Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 314 Human Supremacism

Chapter 314 Human Supremacism
At night, the worried Orochimaru came to Ryuji Cave again through reverse spirituality.

After the House of Representatives meeting in the afternoon, Orochimaru felt something was wrong the more he thought about it.

Uchiha Tokumitsu's attitude towards the Holy Land of Psychic Beasts was too rigid, and all the participating ninjas could basically see that it was Tokumitsu Uchiha who was promoting the village's hostile attitude towards Mount Myogi and even all the Holy Lands of Psychic Beasts...

But this is also the first time that a force in the ninja world has expressed its hostility to a holy land of psychic beasts that transcends foreign domains in such a clear manner.

this is not normal...

According to Orochimaru's understanding, even in the Warring States period, the contract of the psychic beast group was actually mostly arbitrary, and it was not necessarily limited to a certain ninja and force. On the battlefield, psychic beasts of the same lineage It is also common to fight under the call of contracted ninjas from different camps.

Furthermore, the reason why the group of psychic beasts can maintain a relatively detached state is also because they don't have much ambition for the ninja world, and they mainly hope to obtain certain benefits from contract ninjas. Sensitive powerhouses will not tolerate the existence of psychic beasts.

It's just... Not only Miaogishan who has been claiming to be looking for the "savior" and "son of prophecy" of the ninja world, Dashemaru even feels that Ryujidong's attitude is getting more and more strange, as if he has already begun to have a presupposition It is no longer possible to maintain the once detached bystander attitude.

"Come in with me... Immortal White Snake is already waiting for you."

Tian Xin Shen Ji frowned and urged Orochimaru who was standing there thoughtfully.


Orochimaru came to his senses now, and stepped up to catch up with Tian Xin Shen Ji who was floating in mid-air.

At this time, he discovered another problem in his mentality, that is, it is getting easier and easier to be distracted regardless of the occasion.

"Great Immortal, Orochimaru is here..."

It is still the familiar Snake Cave Stone Temple, but the White Snake Immortal who sits high above has transformed into an old woman this time.

"White Snake Immortal, here I come."

Orochimaru saluted respectfully.

"Your spirit has gone wrong, and your self-will and obsession have deviated."

The old woman transformed by the White Snake Immortal smoked a pipe and said quietly.


Orochimaru was silent for a while, and finally nodded in agreement.

"Baqizhijutsu is different from ordinary ninjutsu. The foundation of this forbidden technique lies in the incarnation of obsession."

The White Snake Immortal spit out dragon-shaped smoke, and began to cast his eyes on the nervous Orochimaru: "But you were affected by the ridiculous bond with the ground walker of Miaomu Mountain, which led to loss of faith and even insanity... ..."

"It's ridiculous!"

Immortal White Snake reprimanded mercilessly.

"Oshemaru, do you want immortality or bondage?"


Orochimaru hesitated for a moment, his face was full of struggle, but finally he chose his original belief.

"If you don't die, you still need friendship!"


Orochimaru's expression gradually became firm.

"That's all right..."

The White Snake Immortal nodded, "The Baqi technique is a method of detachment, a secret technique capable of transforming dragons into immortality, and it is definitely not comparable to those crude ninjutsu in the ninja world..."

"But it is also because of this that the practice of this technique is extremely difficult. Since its inception, almost no second person has been able to practice it successfully..."

"You won't disappoint me... Orochimaru!"

Immortal White Snake said sadly.

Orochimaru didn't say a word.

Although the White Snake Immortal has been nesting in the Ryuji Cave, his understanding of the secrets of the ninja world far exceeds that of Orochimaru.

Even his own mental problems can be accurately judged, which shows how much the White Snake Immortal understands him, or how much he controls him.

"Are Indra's descendants determined to sanction those Miaomushan toads today?"

Immortal White Snake asked, changing the subject.


Orochimaru nodded.

There's nothing to hide about this. Since the White Snake Immortal has asked on his own initiative, it means that he clearly knows about it, so there's no point in covering it up.

