Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 313 Punishment: The So-called Holy Land Status

Chapter 313 Punishment: The So-called Holy Land Status
This is the second time Orochimaru has received an active invitation from his contract "Holy Land".

In the past, apart from summoning ten thousand snakes and other snake-like psychic beasts to help out during battles, Orochimaru actually kept a certain distance from Ryuchidong.

The reason is simple. The process of accidentally obtaining the psychic contract scroll of Ryūji Cave and going to Ryūji Cave for the first time after signing the contract was really not a pleasant experience for Orochimaru.

The aggressive, bloodthirsty, and ruthless Ryujidong snake-like psychic beast is indeed not a psychic beast partner who can support and achieve each other. Therefore, Orochimaru and Ryujidong are only in a state of mutual use, even if it is The ten thousand snakes who have been summoned to participate in the most battles also require sacrifices from Orochimaru to be able to drive them.

It's just that the attitude shown by Ryujidong recently really made Orochimaru a little suspicious.

He clearly remembers that when he first learned about the bug-level existence of fairy art, he also asked for it from the White Snake Immortal in Longdi Cave, but after being bitten by the White Snake Immortal, the venom injected with the fangs almost Let Dashewan die unexpectedly and fall into Shekou, which also made him have lingering fears about "Longdi Cave Immortal Art".

But the last time he accepted the call of the White Snake Immortal to go to Longdi Cave, the attitude of the big white snake seemed to have changed...at least he seemed to be a normal person.

But is there any other meaning or intention hidden behind this?Due to the limited information, Orochimaru couldn't judge more for a while.

"An outlier is an outlier..."

In the research institute directly under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Konoha, Orochimaru absent-mindedly fiddled with the test tubes and measuring cups on the laboratory bench, still thinking about the invitation to meet with the White Snake Immortal that Ryudi Cave Xiaohuashe said two days ago.

Other staff in the laboratory were a little surprised.

Orochimaru, who has been obsessed with the experiment and cannot extricate himself, unexpectedly has a day of distraction... The sun really came out from the west!
You should know that since the research institute directly under the Ministry of Internal Affairs is of a public nature, the funds in the account come from the village's public funds, and Uchiha Tokumitsu's relatively loose control over the use of such funds, so whether it is the Uzumaki researcher or the original editor Experimenters like to set up a name and hang up under the research institute to use public funds to open some endless projects for themselves and do some private work along the way, and the one with the most tricks to make money is Orochimaru!

Normally Orochimaru would either entertain himself in his own laboratory and not go out, or he would come to the public research institute to catch fish and make extra money along the way. He basically didn't have much free time, so everyone had never seen such a lazy Orochimaru.

"What's wrong with Orochimaru Kamijino?"

"It must have been hit by something..."

"Maybe it has something to do with Jiraiya being listed as a traitor~"

"...It is said that the private relationship between the two of them is amazing! Jiraiya has lived at Orochimaru Kami Shinobu's house for more than a month and is reluctant to leave!"

After a while, all kinds of gossip spread throughout the research institute. Whether it was the new vortex researcher or the original experimenter, everyone was discussing secretly, and the topic became more and more outrageous.

"Listen to me! My seventh aunt's aunt's classmate's neighbor's eldest son is in the police department! I got reliable information from her!"

An experimenter with gossip written all over his face squeezed over and said in a daze.

"...I wonder if the eight generations of your family have nothing to do with the Uchiha clan? Return to the police department!"

Next to him, another experimenter who knew everything about him dismantled the stage with a face full of disdain.

"Hey! Who said that the police department must belong to the Uchiha ninja, don't you know that it has been reformed now?"

The gossip experimenter retorted with a full face of disbelief: "This is the news from Chief Inspector Namikaze Minato, the most popular police officer in the police department!"


Suddenly, a group of idlers became interested.

Whether it is the Uzumaki ninja, the Uchiha ninja who came to participate in the apprenticeship, or the old man in the laboratory, they all stared at the gossip experimenter with bright faces.

