report with a sentence of encouragement.

After Namikaze Minato left, Uchiha Tokumitsu ordered the attendant ninja to recruit the Uzumaki ninja, and asked him about the situation of the Mt. Miaogi toad that was caught alive.

The extermination of the alien psychic beasts this time was originally just to eliminate some hidden dangers, and by the way, Namikaze Minato was stained with the blood of the Myoki-san lineage, but he did not expect to be able to capture a combat-type toad with celestial chakra. This is also a surprise.

"Lord Deguang..."

A Uzumaki ninja with a smile on his face knocked on the door and entered.

"How is it? Is that toad under control?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu asked with a slight smile.

"The sealing process has been done, and the psychic contract attached to it has been erased... Now the research institute is going to conduct targeted experiments on the living body after dissecting the remains of the strangled toad psychic beast. Please take a look at the experimental plan given by the unanimous discussion..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu took it and turned it over casually, then put it on the desk, "When will the research on Senju Chakra start?"

"...This, after finding out the body structure and characteristics of the alien psychic beast, we will start a research project."

Uzumaki Ninja is a little lacking in confidence.

All the experimental plans he submitted were various anatomical and pharmaceutical tests, which were similar to the procedures of ordinary human experiments, and overall it was still too routine.

"The experimental plan was reworked, and the core is the analysis of Xianju Chakra."

Tokumitsu Uchiha rejected Uzumaki Ninja's proposal and funding application.

"...As ordered."

Hitting a nail, Uzumaki Ninja had no choice but to accept Uchiha Tokumitsu's instructions with a slumped face.


After Uzumaki Ninja left, Uchiha Tokumitsu sighed slightly on the chair.

Although the real power of Konoha and even Kirigakure has been successfully grasped, and large-scale wars will not break out for a while, except for the land of the wind, the main theme of the ninja world is still peace; but what follows, It's just that the ninjas under his command have become slack and even began to be willing to rest on their laurels...

"You have to do something..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu began to think slowly.


Miaomu Mountain.

The ashen-faced Fukasaku Sage rushed to the bedroom of the Great Sage Toad with the contact frog Kosuke who had escaped by luck.

Konoha's campaign to clear up Mt. Myogi caused the worst battle damage since the Warring States Period, and this was beyond the tolerance of Fukasaku Immortal.

"Great Immortal!"

Immortal Fukasaku bowed to Immortal Toad, who was lying high on the throne, "The Konoha incident was defeated, and the clansmen suffered heavy casualties. I hope that Immortal Toad can make the decision for us!"

"...The person who carried out this matter was Minato Namikaze?"

Toad Sensei maintained a half-asleep and half-awake appearance, and just when Fukasaku Sensei thought it had fallen asleep, he spoke slowly.

Sensei Fukasaku cast his eyes on Kosuke Toad, whose face was full of resentment.

"Yes, I was hiding in Senior Chu's belly at that time, and I happened to hear that the person in charge of this matter called himself Namikaze Minato, and he was the so-called ninja of the Konoha Police Department! That is, those evil Uchihas. vassal!"

Toad Kosuke immediately nodded and replied.

"...What are you going to do?"

Toad Immortal turned his eyes to Fukasaku Immortal.

It is impossible not to take revenge, otherwise if this matter spreads out, it is estimated that Longdidong will think that there is something wrong with his rival, Miaomushan, and it is not impossible to tear up the temporary contract again and continue to fight with himself.

"Equal revenge must be given!"

Fukasaku Sento said through gritted teeth.

"...can we take down Konoha?"

Immortal Toad asked back.

"Does not……"

Fukasaku Sento replied a little discouraged.

"The holy land has stood in the ninja world for thousands of years, and the fundamental reason is that it does not mix with the secular world... Therefore, even if there are many powerful ninja worlds, they will not have evil thoughts and disagreements with the holy land..."


Shenzuo Xianren hesitated to speak.

It can remember very clearly that at the beginning, it was the Great Immortal Toad who advocated entering the world and doing his best to support Jiraiya. Even the casualties caused by the Konoha Suppression on the Miaomu Mountain line were also the ones who chose to support Jiraiya against Indra at the beginning descendants.

But listening to the meaning of this now... Could it be possible that the Great Immortal will change his mind again?
Immortal Fukasaku couldn't help muttering inwardly.

"Jirai is also in the Land of Rain..."

Great Immortal Toad still looked drowsy, "Even if it's revenge, I still have to choose Indra's influence outside the village..."

"The descendants of Indra, those evil Uchihas also have a shogunate, and it's in the country of grass!"

Immortal Fukasaku reacted immediately: "If you start from the Land of Rain, it's not too far to reach the Land of Grass!"

"...to strike at the weakest link in the power of Indra's descendants."

Immortal Toad slowly closed his eyes.

"Then... Great Immortal, I'm going to gather Ninja Frogs?"

Sensei Fukasaku asked tentatively.

"You do it after careful consideration...I won't object to any of your opinions, but you also have to take responsibility..."

As he spoke, the voice of the Great Immortal Toad became lower and lower, until finally he let out bursts of snores.

Shenzuo Immortal stood still for a while, and after making sure that the Great Immortal had fallen asleep, he stepped back and left lightly.

"It's okay to inform Zilai... Xiaosuke, thank you for your hard work, make another trip!"

After walking for a while with hands behind his back, Fukasaku Sento finally made up his mind.

"I see!"

Toad Kosuke's frog mouth was wide open.

 Ask for a monthly ticket at the beginning of the month~
(End of this chapter)

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