Chapter 316

"Uchiha Ryu Sword Leap Slash!"

The three Uchiha shinin Qiqi urged Chakra swordsmanship, and swung the sword energy from different angles to take Jiraiya directly.

This is also the optimal solution based on the comparison of the combat effectiveness of the two sides - the conservative Uchiha ninjas present are not strong enough to fight alone with Jiraiya!
Therefore, it is also an optimal solution under the current unavoidable situation to take out a part of the most important jonin combat power to fight Jiraai.

"Ninja · Needle Jizo!"

Jiraiya flicked his hair while making seals, and under the urging of Chakra, his silver hair grew rapidly and wrapped around his body, and continued to attack against the sword energy attacks of three Uchiha jounin.

"Boom boom boom!"

Three flames of sword energy directly hit the needle Jizo that Jiraiya used to protect his body, splitting his silver hair all over the ground and flying all over the sky, but Jiraiya also rushed in front of the three Uchiha jounin.

"Magic · The Art of Hanging!"

The three Uchiha jounin squatted down slightly, aligned their sharing eyes with Jiraiya's eyes, and launched the illusion together.

Under the superimposed effect of the three illusions, Jiraiya immediately froze, and a look of panic appeared on his face.

"Instant cut!"

The two Uchiha shinobi performed the instant body attack together, swung their knives staggeredly and cut Jiraiya into three sections.

"Ninja Thousand Hair Needles!"

But unexpectedly, the hair that was originally scattered on the ground was suddenly catalyzed by ninjutsu into hard strands of thousands of bones, shooting towards Uchiha Jonin who just showed joy.


The Uchiha shinin were immediately shocked.

But then, the "Jiraiya" that had been cut into three pieces turned into a puff of smoke, and a small frog leaped out of the smoke with the seal of both hands.

"Ninja Toad Oil Bomb!"

A stream of extremely viscous chakra toad oil spewed out from the frog's mouth, covering Uchiha Jominin who was frantically chopping Senbon's hair with a knife.

"Art fire escape ho fireball!"

A Uchiha jounin quickly spewed out a huge fireball from his mouth, hitting towards Chakra Toad.


The toad oil was immediately ignited under the attack of the fireball, and under the pressure of the high-temperature flames, the three Uchiha jounin jumped back to avoid the damage of ninjutsu burning.

This is also a helpless solution under close-range attacks, although it can be judged from the ninjutsu characteristics of the changing little frog that it is chakra oil with sticky and flammable characteristics, and attacks with fire escape It may affect oneself, but it is better than being splashed with toad oil and then being made to be afraid by the opponent's fire escape.

Although the three Uchiha shinobi managed to escape from the fire oil explosion area, all of them were burnt by the high-temperature flames so that their skin became red and their hair was curly, while the Uchiha ninjas and Miaogishan ninjas who were fighting fiercely around them were affected to a certain extent. spread.

"Not to be underestimated..."

The three Uchiha jounin once again concentrated on preparing to attack.

"Uchiha's little brats, die!"

Jiraiya rushed out of the explosion area wrapped in flames, and once again killed Uchiha Jonin.


Even if they were slightly frustrated, the Uchiha Jonin still faced them with their swords without fear, and once again fought with Jiraiya.

At this time, the battle between the conservative Uchiha ninjas and the ninjas also entered the most intense state.

After the three Uchiha ninjas fought against Jiraiya, the conservative Uchiha ninja army had only 20 people, and six of them were the commanding and main force of the battle.

After the first round of fighting among the ninjas in Mount Miaomu, more than 80 ninjas survived.

The ratio of the number of people on both sides is more than four times.

But the red-eyed Uchiha ninjas, under the leadership of the six jounin, stared at the blood-red Sharingan together, and they were indistinguishable from the overwhelmingly superior number of ninjas.

After a bloody battle, the conservative Uchiha ninja army once again killed three people and seriously injured two people, while nearly twenty corpses of the ninjas fell to the ground.

This was achieved with the help of special combat toads such as the Iron Arm Toad and the Vigorous Toad among the Ninja Frogs.

The Frog Ninjas felt a little chilled.

Although judging from the exchange ratio between the two sides, the ninjas could still completely wipe out this Uchiha ninja army, but such a heavy casualty still made the ninjas palpitate.