"It's said that a while ago, the strange psychic beast eradication campaign wiped out all the giant snakes in Orochimaru's ninja family, so he's in a bad mood..."

"No, how did I hear that it was only a group of toads that were wiped out, and they were rebellious and hid in the village..."

A Uchiha trainee experimenter retorted.

"Then you are a fan of the authorities, let me explain in detail..."

The gossip experimenter cleared his throat and began to tell the story he had just made up.


"Knock knock!"

There was a knock on the door of the research institute, and the ninjas who were gathering to gossip looked back, but it was a government ninja wearing a Chunin uniform with the logo of the House of Representatives.

"Hello, is Orochimaru Kamijino here?"

The government ninja asked politely.

"Here I am……"

An experimenter said hesitantly: "Go straight ahead, turn left, turn right at the end, and then turn right. This is the second laboratory..."

"OK, thanks."

The government ninja nodded and saluted, then walked over according to the instructions.

"Let me just say it! It must be that the House of Representatives is now asking Orochimaru to appear in court to explain!"

The gossip experimenter immediately "discussed the matter as it stands" and made a patch to his own story.

"It seems so..."

All the experimenters nodded.


"Ninja Orochimaru, sorry to bother you."

The government ninja came to the laboratory where Orochimaru was in a daze, and greeted him politely.


Orochimaru glanced at him, but said nothing.

"According to Lord Deguang's request, Chairman Shuo Mao plans to organize the relevant professional committees of the House of Representatives to hold a seminar on the application management and research norms of psychic beast science. You are hereby invited to attend this afternoon."

The government ninja handed over a meeting notice.

Orochimaru tapped the test bench lightly, signaling the government ninja to put the notice on the bench.

The government ninja was not angry, but stepped forward and asked the notification text to be placed in the position designated by Orochimaru.

"...Who else will participate?"

Orochimaru glanced absently and asked casually.

"Uchiha Shiina Jominin of the Ninja Beast Management and Protection Committee, Tsunade Jominin of the Medical Development and Research Committee, and everyone in the Police Department and the Ministry of Internal Affairs."

The government ninja replied respectfully: "Master Deguang and Master Shuomo will also attend..."

"I see……"

Orochimaru waved his hand casually, signaling the government ninja to leave.

After the government ninja left, Orochimaru picked up the meeting notice and read it.

"The agenda is interesting..."

After reading it, Orochimaru couldn't help but giggle.


"Junin, this meeting was held under the instruction of Governor Deguang, mainly to discuss the management and application of psychic beasts, as well as the sustainable application in medical treatment and scientific research..."

In the afternoon, Hatake Sakumo read a speech written by Uchiha Tokumitsu at the meeting.

Except for Orochimaru and Tsunade, who have real interests, the other jonin who participated in the meeting were drowsy.

"Now discuss the first item on the agenda of the meeting: May I ask whether the regulations on the management of psychic beasts involved in the current security regulations of the village are in line with reality, and do they need to be adjusted?"

Hatake Sakumo asked, "If you have any objections, please speak up."

"It fits, no adjustment needed."

Uchiha Shiina, director of the Ninja and Psychic Beast Management and Protection Committee of the House of Representatives and chief of the North District Police Department of the Police Department, immediately replied.

Starting from his personal interests and the difficulty of performing duties in the police department, he is unwilling to modify the management regulations of psychic beasts.

"The current management of psychic beasts in the village is too strict..."

A medical doctor said dissatisfiedly: "And the registration system has also violated the secrets of ninjas."



The other ninjas all spoke in agreement.

After a round of discussion, Hatake Sakumo made a decision: "Then, we will request the Police Department to revise the current psychic beast management system according to the resolution of the meeting, and formally implement it after deliberation by the House of Representatives and vote by the Senate!"

After finishing speaking, Hatake Sakumo looked at Uchiha Tokumitsu beside him.

Uchiha Tokumitsu just nodded and didn't comment.

What he cares about is not this irrelevant topic, but the next heavyweight topic.

"There is also a second agenda: the determination of the status of the so-called psychic beasts in the Holy Land and the discussion of sustainable scientific research applications."

