Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 312 Change: Orochimaru's Wonderful Thoughts

Chapter 312 Change: Orochimaru's Wonderful Thoughts

Orochimaru is a person who knows how to assess the situation.

The softness of his figure even surpassed the snake in Longdi Cave.

Therefore, before Namikaze Minato carried out the suppression of the alien psychic beasts, he visited his mansion and persuaded him kindly for a while, and Orochimaru happily accepted his opinions.

As a result, the Mt. Myogi toads lurking under Konoha were wiped out, and the Ryūchi Cave Snakes who were repatriated in advance were unscathed.

As a scheming "Sarutobi remnant", Orochimaru actually feels very insecure staying in the village, so he is very concerned about all kinds of abnormalities happening in the village, especially those involving intense chakra fluctuations.

Therefore, when Namikaze Minato led his troops to clear the flood discharge channel where the toads lived in Mt. Miaomu, he had already seen the whole process of the battle through a very secretive gray water snake.

In this battle, the Uchiha ninjas of the police department were still as brave and fierce as ever, yet clever and flexible. Remarkable.

In general, although it was only a small-scale suppression operation, compared with the bloody battles during the Ninja World War, it was at most the level of an outpost contact war, but the new tactics reflected in the tactics can indeed make the His eyes lit up.

But Orochimaru doesn't care about these.

He only noticed what Uzumaki Ninja said to Namikaze Minato, "The big toad catches alive" and "It has the magic chakra"!
If it wasn't for the consideration of the difference in combat effectiveness between the individual and the squadron of the police department, and it was true that he was not sure of killing so many ninja troops while controlling the movement, Orochimaru would almost be unable to hold back the urge to snatch it.

This is the Mt. Miaomu toad who possesses the celestial chakra!

After lurking back home from the battle site, Orochimaru doesn’t think about tea or sleepless nights. Even his favorite eggs and apples don’t feel like eating. The chakra experiment that he usually indulges in and cannot extricate himself suddenly becomes dull. .

"Mt. Miaomu Mountain psychic beast toad..."

"Immortal Chakra..."

In the dead of night, Orochimaru habitually hides in the belly of a small snake and sleeps on the top beam, and habitually leaves a shadow clone on the bed as a disguise, but today whether it is the shadow clone lying on the bed or on the beam Hiding in the little white snake, he tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep.

His mind is full of Mt. Miaomu Senju Chakra!
Magic Chakra!

It was as if there were countless ants crawling and biting in the bones of my body, and it was itchy and numb from the bottom of my heart, making it impossible to fall asleep no matter what.


The little white snake who was hiding was tossing and turning uncomfortably for a long time, and Dashewan finally couldn't bear it anymore.

After climbing out of the snake's belly, Orochimaru immediately changed his clothes, got into the laboratory under the rockery, and then fished a monkey with red eyes and pressed it on the test bench. Calm was gradually restored.

"What's wrong with me……"

Orochimaru also understood at this time that there was a problem with his mind.

His obsession began to shift inexplicably.

Otherwise, with his heart, he wouldn't be so concerned about a mere stinky toad with fairy chakra.

But when exactly does the problem go wrong?

Orochimaru finally calmed down completely after meditating to correct his obsession, but he still couldn't help thinking about it, trying to recall when his obsession shifted.

Did it start from the moment you knew about the teacher's death?
Is Konoha starting to eradicate the so-called "three generations of residual poison"?
Or did it start when Jiraiya was forced to flee Ninja Village?
But in any case, it will not be because of a toad!
After silent self-analysis, Orochimaru finally reached the root——

"Uchiha Tokumitsu!"

He was the one who killed his teacher Hiruzen Sarutobi!

It was he who framed the Will of Fire as the Poison of Konoha!
It was he who single-handedly planned to force his good friend Zilai into a traitor!
It was he who changed all that!
Otherwise, Orochimaru is still at least one of the three generations of Hokage, and one of the candidates for the next generation of Hokage!

It is precisely because Uchiha Tokumitsu is so powerful that even Orochimaru, who claims to be unparalleled in the ninja world, can't do anything!
Wanting revenge is even less likely!
Orochimaru suddenly remembered what the White Snake Immortal of Ryuchi Cave said not long ago——

"You just have to do things according to your heart."