There is no Ninja Frog.

As the backbone of Mt. Myogi, although this group of elite ninja frogs are well-trained, they have never experienced such a cruel bloody battle. The Uchiha ninjas who are not afraid of death make them feel very uncomfortable.

In previous battles with Ryuji Cave, even if Ninja Toba was seriously injured, he would quickly escape from the battlefield by dispelling the psychic spell to avoid death on the spot. The aliens experienced the power of the ninja army from a wealthy family in the ninja world.

And the Uchiha ninja army in front of him is not the most elite Tokuko Red Army of the Uchiha clan, but just a group of exiled people who are not welcome...

"Sure enough... a different kind is a different kind, so the so-called Holy Land of Psychic Beasts is no big deal!"

Uchiha Kaminin, who commanded the ninja army, spat out a mouthful of blood, grinned ferociously, and the blood in his eyes became even hotter.

"Can't you die?"

Uchiha Jonin shouted to the two seriously injured clansmen who had just bandaged themselves.

"I can crush another toad to death!"

The two Uchiha ninjas who were seriously injured were supported by the tribe next to them, and struggled to get up alone. Although their faces were pale, their mouths were still hard.

"As long as I don't die in this battle, I will go back to the village and kneel in front of Master Deguang to plead guilty no matter how punished I am!"

Uchiha Kaminin who commanded the ninja army chuckled, the corners of his eyes twitched non-stop, and the expression on his face became more ferocious: "Master Tokumitsu is right, the Hokage series will never die, even the remnants of the betrayal of ninja! "

"Go on!"

After panting for a while, the iron-armed toad saw that the morale of the ninjas on his side was gradually declining, so he quickly ordered another attack.

"Come on, toads!"

The crazy Uchiha ninja immediately swung his sword to hedge.

"Fire Escape: The Technique of Dragon Fire!"

"Water Escape·Toad Iron Cannon!"

Then there was another round of extremely bloody fighting.


On the other side, the three Uchiha Jonin who fought against Jiraiya began to gradually fall into a disadvantage, but even so, the experienced Uchiha Jonin were still playing steadily, preventing Jiraiya, who was endlessly emerging with various secret techniques of Miaogi Mountain, from catching a chance to kill, and the battle between the two sides was still in a stalemate.

Although Jiraiya was generally fighting against the three Uchiha Jonin, his heart gradually became anxious.

As an experienced former commander, he also saw that the situation of the ninja frogs fighting against the Uchiha ninja army was very unsatisfactory.

Even with a four-fold quantitative advantage, the advantage could not be expanded, which clearly reflected the problem.

Moreover, he himself was so anxious to fight against the three junin who were not well-known among the Uchiha clan. If the ninjas were killed by the Uchiha ninja army, then he would also fall into a disadvantageous battle situation.

"It's still a little too big..."

Jiraiya planned to use spiritism to summon the two sages from Mt. Myogi to help out, but he couldn't find a chance under the entanglement of the three Uchiha jounin, and he couldn't find a chance to enter the sage mode alone.


After a round of slashing and slashing, the short knife in Jiraiya's hand was cut off when he blocked Uchiha Jonin's downward slashing blow.

In order to avoid the Taidao cutting towards the front door, Jiraiya had no choice but to lean back his neck and step back with his right foot to avoid the sharp edge.

"good chance!"

The other two Uchiha jounin immediately flashed to both sides of Jiraiya in the posture of drawing their swords and slashing at the same time.


Under the pursuit of Uchiha Jonin, Jiraiya had to raise his arms at the same time, trying to block the ninja sword attack with his wrist guards.

But under the sharp ninja knife slashing, even the wrist guard made of fine steel was split, and Jiraiya's arms were also cut deeply by the ninja knife.But it was precisely because of this time that he tried his best to block the injury, so Jiraiya once again seized the opportunity to use the instant body technique to escape from the entanglement.

Black blood spurted from the wounds on both arms.

"Ninja knife is poisoned!"

Jilai, who fell behind, was also shocked in his heart!
It is very rare for Uchiha ninjas to use poison!
"Take advantage of his injury to kill him!"

