Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 328 The White Paper and the Village Investment Company

Chapter 328 The White Paper and the Village Investment Company
After staying in Fuba City for a period of time, Uchiha Tokumitsu was disappointed with the research progress of the harmless natural energy of the Vortex Research Institute, so he simply came out of sight, and reiterated that he should not easily change the research direction or misappropriate the research. After the funds were spent on other research interests, he took the initiative to wander back to Konoha to relax.

During this period of time, the anti-terrorist forces achieved remarkable results. After clearing the occupied area of ​​the Thunder Country, Uchiha Shiina immediately turned around and returned to the territory of the Tian Country and the Taki Country. A total of no less than [-] black market strongholds were cleared, and a huge amount of supplies and black money were seized.

"It's a pity... This kind of good thing can only be done once, and it will be difficult to maintain the ninja army by capturing it in the future."

While watching the specific anti-terrorism report, Uchiha Tokumitsu talked to Hatake Sakumo.

"So... the black market is so rich!"

Looking at the appalling numbers in the report, Sakumo Hatake could hardly control his greed. He wished he could immediately lead his troops out to find some black market strongholds.

"The so-called black market, who knows which nobleman or wealthy businessman is behind them!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu snorted coldly, "From the Warring States period to the present, if such an underground organization can be maintained without a backer, its power will not know how expanded it is!"

The contracted ally of the Uchiha Clan, the Ninja Clan, is part of the black market, and is also one of the core suppliers of the underground bulk arms trade, so Uchiha Tokumitsu also learned some secrets through the Ninja Clan.

The so-called black market is not actually a unified organization.

For example, the black market strongholds distributed in various places may have different supporters behind them; it is just to better serve some wealthy people or facilitate some shady things, and different black market strongholds may exchange information Or exchange information, and even realize the connection of black market task settlement.

But this by no means means that the black market forces are in the same camp.

For example, according to the description in the anti-terrorism report, the black market stronghold of Tanokuni was actually set up by the country's daimyo to make up for the lack of military power in No Ninja Village. Support, and even wait for the time is ripe, to turn the underground black market into a plan for a state-owned ninja village on the spot.

But in front of the heavily armed anti-terrorist forces, the efforts of several generations of daimyos in Tanokuni were completely in vain. Not only were the strongholds wiped out, their assets were confiscated, even the evidence of exchanges between daimyos and the black market fell into the anti-terrorist forces. hands.

Since the Tokumitsu shogunate launched the "Peacekeeping Operation" and forced Lei Zhiguo and Yunyin to sign an unequal treaty, Tian Zhiguo, which was originally a small buffer country, has been included in the sphere of influence of the Fire Kingdom.

"It's a bit hasty to dismiss the daimyo..."

Hatake Sakumo did not agree with the anti-terrorism report's proposal to depose the daimyo, "Besides Tanokuni, I am afraid that the daimyos in this country also have a lot of connections with the black market... If things go to waste, the village and the daimyo's house will probably be at odds in the future."

'As for those incompetent government troops under the command of the daimyo...even if they are ripped apart, so what. "

Uchiha Tokumitsu said indifferently: "Sakumo-kun, don't you think that our relationship with the daimyo nobles can return to the period when the high-level people were intimate?"

"You know, the ninjas in the village are not willing to pay blood tax so cheaply now."

"Blood tax..."

Hearing this, Hatake Sakumo couldn't help sighing.

The relationship between Ninja Village and the country, to put it bluntly, is the relationship between exchanging money for blood tax.

The daimyo nobles contributed money and food, and the ninjas of Ninja Village contributed their lives; in addition, after the ninjas gathered in Ninja Village, the daimyo nobles also obtained a relatively controllable extraordinary force, and the place became relatively clean. Nobles with noble bloodlines don’t have to worry about being slapped at the door by a ninja in the middle of the night. Even if something special happens, they can pay some negligible money to let Ninja Village send elite ninjas to perform tasks.

This is the fundamental reason why Senjujuma's initiative to establish a ninja village was supported by the daimyos.

For nobles, the Ninja Village era is the best era.

It’s just that the good times don’t last long. Since the rise of Uchiha Tokumitsu, he has been committed to digging out the most precious political heritage of the Senju clan, that is, the one-village-one-country system. Not only did he support himself in the early days, but he also set up joint companies and stock exchanges to embezzle the monopoly commercial interests of the nobles.