Besides, the friendship between Orochimaru and Uchiha Tokumitsu is far from the point where they need to cover each other.

"How do you feel about this?"

The White Snake Immortal asked.

"... Glad to see that."

Orochimaru expressed his true thoughts.

Whether it's Uchiha Tokumitsu or Miao Mushan behind Jiraiya, in fact, Orochimaru doesn't like it very much.

Uchiha Tokumitsu and the family behind him are the culprits that caused his teacher Sarutobi's death and fame; and those nagging toads on Miaogishan fascinated his good friends. So in Orochimaru's mind, neither of them is a good thing. It would be great if the dog bites the dog and hurts both sides.

"You are honest..."

Immortal White Snake took a puff of his pipe happily and exhaled smoke rings: "But your wish should not be long before it comes true... Those stinky toads have decided to fight against Indra's descendants to the end."

"...What is Indra?"

Although from the foreword and postscript of the White Snake Immortal, Orochimaru can roughly infer that Indra may be the ancestor of the Uchiha clan, but he has no impression or understanding of his deeds and life, so I asked a lot by the way One sentence.

"Indra is the ancestor of the Uchiha clan, and his father is Otsuki Hagoromo..."

Immortal White Snake revealed an anecdote without hesitation. Seeing that Da She Wan still had an expression of indifference on the face of an ignorant person, he sent another bombshell: "The so-called Datongmu Yuyi is what you often call the Six Paths." Immortal..."

"Six, Immortals of the Six Paths..."

As expected, Immortal White Snake was satisfied to see the broken expression on Dashewan's face.

"Otsutsuki Hagoromo founded the Ninja sect, and it was Indra and Asura who carried it forward~ Of course, due to the wars and chaos of the Warring States Period for thousands of years, the history is scattered, so there are not many people who know the existence of this secret."

The White Snake Immortal said leisurely: "Indra regards human beings as the supreme, degrades all living beings and spirits as slaves, slaughters old gods and evil spirits, and seals monsters. Now his descendants have a bit of the demeanor of their ancestors..."

"Thank you Immortal White Snake for your enlightenment..."

After being shocked for a while, Orochimaru finally regained his composure and bowed respectfully to Immortal White Snake.

However, because of the words of Immortal White Snake, Orochimaru's greed for the limit power of the Ninja Blood Successor ignited again.

Although he felt the change in his inner emotions at this time, Dashemaru remained unmoved and did not carry out self-psychological correction, because he found that the obsession he needed to maintain at all times had been restored to its original state due to greed.

"This thing is for you..."

Immortal White Snake waved his hand, and a snake-tooth-shaped pendant floated in front of Dashewan.

"Since you are greedy for Indra's descendants, then this item can be used by you..."

Orochimaru put the snake-tooth-shaped pendant in his hand, and felt a chill in his head, and his spirit suddenly became firm.

Taking a closer look, it seems that there are countless almost invisible spell-sealed runes floating on the snake tooth pendant, which come and go with each other in an endless stream.

"This is a fang I left before I became immortal. Although it is not very useful, it can at least save you from the influence of ordinary illusions, and it is beneficial to the practice of the Art of Eight Qi..."

Immortal White Snake said leisurely: "Oshewan, I hope you won't let me down..."

"As ordered..."

Orochimaru took a deep breath, and after saluting, he resigned and left.


"Mt. Miaomu may rebound somewhat."

The summary proposal formed at the meeting was quickly passed by the Senate and the House of Representatives. However, Hatake Sakumo was somewhat worried, "Mr. Tokumitsu, does the village need to be specially arranged to avoid attacks?"

"Although it may not be so hostile to Mount Miaomu... But since Shuo Mao-kun proposed, I will ask the police department to gather the quick response forces from the headquarters and police stations in each district. If there is a sudden change, we can support it."

Uchiha Tokumitsu thought for a while, and agreed to Hatake Sakumo's suggestion.

