Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 317 The Unending Blood Feud

Chapter 317 The Unending Blood Feud

"Lord Deguang..."

Under the attack of Myogiyama Ninja Frog, among the four people who escaped from the battlefield together, only three Uchiha ninjas escaped and returned to Konoha.

Moreover, one of them lost his left arm, and the other two were also seriously injured.

"Lord Deguang, we were wrong..."

In the top office of the police headquarters, the surviving Uchiha tribe knelt in front of Uchiha Tokumitsu, weeping uncontrollably.

Uchiha Tokumitsu's face was livid, and he didn't say a word.

After hearing the news, the elder Michidai, the head of the conservative faction who rushed over, was immediately congested and passed out after learning of the plight of the sect ninja.

"Please avenge us...My lord, we will always be the most loyal knife in your hand..."

A surviving clansman struggled forward and kowtowed in front of Uchiha Tokumitsu.

"Get up..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu's voice was extremely hoarse, as if he had swallowed hot coals.

A fishy smell gushed out from the throat, and the teeth creaked.

"Get up! Do you hear me!"

Uchiha Deguang roared: "You are Uchiha! You are the most proud Uchiha! Get up!"

"Don't kneel!"

Uchiha Deguang ignored the bandages on the three clansmen and kicked them over, "Get up! Stand up!"

The three surviving tribesmen struggled to get up, and tried to stop standing in front of Uchiha Tokumitsu, but the tears in their eyes were still streaming down.

"My clan..."

Uchiha Deguang covered his face and fell on the chair, looking up to the sky and sighing.

Tears also flowed from the cracks in the palms.

The eyes of the Uchiha people around were also flushed.

Patriarch Shifang Uchiha and his son Fugaku Uchiha stood at the door, tears dripping from their eyes.

The elder Setsuna who just arrived came in with the support of Uchiha Nakagen and Uchiha Emiko, and patted Uchiha Tokumitsu lightly on the shoulder.

"My people..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu, who covered his face with his palm, let out a mournful cry.

Even if he couldn't understand the hundred thousand members of the conservative clan.

Even if he exiled these unaccustomed conservatives.

Even if he once executed eleven shots against some conservative clansmen who tried to disobey.

But they are all his people!
Not only the sadness in his heart, even Uchiha Deguang felt that his eyes were stinging, and it seemed that the power of his pupils began to change inexplicably under the violent emotional fluctuations.

"My lords, my condolences..."

The Great Elder Setsuna said aloud.

The tears of the people of the clan dripped even harder.

Even during the brutal and bloody Ninja World War, the Uchiha clan had never suffered such a heavy loss in a single battle.

Even if the factions are different, the positions are different, and there are countless reasons why they don't like each other, but in the final analysis, whether they are radicals or conservatives, they are all Uchiha people, and they are all blood relatives with broken bones and tendons.

"Deguang-jun, you are the head of the family..."

Elder Setsuna patted Uchiha Tokumitsu on the shoulder again, sighed and said: "Your will is the direction of the family, cheer up..."

"I understand, Great Elder."

When Uchiha Tokumitsu put down the palm covering his face and stood up from the chair, his expression had returned to his cold and hard expression, but the corners of his eyes were still red.

At this time, a dusty Uchiha ninja squeezed through the crowd and walked in, saluted Uchiha Tokumitsu.

"Lord Deguang...General Huomen has checked the situation at the battle site. This is a specific report, please review it."

The Uchiha ninja who acted as a messenger whispered.

Uchiha Tokumitsu pointed to the side of the table, signaling him to put it on the table.

Now he is really not in the mood to look at these.

"How is the Elder Michidai?"

After calming down, Uchiha Tokumitsu's first words were to ask the conservative elders who passed out after hearing the bad news.

"Elder Michidai has been sent to the hospital of the police department for recuperation. He has woken up once and fell asleep after taking medicine..."

The attendant ninja hurried forward and replied.

"That's good……"

Uchiha Deguang nodded, "It's fine!"

The three conservative survivors who were still a little nervous felt relieved.

"You are all my people..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu stepped forward slowly, and hugged the three surviving tribesmen respectively, "They are all the most loyal Uchiha..."

Tears dripped from the eyes of the survivors again.

"All clansmen performing long-term overseas missions will have the same power as the ninja soldiers in service."

Uchiha Tokumitsu announced an amnesty: "All clansmen who have been convicted will be exempted from all excommunication!"

The three surviving tribesmen bowed deeply to Uchiha Tokumitsu.

The price of blood has atoned for them.

The price of blood also made them vigilant.

The Hokage family, even Jiraiya, the remnant of Hokage and Konoha Renin, also regards the Uchiha tribe who was exiled because of their position as an enemy!

