Chapter 329

In the actual anti-terrorism campaign, the anti-terrorist forces did not capture or kill even a single Mt. "The number one terrorist organization in the ninja world" came from the source.

Even though most of the content was fabricated by Konoha government ninjas, according to Uchiha Tokumitsu's "three truths and seven falsehoods" compilation guidelines, combined with some research results of the Konoha Research Institute on the Myogi Mountain Ninja Frog, the "one hundred and eight wonderful uses of Ninja Frog" in the white paper still seems to be quite the same thing.

Originally, the Shinobi village forces headed by Yanyin and Yunyin sneered at Konoha’s publicly released "Konoha Anti-Terrorism Business White Paper", thinking that it was just Uchiha Tokumitsu's "not only want to engage in the service industry, but also establish a symbolic image". Just another incrimination of the building.

However, when the foreign affairs staff of Qiren Village sent the white paper back to the village as if they had found a treasure, they realized that their initial thoughts seemed to be somewhat wrong.

From the perspective of Onogi or Sandai Raikage and other Ninja Village seniors, the so-called "white paper" has various problems, such as beautifying Konoha's anti-terrorist forces' aggression against the sovereignty of various countries, and forcibly whitewashing anti-terrorist forces to detain and interrogate Ninja Village intelligence personnel. Steal secrets and more.

But this does not mean that this so-called "white paper" is worthless.

For example, in the eyes of the senior officials of various countries and major ninja villages, the technique of inverting black and white in the "White Paper" is simply a groundbreaking milestone, and the grammatical rhetoric in it makes people linger and cannot let go of it for a long time.

Of course, as for the various medicinal values ​​of the ninja frogs from the Mt.

After all, everyone is a decent person, and it is always not good to say something publicly.

But the most direct impact on the ninja world is that in Ninja Village and the black market, many anonymous tycoons appeared out of nowhere to buy Mt.

With the continuous spread of the white paper, the medicinal value of the frog and various conspiracy theories about Mt. Intercept it, cut the beginning and the end and rewrite it again, and sell it everywhere in the ninja world as a new book, and it is also very popular.

Even Lin Zhiguo, a small and remote country in the ninja world, claims that the medicinal value of toad is indeed great. For example, the forest frog that is abundant in the country is a first-class excellent tonic, and because of this, the joint company directly placed a huge order.

And the procurement behavior of the joint company has confirmed the magical effect of frogs. Folk herbalists in the ninja world have found treasures, holding pirated white papers as medical scriptures, and peddling the longevity of frogs, nourishing and beautifying frogs, and common medicines. The heresy of frogs to strengthen their bodies has further boosted the ninja world's trend of catching ninja frogs.
As a result, the intelligence frogs who had spread all over the ninja world ushered in a catastrophe.

As one of the most numerous species in Mount Miaomu, the intelligence frogs have no fighting power at all, let alone much wisdom.

The biggest difference from ordinary frogs is that the intelligence frog can act like a camera, so it is perfect for serving as a fixed spy.

However, according to the information disclosed in the white paper on Mt. Myogi’s surveillance of the ninja world, daimyofu and ninja villages in various countries immediately launched a large-scale indiscriminate hunting and killing of frogs in the headquarters and surrounding areas in line with the purpose of "rather believable".

The hunted frogs were also sent to the secret research institutes of various ninja villages for research and analysis, and it turned out that something was wrong—according to the analysis of the researchers, the eyes of some frog corpses contained special Although the image information cannot be extracted and analyzed, it is confirmed that it is undoubtedly the Miaomushan intelligence frog mentioned in the white paper!

After learning that the content in the white paper about Mount Miaomu’s monitoring of the ninja world was actually true, the nobles of various countries and the high-level officials of ninja villages increased their efforts to exterminate frogs.


Shinnosuke Sarutobi, who was in charge of intelligence work in the Akatsuki organization, soon discovered that the situation had changed.

The "silent comrades in arms" in his eyes decreased at an extremely fast speed, and the monitoring of various points in the ninja world also quickly failed. All these changes caught him off guard.

When Jiraiya, who was "traveling the ninja world" and "experiencing the scenery", hurried back to the secret base and gave him a reprinted pirated white paper, Sarutobi Shinnosuke suddenly felt dizzy, as if he was about to have a brain hemorrhage.

Even when he learned that the clansmen who were exiled to the southeast occupied area of ​​the Land of Thunder were killed by the anti-terrorist forces, Sarutobi Shinnosuke did not show such a groggy expression.

"I can't keep silent any longer!"

After a while, Sarutobi Shinnosuke regained his composure, and said in a hoarse voice: "Brother Jiraiya, we must seize the time to take the initiative! Otherwise, we will become more and more passive as time goes by! "

"...Could it be too hasty?"

He was also a little hesitant.

"If it continues to ferment, there will be no place for us in the ninja world!"

