Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 326 Teachings

Chapter 326 Teachings
"Water Escape, Water Breaks Waves!"

At the seaside training ground in Uzumaki, after Uchiha Tokumitsu made his handprints with a rare stern look, he calmed down, condensed chakra in his mouth, and turned it into a straight line of ultra-high pressure water towards an iron body 50 meters ahead. Cast a dummy and shoot it away.


Under the impact of the ultra-high pressure chakra water column, the cast iron dummy shattered.

"it is good!"

The attendant ninjas who were watching or observing the majesty of the master's ninjutsu immediately applauded and applauded again and again.

Even the disciple Uchiha Shisui who was specially brought over from Konoha slapped his hands red.

"It still feels a bit worse..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu was not very satisfied with the results of this ninjutsu experiment.

He originally thought that this water escape ninjutsu invented by the second generation of Naruto Senju Fumama could at least penetrate the cast iron dummy, but he didn't expect that it was just crushed—this shows that the Chakra Jutsu just performed the technique just now. The degree of coagulation and the simulated vibration velocity of the water flow are still insufficient.

But for a group of attendant ninjas who are watching, this is already an absolute shock-because Uchiha Tokumitsu has just dug out this technique from the copy of the sealed book and after watching it for less than 5 minutes Feel free to test it out!

"My lord's ninjutsu talent... can't be described in words!"

A servant ninja from the Kirigakure Kaki clan sighed.

Uchiha Shisui who was standing beside him took a look at the Kirigakure ninja who was full of admiration in his tone, just like the residents of the Konoha civilian area, when they mentioned the shogunate that oppressed the ninja world, they couldn't help but straighten up chest.

Tokumitsu-sensei is a genius of the Uchiha clan, and I am also a child of the Uchiha clan... Then, rounding up, and so on, it is equivalent to that I am also a genius of the Uchiha clan!

Uchiha Shisui's heart was extremely hot.

But when I think about it, I feel a little discouraged.

Now he only knows some C-level fire escape ninjutsu and Uchiha ninjutsu, and the elders of the family are full of praise for his telekinesis. Compared with his outstanding record in the ninja world as a special ninja and deputy commander of the ninja army at the age of eight, it is like sand and stars competing for glory.

Long way to go...

Uchiha Shisui quickly adjusted his mentality, and once again turned his attention to the teacher who signaled the attendant ninja to continue to put on the test dummy.

"Water Escape, Water Breaks Waves!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu's second ninjutsu was obviously much faster and more powerful.

I saw that with a flash of white light, the upper body of the cast iron dummy was immediately blown into a piece of iron filings splashing everywhere, but in the eyes of all the attendant ninjas, it was clearly the ninjutsu that exploded after crushing the dummy. The sound reached his ears.


Even the attendant ninja from Kirigakure couldn't help but look at each other in blank dismay, inexplicably horrified.

Even for the lightning ninjutsu known for its speed, there are not many ninjas who can achieve this kind of speed, let alone such powerful power!
You must know that no matter how strong and tough a ninja's body is tempered, it is always a mortal body. Judging from the speed and power of ninjutsu performed by Uchiha Tokumitsu, in addition to having both "the strongest spear" and "the strongest Except for the Raikage lineage of "Strong Shield", other ninjas, even the Iwagakure ninja who is good at defense, can't block this ninjutsu!

"...As far as I know, even the original second generation of Mizukage, there are not many ninjutsu that can reach such a sharp level!"

The dried persimmon ninja with a shark face couldn't help sighing: "Water Dungeon is known for its vastness, but the lord has pushed its nature to a level that surpasses that of Thunder Dungeon. It's really..."

Due to the lack of education in the ninja school, the dry persimmon ninja whose cultural level is not up to the standard has been holding back for a long time, racking his brains but can't think of a suitable adjective.

"...Peerless in the world!"

Uchiha Shisui looked at the shark's face again and added an adjective for him.

"Ah yes yes yes!"

Sharkface nodded again and again. "It's Peerless! That's what I intended to say!"

"You really deserve to be the master's disciple! Shisui-kun is so intelligent and intelligent at such a young age, the future is definitely limitless!"

"Come on~ Kisame-kun, just stop showing off with that little ink in your stomach~"

A servant ninja from the Minazuki clan laughed.

"But having said that, isn't the strongest Water Dungeon ever the second Hokage~"

Another Uzumaki ninja couldn't help but joked: "This is one of the common sense in the ninja world~"


A Uchiha shinobi shouted in a deep voice: "Look carefully, it is your blessing to be able to figure out some secrets! Don't be out of shape all day long!"

