Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 323 Teach the Young Huangtu a Lesson

Chapter 323 Teach the Young Huang Tu a Lesson

Although the anti-terrorist force is a nascent ninja army, its staffing and ninja equipment are all luxurious, and the establishment of up to 400 people plus a relatively high proportion of Konoha ninja ninjas is enough to fight a medium-scale ninja battle.

It is also because of this that Ohnoki will directly break the defense after learning about the organizational system and personnel composition of the anti-terrorism force.

Although Tokumitsu Uchiha formed this anti-terrorist force on a whim, the purpose was just to break the "Iwagumo Taki" triangular alliance. Even the title of Ninja Army came from his own bad taste, but now it seems that this name seems to be quite useful.

For example, cross-border anti-terrorism.


According to the plan after the "Peacekeeping Operation", the southwestern region in the southern part of the Land of Thunder was handed over to the Yanyin Ninja Army to occupy and garrison.

It's just that the southwestern region of the Land of Thunder is easy to attack, difficult to defend, and has no danger. In addition, it needs to face the Yunyin Ninja Army in the central area of ​​the Land of Thunder, so the main force of the Yanyin Front Army is stationed in the northern part of the Frost Kingdom across the sea. There are only more than [-] Yanyin ninjas left in the occupied area.

In addition, two days ago, Yanyin's Tuying assisted Huangtu and Yunyin's successor Four Generations Ai held a historic meeting in the southwest region, and reached an agreement to redeem and return to the land, so the Yanyin ninjas who knew that they would have to retreat soon were more eager to collect money.

And just when the southwestern region fell into chaos due to the crazy harassment and looting of Iwagakushi, under the instruction of Uchiha Tokumitsu, the anti-terrorist force quickly assembled, and under the leadership of commander Uchiha Shiina, they first entered the southern part of the country of frost in the name of assembly training, and then marched towards the southwestern part of the country of thunder in a latent posture.

Uchiha Tokumitsu set off to return to Fuba City, the country of the shogunate, and ordered the eastern border defense forces to be transferred to the northern border of the country of fire.

The eyes of the ninja world were immediately attracted by the movement of this frontier army, while the whereabouts of the anti-terrorist troops who secretly marched from the country of Taki to the border of the country of Thunder were unintentionally ignored.


"Listen, people inside, you have ten seconds to come out and surrender immediately, otherwise..."

Uchiha Yatsushiro, head of the Sixth Detachment of the Anti-Terrorist Force, held the anti-terrorism tutorial in one hand and a loudspeaker in the other, and read the action policy aloud at the entrance of a black market stronghold disguised as a fruit house according to the scriptures.

But his subordinates were already very excited. Just when the captain Uchiha Yatsushiro just read the "... words", a Nohara ninja couldn't hold back the excitement in his heart, and habitually pulled the trigger of the "portable cluster detonator launcher" carried on his shoulder.

"Boom! Boom!"

As a fire dragon spewed out from the launcher, there was a violent explosion of detonating symbols in the black market stronghold.

The ninja next to him who was also carrying the detonator launcher also pulled the trigger reflexively.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

At the entrance of the black market stronghold that was still emitting black smoke, there were violent explosions again.

"You bastard!"

Yatsushiro Uchiha's face was so angry that his nose was crooked immediately, and he shouted angrily at Nohara Ninja who was still in a daze: "If the funds and materials inside are burned and blown up, I will definitely deduct your military salary and performance for this year!"

Then he turned his head and yelled at a group of subordinates who were still in a daze: "Why are you still in a daze, go in and catch people and put out the fire!"

"As ordered!"

A group of anti-terrorist ninjas immediately drew their ninja swords and rushed into the black market stronghold.

"Surrender surrender! We surrender!"

Several surviving black market rogues who were bombed to pieces and bruised raised their hands and prepared to run out to surrender, but they were routinely slapped their throats by the oncoming anti-terrorist ninja.

"Catch alive! You bastards!"

Uchiha Yuta, standing behind with arms akimbo in command, was even more furious when he saw his subordinate's proficient killing skills.

"After closing the team, you must copy the anti-terrorism manual a hundred times!"

Uchiha Yatsushiro took out the anti-terrorism manual and flipped through it again, cursing.

"Fortunately, I found a black market stronghold, so I can make a deal~"


Without notifying Yan Yin, nearly [-] anti-terrorist ninjas directly crossed the border and entered the southwest region of the Land of Thunder, carrying out a vigorous anti-terrorism operation.

And Iwagakure, who had only about five hundred people and was scattered all over the place to plunder, was completely defeated and arrested one by one by the anti-terrorist ninjas who swept in with the detachment as the basic organization before they could react.

Commander Uchiha Shiina's request is very simple. While arresting the ninjas left behind by Iwagakure, evidence of Iwagakushi's collusion with the "terrorist organization" must be found as evidence for this cross-border operation.

The Uchiha ninjas who served as the grassroots captains of the anti-terrorist force were originally from the old fritters of the police department, so they naturally understood what this chief with a frightening background wanted to say.


