Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 322 The Collusion of Rebellion and Forbearance

Chapter 322 The Collusion of Rebellion and Forbearance

Ouyu City in the south of the Land of Thunder is also the central command station of the Konoha Garrison, which is mainly composed of exiled ninjas from the original Hokage series.

Jiraiya was dressed as a rogue, walking on the street swaggeringly, while bewitchingly whistling hooligans at the women from the Land of Thunder who passed by, while carefully observing the customs and customs of the Konoha-occupied area.

After Yunyin’s defeat, the southern part of the Thunder Country was occupied by the shogunate and Iwagakure respectively. However, after Uchiha Tokumitsu killed the third Hokage Hiruzen Sarutobi in the Battle of Settsu, the shogunate ninja troops stationed in the southeastern part of the Thunder Country gradually withdrew to their respective stations, replaced by the exiled Sarutobi, Shimura, and diehard ninjas from the Hokage line.

In addition to a shogunate detachment directly under the headquarters and three detachments composed of ninjas recruited from the village, the remaining eleven detachments of the current Konoha Garrison are composed of exiled ninjas.

The complex faction relationship and mutual hatred within the ninja army, coupled with Uchiha Tokumitsu's never caring about the occupied area as a buffer zone, naturally the command of the headquarters is also very lax, various anti-espionage measures are full of loopholes, samurai ronin, black market ninjas gather in groups, and various murders and robbery cases emerge in endlessly, making this city a veritable "chaotic city".

Just at this moment of strolling on the street, Zilai felt that there were no less than ten assassinations in the dark alleys beside the main road.

"Uchiha Tokumitsu's perverse actions can be seen..."

Jilai also feels more and more that his cause is just and correct, and he is full of confidence in overthrowing the tyranny of the Uchiha clan.

Jiraiya left Mt. Myogi this time and came to the Land of Thunder to find someone, a former Konoha ninja who was also listed as a traitor like him.


"Sarutobi Tomoshang Chunin, something happened to you!"

A slightly sneaky Sarutobi ninja was walking through the alley when suddenly a large hand reached out from the shadows behind him, put it on his shoulder and shouted into his ear.

"I'm not me without me being coerced!"

Sarutobi Tomoaki suddenly collapsed to the ground in fright, howling with a crying voice.

"……it's me!"

Jiraiya walked out of the shadows somewhat helplessly, feeling speechless towards this ninja from the Sarutobi clan who was easily intimidated by him.

"Sir Jiraiya!"

Sarutobi Tomoaki immediately got up from the ground, pulled Zilai also to the side, looked left and right to observe the movement around him, his expression was extremely nervous, "You...why are you here!"

"I'm coming to find him."

Jiraiya grinned, although he looked as gentle as before, but it gave Sarutobi Tomoaki a chilling feeling.

"You mean..."

Sarutobi Tomoaki asked tentatively.

"Do you need me to explain that clearly?"

Jiraiya suppressed the smile on his face, and stared at Tomoaki Sarutobi who looked strange.

"I, I don't really understand what you mean..."

Sarutobi Tomoaki lowered his head and looked straight at Jiraiya.

"Where is Shinnosuke? Take me to see him."

Zilai also asked bluntly.


Sarutobi Tomoaki's expression changed, but he remained silent.

"You should know, now I'm also rebellious..."

Jiraiya chuckled, "You don't think... I will take Shinnosuke to claim the bounty?"

"It's not like..."

Sarutobi Tomoaki laughed dryly, and finally let go of his vigilance, "Why don't you... Master Ziraiya, I'll take you to the safe house first, and then I'll call Shinnosuke-sama to come over, what do you think?"

"As long as your safehouse is actually safe."


"...That's for sure, you come with me!"

Sarutobi Tomoaki said humbly.


"By the way, how did your kid become so timid?"

Under the leadership of Sarutobi Tomoshang, Jilai also walked through the extremely complicated alleys.

Although Sarutobi Tomoaki is average in strength, he is a ninja from the Sarutobi clan after all, and when the original third Hokage Hiruzaru Sarutobi was in power, he was a member of the Torture Department. Although he has relatively little experience in killing on the battlefield, he is an existence that scares the captives.

And as far as Jiraiya knows, Sarutobi Tomoaki was once nominated as a special Jnin because of his excellent torture, but because the promotion process had not been completed, the Sarutobi clan fell into the abyss with the death of Sarutobi Hiruzen, and he himself was exiled to the garrison army.

Logically speaking, this kind of person shouldn't be so timid.

"Master Jiraiya...that sentence of yours is exactly the same as the standard line used by the Ministry of Internal Affairs when arresting people..."

Sarutobi Tomoaki smiled wryly, "A while ago, two of the Shimura family were taken away by the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the camp, and now there is no news of their lives or deaths..."


Zilai was also at a loss for words.

"We, the prisoners of Ouyu City, can only do this..."

"Although everyone is not reconciled in private, and they have made some small tricks, but once the matter is revealed, then there is no choice..."