A group of attendant ninjas who were playing around immediately turned serious.

Uchiha Tokumitsu had already used Mizudunami to smash five cast-iron dummies in succession, and each time the power was stronger than the last one. This situation made the ninjas who are good at water escape extremely horrified.

Uchiha Shisui also looked straight.

You know, the Uchiha clan is famous in the ninja world for their specialization in fire escape!

Although most Uchiha jinnin don't know only one type of ninjutsu, all Uchiha jinnin's fire escape ninjutsu is not bad; as for water escape... as far as Uchiha Shisui knows , No one in the contemporary Uchiha clan can reach such a profound level.

"Water Escape, Water Breaks Waves!"

After Uchiha Tokumitsu made the attendant ninja put on an iron dummy again, he performed ninjutsu again.

But this time is different, the direction of Uchiha Deguang's jet of water is obviously not aimed at the dummy.

After spraying out a very thin line of water towards the side, as Uchiha Tokumitsu shook his head, the water line swept across like a sharp blade, cutting the cast iron dummy in half.

"Ah this..."

All the attendant ninjas were dumbfounded.

But then they were even more horrified.

Uchiha Tokumitsu did not order the attendants to change to a new dummy, but made a seal——

"Fire Escape·Fire Breaking Wave!"

I saw a very thin, almost invisible light flashing under the sun, and the remaining half-length dummy was instantly divided into two sections by the extremely high temperature fire.

The attendant ninjas even saw steam rising from the fracture, hot and red like magma, as if the dummy cut by the flame light was about to melt.

"Could it be that the nature and form changes of Chakra are fake..."

An attendant ninja muttered to himself, expressing the aspirations of everyone present.

Afterwards, Uchiha Tokumitsu practiced ninjutsu such as water rush wave, hard vortex water blade, etc. Although the speed of getting started was as amazing, it was not as shocking as the direct conversion of water escape technique to fire escape ninjutsu. .


After performing all the water escape ninjutsu in the book of seals heartily, Uchiha Tokumitsu let out a breath and ended today's practice.

This is also the first time he has seriously studied the water escape ninjutsu developed by Qianshou Feijian in the book of seals.

Although the use of fire escape has always been used in battles, this does not mean that Uchiha Tokumitsu does not know ninjutsu of other attributes, but its power is far from that of the fire escape passed down from generation to generation by the Uchiha clan. It's not very useful in the battle of life and death in seconds.


Uchiha Tokumitsu took the ice towel handed over by the attendant ninja, wiped off the sweat, and waved to Uchiha Shisui.


Uchiha Shisui immediately trotted to Uchiha Tokumitsu and bowed respectfully.

"Did you see anything~"

Uchiha Tokumitsu rubbed Shisui's hair, just like when Elder Setsuna taught him back then.

"Teacher... I can't see..."

Shisui said with a little frustration: "I only see that no matter how difficult ninjutsu is in the hands of the teacher, it seems that it is easy to do, but I don't see any secrets..."

"That's right~"

Tokumitsu Uchiha chuckled, and patted Shisui on the shoulder: "This is normal, but what makes me most gratified is that I can face my own unknown, and this is the most precious thing for a ninja." of."

"If you don't believe me, you can ask them..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu raised his chin towards the group of attendant ninjas, "Although they are all jounin, I can guarantee that none of them can see the slightest way."

Although the attendant ninjas felt a little embarrassed, they nodded obediently and admitted.

Uchiha Tokumitsu's ninjutsu practice is completely different from others.

Thanks to the "absolute control" of Chakra, coupled with the amplifying effect of Sharingan, basically the ordinary five-sense ninjutsu can be copied completely with just a glance, and the power may even be greater than the original version—— This is also completely different from the monkey version of ninjutsu that has shrunk in power after being copied by other Uchiha ninjutsu.

But this also means that Tokumitsu Uchiha's practice methods and experience are more derived from the use of his own talents, so there is no way for others to learn from the gourd.

"This is also my first assessment for you, congratulations, Mr. Zhishui, you passed~"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said cheerfully.

"……Is it?"

Uchiha Shisui was a little surprised.

Is this considered an assessment?He obviously didn't do anything!

In Uchiha Shisui's consciousness, even if the so-called assessment is not a bell grabbing game of the Hokage family, at least one Uchiha family's usual practice of fire ninjutsu and ninja shooting is right.

"Know what you know, don't know what you don't know."

