Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 315 The Night Attack on Mount Miaomu

Chapter 315 The Night Attack on Mount Miaomu
Ten kilometers away from the small town where the Uchiha conservative ninjas gather, Jiraiya is hiding in a tree hole with an extremely complicated expression.

According to the original plan of Myogi-san Fukasaku Immortal, he planned to organize Myogi-san's ninjas to attack the Fire Gate Shogunate in the Country of Grass.However, according to Jiraiya's intelligence description, due to the strength of the Huomen shogunate, if they attack outrageously, the Myogi Mountain Ninja Frog may suffer extremely heavy losses.

However, just when Jiraiya assembled the Ninja troops and prepared to conduct a few border post exchanges, the Intelligence Ninja suddenly discovered a group of Uchiha ninjas from the eastern part of the Land of Rain.

Jiraiya thought it was the Uchiha clan who detected his existence and sent people to strangle him, but after a round of reconnaissance by the intelligence ninja, he found that it was just a group of exiled Uchiha dissidents.

"Master Jiraiya, they only have more than 30 people... they can completely destroy them!"

Kosuke Toad, the contact frog, encouraged from the side.

Jiraiya's expression was more complicated.

Even though he has been classified as a traitor now, he actually doesn't want to do anything to the Konoha ninja in his heart.

Uchiha Tokumitsu is not benevolent, he can't be unrighteous, Konoha ninjas are all his brothers and sisters!

"Master Jiraiya! They are Uchiha! Evil Uchiha!"

Toad Xiaosuke continued to incite: "They captured Hama Zhong! It listens to you the most!"

Jiraiya's heart began to shake.

"Have you seen it? The latest information is that Konoha has legalized the dissection of Toad Chu through Uchiha's puppet House!"

Toad Xiaosuke cried again: "It's worse than death now! It's just a pity that Miaomushan strictly abides by neutrality and cannot declare war on Konoha, and it can't save Toad Zhong who is in a desperate situation!"

He is not benevolent and I am not righteous, it is just right and proper!
The last string of Jiraiya's reason was completely broken with Toad Kosuke's cry.

"If you want to fight Uchiha... at least three times as many ninjas must participate in the battle."

Jiraiya immediately changed his position and began to calculate the power needed to wipe out the conservative Uchiha: "And... I don't know if there are any blood-successor ninjas among those Uchiha ninjas. If there are, it will be troublesome of."

"Master Jiraiya...isn't your strength enough to kill a mere Uchiha Jonin?"

Toad Kosuke was a little stunned.

In its cognition and understanding, Jiraiya is already considered one of the strongest in the ninja world. It is only because of the formation of ninjas who have no attachments under his command that Uchiha Tokumitsu forced him to leave the village and become a rebel. Otherwise, the Mt.

"Jonin of the Uchiha clan and Sangoyu Sharingan may not be the same thing..."

Jiraiya patiently explained to Toad Kosuke: "The Uchiha ninjas who have awakened the Sangodama Sharingan must be the best among the top ninjas, but the Uchiha ninjas whose strength has reached the level of the Jonin may not all be able to awaken the Sangodama. Blood inheritance limit."

"Then... how many ninjas do we need to gather?"

Toad Kosuke asked cautiously.

Jiraiya left the village alone, and there were not many loyal subordinates before, so now there are only three or two so-called "Akatsuki Organization" cats and cats under his command. The Ninja Frog was drawn from Mt. Myogi to participate in the attack.

As for allowing Jiraiya to attack the large-scale Uchiha Ninja Army alone... Miao Mushan is not so ignorant.

"120 Ninja, it's almost enough to attack it by four times. If there is more, my Chakra will not be able to maintain it... Also, let Fukasaku Senshi choose elite Ninja as much as possible, so as not to make mistakes. Those Uchihas Sharingan is the best at finding loopholes."

Jilai also thought about it, and said: "Besides, in order to avoid leaking information due to too much noise, Wentai is not suitable for participating in the war... Then please inform Fukasaku Immortal and Shima Immortal, and I may trouble you two."

As one of the commanders of the Second Ninja World War, Jiraiya naturally had something in his stomach, so he figured out who would attack the conservative Uchiha Ninja Army. Kosuke Toad also obeyed the order to dispel the psychic spell and return to Mt. Myogi.


In the tree hole that had returned to a dead silence, Jiraiya suddenly smiled wryly.

"My hands are finally going to be stained with the blood of a ninja from the same village..."

Jiraiya raised his left hand and looked at it carefully, as if observing the dirt in his palm.

"You forced me... Uchiha Tokumitsu, you forced me!"

Under the moonlight, the ferocious color was inexplicably ferocious.


"It's shift time."

In the mansion where the conservative Uchiha ninja army was stationed collectively, a Uchiha zhongnin who had just woken up patted his companion on the shoulder with some drowsiness.

