Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 319 The War Against Terrorism

Chapter 319 The War Against Terrorism
What happened to Taki Shinobi made the other Shinobi villages shudder.

In a very short period of time, ninja troops from the Tokuko Shogunate, the Fire Gate Shogunate, and the United Company quickly forced a medium-sized ninja village that was not weak to kneel down and beg for mercy. In the eyes of other ninja villages, this is simply a demonic bullying behavior!

The most important thing is that Taki Shinobi has no chance to fight back at all!

The frontier troops fled without a fight, and the Ninja Army of the Fighting Faction was easily defeated. Although the loss was small, Taki Ninja, who had been at peace for a long time, was already terrified.

Even the Tailed Beast, who regards it as the ultimate weapon, dared not let it appear in front of the Uchiha clan who have shaken the ninja world with Sharingan.

There is no way to fight this battle!
After sending envoys to Yan Yin and Yun Yin to ask for help, but they couldn't get in, Taki Ninja's senior officials finally resigned to their fate.

——If you don’t accept your fate, you can’t do it.Taki Ninja’s Nanao is quite a deterrent when used against other ninja villages, but if it is used to compete with the Uchiha clan... then it is purely meat buns beating dogs with no return, so it is better to simply surrender and let Uchiha Tokumitsu do it. Maybe you can get some mercy and retain some benefits of the high-level people.

"... Kirigakure has been defeated, so even if we surrender, it is not ashamed."

A high-ranking Taki Ninja said so.

Although these words sounded quite shameless, to the ears of a group of dejected Taki Shinobi executives, it was as touching as a fairy music.

"That's right..."

"To tell you the truth, although our Taki Shinobi is the sixth ninja village, our actual strength is still far behind Kirigakure, so..."

"It's no shame to lose to Uchiha, the number one ninja family!"

"It's an honor for Taki Shinobu to contribute to Tokumitsu-sama's investigation of Jiraiya's rebel!"

In this way, the senior officials of Taki Ninja reached an agreement and quickly changed their attitude. On the last day of the ultimatum issued by Uchiha Shiina, they sent envoys to the command center of the Uchiha Ninja Army again.

As for the Taki Ninja fighters who were taken into custody after the defeat, the high-level officials regarded them as a burden, and many active surrenders even degraded them as sinners who destroyed the friendship between Konoha and Taki Ninja, clamoring to hand them over to the Uchiha Ninja Army to maintain the "long-standing friendship" between the two villages.

But fortunately, the contemporary Taki Ninja leader still has some brains. After hesitating for a long time, he finally considered that he still had to take into account the hearts of the ninjas at the bottom of the village, so he refused to hand over the martial arts faction.

But even so, when the news that the high-level officials sent envoys to sign the surrender agreement spread in the Taki Shinobi Headquarters, Taki Shinobi still fell into deep depression.


"There is no hope for this village!"

The leader of the Taki Ninja martial arts faction, Gusuke, summoned the upper ninja under his command in the secret room.

"Master Gu Zhu, let's go against each other!"

A Taki Shinobi said excitedly: "Nowadays, the village is full of enthusiasm. As long as we raise the flag of rebellion, we will surely be in harmony with each other, and it will be easy to overthrow those corrupt and incompetent high-level officials in one fell swoop!"

"Thousands of people are of the same mind, and the power of thousands of people will be gained; if thousands of people are not of the same mind, then no one will be useful!"

"The unpopularity of the high-level people is an excellent opportunity for our militant faction to take power!"

"Then let's intercept and kill the envoys of the capitulation faction now!"

The other Taki Shinobi with injuries on their bodies prepared to get up.


Gu Zhu, the leader of the martial arts faction, scolded angrily: "Are you really willing to start a civil war in the village?"

"There are nearly [-] ninjas in the village, and how many of them will support us! Those weak people dare not fight Uchiha's ninja army. Do you think he dare not fight us?"

"There are also Yan Yin and Yun Yin who bully the weak and fear the hard, and they can't count on it at all!"

"Only by keeping a low profile and keeping a low profile can we make a comeback in the future! If we act rashly, we will only invite disaster!"

After Gu Zhu sprayed wildly, the secret room fell into a dead silence.

"...Master Gu Zhu, what should we do?"

After a long time, only one person broke the silence.

"Let's gather our ninja army and leave the village!"

As soon as Gu Zhu said a word, everyone was shocked, "Only in this way can we have a future!"

"The ninja world is so big, how can we accommodate us..."

A Taki ninja jōnin said hesitantly.

"Go north! Rebuild a new Takinobu village!"