Hatake Sakumo thought.

Everyone's eyes immediately focused on Tsunade and Orochimaru.

Because there are only two people here who have signed the so-called Holy Land psychic beast contract.

"Deguang-jun, what is a status ruling?"

Tsunade's face was very ugly, and he said unceremoniously to Uchiha Tokumitsu: "The three major inheritance holy lands have a long history and have always been independent of the ninja world. How can they make a ruling so hastily?"

"... I believe everyone should know that not long ago, under the leadership of Chief Inspector Namikaze Minato, Special Jominin, the police department wiped out a group of ulterior motives in Mt. Myogi, which is the so-called Holy Land Psychic beast."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said meaningfully: "Although it is known as the so-called neutral inheritance holy land, it does not mean that contracted ninjas must be loyal, neutral and credible..."

"Mr. Deguang, aren't you worried that Ninja Village's actions will annoy the Holy Land?"

Tsunade frowned.

"Heh...why worry?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu asked back: "If the Holy Land of Psychic Beasts has no malice towards Konoha, it probably won't care what Konoha will do to it, right?"


Tsunade was in a panic, speechless.

"What is the sustainable scientific research application of the Holy Land psychic beast..."

Orochimaru asked the question he was most concerned about.

"As we all know, the police department has captured a Mt. Miaomu toad possessing celestial chakra... Now we plan to conduct in-depth research on it, so we hope to learn from others' strengths in terms of the experimental plan..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu looked at Tsunade and Orochimaru with some playfulness.

Unsurprisingly, the faces of the two immediately darkened.

"I am completely opposed to this agenda item!"

After Tsunade shouted angrily to express his attitude, he began to close his eyes and meditate.

But except for the medical ninjas directly under the hospital, most of the other participating ninjas were indifferent and refused to comment.

"What about the rest?"

Hatake Sakumo broke the deadlock with his words.

"I believe that it should be archived and retain basic information by referring to the management system of ninjas in other villages."

As a fellow of Uchiha Tokumitsu, Uchiha Shiina was the first to express his attitude.

All the participants nodded with some hesitation.

The ones they contracted were all ordinary Ninja Beasts, so there was no need to open eyes to those Holy Land psychic beasts.Besides, collecting information on psychic beasts is actually not a bad thing. With Uchiha Tokumitsu's character, he may turn his back on a certain psychic beast holy land one day, and maybe he will have a chance to use it at that time. .




"be opposed to!"

Amidst the approbation from the side, a medical ninja who received Tsunade's instruction immediately stood up to object.

"Tell me your reasons."

Uchiha Tokumitsu asked lightly.

"Lord Deguang, Chairman Sakumo, and Jonin, please forgive me for expressing my personal opinion..."

Uchiha Tokuhika nodded in agreement.

"As Tsunade-sama said, the so-called Holy Land psychic beasts have a long history and unfathomable strength. Imposing sanctions on them rashly may cause rebellious psychology, which will be detrimental to the village..."

The medical ninja said sincerely: "In addition, as far as I know, the three major inheritance holy lands all have mysterious powers such as fairy arts, and it is not worthwhile to fight against them."

"So... what if Mt. Miaomu is sanctioned alone?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu asked casually.

The so-called laws and regulations are actually deceiving people. Uchiha Tokumitsu's real purpose is to use this to obtain the "long-arm jurisdiction" power over the so-called psychic beast holy land in terms of Konoha's legal principles, and to use this to move the village to the village when necessary. All the ninjas are dragged into the quagmire of confronting the holy land of psychic beasts.

"Since the contractors of Mt. Miaomu have been judged out of the village, at least Mt. Miaomu should be listed as a suspicious ethnic group before Jiraiya surrendered himself..."

Said a gloomy Uchiha ninja from the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

"This is still insufficient..."

An Uchiha ninja from the police department added: "If he is dissatisfied with the village extermination operation, it cannot be ruled out that he will retaliate against the village or the ninjas who are performing tasks outside..."

"That's why Mount Miaomu has to be listed as a hostile force to warn the ninjas in the village not to contact it, so as not to cause disaster!"

