Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 336 Innovative Interrogation Experiment

Chapter 336 Innovative Interrogation Experiment

Sarutobi Shinnosuke has been banned since he was defeated and captured in the border clearance war.

After regaining his sanity, he only felt that he was locked in a dark, silent, and narrow space like a sarcophagus. After many days of bumping, he was placed in an extremely quiet room.

In the following time, except for the occasional person who came to violently inject some liquid food into his mouth, Sarutobi Shinnosuke was in a situation where he could not hear, see, or even move his eyelids—because Worried about his suicide or escape, the sealing squad accompanying the army has completely imprisoned his body through sealing techniques.

At the beginning, Sarutobi Shinnosuke also planned to roughly judge the change of time by the time interval of feeding, but soon found that the feeding was completely irregular, even if it was calculated, it was useless.

Coupled with the state of confinement that caused fear after being completely imprisoned-soon, Sarutobi Shinnosuke's sanity completely collapsed.


Behind the dark secret room, a voice suddenly sounded.

Sarutobi Shinnosuke's sanity, which had completely collapsed, suddenly recovered a little bit. Although he couldn't control his eyelids and mouth, his eyes couldn't help turning around.

He can't stand it!
This state of completely losing control of the body but being unable to fall asleep is even more terrifying than the most severe torture to extract a confession!
"Originally it was completely broken, but it's probably better to hear the sound now?"

Another hesitant voice came from outside the sarcophagus again.

"Hmm~ That's right~ Sure enough, there has been a change, the fluctuations in the electrocardiogram have begun to increase! He should hear us now!"

"It's really interesting~ After hearing the voice, even if it's a human voice, I will continue to work as usual after my emotions are completely broken!"

"It seems that the research results of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are correct. An absolutely claustrophobic environment can completely destroy a person's entire sanity in a short period of time, and make him fall into an undefended numbness!"

Frightening conversations continued to sound outside the sarcophagus, but at this time Sarutobi Shinnosuke showed no sign of fear—the only thing he might ask was to speed up his death!

"By the way, Hinata Construction seems to be going to be listed on the stock exchange. Are you planning to buy some stocks?"

A person outside the sarcophagus chatted and said: "This is the first stock to be publicly issued on the stock exchange. I heard people say that if you can buy it, you will definitely make money!"

"However, I heard that Uchiha Real Estate is also preparing to go public. I don't have much money in hand. It's better to be cautious about the stocks of the Uchiha family~"

"I don't think that Hyuga Construction is the first stock to be developed in the new district! It's very meaningful, neither the Hyuga family nor the exchange will allow the price to rise, otherwise this will be a blow to the face of the two giants Uchiha and Hyuga! "

"So you mean to find a relationship directly to buy the stock of Hyuga Construction?"

"No! I mean buy both! Just get two studs, and from now on, Wealth and Freedom will never have to work in the dark torture department!"

"You are really rich..."

The voices of the conversation outside the sarcophagus became farther and farther away, and then calmed down.


Sarutobi Shinnosuke, who was completely imprisoned, suddenly felt peaceful in his heart, as if there was hope again in life.


"It's really interesting~"

Outside the secret room where the sarcophagus is stored, a group of Uchiha ninjas are carefully looking at the various data displayed on the monitor in front of them, and are recording in their notebooks.

"This is a precious opportunity to experiment, and it will be of great help to everyone's illusion practice and the improvement of torture techniques~"

A middle-aged Uchiha Jonin said: "Can anyone summarize this experiment?"

"First, the claustrophobic environment creates panic, and then disrupts its concept of time through irregular feeding, causing it to fall into complete chaos, thereby inducing its inner collapse."

A young Uchiha ninja in the uniform of the police department replied immediately.

"Another point is to seize the opportunity to create extra movement before his mind collapses and his body functions completely collapse, using some daily life in the village to bring a glimmer of hope to the subject to be interrogated seemingly inadvertently, so that His sanity was restored..."

"However, I think the recovery after the collapse should lead to a deviation in the self-cognition of the interrogated subject—in other words, the current Sarutobi Shinnosuke may not be the Sarutobi Shinnosuke at the beginning!"

"His id and obsession must have deviated!"

"This argument is a little bit decisive. I suggest that the final conclusion should be made after the arraignment!"

A group of young Uchiha ninjas expressed their opinions one after another. The middle-aged Uchiha jounin just listened quietly to the words of the younger generation and did not express their opinions.

After all the juniors finished the discussion, the middle-aged Uchiha Jonin made a concluding statement: "This mind attack experiment without Chakra participation was very successful, at least destroying a person full of hatred in a relatively short period of time. Jonin's mentality is very helpful for everyone's illusion research."

