Chapter 318
Under the cover of the Uzumaki ninja's barrier, teams of heavily armed shogunate ninjas and border defense forces quickly surrounded Iron Rain City in the southern part of the Land of Rain, and entered the city in a fighting state under the command of an Uchiha ninja.

"The first team in the Northwest is now in place!"

"The Second Northwest Detachment is now in place!"

"The second division of the red reserve team is ready!"

"Combined company battle column ready!"

Following the actions of the ninja army, replies were sent back to the command center one after another, and all the ninjas participating in the battle fell into silence. Although there was an enchantment to block the chakra fluctuations, each ninja habitually held his breath to minimize his sense of existence.

This campaign is extremely important!

"Master Shiina, all ninja troops are in place, please instruct whether to open the barrier blockade!"

A Uzumaki ninja asked Uchiha Shiina for instructions.

Although Uchiha Shiina is not outstanding among the Uchiha Clan's ninja, but because he is Uchiha Tokumitsu's cousin and has this status as a talisman, his official career is extremely prosperous. Not only is he already the police chief of the Northern District of the Police Department at a young age, but now he is appointed by Uchiha Tokumitsu as the commander of the suppression of Jiraiya's rebellious gang.

It's just... Although this campaign seems to be massive and mobilized many elite ninja troops, there is a high probability that it will return in vain.

Uchiha Shiina knows this very well.

Although the Intelligence Department detected that Jiraiya stayed in this barren town of the Rain Country for a while, and also appeared in the local market with a light blue-haired Ronin who had a mentorship, but this was before the massacre in the east. With Jiraiya's IQ and experience, there is no reason why he did not arrange the funeral before planning the massacre.

"Then let's get started."

Uchiha Shiina took out his pocket watch and looked at it, then nodded and ordered.

"As ordered!"

The Uzumaki ninja immediately returned to his battle position by performing the teleportation technique, and organized the ninjas of the sealing class under his command to launch an enchantment that blocked the space travel of earth escape and psychic space.


Following the ripples of the two barriers, the four ninja troops immediately lifted the shielding barriers, and rushed towards the deserted mansion without any movement like hungry wolves out of their cages!
"A team has been controlled!"

"The second team is under control!"

"Report! No biological traces were found in the target location!"

The final result was as expected. The hiding place of the Jiraiya gang detected by the intelligence department had already been emptied, and the elite ninja army of the organization was also empty.

"Although I knew this earlier, it's really disappointing..."

Uchiha Shiina said to his subordinates with some disappointment.

"Master Shiina, don't worry about it, next time I will definitely catch that traitor Jiraiya..."

The subordinate immediately said sensiblely.

But having said that, if you are sure to block the Jiraiya who caused the bloody case here, it is estimated that Uchiha Tokumitsu will fight in person.

Uchiha Shiina is well aware of his own strength.

"Compile a report and send it back to the village, and then move to the border of the country of Taki!"


Regarding the attack on the Uchiha Conservative Ninja Army by the Ninja Frogs in Mt.

Contrary to what he had expected at the beginning, Ninja Village, which was vaguely hostile to all parties, especially Iwagakure, Yunyin, and Taki Shinobi, who claimed to be the sixth Ninja Village, all sent condolences to the Uchiha clan, and unanimously condemned the so-called psychic beast sanctuary for interfering in the ninja world for outrageous behavior!

Especially Yunyin, the third generation of Raikage also publicly declared that Mt. Myogi was listed as the most important enemy of Thunder Country and Yunyin Village, claiming that whether it was the psychic beast of Mt. Myoki or Jiraiya and its vassal gangs, once they appeared, they would definitely be attacked by the ninja Yunyun.

Tsuchikage III Onogi of Iwakage also announced that it is unacceptable for Myogi-san to try to interfere with the direction of the ninja world, and demanded that the ninjas in this village not sign a psychic contract with the Myoki-san lineage, and ordered a thorough investigation of whether the village ninjas have psychic beasts like toads, and ordered to terminate the psychic contract if there were any.

As for Yu Ninja Village, who has always been friends with Uchiha Tokumitsu, let alone.

After the massacre was exposed, the Ameno ninjas who were confronting the Iwagakure Ninja Army in the Bird Country were furious. A group of Jōnin flocked to the Chinese army camp of the leader Sansho Hanzo and asked to return to the Rain Country to clean up the remnants of the Myogi-san Jiraiya gang, so as to contribute to the cause of revenge for the allies.

As for the small matter of missing one or two recruited ninjas at the ninja level in the recruiting troops of the Ninja Army in the Ameno Village Expedition, it is natural that the Ameno Jōnin who are eager to please the Uchiha clan will not take it to heart.

Although, among the missing recruited ninjas, there is a very popular young ninja named Yahiko...