"Is it time..."

The companion got up and changed the guard as promised, "The rain never stops, it's really annoying!"

"The Land of Rain~ It's normal."

The Uchiha ninja who was changing shifts said casually: "There is still some mutton soup from the Country of Grass in the kitchen, you can drink some to warm your body."

"Forget it, the whole person is moldy... Take a Bingliang pill and go to sleep."

The Uchiha ninja who left the post staggered back to the mansion step by step.

Although it seems a little slack, it is actually a deliberate disguise.

In addition to the guard posts on the bright side, there are actually many Uchiha ninjas lurking in the dark and observing the surroundings all the time, and there are more sentient ninjas in the house who are detecting every wind and grass; although the country of rain is calm today, most All the ninjas were taken out of the Land of Birds by Sanshoyu Hanzo, but who knows if there will be any daring Ronin Renren who finds out and comes to attack.

"It's really noisy!"

The Uchiha ninja on the sentry felt that the tree frogs not far away were really noisy, so he picked up a stone and threw it with ninja techniques, smashing it into a ball of meat.


"The number of people has not changed..."

In the tree hole in the distance, Kosuke Toad covered his right eye and said solemnly: "However, the scout frogs placed outside their garrison were killed. I don't know if they have leaked information!"

"Then fight immediately!"

A ninja frog outside the tree hole held a steel fork and said viciously: "As long as you act decisively, they will definitely have no time to escape!"

"It shouldn't be... Maybe it was just an unintentional move."

Ji Lai also thought about it for a while, then shook his head, "Let's follow the original plan to attack latently."

"As ordered!"

Although they shouted quite loudly, all the Myokiyama ninja frogs obediently obeyed Jiraiya's order.

"Can't Chakra fluctuations detect the strength of those Uchihas?"

Jiraai also asked Toad Kosuke with some worries about gains and losses.

"There is no way... The scouting frog can only share vision with me, and cannot perceive Chakra fluctuations."

Toad Kosuke said with some regret: "It is only confirmed that the number of people is 36..."

"Then forget it, the big deal is to ask the two immortals to take action..."

Jiraiya also nodded, "Uchiha will definitely have secret sentries, everyone should pay attention when lurking to attack."

"Follow orders!"

Bloodthirsty smiles appeared on the faces of the ninjas.

There are 36 Uchiha ninjas, that is, twelve standard ninja combat squads or nine Jonin combat squads... I don't know how many ninjas who participated in this battle will survive the war.

I also feel a little uncomfortable inside.

At this time, the well-trained ninjas have quickly dispersed their formation, forming a seemingly loose but interconnected tactical team in groups of three or four, sneaking towards the small town in the distance.

Jiraiya exhaled, collected his thoughts, held the chakra fluctuations, and quickly jumped to the front row of the ninjas to act as ninja fighters.

Although the distance of ten kilometers is not short, it is only a short distance in the eyes of the ninja. After a while, the ninjas led by Jiraiya came to the low city wall on the outer edge of the small city where the Uchiha ninja was located.

At this time, it was only about one kilometer away from the mansion where Uchiha gathered, and the conservative Uchiha Ninja Army who was resting still remained silent.

"Master Jiraiya..."

Kosuke Toad, the contact frog, nodded to Jiraiya, and retreated after reconfirming that there was no abnormality.

It doesn't have much combat effectiveness, and if it participates in the battle, it will be purely boring.

"Let's fight!"

Although there are many low-rise civilian houses around the mansion where the Uchiha Ninja Army is located, and there are many ordinary civilians among them, but at this time, they can't take care of them. If they evacuate, they can't escape Uchiha's eyes.

and so……

"This is a necessary sacrifice!"

Jiraiya was full of fortitude, and was the first to jump up by virtue of physical skills, while the ninjas either fled the ground or jumped up, and launched attacks one after another.

"Tu Dun·Huangquan Marsh!"

When jumping in the air, Jiraiya quickly formed a seal with both hands, and immediately pressed his right hand on the ground when he landed, launching a high-level ninjutsu.

Immediately, the ground of the mansion garrisoned by the Uchiha Ninja Army immediately turned into a brown quagmire, swallowing the house, trees and everything around it.

"Enemy attack!"

With the cry of the secret whistle, 36 conservative Uchiha ninjas rose up in an instant and escaped from the coverage of Huangquannuma.But in a hurry, there were still many Uchiha ninjas who didn't have time to bring the ninja bag and other items that were put aside.


The ninja frogs who came after the attack screamed angrily and launched an attack at the same time.

"It's the toad from Mt. Miaomu!"

Seeing this situation, a leading Uchiha jonin immediately changed his face.

"Fire Escape, Great Flame Bullet!"

