Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 320 Bullying

Chapter 320 Bullying
If it is said that Konoha is most terrified of the occurrence of the conservative massacre, it is Orochimaru.

After learning about this, Orochimaru's first reaction was to flee the village.

However, due to the martial law imposed by the police department and patrol forces, his own mansion has also become the focus of attention, coupled with various hints from the White Snake Immortal of Ryuchi Cave, it is only then that Dashemaru restrains the urge to flee from the village.

Fortunately, the martial law was lifted within a few days.

But Orochimaru also discovered that the ninja world really has nowhere to go...

Although the newly established anti-terrorist force is stationed in the country of Taki, according to the bill announced by the House of Representatives, the country of frost and the country of Tian are also included in its combat scope.

And Tian Zhiguo is the hiding place of the rebellious village that Orochimaru had planned before.

From a geographical point of view, Tian Zhiguo, as a small country with relatively independent power, is actually a good place to go, and there is no Ninja Village in the country except for Langren and a few old ninjas who have declined to the extreme.

So even after the "peacekeeping operation" that conquered Yunyin, Konoha brought the country of Tianzhi into its sphere of influence, but only set up a mission reception center in the Daimyofu within its borders, and the ninja troops stationed in the Huomen shogunate soon withdrew to the country of grass due to lack of oil and water.

Moreover, Tian Zhiguo has another advantage, that is, it is convenient to get in touch with the former Hokage ninjas such as Sarutobi and Shimura who were exiled to the southern occupied area of ​​​​Raiguo to serve as "thieves' troops", so it is convenient to do things.

But the establishment of the anti-terrorist force completely obliterated this possibility.

Although this new ninja army is not the Uchiha elite ninja army in the traditional sense in terms of personnel composition, and although the anti-terrorist force is not suitable for ninja warfare in the traditional sense in terms of combat organization, the number of reconnaissance ninjas in the anti-terrorist force is surprisingly high.

In addition to the [-] white-eyed ninjas from the Hyuga branch, many ninjas who are good at reconnaissance and tracking, Yume and Inuzuka, have also been recruited into the army. Coupled with the perceptual ninjas recruited from civilian ninjas, the search and inspection capabilities of the anti-terrorist force surpassed all the standing ninjas in the ninja world.

In this regard, Uchiha Tokumitsu also explained in the House of Representatives.

"The establishment of the anti-terrorist force is to combat the encroachment of Jiraiya and Mt. Myogi's terrorist forces on the order of the ninja world, so it is normal to strengthen the reconnaissance force."

But for Uchiha Tokumitsu's speech, if it weren't for a group of Uchiha ninjas who were blatantly watching at his door, Orochimaru would have almost believed it.

"Conspiracy! It must be a conspiracy!"

Orochimaru felt like a bug sealed in amber, tightly confined, almost out of breath.


Although in public, the third generation of Tsuchikage Onogi of Iwagakushi has always expressed his support for the anti-terrorist action advocated by Uchiha Tokumitsu, but in private he paid close attention to every move of the Fire Gate Shogunate stationed in the Country of Grass.

This is especially true after the Ninja Army led by the Fire Gate Shogunate and Uchiha Shiina forced Taki Ninja to raise the white flag.

In the strategic deduction of Iwain, I thought that this would be another expansion of the Fire Gate Shogunate, and when I was grateful that the forces of the Fire Gate Shogunate Ninja Army occupying the country of grass would be dispersed, the newly formed Konoha Anti-Terrorist Force and the theater plan quickly spread to Iwain as the anti-terrorism bill was passed by the Konoha Senate and House of Representatives.


"Bullying! This is naked bullying!"

In Dokage's office, Onoki was so angry that he dropped several cups in front of the senior officials of Yanyin.

He simply does not believe that Uchiha Tokumitsu's claim that the new ninja army is only for anti-terrorism purposes.

Besides, there is no precedent in the ninja world for organizing a ninja army of thousands of people to chase down a rebellious ninja!

And this ninja army has a fixed theater station!
Ganqing Ziraiya and Myogi-san must hide in a small country such as the country of Taki, right?Otherwise, why set up a war zone like this!

Onoki's eldest son, Huang Tu, stepped forward to say something.

"To shut up!"

Onoki glared at him angrily: "We must address you by title during working hours!"

"Lord Tukage..."

Huangtu changed his mind obediently.


Onoki said angrily.

"We can also organize a new standing ninja army, and even join the anti-terrorism war in the Central Three Kingdoms led by Uchiha Tokumitsu..."