"So, I hope everyone will write a small paper of more than [-] words from their own perspectives based on this experiment after returning home, and submit them in the morning after tomorrow!"

The middle-aged Uchiha Jonin made a decision that made the juniors howl.

He also ignored the grievances of the clansmen, and then turned his head to look at the head of the torture department, "Join Morino, our course is basically over, thank you for your support..."

"You're welcome, it's just my job."

Shino Morino said politely: "If that's the case, then we will formally interrogate tomorrow morning. Will we have to arrange personnel to come and observe?"

"If possible, it would be best to watch it~"

The middle-aged Uchiha Jonin also said very politely: "Thank you for your support for the work of the Police Department."

"The Uchiha family is the mainstay of Konoha, and I just do my best within the scope of my ability..."

Morino Jonobu said in a low voice with some embarrassment: "By the way, may I ask... can the shares of Uchiha Real Estate be subscribed internally first, if possible..."

"I have a part of the stock quota, and I just don't have the money to buy so much. Since Morino Jonin is interested, then I will trouble you to digest some of it for me..."

The middle-aged Uchiha Kaminin knew what he meant when he heard his voice, so he patted the back of Morino Kaminin's hand lightly and whispered.

In the thanks of the person in charge of the torture department, the middle-aged Uchiha Jonin left the torture department with a group of juniors.

"That's right, teacher~"

A young Uchiha squeezed over and asked in a daze, "Who initiated this proposal of a chakra-free interrogation environment?"

"Is it really Lord Deguang?"

The other clansmen immediately pricked up their ears.

"It's definitely Lord Deguang!"

"Master Deguang, who is wise and mighty, is really talented. This experiment is so ingenious, and only the great Governor-General has such talent!"

The other young tribesmen immediately started chirping.


The middle-aged Uchiha Kaminin let out a cold snort, and all the teenagers were silent for a while.

"Who do you really want to know?"

The teenagers nodded like pounding garlic.

"Although this experiment was indeed supervised by Mr. Deguang, the creator of the idea is someone else...and you should also know it."

The middle-aged Uchiha Jonin betrayed a pass.

Seeing the itchy looks of all the teenagers, he said slowly: "Uchiha Shisui! That is Master Tokumitsu's first disciple!"

"It's him!"

"It's actually him!"

The Uchiha boys looked at each other in disbelief.

Uchiha Shisui's age is much younger than them!To be able to construct such an ingenious interrogation system!How profound is his illusion and psychology attainments!

When I was in the police academy, it was fine to beat all the Uchiha police academy students in the school to be invincible. Now that the seniors have graduated and live under the shadow of geniuses, this is very uncomfortable!

Everyone is Uchiha, why are you so strong that you can't be a human being!

The teenagers were terrified.

"Teacher...you, are you talking about that guy?"

A Uchiha boy suddenly seemed to have discovered a new world, and stammered with excitement, pointing forward and shouting.

A group of people immediately turned their heads to look.

I saw Uchiha Shisui with a face full of lovelessness, wearing a green all-in-one physical suit, led by Matt Dai, a gymnastics instructor from the police preparatory school, running weakly on the street, and besides While running, he was doing some weird moves that were almost deadly in the eyes of the Uchiha boys!

Under the death gaze of the clansmen, the two strange species ran for less than 100 meters, and then changed a number of strange moves, including but not limited to splitting in the street, jumping on the spot, standing upside down, leaping left and right, and snakes. Wriggling and so on, and shouting slogans that make people feel extremely embarrassing when they hear it.

The Uchiha boys were so embarrassed just listening to it that they wanted to dig out a three-bedroom and two-living room with their toes.

"...You really are a genius!"

A Uchiha boy said with an inexplicable tone: "Stimulate yourself with the ultimate sense of shame, make your mind tough and sensitive, so that you can understand the illusion more thoroughly, and thus promote the growth of Yin Dun power, and finally To feed back the evolution of Sharingan..."

"It's no wonder that Sharingan was awakened at a young age..."

A group of Uchiha teenagers made a look of "I don't believe it, but I still pretend to understand it".

"It turns out that this is the legendary genius tribe... We really have mediocre aptitude! We can't do this kind of thing no matter what..."

Including the middle-aged Uchiha Jounin, Qi Shushua nodded, watching the funny Matt Dai lead Uchiha Shisui to run, sing and dance under the gaze of passers-by.

"Sure enough... I can only practice slowly step by step. It would be great to be a Jōnin in the police department... The experience of a genius is really something that cannot be learned!"

A Uchiha boy sighed from the bottom of his heart.

Shut up the top student who awakened Sharingan!

The other clansmen looked sideways.

 Update today (2/2)

(End of this chapter)

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