Sarutobi Tomoaki said while observing the surroundings vigilantly: "The family members are all left in Konoha as hostages, and they are exiled alone. Even if something happens, they dare not resist..."

"Then you are still in contact with Shinnosuke?"

Zilai is also very puzzled.

"It's okay, if something happens, you can commit suicide by taking poison..."

Sarutobi Tomoaki smiled slightly, and said indifferently: "Besides, as long as the poisoning dies quickly enough, the Ministry of Internal Affairs will immediately close the case and conclude that it was a suicide in fear of crime. This will not involve the family."

I don't even know what to say anymore.

From a bloody torture ninja to a person who was frightened and paralyzed when he slapped himself on the shoulder, he was able to face his own death so calmly...

Is this because of the backbone or is Konoha's internal affairs department scarier than death?

This is the best proof of the brutal rule of the Uchiha clan!
Jiraiya thought about it again, found a reason to condemn Uchiha from another angle, and strengthened his idea of ​​"putting things right"

Sarutobi Tomoaki stood in front of a dilapidated hut, and looked around.

Jiraiya thought he was going to push the door and go in, but Tomoaki Sarutobi lifted a floor tile of the gutter with his backhand, revealing a narrow hole entrance, and motioned for him to go in too.


Although the smell after lifting the floor tiles of the drain was very unpleasant, Jiraiya still held his nose and shrunk his body to get in.

"Master Jiraiya wait a moment, Master Shinnosuke will be here soon..."

Sarutobi Tomoaki said immediately after getting into the secret room under the drain.

"...How did you notify Shinnosuke?"

Zilai also frowned and asked.

"On the way we came, all the ordinary people we met were our informants..."

Sarutobi Tomoaki had a smile on his face, and said with some pride: "Although those trash from the Ministry of Internal Affairs don't care about counter-espionage, they are still very concerned about preventing sinners like us. Without some special means, they cannot operate in this city."

"...It's not easy for you either!"

Ji Lai was also silent for a long time, and said with a long sigh.

"You seem to be doing pretty well!"

A voice sounded from behind the wall of the secret room, and then a person came out directly through the wall.

Sarutobi Shinnosuke strode out with a gloomy face, and said to Jiraiya: "Among the rebels in the village, you are the most prestigious!"

Sarutobi Tomoaki immediately bowed to the two of them respectively, and then walked into the "wall" and disappeared without a trace.

"Long time no see, Shinnosuke..."

Jiraiya greeted Shinnosuke Sarutobi, and turned his gaze to the wall behind him.

"Don't look, this is the secret technique of the ape demon clan."

Sarutobi Shinnosuke said lightly: "I am no longer the son of Hokage. I can't guarantee my safety without some means."

"Come with me, let's go together to overthrow the tyranny of the Uchiha clan!"

Jiraiya stopped going around in circles, "I formed an organization and got the support of Miaogi-san. Now I need more power to resist the tyrannical Uchiha..."

"... Is it the Akatsuki organization?"

Sarutobi Shinnosuke tilted his head, "It's a good name, it seems to be very powerful and may destroy Konoha..."

"What I want to do is not to blindly destroy, but to save the Konoha compatriots oppressed by the Uchiha clan!"

Jilai also pointed out seriously, "The village needs to get back on track, and under the guidance of the will of fire, it will be stronger!"

"What you said is very reasonable, I almost believe you..."

Sarutobi Shinnosuke nodded, "I will make a decision before noon tomorrow, and I will reply to you then."

After finishing speaking, ignoring Jiraiya who was trying to say something more, he made a seal and turned into a puff of smoke.

"...So it's a shadow clone!"

Zilai was also a little surprised, and then a smile appeared on his face.

"Coincidentally~ Me too!"

Jiraiya also said to a mirror on the wall of the secret room.

Afterwards, he also formed a seal to release the ninjutsu, turning into a cloud of smoke.

"...a bunch of crazy riddlers!"

Tomoaki Sarutobi, who was cursing, pushed open the trap door from under the mirror and came out.


"Mr. Deguang, Yanyin and Yunyin have made a lot of noise recently, and the village needs to take some countermeasures~"

Worried about Zhongzhong, Hatake Sakumo came to Uchiha Tokumitsu's office again.

"Right on my mind!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said that the heroes see the same thing.

"Do you have a plan?"

Hatake Sakumo was a little surprised, and suddenly felt that his worries were unnecessary.

"I already have a plan~"

Uchiha Deguang has a well-thought-out plan.

"Want to hear about it~"

Hatake Sakumo made a gesture of listening attentively.

Uchiha Tokumitsu stood up, took out a kunai from the ninja bag, and threw it on the map of the ninja world hanging on the wall.

Hatake Sakumo followed the trail, but saw that Kunai was nailed to the Konoha-occupied area in the southeast of the Land of Thunder.

"This is……"

"We must fight an extremely deterrent war against terrorism!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said with his arms akimbo.

It's time for this group of Ninja Natives to see what is meant by a modern anti-terrorism war that has fully absorbed advanced experience!
 Update today (2/2)

(End of this chapter)

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