The three Uchiha jounin immediately shouted and chased after the victory.

"no solution anymore……"

Jiraiya took a deep breath, quickly bit his finger, and desperately pulled out Chakra and pressed it on the ground:

"Toad Wentai!"

A gigantic super-giant ninja rushed out, forcing the three Uchiha ninjas to retreat immediately.

For this sake, he didn't care about continuing to hide his features.

As soon as Gama Bunta came out, all the eyed people in the small town knew who the commander of the attacking party was, and Konoha's insiders must also know about it. There was no way to deceive the past—unless Jiraiya also ended the battle in a very short time and killed all witnesses.

But this is no longer possible.

As the battle continued to this day, the managers of the small town had long since fired signal flares to send messages to distant places, and as Hamo Wentai came out with a bang, a group of civilians who had been watching the scene immediately fled out of the town.

As civilians of the Land of Rain who grew up in a war-torn land, they knew very well what level of excitement was acceptable and what level of excitement was fatal.

"Toad cuts with a short knife!"

Toad Bunta is one of the high-ranking members of Mt. Miaogi, with a pair of bubble eyes, he can understand the situation of the battle, and immediately does not talk nonsense with Jiraai, so he immediately draws out his short knife and swings at the three Uchiha jounin.

Although it is called a short sword, it is only compared to the huge Bunta. Compared with ninjas, Toad Bunta's short sword is simply a huge and unparalleled metal wall. The strong wind forced the Uchiha jonin to jump up and down without any power to fight back.

The absolute difference in body size is so terrifying.

"Attention little ones!"

Toad Bunta yelled at the ninjas who were fighting fiercely with the Uchiha Ninja Army, and then jumped up:
"——Roof collapse technique!"

The huge body fell heavily towards the formation of the Uchiha ninjas, forcing the Uchiha ninjas to disperse and flee in all directions.


The huge body fell to the ground, stirring up dust flying in the sky.

"Boom boom boom!"

There were bursts of detonating symbols exploding under Toad Wentai.


Although the attack of the detonating talisman was nothing to Gama Bunta, it still made him cry out in pain.

After Toad Wentai jumped up again, there were only two pools of blood and the remnants of clothes with the fan logo faintly visible on the ground.

The two Uchiha ninjas who were seriously injured and continued to fight were unable to dodge in time. They ignited all the detonating charms on their bodies before being crushed by Gama Bunta's "roof collapse technique", and gave Bunta a death blow.

But under the impact of the detonating talisman and the falling toad, the two of them had no bones left.


The Uchiha ninjas gritted their teeth, their eyes tearing apart.

"You guys flee quickly!"

The elder Uchiha Kaminin pointed at the four young clansmen, and ordered: "Go back and report to Tokumitsu-sama, let him avenge us!"

After Gama Bunta appeared, Uchiha Jonin immediately understood that there was absolutely no chance of reversing the situation of the battle, so the most important thing at this time was to retain some of the faction's seed power and let them avenge themselves.

"Others, join me in defending the glory of the Uchiha clan!"

Although the four young Uchihas were reluctant to give up, they also understood that continuing to entangle and cry at this time was not only a dead end, but also a chance for revenge, so they immediately wiped away their tears and immediately poured a bottle of Bingliang Wan into their mouths. Execute the instant body technique in four directions to escape.

The ninjas immediately began to divide their troops and try to pursue them.

"Chopsticks, your opponent is me!"

Under the leadership of the elders, the Uchiha ninja army launched the final desperate attack.

"Huo Dun · head hard!"

"Fire Escape·Longyan Art of Singing!"

Trying to squeeze out the last trace of chakra in their bodies, the Uchiha jonin launched the most violent fire escape attack, and then performed the teleportation technique, and killed the ferocious ninjas without fear.

"Water Escape·Iron Cannon Jade!"

Toad Bunta immediately spewed out one after another extremely condensed water-dun iron cannons from his mouth, scattered the fire-dun attacks of the Uchiha jonin, and then swung the dagger again and slashed at the "humble reptiles" in its eyes.

Jiraiya, standing on the head of Toad Bunta, took the detoxification pill, and immediately prepared to enter the sage mode to launch the final blow to the Uchiha ninja who was fighting desperately.