"What nonsense are you talking about! Don't you..."

Onoki immediately cursed, and then seemed to realize something.

"The Kingdom of Frost..."

Huang Tu reminded, "No matter how bad it is, we can use this to enter the southern part of the Frost Kingdom..."

After the "peacekeeping operation", the Kingdom of Frost was occupied by Konoha and Iwain, among which Iwain occupied the northern part of the Kingdom of Frost and controlled Frost Ninja Village.

But the northern part of the Frost Country is not enough. Yanyin Village, which has finally obtained actual control of the territory outside the Land of Earth, wants to get more.

However, when Taki Shinobi, one of the original allies, was easily conquered by the Uchiha clan, even the land passages of Iwagakure and Yunyin were cut off by Konoha. If it wasn’t for Taki Shinobu’s martial arts faction who left the village Kitakami tossed a so-called "Kitaki Ninja Village" to barely maintain the situation, it is estimated that Onoki would have panicked and lost his mind.


Ohnoki paced back and forth, unable to make a choice.

Although it seems a bit crazy, Onogi still has to think about it.

Now that Iwagakushi's main force is being dragged on the battlefield of the Kingdom of the Wind, the war with Sagakushi will be indistinguishable for a while, and with the fact that the Ameno Army of Sanshoyu Hanzo is still eyeing the Bird Kingdom, Iwagakushi can't draw much power.

If the registered ninjas were transferred from the village to form a standing ninja army, Yan Yin's economy would be in serious trouble.

After all, Iwahime does not have a joint company as a supplement. The main source of income for ninjas still comes from mission commissions, and the income of Ninja Village mainly depends on grants from daimyo and commissions from missions.

"Master Tukage... let's withdraw from the Land of Winds! It's pointless to continue fighting with Sand Yin."

Under the stares and silent encouragement of other high-level officials, Huangtu said again.

"You are so brave..."

Onoki, who was already extremely irritable, suddenly became furious, but in a blink of an eye, all the high-level officials were nodding in agreement with Huang Tu's words, and they couldn't scold immediately.

"The war with Shayin didn't bring any benefits at all. On the contrary, the boys in the village suffered heavy casualties. It won't work if this continues..."

A Yanyin Jōnin said.

"Throwing the ninja army into the desert without being able to take care of the rear will not only put the ninja army in danger, but also be unable to curb the wanton expansion of the Uchiha clan. In this way, the interests of the village will suffer even greater losses..."

"A mere Urenin Village dares to spy on Iwagakushi's flanks, so we must withdraw from the Land of Wind and attack the Sansho Hanzo!"

"Choosing to give up supporting Taki Shinobu because the village is empty is a complete mistake!"

An elder Yan Yin paused his crutches, and directly pointed out Onogi's wrong decision.

Immediately, Onoki's old face flushed with anger.

But he also felt that something was wrong.

Yanyinren Village, which has always emphasized and admired the "will of the stone", no matter whether it is a grassroots ninja or a high-level ninja, it is impossible to accuse the shadow of a village so concentratedly!

Is it...

His eyes turned to his eldest son, Huang Tu.

Although Huangtu's expression was a little flinching, he still kept looking at his father and Tuying.

If my conjecture is true, then it is not surprising that the attitude of Yan Yin's senior management...

Onoki secretly sighed in his heart, but somewhat relieved.

The child grows up and learns to reach out for what he wants...

"Are you in a hurry?"

Onoki asked lightly.

"I'm not in a hurry, but the village is in a hurry."

Huang Tu immediately said: "Now the ninja world is facing a major change that has never been seen since the Warring States Period. If we don't respond in time..."

"From now on, you will be the village's auxiliary political ninja and the squad leader of the ninja class!"

Onoki interrupted the eldest son, and directly stated his decision.

"Are you satisfied with this?"

Onogi with a cold face looked around at all the high-level people present, and everyone lowered their heads when they looked.

Only Huang Tu, the last trace of flinching on his face has faded, and now his face is full of fortitude, and he looks at his old father without flinching.

"I'm for the village..."

"What Uchiha Tokuko can do, I can do too..."

From a nameless eldest son of Tsuchikage to Iwagakushi's assistant and squad leader, Huang Tu, who is suddenly in power, is excited and full of expectations for the future.

He can't wait to fight against the "bullying" Iwagakure and the Uchiha Tokumitsu who swallowed Taki Shinobi!
 Update today (2/2)

(End of this chapter)

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