As for Sand Hidden, His Excellency Guanbai of the Three Generations of Kazekage and the Kingdom of the Wind claimed that he was incompatible with Mt. Miaomu. He also said that the Kingdom of the Wind is a desert country, and there will be no psychic beasts such as toads. Moreover, it has an unbreakable alliance with Konoha, and it will not do such things as "relatives and enemies are happy".

This is completely different from what Jiraiya imagined at the beginning!
Why did this style of painting suddenly change!
Isn't it a sign that the Uchiha clan's deterrence to ninja countries is beginning to decline?

Isn't he the hero who fired the first shot against Uchiha Tokumitsu's tyranny in the ninja world?
Why are you cowardly?

The Uchiha clan hasn't started causing trouble yet!You haven't started making moves yet!Just like this, without sending out a piece of kunwu, he raised his hand and surrendered to show his favor. Wouldn't the dead ancestors of Ninja Village cry for it in Huangquan Kudanzaka?
Ji Lai also scratched his head all day and night, but couldn't figure it out.


For Yan Yin, Yun Yin, and Taki Shinobi, although the destruction of a Uchiha conservative ninja army is something worth celebrating, they also understand that this is actually not a very heavy loss for the Uchiha clan.

But what they are most concerned about is actually the reaction of the Uchiha clan after the attack.

This is also the reason for the "friends panic".

Even in the Uchiha clan, the conservative faction is a lonely faction that has been completely marginalized. Their losses are not heavy for the Uchiha clan, and they have not recruited conservative ninjas to participate in the war during the Second Ninja World War and the Kirigakure Conquest;

The attitude of the Uchiha clan towards the massacre is not so much revenge and demonstrations after the loss of strength, but revenge based on blood relatives.

At such a particularly sensitive time, he jumped out to challenge the huge forces of the Uchiha clan entrenched in various parts of the ninja world... Although the three generations of Tsuchikage and the third generation of Raikage expressed their joy at the attack and murder in private and hoped that Jiraiya would continue to work hard, they still maintained their usual rationality on the surface.

Even the attitude towards the shogunate and Konoha is a bit more respectful than before.

Compared to taking this as an opportunity to challenge Uchiha Tokumitsu and Konoha's dominance, Yan Yin, Yun Yin, and Taki Shinobu are more worried that the shogunate will use this as an excuse to attack the door.


Murphy's Law is real.

The thing that Taki Shino was most worried about still came.

Under the leadership of Uchiha Shiina, an elite ninja army with Uchiha ninjas as the absolute main force Chen soldiers on the border between the country of Fire and the country of Taki; while the Fire Gate shogunate stationed in the northwest began to order Kusanagi to be recruited and gather ninja troops in the border cities bordering the country in the east of the country of Grass and the country of Taki. They are ready to invade at any time.

Taki Ninja Village's claws went numb all of a sudden.

Don't come here!

We are innocent!

Compared with the early days of the establishment of the village, Taki Shinobi has declined a lot after experiencing the Kakuto Rebellion. There are not even a few decent strongmen in Shinobi Village. In the Zhongnin Examination jointly organized with Iwakakushi and Yunyin, Taki Shinobi still maintained the most basic sense of existence by relying on a few "lower ninja" who deliberately suppressed the level.

Today's Taki Shinobi has been reduced to relying on seclusion and frightening people with the existence of tailed beasts to maintain a "seemingly powerful" situation.

But the arrival of the two Uchiha ninja armies broke through the bluff of Taki ninja.

Uchiha Shiina didn't even need to launch an attack. He just commanded his ninja army to open the front line on the Fire Country side of the border. The Taki Ninja border troops originally stationed on the Taki Country side immediately retreated nearly a hundred kilometers, giving up all the defense lines and border cities.

This also made Uchiha Shiina, who commanded the Ninja Army for the first time, confused for a long time. After careful and repeated reconnaissance, it was determined that Taki Ninja had not set a trap, and then sent the combat column of the joint company to take over the border city of Taki no Country in the name of "peacekeeping".

"...Isn't this too simple?"

Uchiha Shiina couldn't believe it.

Could it be that he is a famous general of the Uchiha clan?
Could it be that he could subdue others without fighting?
Thinking of this, Uchiha Shiina couldn't help laughing out of his mind.

"Master Shiina, please order!"

The ninjas who are in charge of the ninja army under their command are all gearing up and actively asking for a fight, "We will definitely be able to strike while the iron is hot, and drive straight in at one go, and our soldiers will approach the gate of Taki Nin Nin Village!"

"It's time to make meritorious deeds! Lord Shiina, don't hesitate!"

"……Do not!"

Uchiha Shiina refused with ten moves.

Before he was ordered to leave the village to lead the ninja army, Uchiha Tokumitsu had already told him.

Uchiha Tokumitsu has already explained to him very clearly about the encirclement and suppression in the Land of Rain and Chen Bing's strategic goals on the border of the Land of Taki.

"Military bases, concessions, special tariffs, free currency circulation, police and detective powers, free movement rights, extrajudicial jurisdiction..."