"How are the other detachments doing now?"

Uchiha Yatsushiro asked the Kurama ninja beside him: "According to the previous intelligence, there should be no black market stronghold in the combat zone they are in charge of?"

"...I haven't received a radio notification yet, so there should be no progress."

The pommel horse ninja with the radio on his back fiddled with the earphones, then shook his head, "Captain Yatsudai, we should be the first to destroy effective targets."

"Hey~ that's good!"

Uchiha Yatsushiro nodded in satisfaction, "In this case, then the incident of accidentally killing a few pairs of Iwain should be exposed~"


Kurama Ninja laughed dryly, and then began to press the button to send a post-war report to the headquarters where Uchiha Shiina was.

The cluster detonator launcher and the radio station are the detachment-level standard ninja tools that Uchiha Tokumitsu specially configures for the anti-terrorist forces. It is also the addition of these two ninja tools that allow the anti-terrorist forces to quickly penetrate behind enemy lines while achieving "blow me up"!

Huang Tu, who returned from the southwestern region of the Land of Thunder to the Yanyin camp in the northern part of the Land of Frost, held an emergency report and was a little dazed.

Torn skin? !

It shouldn't be!

His first reaction was that Tokumitsu Uchiha saw that Yunyin might redeem the southwest occupied area, so he started the war first.

But as far as he knew, war mobilization had not yet started within Konoha, and even the ninja troops directly under the shogunate were still scattered in the land of water and the land of vortex, and there was no sign of gathering. The only mobilization was the weak frontier troops.

How dare he!
Thinking of this, Huang Tu was furious.

A newly formed Konoha ninja army dared to ride on the head of his majestic Assistant Tukage, if he didn't take revenge immediately, what would Iwagakure think of him!What does the ninja world think of him!

"Assemble the ninja army! Prepare to cross the sea and fight!"

Huang Tu threw the emergency report on the ground, and shouted angrily at the Jōnin under his command.

"Sir, please think twice!"

"Maybe it's just a misunderstanding!"

"Don't talk lightly!"

The Iwagakushi Jōnin of the Front Army of the Frost Country hurriedly persuaded them.

"The will of the stone cannot be profaned! Is your forehead covered with dust?"

Huang Tu was even angrier when he heard the words.

"...Lord Huangtu, we are all standing ninja soldiers. If there is a war once crossing the sea, the situation will be irreversible."

An experienced Iwagakushi Jōnin stepped forward and said: "According to the report, the anti-terrorist forces mainly entered the southwest occupied area to eliminate terrorist organizations, and what happened with us was just a conflict..."

"What a conflict!"

Huang Tu's nose was almost crooked.

"More than 200 of the [-] ninja soldiers left behind died, and more than half of the battle damage could be due to a misunderstanding!"

"This conflict is just a misunderstanding! Lord Huangtu, please calm down!"

Another Yanyin jonin said aloud.


Huang Tu slowly glanced at the Yanyin jounin of the Front Army of the Frost Kingdom. Wherever he looked, although the jōnin shrank back a little, none of them bowed their heads to show weakness.

At this time, Huangtu also found that something was wrong.

These ninjas who belonged to the jurisdiction of his ninja army stationed abroad were not as obedient as he imagined.

"Ishigami Shinobi! Do you have the same attitude as them!"

Huang Tu cast his eyes on a middle-aged Iwagakushi Shinobi standing proudly, "You are the former squad leader of the Shinobi class that my father single-handedly promoted!"

"To start a war requires a warrant from Lord Tsuchikage! This is the iron law of ninja troops stationed abroad!"

Shinobi Tiesishi also replied forcefully: "Master Huangtu's promotion to assistant is a matter of celebration, but he is still young after all. It is right to learn more from the experience of the elders! And the front army does not approve of the handover of the occupied area!"

"It is the fundamental policy of the village to contact Yunyin to fight against Konoha!"

Huang Tu shouted loudly: "Are you going to betray the village?"

"All the jonin in the headquarters are loyal to Yan Yin!"

Tieshi Shangren also said loudly: "But it is also out of loyalty to the village, I can't agree with Huang Tu's random life!"

When Huangtu heard this, he suddenly felt a chill all over his body.

This was the first time he suffered collective disobedience from his subordinates.

Moreover, the upper ninjas, who are the core combat force of the village, expressed their disobedience in the most violent and direct way of violating military orders.

This made Loess, who had swollen extremely after successfully presiding over the withdrawal of the Yanyin Expeditionary Force in the Kingdom of Wind, suddenly feel a little panic.

Since the establishment of the village, there has never been a similar crime in Yanyin.

It is conceivable that if this matter spreads out, what a bad influence it will have on me!
"Assist Huangtu, please think about it carefully, or ask Mr. Tukage for advice. If we get the official order to start the war, I will gather the ninja army to fight across the sea as soon as possible..."