Today, as Konoha enters the era of Jonin co-government, Kirigakure enters the shogunate shogunate rule, Sand Yin has turned the village into a country and eradicated the daimyo nobles, and Iwagakure, who prefers to maintain the one-village-one-country system, is weak Not daring to compete with the shogunate, it seems that the ninja power in the ninja world has entered its heyday.

Nowadays, Konoha's task commission standard has been increasing in price, but it still can't stop the daimyo and nobles who just need it from sending money. The price is pulled to the top.

It is also because the Ninja Village economy can obtain a relatively generous income, and the ninjas are less and less willing to work for the stinky money of the daimyo nobles-compared to the fixed salary incense issued by the United Company!
However, apart from the daimyo's fixed appropriation, the village's main source of income is the task. The ninjas in the village are too lazy to undertake the task, so the village's government affairs department expenditure and public welfare will be affected.

And this is where Hatake Sakumo has been particularly troubled recently.

"How about preparing the anti-terrorism report as a white paper and publishing it publicly?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu asked.

"What is a white paper?"

Hatake Sakumo was taken aback.

After Uchiha Tokumitsu returned to Konoha, the reason why he came to meet immediately was actually to discuss how to solve Konoha's future official financial crisis, but he never found a chance to speak.

"You can understand it as an official announcement document publicly released by the village to the ninja world, in order to show the position and practice of a certain matter, so that ninja countries and ninja villages can understand and support the actions of the village - the reason why it is called a white paper, It’s because I intend to make the document public with a white cover.”

Uchiha Tokumitsu explained very patiently.

"Just this report..."

Hatake Sakumo was a little surprised.

For Ninja Village, anything involving the actions of ninjas in the village is generally regarded as confidential, but the level of confidentiality is different. Konoha and even ninja villages in the ninja world have never done this kind of practice.

"It is necessary to promote the understanding and support of all countries for the cause of anti-terrorism~"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said: "In particular, the white paper will allow countries to have a certain understanding of the dangers of the Mt. It's a lot less..."

Hatake Sakumo raised his eyebrows and didn't speak, but just looked through the table of contents of the anti-terrorism report again.

I also didn't see anything about Mt. Miaomu in this report!

This time, the operation to clear the land occupied by Thunder Country, Tian Country, and Taki Country didn't even catch a toad from Mt. Miaomu. How could it be related to Mt. Miaomu's lineage when it came to the white paper?
Hatake Sakumo thought about it, but couldn't figure it out.


Tokumitsu Uchiha cleared his throat, and said seriously: "That's right, although the white paper we released was compiled based on Shiina-kun's anti-terrorism report, but well~ in order to achieve the purpose of our white paper and play the expected role of public opinion while effectively protecting the secrets of Ninja Village, some appropriate text modifications are required."

For example, the Miaomushan lineage has been secretly interfering with the direction of the Ninja World. The Ninja Frogs continue to steal the secrets of the Ninja Village, and directly intervene in the affairs of the Ninja Village in the name of prophecy in the name of finding a savior, etc. This disrespect for the independence of the Ninja Village Heterogeneous status should be severely punished.

In addition, there are all kinds of medicinal value about ninja frogs, the exclusive role of xianshu chakra in prolonging life, etc., which can also be boldly arranged, anyway, the Mt. Fight back.

Oh, "text embellishment", get it!

Hatake Sakumo knew the right thing when he heard it, isn't it the "evidence" needed for reasonable manufacturing!Why are you speaking so politely!
"That's fine..."

Hatake Sakumo shrugged, "It's just that the white paper is recommended to be reviewed by the Senate and the House of Representatives before it is released."

"This is natural~"

Uchiha Tokumitsu naturally has no objection, "I will pass on the specific information and compilation requirements to the Ministry of Government Affairs. I believe that under the leadership of Mitomon elders, they will be able to complete this work very well."

When Hatake Sakumo heard this, he couldn't hold back immediately, and couldn't help laughing out loud.

I don't know who Uchiha Tokumitsu's remarks are slandering!
"One more thing, I hope Mr. Deguang can give advice..."

Hatake Sakumo smiled for a while before continuing.

"Please speak~"

"According to the calculations of the Ministry of Finance, if the village's task share continues to decrease at the current rate, the village's financial revenue is expected to be unable to make ends meet in the next year..."

Hatake Sakumo said with some embarrassment: "So, the village urgently needs a new source of income..."

"Is this not easy to do?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu was a little surprised.

These days, there are actually people begging for money with a golden rice bowl?
"Then what exactly should we do?"

Hatake Sakumo immediately asked.