Gusuke said very firmly: "As long as we leave the village and never leave the country, we will have the opportunity to receive ninjas who gradually understand the essence of the village's high-level people selling their villages for glory. With the ups and downs, we still have the possibility to set things right!"

"If you leave the village... what if the village interferes?"

The upper ninja under his command still hesitated.

"Then fight!"

Gusuke's tone became more icy, "As long as you are prepared for a civil war, then the civil war will not really happen!"

"Gentlemen! Please trust me again!"

Gusuke's tone became extremely sincere.

A group of Taki nin martial arts school ninja looked at each other in blank dismay.

Needless to say, it is necessary to fight against the Uchiha clan, after all, it has been easily defeated once; if you want to fight against high-level chaos, you can just raise righteousness in the village; but what is this so-called leaving the village without leaving the country?Gather up so that the Uchiha Ninja Army can catch them all?
"Master Gusuke! We will follow you!"

A Taki Shinobi Jonin stood up resolutely and shouted.

"Rebuild our new Takinobu!"

Immediately thereafter, several Jōnin stood up and shouted.

"It's the other way around!"

"It doesn't matter if you don't stay in this broken village!"

"If the higher-ups dare to stop them, they will fight!"

Driven by several "pioneers", the originally hesitant Taki Ninja finally gritted their teeth and made up their minds.

Gusuke also secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, I arranged the entrustment in advance, otherwise it would be really troublesome...


"We're going to fight an all-ninja war against terrorism!"

In the Office of the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Uchiha Tokumitsu said to Hatake Sakumo.

"What is anti-terrorism?"

Hatake Sakumo humbly asked for advice.

"As the name suggests, it is against terrorist attacks."

Uchiha Tokumitsu explained.

"...But, what is the connection between anti-terrorism and Taki Shinobi?"

Hatake Sakumo picked up the contract signed by the shogunate and Taki Shinobu on the table, and flipped through it again.

Except for not directly taking over Ninja Village, almost everything in Taki no Kokaku has opened the door to the shogunate and the joint company.

The shogunate can set up military bases in the country of Taki and carry out military operations on its own. The ninja army dispatched the ninja and can't even intervene.

Speaking of which, even if the country of grass is completely reduced to the vassal of the Uchiha clan, the loss of the rights and interests of the country is not so outrageous!
"The geographical location of Taki Shinobi may become the second source of anti-Konoha after the Land of Rain."

Uchiha Tokumitsu took it for granted and said confidently: "So, now we must save them before they have completely gone on the wrong path!"

"Although Taki Shinobu lost its sovereignty, they got shelter!"

Hearing this, Hatake Sakumo suddenly felt a headache.

For a long time, he couldn't figure out how Uchiha Tokumitsu's weird and unreasonable hegemony logic came about. Obviously, there has never been such a precedent in the ninja world!

"Alas...Taki Shinobi has already signed..."

And the most incomprehensible thing is that Taki Shinobi's top management is willing to sign this extremely harsh traitorous agreement.

"So, I plan to set up a standing ninja army in Taki Country for long-term anti-terrorism operations..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu smiled.

Although, as the governor of Konoha, he commands the power of the ninja army, after all, he advocated the establishment of the Senate and House of Representatives system, and Hatake Sakumo has always been an ally, so Uchiha Tokumitsu is still willing to go through the process.

Anyway, even if the jonin from other factions in the village have opinions, with the number of Uchiha clan and pro-ninja clan, they can pass a motion that is beneficial to themselves through the majority of votes.

"What is the number of people in this new ninja army?"

Hatake Sakumo didn't intend to obstruct it either.

"How about 400 people?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu already had a plan in mind.


Hatake Sakumo felt a headache again.

To be honest, this number is not too many, but it is better to step on the highest psychological expectation of Hatake Sakumo.

"The Northwest Border Defense Force now has nearly 2000 people, plus this anti-terrorist force..."

Hatake Sakumo made some calculations, "It is estimated that His Excellency Ohnogi of Iwagakure will not be able to sleep again."

"Cough... the existence of the anti-terrorism force will not affect Yanyin and Yunyin."

Uchiha Tokumitsu once again explained in vain, "We are only targeting the terrorist organization headed by Jiraiya and secretly supported by Miaogishan..."

"Hmm! I understand~ But I hope Raikage and Dokage will also accept this statement~"

Hatake Sakumo shrugged, picked up another document on the table, "Akatsuki organization... Zilai also came up with such a name, it's a bit interesting..."

"It's just three or two big and small cats... so much work..."

Looking at "Xiaonan (suspected to be a ninja), Yahiko (suspected to be a ninja)" and a list of genin in the information, Hatake Sakumo couldn't help shaking his head.