Jiraiya also refined chakra into oil, and ignited it the moment it was sprayed out, forming a highly viscous flame bomb that hit the formation of the Uchiha ninja army.

"Fire Escape: The Technique of Dragon Fire!"

Not to be outdone, a Uchiha jounin immediately used fire escape ninjutsu to fight back.

But after all, he still underestimated the power of Jiraiya's Great Flame Bullet. After the fire dragon he fired was engulfed in oil and fire, although the power of the Great Flame Bullet was weakened, it still hit the Uchiha Ninja Army.

"Tu Dun·Tu Liubi!"

Another Uchiha ninja immediately launched the earth escape ninjutsu outside the range of Huangquannuma, building layers of soil walls, which blocked Jiraiya's ninjutsu attack.

At this time, the ninjas who practiced ninjutsu also began to break into the formation of the Uchiha ninja army and began to fight.

"It's no big deal..."

Jiraiya also saw that his two ninjutsu had played a big role, so he looked down on the Uchiha ninja army a little more, and put the heart that was in his throat before the battle back into his stomach.

"Fire Escape, Phoenix Immortal Fire Technique!"

"Fire Escape · Impatiens Claw Red!"

"Fire Escape Dragon Fire Technique!"

But soon the counterattack of the Uchiha Ninja Army came.

It is also the best fire escape and ninja skills of the Uchiha clan, and quickly hit the ninjas head-to-head; at the same time, the eyes of the Uchiha ninja who awakened Sharingan burst out with bloody light, defiantly fearing death The posture continued to countercharge towards the ninja crowd.


This is a nearly four times difference in quantity!

Zilai couldn't help taking a breath of air-conditioning.

"Magic · The Art of Hanging!"

Uchiha Jonin, who entered the crowd of ninjas, was brave and unparalleled, using illusion to open the way, supplemented by swordsmanship, and forcibly set off a wave of blood among the ninjas.


A light yellow toad in iron armor quickly resisted Uchiha Jonin who was killing all directions, and started fighting with him.

Although the ninjas gained a certain advantage by virtue of their numbers, under the Uchiha ninja's counterattack, the encirclement attack formation was still a little loose.

Jirai remained unmoved, squatting in the dark and continued to observe the battle situation.

"Four trigodamas, five shuanggoudamas who are comparable to the fighting power of the ninja...it is actually the establishment of the nine ninja fighting squads..."

With one Jonin leading three Chunin to form a battle squad, this is the standard establishment of the Konoha elite troops, and the nine Uchiha clan Jōnin battle squads are equivalent to three times the normal ninja army.

Although the ninjas are well-trained, they still look unattractive under the sharp counterattack of the Uchiha ninja army; Jiraiya also discovered the problem through observation. In the final analysis, it is the combat experience of the ninjas in Mt. Still too little.

No matter how well-trained, it is still inferior to the life-and-death struggle of death or injury...

However, in addition to the ordinary ninja frogs, there are also special ninja frogs such as Mt. Myogi's powerful toad and iron wall toad.

"Blinking technique!"

After observing for a while, Jiraiya, who felt that he had a rough estimate of the strength of all Uchiha ninjas, immediately killed them in an instant.

"Ninja, the technique of chaotic lion hair!"

A head of white hair grew instantly under the urging of Chakra, and turned into a lion's head to wrap around a Uchiha Chuin who was about to cut off the head of the ninja frog. blood foam.

"Jilai also!"

"It's rebellion and tolerance!"

The Uchiha ninja reacted immediately, and quickly used the instant body technique to break away from the entanglement with the ninja, and gathered on the other side to form a battle formation.

After a round of fighting, only 36 of the 23 conservative Uchihas remained, and more than [-] ninjas also died in battle.

"The mountain does not welcome me, a hero, and the sea does not welcome me!"

Jilai, whose head was full of blood foam, also slowly stood up straight, with a rare bloodthirsty look on his face, and slowly chanted: "Uchiha's little brats—have you awakened!"

"The remnants of Hokage... the traitorous ninja!"

The three-god jade in the eyes of the elder Uchiha Jonin who was the leader turned faster and faster, and his murderous aura became more and more intense, "A mere bastard, dare to bark and bark in front of my Uchiha clan!"

"...I really don't know how to live or die!"

Jiraiya also felt that there might be some emotional problems at this time, but with the hateful Uchiha ninja in front, he didn't care about other things: "Then... then please die!"

As soon as the words fell, Jiraiya was the first to kill him instantly.

Panting for a while, the ninjas rushed forward immediately.


Although the Uchiha ninjas present were all conservatives, they were also extremely proud Uchiha clansmen. Under the leadership of the elder Jonin, they were not afraid, and immediately used the instant body technique to charge forward.

Immediately, there was another bloody battle like a meat grinder.

 Update today (2/2)

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(End of this chapter)

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