"Develop the new village area!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu pointed out a dark path, "The village is the number one ninja village in the ninja world. Now there are rich merchants and all kinds of industries are flourishing, and the territory in the village is already overcrowded. It happens to be the best time for infrastructure construction!"

"As long as the large-scale infrastructure construction is carried out, it can not only relieve the living pressure in the village, but also accept more immigrants. The income of the new district can also alleviate the financial difficulties of the village. In this way, it will be a win-win situation!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu became more and more excited as he talked.

"After the land and houses in the new district are sold out, wouldn't it be necessary to build a new district?"

Hatake Sakumo hesitated, "In this way, the village has fallen into a strange circle of disorderly expansion?"

"It's simple. The new area can adopt a long-term lease model. All newly developed land belongs to the village, and the buildings on the ground are leased for about 30 years, and management fees need to be paid every year."

Tokumitsu Uchiha opened his mouth and said, "In addition, all shops in the new district need to pay a fixed business tax; then, the village's finances will have continuous income, how great it is!"

"Tax collection..."

Hatake Sakumo still felt that something was wrong, "But the current policy in the village is that ninjas are exempt from taxation for their own businesses. If taxes are imposed... everyone will be dissatisfied."

Behind Hatake Sakumo's words, there is another hidden meaning, that is, the current business in Konoha Village is actually monopolized by various ninja clans, especially the arms industry monopolized by the Uchiha clan, which is even more profitable, and the joint company is blatantly resisting taxes. The smuggling business started, if taxes are collected, does the Ministry of Finance still dare to collect taxes at Uchiha's ninja shop or the office of the joint company?
The salary in the village is only a few dollars, don't die!

As for those ninja self-operated stores other than ninja, how much money can they charge!Not bad enough to pay tax ninja wages!

"It's easy~"

Uchiha Tokumitsu already has a plan in his mind, "We can adopt the new method in the new district, and the old method in the old village; only implement taxation and long-term rent in the new district, and the headquarters of Ninja Village will still implement the original system. No more comments?"

"The development of the new area has a lot to do with it, I have to think about it..."

Hatake Sakumo still felt that something was wrong, so he scratched his head again.

"In addition, the new district can set up a development management committee, which will be under the jurisdiction of the House of Representatives. After all, this is a matter involving the interests of the general public in the village. It is reasonable and reasonable for the members of the Jonin House of Representatives to supervise it."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said calmly.

"You're right, I'll go back and initiate a consultation in the House of Representatives."

Hatake Sakumo immediately changed his position very smoothly.

As long as it is a superior person, it is impossible to resist the temptation and impulse to expand the authority and personnel to implement the "big department system". Uchiha Tokumitsu's words can be regarded as completely scratching Hatake Sakumo's itch.

A few days later, when the "White Paper on Konoha's Anti-Terrorism Business" compiled by the Ministry of Government Affairs was released, Uchiha Tokumitsu was delighted to appreciate the masterpieces of government ninjas, such as searching for enemies in emptiness, creating cards in emptiness, and turning black and white. Hatake Sakumo ran over again.

"Deguang-jun, I have something very important to discuss with you."

This time, Hatake Sakumo did not have the half-covered attitude of the past, and said bluntly: "The House of Representatives unanimously passed the preliminary resolution on the development of the new area, but there is currently a problem."

"what is the problem?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu leaned back tactically and asked with a smile.

"The village has no money, and the budget is running out of money."

"Is it possible to issue bonds on the stock exchange?" said Hatake Sakumo.

"Issuing bonds is really unnecessary~"

Tokumitsu Uchiha smiled, "However, joint-stock cooperation can be realized. Let's invest together to form a special company~ It just so happens that the joint company has accumulated rich experience in operating oases in various parts of the ninja world, especially in the land of the wind."

"How to cooperate?"

Hatake Sakumo humbly asked for advice.

"We can form a Muye village investment company and develop together~"

The smile on Tokumitsu Uchiha's face was as sweet as honey, "Not only the Uchiha clan, but also other ninja clans can invest if they are interested. In this case, even the Senate will have no objection~"

"If you have money, let's make it together~"

As long as the Uchiha clan earns the most.

Of course, Uchiha Deguang would not say this on the spot.

"In this way...then the management committee of the new district will become..."

Hatake Sakumo immediately thought of another question.

"Separation of management rights and ownership~"

Uchiha Tokumitsu's eyes have become crescent-shaped, "Come on, let me analyze it for you..."

 There is no special meaning in this chapter, please be aware
(End of this chapter)

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