Chapter 330
I don’t know if it’s luck or unintentional, nearly a month after Tokumitsu Uchiha returned to Konoha, one day when he was making love with Makoto, the messenger from Fuba City brought a good friend from the Uzumaki Research Institute. information.

Although it's not that the research on Xianju Chakra has not made any breakthroughs, the research institute has obtained an unexpected major gain—that is, in the process of smelting based on sacred particles and Xianju Chakra, an unexpected The way for divine particles to reproduce!

This is a big deal!

The sacred particles extracted from the white cells are the most cherished treasures of Uchiha Tokumitsu, and as far as the current situation is concerned, the way to obtain them is extremely limited. Except for the living white cells that do not know where they are hidden in the ninja world, the research institute The previous in-depth research on the divine particles has not made any progress.

And this time's shit luck may be more important to the Uchiha clan than the study of sage chakra.

After injecting the sacred particles, Uchiha Deguang's vision loss caused by excessive use of the kaleidoscope Sharingan has been curbed and gradually recovered, and the amount of chakra in the body has also greatly increased.

In addition to this, the most important thing is that the sacred particles also have an excellent boosting effect on the ninja's own yang escape power, which is almost a perfect and perfect tonic-although Uchiha Tokuko's yang escape is now There is still a gap in strength between the pure-blooded Senju Clan or Uzumaki Clan, but compared with Akimichi, Hinata and other ninjas who are partial to Yang Dun, Uchiha Tokumitsu's Yang Dun power has far exceeded.

And the biggest defect of this kind of sacred particle, which is considered "infinitely useful" for all ninjas, is that the output is too low!

"The servant ninja army is temporarily stationed in Konoha, and inform all the hidden guards to go back with me!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu ordered.

"As ordered!"

Although I don't understand why Uchiha Tokumitsu didn't bring the attendant ninja with him this time, the attendant ninja didn't ask much, but immediately took the order and left.

"Mr. Deguang..."

Makoto also felt a little disappointed after seeing Uchiha Tokumitsu's reaction after reading the secret letter.

But as Tokumitsu's fiancée appointed by the Great Elder Setsuna, coupled with the traditional education of the Uchiha clan, although he was full of reluctance, Makoto only expressed his reluctance slightly.

"Let's go to Fubo City and take a look, shall we?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu caressed Makoto's hair, and said with a smile, "It's time for them to meet the queen too."

Makoto's face suddenly turned red.

Uchiha Tokumitsu has never had any opinion on Elder Setsuna's marriage proposal, and he will not come up with neurotic reasons such as free love to oppose this marriage that both the elder and his parents approve of; Makoto regards her as her fiancée and is willing to share the glory with her.

The reason is simple-Makoto's grandfather is the aftermath of Uchiha Madara's younger brother Uchiha Quanna after a certain romance, but after Uchiha Madara was defeated and agreed to form Konoha with Senjujuma, his A bloodline was hidden by the die-hard clansmen who were unwilling to "surrender" at this point.

And Makoto's strength is not bad, she is one of the best among the ninja of the Uchiha clan, not to mention that she has not only awakened the Sangoudama Sharingan, but even the Yantun founded by Uchiha Tokumitsu has already Learned.

Therefore, whether it is from the dimension of blood or strength, Uchiha Tokumitsu feels that Makoto is a perfect spouse.



After arriving at the Uzumaki Institute in Fuba City this time, it was no longer the glib Uzumaki researcher who used words to deal with Uchiha Tokumitsu and Makoto, but the high-spirited and high-spirited Uzumaki Research Director.

No matter which time and space is like this, after having solid research results, the researchers will immediately tremble. It doesn't matter how many times they failed in the early stage and how much money was spent.

The most important thing is to let your master see the research results and continue to invest in financial support!

The director of Uzumaki Research also had a wink, and immediately saluted Makoto with the same respectful attitude after paying tribute to Uchiha Tokumitsu.

Makoto's ears were a little hot, and she bowed reservedly to the research director of Uzumaki in return.

"Can the reproduction of divine particles form an effective and fixed path?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu asked directly without talking nonsense.

"It has been experimentally simulated, and it is possible to realize the reproduction of sacred particles through a mature reproduction path."

The Director of Vortex Research has played a trick.

In fact, due to the preciousness of the sacred particles, the vortex researchers did not dare to repeat the experiment with the only remaining sacred particles in the absence of Uchiha Tokuko, and the so-called simulation is actually a simulation of the chakra reactor on paper. The reproduction of the divine particles in the experiment is only calculated.

In addition, it is also to avoid suspicion.

The sacred particles are too special. If the lord mistakenly thinks that the researchers are coveting this treasure if the reproduction operation is carried out privately, then all the Uzumaki people will be in trouble.