Uchiha Tokumitsu handed the used towel to the attendant ninja, and waved them to back off.

"For our family, the most important thing is to know ourselves."

Uchiha Tokumitsu walked slowly towards Fuba City with Shisui, while a group of attendant ninjas scattered to the periphery for vigilance.

"Know yourself?"

Zhishui was a little puzzled.

"Have you awakened Sharingan too?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu asked back.

"Yes, in father..."

Zhishui said with some embarrassment.

But before he finished speaking, Uchiha Tokumitsu signaled him not to say any more.

"Can I see your Sharingan?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu asked.

Zhishui nodded obediently, then closed his eyes and concentrated for a moment——

A pair of double-gou jade sharing sharing eyes with a cold and murderous intent are displayed.

“Very good~”

Uchiha Tokumitsu nodded with satisfaction.

It is worthy of being the "stopping water in an instant" in the memory of the previous life!
As far as the talent of Sharingan is concerned, it is almost comparable to Obito!
Although it seems that Shisui's character is still a bit weak now, with some remnants of the inexplicable virgin temperament of conservatives, Uchiha Tokumitsu is confident to reverse his defect.

"The awakening of Sharingan comes from extreme emotional stimulation, which often distorts people's personality to a certain extent."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said: "This is also the reason why Sharingan was once called the cursed eye by some clansmen."

"After all, no one wants to be a sacrifice for the power awakening of others."

Zhishui swallowed, showing some frustration again.

"But what if we change the angle~"

Uchiha Tokumitsu ignored Shisui's emotional changes, and said to himself: "Sharingan is actually a god bestowed by God to the Uchiha clan to make up for defects."

"So, after obtaining Sharingan, what is your wish?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu put his hand on Shisui's shoulder.


Zhishui took a deep breath, with a rare murderous look on his face.

"Revenge on the alien who killed the clansman and father!"

"not enough!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu shook his head.

"Destroy the Mt. Myogi lineage that caused the murder, and destroy the so-called holy land that tried to challenge Uchiha's majesty!"

"Destroy all those aliens who try to control the fate of the ninja world!"

"Those who commit Uchiha crimes will be punished even if they are far away!"

Zhishui's tone became more and more ferocious, and his voice became louder and louder.

"very good!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu patted Shisui's shoulder with satisfaction, while discreetly and silently dispersed the chakra condensed in his palm.

"But I still have to ask again, is this your heart?"

"This is my Shinobi!"

Zhishui straightened his waist and said.

"You will be an excellent Uchiha!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu affirmed.

"I hope you are proud of your family today, and your family will be proud of you in the future!"

"Do not let me down!"

The encouraged Zhishui was overwhelmed with emotion, his face flushed, and his body trembled slightly, but he managed to control his excitement so as not to lose his composure on the spot.

This is the encouragement from my teacher, the Uchiha clan and even the strongest ninja!

"Lord Deguang!"

An attendant ninja appeared in front of the two in an instant.

"The joint report of the Thunder Kingdom's garrison troops and anti-terrorist forces! Please review it!"


A smile appeared on Uchiha Tokumitsu's face, and he reached out to accept the secret report from the attendant ninja.

"...When I was ordered to wipe out the remnants of Mount Miaomu, I encountered Sarutobi, Shimura and other sinful ninjas in the southeast occupied area of ​​the Land of Thunder to resist the censorship and set off a rebellion. The leader and the mad bandits are defeated, the power of heaven spreads far and wide, Jiang Jing Yanchen, let's grow together!"

As expected, after a period of intentional indulgence by the commander of the garrison in the occupied area, even the exiled ninjas of Sarutobi, Shimura and other exiled ninjas were still unwilling to be lonely and set off a new round of confrontation .

In particular, the anti-terrorist forces have also obtained evidence that they secretly harbored Shinnosuke Sarutobi, the terrified Sarutobi clan and the remnants of Shimura.

Moreover, the Uchiha clan's rule in Konoha has gradually stabilized now, and it is no longer necessary to buy people's hearts with generosity as it did when the situation was restored after the Settsu War.

"Send an order back to the village, and all the remaining criminals detained in the village will be sent to prison."

Uchiha Tokumitsu ordered the attendant ninja.

So far, the Sarutobi, Shimura and other ninjutsu families that have been passed down since the Warring States Period have been completely destroyed!
"As ordered!"

"What a wonderful day~"

Patting Shisui's shoulder again, Uchiha Tokumitsu sighed.

 Update today (1/2)

(End of this chapter)

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