"Your existence is just a stick to stir up this stagnant pool of ninja world."

Although these words sounded quite unpleasant to Orochimaru at the time, but at this moment, when I recalled the situation again, I found that it seemed to be something different...

"Are you going to muddy the waters of the ninja world..."

Orochimaru laughed at himself, looking at his pale and bloody hands.

"Teacher...you never taught me this!"



Although the problem of spiritual obsession has not been completely resolved in the end, it is good to find the problem in time.

After washing his face, Orochimaru regained his composure, changed his clothes slowly, then walked out of the laboratory slowly, moved the rockery back to its original position, and looked up at the full moon in the sky.

The bright and clear moonlight seemed extraordinarily cold, and after spreading on Dashewan, it was as if the long-forgotten maternal love was healing the scars in her heart.

Orochimaru couldn't help but raised his hands, as if to embrace the moon in the sky.

"……What are you doing?"

Suddenly, there was a thin and broken sound from the corner.

Orochimaru put down his hands in a hurry, his face was as cold as frost, and a blush appeared in his ears, and then patrol took out a kunai from his cuffs and threw it in the direction of the sound.

"Asshole! It's me!"

A little flower snake swears and avoids the Kunai attack of Orochimaru, and a snake stretches and shrinks, cursing and swearing endlessly like a shrew.

"...What are you doing here in the middle of the night?"

The shame in Orochimaru's heart faded quickly, and he said expressionlessly: "The village is exterminating unlicensed psychic beasts recently. If you don't want to die, don't come here..."

"What kind of license! What is Temiao's license! I am a dignified descendant of Ryujidong's lineage! Do you still want me to draw blood to get a license like those lowly ninja cats and dogs!"

"Wishful thinking! My uncle will never come to Konoha again! Even if he is caught and chopped to death! He will never apply for these shameful licenses!"

Little Flower Snake scolded unrelentingly.

"Keep your voice down...it's already night now, if you make noise and attract the police department to your door, then you will be in big trouble!"

Orochimaru frowned and said.


Little Flower Snake continued to spit snake letters, but her voice was still several octaves lower, "I'm not afraid of those red-eyed evil spirits! I'm a dignified descendant of Longdidong! I'm a descendant of immortals!"

"...Your strength is too weak, you still have to be careful."

After Orochimaru easily shifted his focus, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Otherwise, the experimental table and scalpel of the Vortex Research Institute will be your only home in Konoha..."

Speaking of this, Orochimaru suddenly thought that although the little flower snake in front of him is weak, it is still the direct blood of the White Snake Immortal!

So... Does it have xianshu chakra?
"Do you have immortal chakra?"

Orochimaru couldn't help sticking out his tongue, washed his face, and stared at the little flower snake with a pair of green pupils.

"What the hell... Isn't that something that all Longdidong blood descendants have?"

Little Flower Snake was stunned for a moment, and replied: "When I grow up, I will naturally have..."

"But most of the snakes in Longdi Cave don't even have Chakra, let alone Xianju Chakra!"

Orochimaru's heart moved, and his tone deliberately asked with some doubts.

"What are those rubbish! How can a group of reptiles compare with the noble blood of Longdidong!"

The little flower snake shook its triangular head, as if it was despising other snakes.

"……Is it."

Orochimaru was thoughtful.

Then why are the bloodlines of these so-called holy land psychic beasts superior to snakes!Are heredity and ancestry so important?
Suddenly, Orochimaru felt a little uncomfortable.

But adults can still control their impulses. Orochimaru looked at Xiao Huashe again and asked, "Who told you to come here?"

This is purely Oshemaru's questioning knowingly. In fact, if it wasn't for the power of the so-called Sanshen Ji or even the White Snake Immortal in Ryuji Cave, other snakes in Ryuji Cave would not be able to come to Konoha without using spirit summoning .

"Tian Xin Shen Ji asked me to inform you that Immortal White Snake is going to see you in three days, so get ready then!"

Little Flower Snake spat out a snake letter and said, "I've come to send you a message. Where's the egg? Where's the monkey's heart? Hurry up and bring it to me!"

Orochimaru threw a few fresh sterile eggs to Xiao Huashe blankly to send her away, and then returned to the living room to sit quietly in a daze.