"Honorable opponent..."

As the natural energy poured into the body and blended with Chakra, Jiraiya's face appeared horizontal and vertical red stripes, red eyeshadow appeared at the corners of his eyes, and his pupils also turned into a straight line.

"It's a pity that you are Uchiha..."

Jiraiya said silently in his heart, jumped down from the top of Gama Bunta's head, and killed the two Uchiha jounin.

"Ninjutsu: Toad Hirakage Manipulation!"

Although Jiraiya has not yet learned a few Myogi-san senjutsu moves, his stamina and chakra strength have increased significantly under the boost of the sage mode. Before the two Uchiha jonin could react in time, he had already landed on one side, stepped on the shadows of the two and launched ninjutsu.


Uchiha Jonin, who was about to slash with his sword, felt his body froze, and his body immediately became uncontrollable.

"The shadow of the Nara family fucks..."

Before the words were finished, the two Uchiha Jonin were killed by Jiraiya with a wave of his palm.

"It's not the secret technique of the Nara family~"

With a bloody smile on Jiraiya's face, he said slowly: "This is Mt. Miaogi's secret ninja technique, and you are lucky to die under this technique..."


Seeing this, another Uchiha Jonin immediately swung his sword and killed him.

"In front of the fairy mode, even Uchiha is just an ant!"

Jiraiya looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, and with a wave of his hands, he was about to throw the two Uchiha ninjas who were killed by him through the chest.

But the two dying Uchiha jounin tried their last strength and grabbed Jiraiya's arm to prevent his body from being thrown out.

At the same time, there were piercing "sizzling" sounds coming from the body.


Jilai was also a little surprised, "This voice..."

"Explosive Charm!"

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom!!!"

The violent explosion of the detonating symbol involved Jiraiya. Uchiha Jonin, who was about to attack, was forced back by the violent explosion, and then Gama Bunta's short knife slashed at him again.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

As the smoke gradually dissipated, Jiraiya coughed and showed his figure.

Although his clothes were in a mess under the close-range explosion of the detonating talisman, and there were many wounds on his body, he didn't seem to be seriously injured, and the wounds had also healed quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye.


The older Uchiha Kamishi couldn't help tearing his eyes, and after avoiding another slash by Gama Bunta, he charged towards Jiraiya again.

Under the attack of Gama Bunta and the Ninjas, only a few people in the Uchiha Ninja Army are still fighting.

"bring it on!"

Zilai also greeted him wildly.

"Uchiha Ryu Sword Flame Slash!"

"I'm afraid you won't succeed!"

Relying on the protection of the sage mode, Jiraiya raised his left arm to receive Uchiha Jonin's charged blow abruptly, and then his right arm formed a palm knife, and hit Uchiha Jonin's chest.


Uchiha Jonin's left chest was pierced by a palm, and blood kept spitting out of his mouth.

"What a wonderful power..."

The three Uchiha Jonin who had been entangled with Jiraiya before, just fell on the spot.

Although the left arm that blocked the ninja slash was cut with a deep and visible bone wound, Jiraiya still didn't care. After waving away Uchiha Jonin's weak body, he prepared to kill the last two Uchiha ninjas who were still defying.

"Millennium Kill!"

Behind him, the last Uchiha Jominin's body suddenly recovered like a bubble, and the resurrected Uchiha Jonnin quickly picked up the ninja sword and stabbed towards Jiraiya's buttocks.


This time it was Zilai's turn and his eyes were tearing apart.

"go to hell!"

Furious, Jiraiya quickly turned his head around, once again joined his palms as knives, and struck at the Uchiha ninja who had a hollow right eye.

"Izanagi is really useful..."

Uchiha Jonin, who performed the ultimate forbidden technique and was resurrected from the dead, had exhausted his last strength before launching the Millennium Kill that he stole from Hatake Sakumo. When facing Jiraiya's hateful blow, he only used the last trace of chakra to ignite the detonating charm on his body.

"It's a pity that Chakra is not enough, otherwise I will stab him again..."

Uchiha Kaminin watched Jiraiya's sword piercing his chest, and coughed up blood from his mouth.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The violent explosion of the detonator was the last sound he heard.

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(End of this chapter)

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