After Tieshi Junin finished speaking, he walked away surrounded by a group of Junin.

Huang Tu's face was cloudy and cloudy.


"Is it really good to do this?"

After leaving Huangtu's temporary official residence, an Iwagakushi ninja approached him and asked in a low voice, "Huangtu is Master Tukage's parent and son; moreover, he is also an assistant and concurrently the squad leader of the ninja class, so directly embarrassing him... If he still succeeds in the future..."

"The adults of the third generation had their words beforehand, so they should not start arbitrarily provocative..."

Tieshi Shangren snorted coldly, "If you still have any opinions, let this little boy go back to the village and debate with Master Tuying!"

"A junior, just like that, was pushed into a high position by those elders who don't know the suffering of the frontier army, and even took away Brother Tieshi's position as the squad leader of the ninja class!"

Another Yan Yin Shangren said indignantly: "If he is allowed to continue messing around, how can the village get better!"

"It's nothing to unite with Yunyin, but returning the occupied area is really too much! It doesn't take our interests into consideration at all."

"That's right! Just relying on this country of frost that doesn't shit, how poor is everyone!"

The other Iwagakushi shinobi chattered, as if they were looking for reasons for their disobedience.

Iron stone ninja paced slowly with his hands behind his back, as if he hadn't heard the complaints of the ninja.

"...Is that enough?"

The Iwagakushi Jōnin were talking too much, even when some people suggested to support their big brother to fight back to the village to take the bird position, Tieshi Jōnin leisurely opened his mouth to stop it.

The Yanyin upper ninjas fell silent for a moment.

"Aren't your subordinates abnormal?"

Shinobu Tiesishi asked.

"everything is normal."

"They all firmly support the leadership of Brother Tieshi!"

"The Ninja Army accompanied by Huang Tu's assistant have all been detained."

The Yanyin jounin said immediately.

"That's fine...as long as the front army is still under our control, it doesn't matter what the village thinks of it!"

Iron Stone endured a cold snort.

"But the shogunate..."

A Yan Yin johnin asked in a low voice: "Will the occupied area be returned to us?"

"Even if you can't trust me, at least you have to trust the reputation of the Uchiha clan!"

Shinobi Tieshi frowned and asked back: "Is there ever a time when the joint company's business share is not on time?"

"This is also..."

Yanyin suppressed a dry laugh and retreated into the crowd.

The Front Army of the Frost Country is one of the gathering places of the Rock Hidden Fighting Faction.

Unlike the Iwagakure Expeditionary Army that invaded the Land of Wind, most of the front army was ninjas who had a blood feud with Yunyin during the Second Ninja World War.

And they were also the group of people who had the loudest voices in Yanyin when Tokumitsu Uchiha launched the "Peacekeeping Operation" to conquer Yunyin.

After easily capturing the northern part of the Frost Country and the southwestern part of the Thunder Country, these Iwagakushi fighters were collectively thrown into the front army by Tsuchikage Onoki to serve as the commanders of ninja troops at all levels. It is these fighters who have always opposed the village and the cloud hidden.

Although Konoha is hateful, and the shogunate is terrifying, compared with Yun Yin, the sworn enemy who has a sworn enemy, even Uchiha Tokumitsu looks pretty.

But like the ancient army remembered by Uchiha Tokumitsu in his previous life, the voices of ninja troops stationed abroad are often not valued by the center.

Even in Yan Yin, who advocates unity, there are two distinct groups of ninjas in the village and ninjas stationed abroad.

The ninjas in the village think that the ninjas stationed abroad are war lunatics who are incorrigibly militant and warlike, and they may start a war at any time; while the ninjas stationed abroad always think that the ninjas in the village are a group of bastards who change from day to day, regardless of the hardships of stationing on the border.

During Iwagakure’s expedition to the Land of Winds, the Iwagakures of the Frost Country’s Front Army were once in trouble due to a shortage of supplies. Therefore, under the planning of the then Iwagaki Jōnin Squad Leader and Front Army Commander Tiesishigami Shinobi, the ninjas of the Front Army connected with the all-pervasive United Company, and the two sides started happy trade activities, thus alleviating the difficulties of the Front Army.

Because of this, when Uchiha Shiina launched the anti-terrorism war in the southwestern region of the Thunder Country, Uchiha Tokumitsu had already ventilated to the Iwagakure commanders of the front army through the joint company, and the Iwagakushi ninjas who stayed in the southwest region were all dissidents who were voluntarily abandoned by the commanders.

"It's just that after such a incident, I don't know if we can continue to do business with the United Company..."

The exclamation of an Iwagakushi Jōnin interrupted Teishi Jōnin's thoughts flying around.

"The Ninja Army's business is the unswerving fundamental policy of the Front Army!"

Iron Stone endured a cold snort, and the words were loud and loud.

"Whoever dares to investigate, let him sink into the sea and drown unfortunately!"

——The essence of American modern counter-terrorism, exactly!

 Work overtime today, double update tomorrow~
(End of this chapter)

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