"The core is still those aliens in Mount Miaomu."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said: "The so-called holy land still has some heritage, and it must not be underestimated."

"Tomorrow the House of Representatives will arrange a vote."

Hatake Sakumo is no longer persistent.

Anyway, the Senate is in charge of Uchiha Sifang, the nominal patriarch of the Uchiha clan, and Hatake Sakumo only needs to pass it in the House of Representatives.


The proposal to create a new standing ninja army was unanimously passed by both houses of the Senate and House of Representatives without any disturbance, and this was also regarded as a symbolic event of Konoha Unanimity.

Uchiha Tokumitsu officially named this ninja army the "Northern Anti-Terrorism Force", and gave this new army the responsibility of coordinating the anti-terrorist operations of small countries such as the country of Takino, the country of frost, and the country of Tian.

As for the first candidate for the commander, Uchiha Tokumitsu changed his cousin Uchiha Shiina directly from the chief of the North Ward Police Station to the commander of the anti-terrorism force in line with the principle of "receiving talents without avoiding relatives".

As for the vacant position of the North District Police Station, the secret guard, Nagato Tomoharu Jing, was parachuted over to hold it first. As for the best candidate in his mind, Namikaze Minato.

Although Uchiha Tokumitsu has not really seized the position of the head of the clan and the chief of the police department today, this is mainly due to the fact that he is already the transcendent status of Governor Konoha, and it is not only inappropriate to seize power downwards, but also appears to be too small. Moreover, since the recapture of the Uchiha clan’s artifact, the Homome Fan, the power of the Uchiha clan has naturally been concentrated in the hands of Uchiha Tokumitsu.

As for the patriarch's family, they didn't say much. They just kept the power of the Senate and kept arranging the clan members of this faction to the various agencies under the Senate, giving up all the power of the family and the police department.

It is also this very natural excess of power that allowed the Uchiha clan to complete the power change in an extremely harmonious atmosphere.

In the final analysis, it is because the Uchiha clan today is different from the past, there are enough benefits for distribution and can satisfy everyone's appetite, so everyone does not have to die and involuntarily go to the brink of civil war.

Coupled with the conservative attack massacre planned by Jiraiya, it completely wiped out the last voice of opposition within the family.

Originally, after winning Konoha’s power, there were still about 70 family ninjas still standing in the conservative camp, but 34 conservative ninjas died in one breath in the bloody case, and the already weak conservatives completely lost their reason to continue.

The great revenge advocated by Uchiha Tokumitsu and the law to disband the faction completely disintegrated the conservatives.

As Elder Setsuna said, the current Uchiha clan is already a complete clan.


"The War on Terror..."

After receiving the conscription order issued by the governor's office, the Hyuga patriarch had an extremely complicated expression.

He felt that he had made enough compromises, and even those branch ninjas who served in the shogunate let themselves go, but Uchiha Tokumitsu still made progress and continued to recruit branch ninjas from the Hyuga clan under various names.

As for those branch ninjas who got rid of the restraint of the family and found positions in the shogunate, the clan didn't dare to dictate life and death as before.

The two sons of the Hyuga patriarch, Hyuga Hyuzu and Hyuga Hyuzai sat on both sides, not daring to breathe.As for the elders of the clan, although they looked angry, they also did not make a sound.

Everyone is waiting for Hinata to set the tone.

"This is a soft knife to cut flesh..."

Finally, Patriarch Hinata slowly put down the call-up order he had read countless times, sighed, and said bleakly.

His two sons and the clan elders are still silent.

The attitude is not clear enough, and it is not suitable to stand in line at this time.

"The family has to endure humiliation... My generation really can't help it."

The head of the Hyuga clan has long been familiar with the attitude of the clansmen, "Nichizu..."


Hinata Higashi immediately straightened up.

"From now on, you must unite with Rizai sincerely to maintain the stability of the family..."

Hearing this, Hinata and Hinata immediately straightened up.

It's just that the patriarch Hyuga seemed to have something to say, and the elders of the clan looked at each other in blank dismay.

"The recruitment order of the Governor's Mansion needs to summon [-] branch ninjas. There is no way to refuse... I am planning to let you lead them..."

The patriarch Hyuga looked at his second son, "You don't have any objections, do you?"


Hinata Hinata hurriedly got up and tried to explain.

"All right!"

The patriarch Hyuga interrupted Hyuga Hinata with a wave of his hand, "From now on, you will be the head of the family!"

"As for you... Rizu, prepare to ascend the throne next year!"

The head of the Hyuga clan ignored the clan elders whose faces changed greatly, and announced the decision on his own.

 Update today (1/2)~
(End of this chapter)

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