Uchiha Shiina silently recited the key words in the negotiation conditions in the speech that Uchiha Tokumitsu gave him.


The panic-stricken Taki Shinobi executives couldn't even think of resisting.

Especially after the news of the border troops fleeing without a fight was sent back to Taki Shinobi headquarters, the top management was in a mess.

Not to mention resisting, it is already the guts of Taki Shinobi executives not to pack up and flee to the Land of Earth to become an apartment at this time.

Although the top management seems to be in a state of panic, unable to organize any effective countermeasures at all, but every ninja village has a group of fighters who are not willing to show weakness to others, even Taki ninja is no exception.

Under the call of a Taki Ninja Jōnin, the Taki Ninja Fighting faction of Ninja Village Headquarters organized a loose ninja army with as many as 800 people. After some weighing, they chose to list the Fire Gate Shogunate and Kusanagi Village Ninja Army in the direction of the Country of Grass as defense targets.

Of course, the uneventful outcome of the battle was no surprise.

In front of the Homon shogunate, which had already dispatched two elite detachments, the Taki Ninja martial arts faction couldn't even survive the first round of offensive. In less than 10 minutes, they were easily defeated by the Uchiha Ninja Army commanded by Uchiha Homon.

More than [-] Taki-nin troops fled for hundreds of miles. Even Kusanagi, who was the best at chasing tails, couldn't keep up with Taki-nin's escape speed. In order to prevent the front line from stretching too long and revealing flaws, Uchiha Homon ordered the ninja troops under his command to stop attacking.

At this time, even those high-level Taki Ninja who turned a blind eye and let the martial arts faction launch an active attack were completely messed up.

After another round of quarreling, Taki Shinobu finally made a final decision——

While the ninja village was clamoring for the use of tailed beast weapons and the evil Uchiha bullying the ninja army to carry out the "jade broken" decisive battle, the high-level Taki ninja sent two missions to the ninja command center where Uchiha Humon and Uchiha Shiina were located to seek peace. The main focus was a schizophrenia.

In this regard, Uchiha Fire Gate just claimed that the headquarters ninja army was inexplicably attacked by Taki ninja troops during the exercise, so they made an appropriate counterattack.

In addition, Uchiha Fire Gate asked Taki Shinobi to pay the cost of launching the Ninja Army and to pay war compensation and so on.

...It turns out that it is enough to lose money!Say it earlier!

The envoy of Taki Ninja who was sent to the Fire Gate Shogunate wiped off his cold sweat and breathed a sigh of relief.

For Taki Shinobi, as long as there is no real war, any problem that can be solved with money and the amount is within the limit of the village's ability to pay is not a problem.

However, when another mission arrived at the center of the ninja army led by Uchiha Shiina, the Taki ninja envoys were not treated so well.


"Master Shiina, Takikino has been wronged!"

When Uchiha Shiina claimed that the gang headed by Jiraiya might have set up a secret base in the territory of the country of Taki, the Taki ninja envoy immediately complained repeatedly.

Regardless of whether Jiraiya has set up a secret base in the territory of the country of Taki, this must be firmly denied!
Otherwise, Taki Shinobu's decades-long foundation will be destroyed!The hard work of the high-level people will also come to naught!

"Whether you are wronged or not, don't I know?"

According to the script given by Uchiha Tokumitsu, Uchiha Shiina frowned very seriously and scolded: "The dignified Sixth Ninja Village, dare to do it or not?"

As for where Jiraiya is hiding, whether he has really set up a secret base in the territory of Taki no Kuni, and how the Uchiha clan got the information, that is not important at all.

"Master Shiina, Taki Ninja is also a regular ninja village, it is absolutely impossible to tolerate the existence of rebellious ninja!"

The messenger of Taki Ninja quickly explained: "Besides, do you have any evidence to prove that Jiraiya is also hiding in the country? We can help you destroy or expel him."

"No need!"

Uchiha Shiina said coldly.

"Ah this..."

Hearing this, Taki Ninja Messenger was sweating profusely.

"Of course, the benevolent Lord Tokumitsu also knows that although there are bad people in Taki Shinobu, most of them are old friends who are kind to Konoha..."

Uchiha Shiina changed the subject: "So things are not without a turnaround..."

"Master Shiina, please show me!"

The envoy Taki Ninja hurriedly saluted and asked.

"After signing this treaty, Konoha and Taki Shinobi will still be friends..."

The implication is that if you don't sign it, you can figure it out yourself.

Messenger Taki Ninja flicked through it tremblingly, and immediately his whole body was soaked in sweat.

The harsh conditions and the variety of names in the treaty are simply beyond imagination!
"Three days..."

Uchiha Shiina raised three fingers, "Taki Shinobi has three days to think about whether to sign the contract, but the consequences must also be thought through."

"If there is no reply by the due date..."

"Then don't say it's unexpected!"

 Temporary request to work overtime, no choice but to go back to the construction site, and double change tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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