In the eyes of the remnants of Naruto, the best Uchiha is the dead Uchiha. As for the difference between radicals and conservatives, they don't care at all.

That being the case, the only choice and the only chance for all the conservatives to take revenge is to change their position and transform themselves into a Uchiha who is more radical than the radicals!
And all along, what Tokumitsu Uchiha wants is actually that these stubborn conservatives bow their heads to themselves.

Although it was a bit late, the price was too high...

Uchiha Tokumitsu sighed.

"This is an endless blood feud..."

"Ninja Jiraiya, Myogi-san, and our Uchiha clan will have an endless blood feud!"

"Find them out! Even if you dig three feet into the ground, even if you're in extreme poverty. Find them out!"

"Kill them wherever you find them!"

"It's up to the Sages of the Six Paths to forgive them. Our responsibility is to send him to the Sages of the Six Paths!"

"If you find them in the wine shop, kill them in the wine shop! If you find them in the hot spring soup house, drown them in the hot spring!"

"Whether it's the name of a country or the shadow of Ninja Village, including the so-called Holy Land, anyone who dares to shield them, anyone who dares to know the truth and not report it, will be killed without mercy!"

"This is Uchiha's will! A will cast in blood! A will that cannot be desecrated!"

Uchiha Deguang flashed out his kaleidoscope Sharingan, and roared angrily: "I swear to Homakuan-I will avenge the clansmen who died under the attack! Jirai must die, and Mt. Myogi must be destroyed!"

"eye for eye!"

"Kill them all!"

All the Uchiha ninjas shouted in anger, and they all pulled out their own weapons and put them between their eyebrows.

"I will use their heads as sacrifices to every clansman who died in battle!"

"Pass my order, and now issue S-level reward tasks to villages, black markets, and other ninja villages!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu ordered.

"As ordered!"

An attendant ninja immediately stepped forward, bowed and hurried away.

"All border defense forces, ninja troops stationed abroad, joint company mercenary ninja troops, and troops directly under the shogunate are all on combat readiness!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu ordered again, "Before strangling Ninja Jiraiya, Uchiha needs everyone to do their best!"

"Follow orders!"

The Uchiha ninjas present responded immediately.

"All the fallen clansmen will be enshrined in Nangachuan Shrine! They are the best warriors in the clan!"

The three surviving clansmen immediately knelt on one knee, weeping uncontrollably.

After being exiled, they thought that they would never be able to return to their tribe in this life. Although they kept applying with the last hope, they all knew that the hope was slim; Way to return to the family.

A little Uchiha boy dressed in a police training school uniform squeezed in with a flustered look, but when he saw that there was no familiar figure among the three surviving tribesmen standing in the hall, he burst into tears.

"He is the captain's son..."

A surviving clansman whispered: "The captain has already..."

"I remember this kid..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu sighed, "His name is Uchiha Shisui, isn't it..."

Although young, the iconic "tuanzi nose" feature is quite distinct.


The surviving tribe replied.

Another surviving clansman stepped forward to embrace Uchiha Shisui who was extremely mournful, and stroked his hair silently.

Uchiha Tokumitsu's expression was extremely complicated.

Uchiha Shisui originally belonged to Uchiha Tokumitsu and stayed in the village in the name of amnesty as a child. In order to change his mind, he was sent to a police training school for education. Apart from paying attention secretly, he had no contact with him.

Unexpectedly, it was on such an occasion to meet this younger generation who had both good and bad reputations in previous life memories.

He beckoned, motioning for the surviving clansmen to hug Uchiha Shisui.

"...Zhishui, I will avenge you, are you willing to believe me?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu took Uchiha Shisui, held it in his arms, and said to the junior who was trying to wipe away his tears.

"I believe!"

Uchiha Shisui wiped away his tears, his immature voice was hoarse, "Master Tokumitsu! You are the most trustworthy person in the family!"

"Uchiha Shisui..."

Uchiha De Halo looked left and right, "I will accept him as a disciple and become his guardian..."

"The grievances and stances of the previous generation will come to an end..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu cast his eyes on all the clansmen present, and wherever they looked, the clansmen bowed their heads one after another, "From now on, the clan will no longer be divided into factions, every clansman is my close relative..."

The clansmen bent down and bowed one after another.

The patriarch Uchiha Sifang and his son Uchiha Fugaku are no exception.

"Great Elder, please forgive me for making such claims..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu put down Uchiha Shisui in his arms, turned around and bowed to Elder Setsuna.

"You are the junior I am most proud of, you have done a good job..."

Setsuna Great Elder helped Uchiha Tokumitsu's body.

"From now on, Uchiha is finally a complete family!"

 Update today (2/2)

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(End of this chapter)

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