"Although it is indeed reasonable to eliminate those toads hiding illegally in the village, I still have some puzzles..."

Hatake Sakumo asked tentatively.

"Mr. Shuo Mao, please tell me."

Uchiha Tokumitsu didn't mind.

"Mr. Deguang seems to care about the three holy places? Why?"

Hatake Sakumo asked.

"A mere monster of a different kind dares to call itself a Holy Land, a self-proclaimed Immortal..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu snorted, "Especially Myogi-san, who even intervened in the direction of the ninja world with the so-called prophecy without authorization, trying to replace the struggle of the ninja with a different kind of will. So that everything in this ninja world belongs to the ninja!"

"Mr. Deguang really has great ambitions."

Hatake Sakumo couldn't help sighing: "I've also heard Zirai also talk about the so-called savior of Myogi-san, but I didn't take it seriously at the time, and I didn't expect that there would be a meaning of alien interference in the ninja world behind it... "

Although he doesn't understand what a "monster" is, judging from Uchiha Tokumitsu's radical approach of "destroying his family, destroying his species and exterminating his descendants", it can also be seen that he has a deep prejudice against the so-called holy land of psychic beasts.

Having said this, Hatake Sakumo was no longer persistent, and after chatting for a while, he got up and left.

He will also urge the subordinate agencies of the House of Representatives to inform all registered ninjas of the village's listing of Mt. Supervise the battle in person.


"This ghostly place! I feel like I'm going to be moldy!"

In a big house in a small town in the eastern part of the Land of Rain, the Uchiha conservative ninjas who were relegated here by the Uchiha Fire Gate gathered in front of a fire to dry their clothes.

And the Land of Rain, where there is heavy rain all year round, is definitely the most annoying place for Uchiha ninjas who specialize in fire escape.

"I don't know when I can go back..."

The Uchiha conservative ninjas complained,

"Huomen can't stand being annoyed by you... so I'm here to keep out of sight."

An older Uchiha Jonin laughed at himself: "Now is the era of radicals taking power, and we dissidents are naturally not welcome."

"We are also Uchiha! Why should we look at it so differently!"

A young Uchiha ninja muttered in displeasure.

"It is said that even the authority of the police department is controlled by General Deguang. Apart from the false name of the head of the patriarch, he can't even control a squadron..."

Another Uchiha ninja suddenly joked: "Don't look at us unhappy, in fact, those guys who are nesting in the village are also quite sad~"

"Speaking of this~ I don't know if Fugaku can succeed~"

The Uchiha ninjas immediately started gossiping.

"Be careful!"

The elder Uchiha Shinobu frowned and interrupted the gossip of this group of juniors.

"Set up the guard post and rest..."

Uchiha Shinobu sighed, "No matter how unhappy those directly related guys are, they are better off than us... Besides, I don't know how long we'll be moldy in this damn rainy environment..."

Thinking of their current situation, all the Uchiha conservative ninjas suddenly felt no gossip, silently cleaned up the baked clothes, and after assigning the duty of duty, they rested.

Although in the land of the rain, there is a high probability that they will not be attacked by the enemy, but the Uchiha ninjas still set up bright guards and dark guards, and several ninjas with perception expertise also volunteered to participate in the night watch.

Seeing this, the elder Uchiha Kaminin was also deeply comforted.

Although the conservative faction is weak now, the clansmen still maintain the unity within the faction. This is a very rare virtue for Uchiha, who is brave and ruthless and worships the strong.

However, as the saying goes, the height of the road is one foot and the height of the devil is ten feet high. Although the night sentry was carefully arranged and the surrounding situation was tested using sensory ninjutsu, the conservative Uchiha ninjas have never noticed that the people outside the door On a big tree, a croaking tree frog has been paying attention to the movements of the conservative Uchiha ninjas in the house.

 Update today (1/2)

  Ask for a ticket at the beginning of the month~ask for a monthly ticket and ask for a recommended ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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