"Repeat the experiment immediately!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu ordered.

"As ordered!"

The whirlpool research director immediately bowed and saluted, and then quickly ran back to his station, instructing the researchers to activate the Chakra reactor.

Although the experiment process was very boring, Uchiha Deguang still watched it with gusto.

This is so much fun!

The sacred particles derived from high-concentration white blood cells contain a small amount of the power of the sacred tree!

If the reproduction is successful, the overall strength of the Uchiha clan will increase...

Thinking of this, Uchiha Tokumitsu's eyes became even hotter.


After nearly an hour, the first sacred particle reproduction pathway completed all the operations, and the whirlpool research director Xian Zhu breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately commanded his subordinates to take the finished product out of the reactor and conduct tests.

Not long after, the test report was presented to Uchiha Tokumitsu.

"The reproduction coefficient is five times, and there is about 10% intergenerational regression?"

Tokumitsu Uchiha noticed the comparative data of the sacred particles about the first extraction and the second reproduction at first glance.

"Yes, it is……"

The whirlpool research director was a little terrified when he saw the test report.

This is somewhat different from the calculated results on paper, but there is no way, the result of the comparison is like this, and he does not have the guts to falsify such things.

"It's a pity...but it's normal."

Uchiha Tokumitsu's brows were tightly furrowed, and he was relieved after thinking for a moment.

Even the crop seeds from the previous life will degenerate, not to mention this mysterious substance.

"How many more experiments can be done with the reserve of Xianshu Chakra?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu asked.

"Five times!"

The whirlpool research director immediately replied: "After five experiments are done, it will take nearly a month for the magic chakra in the captured toads to gradually return to a full state."

"Take a portion of the divine particles reproduced by the second generation and continue the intergenerational reproduction experiment to see where the limit of degeneration is."

Uchiha Tokumitsu ordered.

"As ordered!"

Feeling that he had successfully passed the test, the research director of the whirlpool wiped off his cold sweat, and immediately returned to his work station to continue directing everyone to operate the Chakra reactor.

During this period of time, Uchiha Tokumitsu did not continue to be in a daze in the laboratory, but brought Makoto to summon the various ministries stationed in the shogunate under his command to serve as Jonin, so that everyone can get acquainted first.

At night, the director of vortex research ran over to report the limit reproduction of the holy particles.

"Master Deguang, according to your instruction, we have completed four times of divine particle reproduction in total. The experimental results show that the intergenerational decline limit is reached when the reproduction reaches the third generation. Compared with the initial extraction, the decline is nearly 50%. And it also lost the ability to continue to reproduce..."

"In other words, the limit is three generations?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu was slightly disappointed.


The whirlpool research director said submissively while wiping the cold sweat from his forehead.

"By the time the third generation of holy particles multiply, the multiplier will be 125 times...acceptable!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu flipped through the research report casually, and gave an answer that relieved Uzumaki Research Director.

This is also equivalent to a standard dose of holy particles. After three generations of reproduction, it can be multiplied into 125 holy particles with halved potency. Although this process is costly, the expenditure in the research report also makes Uchiha Tokumitsu a little overwhelmed. But overall, it's worth it.

After all, for Uchiha Tokumitsu, who possesses the kaleidoscope pupil technique, the overall improvement of the clan's strength is the most important thing.

"I will assign someone from the dark guard to inject the holy particles for the third generation of reproduction, and then arrange personnel to do the test and record."

Uchiha Tokumitsu ordered.

"I will handle this matter myself!"

The whirlpool research director responded immediately.

"If it is confirmed that there are no adverse reactions after the injection, if the researchers in the laboratory are willing to accept the injection, they can also get a standard dose of third-generation particles."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said: "This is a reward for your loyalty to the shogunate."

"Thanks to the love of the lord! I will definitely repay the honor of the lord with all the enthusiasm for the rest of my life!"

The whirlpool research director immediately bowed his thanks.

"Go also have a good rest."

Uchiha Tokumitsu waved the Uzumaki Research Director to step down.

Today's Uzumaki Clan and Uchiha Clan are no longer separated from each other, and the relationship between the two is even closer than those of the Ninja Clan. Some of the age-appropriate clansmen between the two clans have even entered a state of love, so Uchiha Tokumitsu doesn't mind letting the Uzumaki people get some benefits.

What's more, Uchiha Tokumitsu still understands the principle of "to take what you want, you must first give it".

Although the research progress of Senju Chakra is still not optimistic, Uchiha Tokumitsu was inspired by this and has a brand new idea.

That is to try to smelt more tailed beast chakra with flame escape to obtain the ultimate chakra attribute; and the strongest nine-tailed beast among the tailed beasts is in the body of Jinzhuri Uzumaki Kushina!
 Update today (1/2)

(End of this chapter)

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