Sarutobi Shinnosuke sat down slowly, regained his composure and analyzed: "Nowadays all countries are hunting toads, and the intelligence frogs have been exposed, if we don't launch an attack on the shogunate immediately, then we will never get any support again! "

"For other ninja villages and countries, the biggest role of the Akatsuki organization is the continuous hostility with the shogunate, and only continuous confrontation will let them relax their strangling of us!"

"Brother Jiraiya, although Mt. Miaogi is good, it is still not a place we can escape from, and although the ninja world is big, there are not many places where we can shelter!"

Jiraiya understood Sarutobi Shinnosuke's intentions.

The rush to launch an attack is not because of being full enough to support you, nor is it because you are strong enough to fight against the shogunate and the joint company, but to let other forces that are secretly hostile to the shogunate see the determination and execution of the Akatsuki organization, so that they can relax appropriately The strangulation or control of the Akatsuki organization,
Otherwise, if the strangling of the entire ninja world continues like this, the frogs in the ninja world will be killed to extinction in a short time, and the Mt.

"Then it's the same as what we communicated at the beginning, let's set the joint company as the goal first!"

Jiraiya finally made up his mind.

"Tomorrow, I'll go to Mt. Miaomu, and then I'll recruit another frog ninja troop!"

"Frog ninja troops... that's fine too!"

Although Sarutobi Shinnosuke was not very willing to do this, but thinking of the current situation that the so-called Akatsuki organization only had three or two cats, he nodded in agreement.

But he is also different from Jiraiya. Sarutobi Shinnosuke still holds a view similar to "human supremacy" in his heart, and still has a certain degree of vigilance against Mt. Myogi Toad.

"By the way, Brother Jiraiya..."

Sarutobi Shinnosuke suddenly thought of something, and added: "Can I also go to Mount Miaomu to see? If possible, I hope to have an audience with the Great Immortal Toad..."

"I'll ask Fukasaku Sensei first..."

Zilai also hesitated before answering.


"Lord Deguang..."

A "green-skinned kappa" was looking around outside Tokumitsu Uchiha's office.

"come in!"

A smile appeared on Uchiha Tokumitsu's face.

"As ordered!"

The green-skinned kappa immediately stood upright on the spot, then trotted to Uchiha Tokumitsu's desk, and saluted upright, "Mite Dai, the gymnastics instructor of the police preparatory school and the senior police chief of the police department, was ordered to come forward Come report! Please give instructions!"

Hmm... Although in terms of etiquette, Senior Sergeant Matt Dai is exemplary in both actions and words, without any disrespect, but Uchiha Tokumitsu always has the urge to laugh for some reason.


Uchiha Tokumitsu coughed, controlled his inexplicable smile, pointed to the guest chair in front of the desk and said: "Don't be restrained, please sit down with your ninja, I have some private matters to talk to you today. "

"Report to Master Deguang, I am currently a special renown!"

Matt Dai immediately jumped up from the chair and replied in a loud and funny voice.

"Especially Jonin is also a member of the Jnin class..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu didn't understand why Matt Dai's reaction was so strange, he said with a dry smile: "With Dai Jun's strength, it is only a matter of time before he is promoted to Jonin."

"Thank you Master Deguang for your cultivation!"

Matt Dai just sat back on the chair, and immediately jumped up and shouted again when he heard the words.

"Sit down, you're welcome..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu had a headache, and he didn't know whether the village's remarks about Maitedai ​​were true, but this behavior didn't look like a legendary hot-blooded idiot with a head full of muscles.

"I'm looking for you today because I need to ask you for some personal matters..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu no longer greeted in circles, and said bluntly: "There are two juniors in the family, I plan to let you train their taijutsu..."

"This is my honor!"

At this moment, Matt Dai didn't jump up, but he still replied in a loud voice: "I will definitely go all out! Dedicate my strength to the cultivation of the next generation of elite ninjas!"

"Very good! Very spirited!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu replied very kindly: "They are Uchiha Shisui and Uchiha Obito respectively, they are both excellent juniors of the family, so I would like to trouble you to teach them..."

"Well... but Obito is still very young, he is only two years old now, and there is only his grandma at home, so there is no rush for training, the main thing is to teach Shisui first..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu picked up the information on the table and looked at it a few more times, then added a sentence, and handed the information to Matt Dai.

Obito's background, like Shisui's, is from the former conservative lineage, and his family members were also killed in the massacre.

As a special person who has received Uchiha Tokumitsu's special attention for a long time, Uchiha Tokumitsu will naturally not allow him to grow wildly within the family.

It's just that... if you give the two of them to Matt Dai to teach physical skills, I don't know what kind of special effect it will cause~
In this regard, Uchiha Tokumitsu is full of expectations.

 This chapter is for yesterday
(End of this chapter)

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