Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 325 Akatsuki Organization in Action

Chapter 325 Akatsuki Organization in Action
Long before Uchiha Shiina launched the anti-terrorism and suppression operation in the southwest Iwagakuza occupied area, under the reminder of Mt.

But the subsequent performance of the anti-terrorism operation also surprised Jiraiya.

He originally thought that the shogunate ninja army, known as the anti-terrorist force and regarded as the vanguard of the invasion, would be regarded by Iwain as a declaration of war and fight Konoha after entering the southwestern occupied area, but he did not expect Iwain's reaction to be so calm.

According to the information sent back by the Intelligence Frog, the process of the anti-terrorist forces moving into the southeast Konoha-occupied area and the Yanyin Army’s recovery operation can almost be described as "harmony".

Especially according to the report of Intelligence Frog, this phenomenon is still very common!
"It seems that the reactionary forces in the ninja world have begun to collude..."

Zilai also said with a sense of loss.

Sarutobi Shinnosuke also had a gloomy face, and carefully compared the cipherbook to translate the report of the intelligence frog page by page.

During this period of hiding, although Sarutobi Shinnosuke has been keeping an eye on the dynamics of the ninja world, due to limited sources of information and the fact that the ninjas of the Sarutobi clan are all imprisoned in the southeast occupied area, he does not know much about the changes in the high-level ninja world. He only knows that the Uchiha clan is flourishing like a raging fire, and he is extremely anxious to see it.

But after getting access to Mt. Myogi's intelligence channels, he discovered that under the protection of the Uchiha clan and the shogunate, the joint company has grown into another more hidden behemoth.

From conventional commodity trading to arms trading, and even war operations, there is no United Corporation that does not dabble.

Even the joint company releases a large number of places to recruit Konoha ninjas and shogunate vassal ninjas every year, so it has accumulated a loose ninja army with unknown numbers and unknown training conditions but an absolutely huge number!
"Brother Jiraiya, our first target should be United Corporation!"

Sarutobi Shinnosuke extracted the relevant information about Uchiha Shiina's force to force Taki Shinobu to submit from the report of the intelligence frog, and placed it in front of Jiraiya.

At the same time, the words "United Company Combat Column" in the intelligence text were also specially marked.

"Isn't this a large ninja smuggling gang?"

Zilai was also a little surprised.

His focus has always been on Tokumitsu Uchiha and the heavyweights in the shogunate, and he has not paid much attention to the information of the joint company.

After all, the intelligence frog collects a wide range of information, and he doesn't have any extra subordinates to help him. If he doesn't check it selectively, he probably doesn't have to do anything and just read the report every day.

"The joint company is the foundation for Uchiha Tokumitsu's rapid expansion of power!"

Sarutobi Shinnosuke emphasized: "Don't underestimate this so-called smuggling gang. With the joint company as the network, Uchiha Tokumitsu's connection with nobles from all over the ninja world and other ninjas in the ninja village may be deeper than we imagined!"

And the most direct evidence is the unusual intimacy between Konoha ninja and Iwagakure ninja during the southwestern withdrawal of the Kingdom of Thunder.

Zilai also reacted quickly.

"Have you seen that every military operation of the shogunate has great results and very little loss..."

Sarutobi Shinnosuke sorted out the information about the shogunate's direct participation in the war, such as the Conquest of the Land of Water and the Hidden Cloud Peacekeeping Operation, and piled them up in front of Jiraiya.

"But if you do the calculations carefully, the shogunate actually invested quite a lot in military supplies...especially the detonating talisman!"

Sarutobi Shinnosuke did a quick calculation and came up with a number that made Jiraiya dumbfounded.

"Is it so scary..."

Jiraiya's determination to overthrow the dark rule of the shogunate even wavered a little.

"The joint company is the root of the Uchiha clan! Brother Jiraiya, what we have to do is to dig the root!"

Sarutobi Shinnosuke said viciously: "In this way, when the shogunate becomes a tree without roots, then we can completely destroy it!"

"……you are right!"

After thinking for a while, Jiraiya nodded heavily.

"But, Brother Ziraiya, do you have money?"

Sarutobi Shinnosuke saw that Jilai seemed to be acting blindly with a passion, so he pointed out the key point.

"...There are still 500 million taels."

Zilai also answered in a low voice.

"Far from enough!"