Another police department Uchiha ninja added.

Under the divergent opinions, the participating ninjas put forward more and more restrictions on Mount Miaomu.

Orochimaru and Tsunade's expressions are also getting worse.

It's not that they don't want to talk about it, but the proportion of the number of ninjas attending the meeting is here. Even if they say it, it's useless. Once the meeting minutes are formed and enter the voting session, they will be forcibly passed by a majority of votes.

As for other ninjas from the non-Uchiha faction and the original Naruto faction, most of them took a wait-and-see attitude, and finally took Hatake Sakumo's statement as the vane of personal opinions.

"...That's it. According to Governor Deguang's proposal and the votes of the lords, it is now planned to list Mt. Miaomu as a hostile force in the village and inform all ninjas on the list, and vote on this matter first."

After everyone put forward their opinions one after another, Hatake Sakumo made a summary and asked for a vote.

As expected by Tsunade and Orochimaru, the result was passed with a majority of votes.

"There is one more... about the sustainable use of psychic beasts in the Holy Land..."

Hatake Sakumo pondered for a moment, "I don't think there is any need to discuss this item. I also ask the Konoha Hospital in charge of Tsunade Hime and the research institute where Orochimaru-kun works to jointly issue a plan to realize the arrest of Mt. Myogi. Toad implements an ongoing experimental sampling protocol that does not endanger his life."

The so-called sustainable experimental sampling refers to how to maintain the life of the Mt. Miaomu toad while continuously slicing research and extracting the magic chakra, so that it can be used as experimental consumables for a long time.

"What the village implements is the co-governance of the ninja..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu added, "When the time comes, if the research results of the sage chakra of Mt. Miaomu Toad are produced, it will also be included in the secret data of the village. You can also exchange it according to your personal strength and contribution. ..."

However, Orochimaru still holds conservative opinions on whether the public research institute in the village has this level.

After all, he still has some understanding of the phenomenon of vegetarianism in public research institutes.

But this is exactly what Uchiha Tokumitsu wanted.

It doesn't matter whether the village's public research institute can research something, it's just a way to stop the village ninja's mouth; as long as the whirlpool research institute under his command can produce reliable results.

And... the so-called three holy lands of psychic beasts may not necessarily be in the same breath, and it will not be troublesome to deal with them when the time comes.

"I'm still against it! If you abuse such a wise holy land psychic beast, you will definitely suffer backlash!"

Tsunade snorted coldly and left the table angrily.

As for the medical ninjas under her command, they only dared to abstain from voting.

Orochimaru hesitated again and again, and also cast an abstention.

Although his relationship with Jiraiya is pretty good, it doesn't mean that he will be in harmony with Miaogishan.

In fact, as early as the Second Ninja World War, the psychic beasts summoned by the two often stumbled each other on the battlefield, which also shows the bad relationship between Ryuji Cave and Mt. Miaogi.

"Then it will be executed sequentially! At that time, please organize personnel from the hospital and research institute to go to the prison of the police department to check the physical condition of the captured psychic beasts and issue a sustainable use plan!"

Hatake Sakumo concluded again: "Then today's meeting ends here, and the meeting minutes formed will be submitted to the ninjas for signature and confirmation tomorrow, and will be submitted to the Senate for backup!"

"... Orochimaru Jominin."

Just when everyone was about to leave, Uchiha Tokumitsu stopped Orochimaru.

"There is a kind reminder..."

The smiling Uchiha Tokumitsu looked extremely hateful in the eyes of Orochimaru!
"Even if it is the so-called Holy Land of Psychic Beasts, they are always a group of aliens... Let's keep some proper vigilance."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said something that jumped up without beginning or end, and then left on his own.

Orochimaru frowned, constantly trying to figure out Uchiha Tokumitsu's intentions.

"He... what did he know?!"

Looking at the background of Uchiha Tokumitsu's departure, Orochimaru felt his thoughts were disturbed again.

 Ask for a ticket at the beginning of the month~ask for a monthly ticket and ask for a recommended ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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