Although he was in the dark, Orochimaru's eyes shone like they were painted with luminous sand or other dyes, but when he squinted his eyes, he looked more or less vicious.

"If you can fuse the magic chakra of Mt. Myogi and Ryuji Cave together..."


The Fire Gate Shogunate of the Country of Grass.

The first thing Uchiha Homon did when he woke up from his sleep was to put on a Jōnin uniform inlaid with armor, and then went to the training ground to start daily basic practice.

At about ten o'clock in the morning, Uchiha Homon returned to the Shogun's office and began to handle official duties.

It has been nine years since Konoha left town in 30 years.

During these nine years, the Uchiha Fire Gate has gradually regarded the country of grass where they are located as their second hometown, and recognized from the bottom of their hearts that this relatively poor country is the promised land of the Uchiha clan. To change the fate of the clansmen being excluded; therefore, he tried his best to hope that every clansman who was sent to garrison could stay and flourish.

Even the Uchiha conservatives who were exiled by Uchiha Tokumitsu, he treats them with the same attitude, and hopes that they can stay and work with him to open up a branch of the Uchiha clan in the country of grass.

However, with the rapid rise of the Tokuguang Shogunate in the country of vortex and even the country of water, the attractiveness of the country of grass began to weaken. In addition, the Tokuko red team that was originally stationed there was mobilized to fight on a large scale, and they were willing to actively choose to stay in the country of grass. There are fewer and fewer Uchiha people in the country.

However, after Uchiha Tokumitsu killed the third generation of Sarutobi Hiruzen and completely dismembered the Hokage forces, the country of grass, which was originally one of the two small countries controlled by the Uchiha clan, lost its advantages in paradise, and the attraction to the tribe was natural. Also greatly weakened again.

What troubled Uchiha Homon the most was that the conservative clansmen kept coming all day long to request the end of the "long-term garrison mission" and apply to return to the village.

What a long-term garrison mission!
In the understanding of Uchiha Fire Gate, it is obviously exile!And it's a permanent banishment with an unlimited time limit!At the beginning, it was just to let these ignorant clansmen save some face, so they deliberately used a seemingly neutral term to describe them. Why are these people still so ignorant!

"Knock knock!"

A government ninja knocked lightly on the door of the office, and then brought in a stack of documents.

"It's those guys applying again?"

Uchiha Homon frowned when he saw the application form at the top and the familiar name.


The government affairs ninja laughed twice, put down the documents and left quickly.

Although his mother is a member of the Uchiha clan, she doesn't have obvious Uchiha characteristics, and she doesn't have specialization in fire escape. As for sharing sharing eyes, it's even out of the question, so she didn't get a surname; naturally, she didn't want to get involved in these things. In the internal affairs of the Uchiha clan.

Uchiha Homon casually picked up a document from a conservative tribe to apply for returning to the village, flipped through it, and found that it was still the same old tune, the only difference was that the application date was changed, and he couldn't help throwing the document aside angrily.

He casually flipped through the pile of texts to be processed, and found that nearly half of them were applications from clansmen, which made him even more upset.

"A bunch of lazy bastards!"

Uchiha Fire Gate cursed.

After thinking for a while, Uchiha Himon picked up the application form, and wrote two words in a correct manner.

"turn down!"

After finishing other affairs, Uchiha Homon recruited the government affairs ninja and handed over the processed documents to him for handling.

The government ninja looked familiar when he saw the "rejection" on the application form, tidied up a little and prepared to leave.

"and many more!"

Uchiha Homon suddenly thought of something and stopped him.

Afterwards, all the conservative clansmen’s applications for returning to the village were pulled out from the pile of texts, and a paragraph was added to them all:

"Send to the eastern part of the Rain Country to guard the city!"

Then after thinking about it, he added: "The stationing period is half a year!"

Rather than letting them stay in the shogunate all day to perform some patrol duties, it is better to send them to the Uchiha ninja's most hated country of rain to die collectively!
"That's it, let's do it!"

Uchiha Homon said with satisfaction.

The government ninja was stunned when he saw the reply signed by Uchiha Homon, but then he regained his composure.

I was just thinking in my heart: "Those guys... are really unlucky!"

 Ask for a ticket at the beginning of the month ~ ask for a monthly ticket and ask for a recommendation ticket ~ ask for support ~
(End of this chapter)

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