Sarutobi Shinnosuke shook his head again and again, "We need to obtain funds to strengthen the organization while attacking the joint company in the dark, otherwise it is impossible to compete with the shogunate with those few subordinates who are not even as good as Genin."

Jilai was silent again for a long time, and then let out another long sigh.

The difficulty of earning money is very high, especially under the premise that Zilai also disdains to do dirty work such as robbing houses and robbing casinos of gold, the difficulty of obtaining funds legally can be imagined.

Although Sarutobi Shinnosuke actually disdains Jiraiya's so-called "sticking to integrity" in his heart, and thinks that Jiraiya's literary rebellion has no future, but he still conceals his inner thoughts very well, and just looks at Jiraiya in the same silence.

Mt. Miaogi Toad's ability is great, its distribution is wide, and the amount of information it can collect far exceeds Sarutobi Shinnosuke's imagination.

Compared with the ape demon group contracted by the Sarutobi clan from generation to generation, it is like pearls and gravel competing for glory!

And if you want to overthrow the shogunate and restore Konoha's orthodoxy in Sarutobi Shinnosuke's mind, you must rely on the power of Miaogishan!


Jilai also said slowly: "I plan to hand over all the financial planning and intelligence analysis of the Xiao organization to you. Are you willing to take over?"

"no problem!"

Sarutobi Shinnosuke immediately agreed.

This is what he is looking forward to the most!

"Then please..."

He also said sincerely.

Sarutobi Shinnosuke nodded heavily, his heart full of joy.

As for how to recruit his subordinates, he has also planned - that is the black market ninja who is being constantly besieged by anti-terrorist forces!

"Master Shiina, this is the report on the suppression operation, please review it."

Uchiha Shiina, who successfully completed the suppression operation in Ou City in the southeastern region of the Land of Thunder, also received the suppression report compiled by his subordinates.

"Not bad~"

Judging from the seizure situation, the funds for the suppression of black market strongholds basically covered the expenditures for this large-scale anti-terrorism operation and the acquisition of the Yanyin Front Army.

"... Xuanyuan people?"

It's just that Uchiha Shiina was a little surprised when he saw a page in the ninja battle record: "Why did you let them run away?"

"The strength of this wave ninja group is quite special, so..."

The subordinate replied in a low voice.

"Then let the joint company put up a public reward. As long as they are still operating in the ninja world, they will always usher in the day when they will be wiped out!"

Uchiha Shiina immediately put the matter behind him, signed his name on the battle report and said: "Immediately send it to Fuba City through the Ninja cat channel. Your Excellency the General is waiting to read the report!"

"It's such an easy job..."

After his subordinates left, Uchiha Shiina lazily lay down on the chair, "Just sign it, it's easier than the work of the Chief of Police~"

Under the joint suppression of the three ninja armies, the southeast region of the Land of Thunder was filled with blood and murderous aura.

The black market ninjas, ronin samurai, and spies from various countries who originally regarded the occupied area as a paradise have no chance to resist in front of the overwhelmingly superior Konoha Ninja Army.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Suddenly, the garrison area on the south side of Ou City heard bursts of extremely intense ninjutsu explosions, which startled Uchiha Shiina.

"This is……"

Uchiha Shiina immediately came to the window and opened Sharingan to observe.

Although the improvement of vision of Sharingan is far less than that of Hyuga Clan's white eyes, it can also strengthen vision to some extent.

I saw groups of anti-terrorist ninjas rushing to support them, and ninjutsu flashed continuously in the rising smoke, as if the two sides were engaged in a fierce ninjutsu confrontation.

"There seems to be..."

Uchiha Shiina suddenly thought of something, quickly took out the urban distribution map to look at, and then smiled, "Sarutobi and Shimura's camp!"

"Assemble all the Ninja Army!"

It was too late to change clothes, and the overjoyed Uchiha Shiina broke out of the window directly, shouting loudly: "Sarutobi is causing chaos, Shimura is rebelling! All ninjas will follow me to put down the chaos!"

Then he took out a signal bomb from his arms and fired it into the sky, and then led the immediate detachment to kill him.

"To make great achievements is now!"

"The genocide is at this moment!"

Teams of Konoha ninjas who heard the news and came to support also shouted slogans, scrambling towards the camps of the two tribes in Sarutobi Shi Village.

 Update today (2/2)

(End of this chapter)

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