Chapter 337
Although Mt. Miaomu, one of the three holy places, still has the fairyland scenery surrounded by clouds and mist, with mountain springs and peaks, the mood of the ninjas living here is still very low.

The reason is that during the battle to clear the border of Taki Country, the ninjas sent by Miaomushan suffered heavy casualties under the encirclement and suppression of Konoha's anti-terrorist forces, and an elite ninja of the direct blood of the Great Immortal was captured.

Although there are many frogs in Mt. Miaomu, the success rate is not high due to racial reasons. The number of ninja frogs with wisdom and certain combat effectiveness has not been many, and most of them are related, so this battle After the fiasco, although not every family in Mount Miaomu wore hemp and filial piety, nearly half of the ninja families hung up white banners calling for souls.

Miao Mushan supported the so-called "Akatsuki Organization" formed by Jiraiya, and it was basically paralyzed.Even the two disciples of Jiraiya were taken to Mount Miaomu to avoid disaster.

As for the two sages Fukasaku and Shima, the defeat in this battle has deepened the differences between them and Toad sage, and they have more doubts about deeply intervening in the ninja world.

"...Do you want to continue? How about I come and talk to the Great Immortal."

In a huge mushroom house, Immortal Shima said so.

All along, it has not been very supportive of its wife and the Great Immortal intervening in the ninja world, but it is out of habit and has not outspokenly opposed it.

But at this time, it also saw the hesitation and grief of his wife Fukasaku.

"...Is that all?"

Immortal Fukasaku said in a muffled voice: "Although the loss was heavy, it is more or less within the range of everyone's psychological acceptance, but if you give up... from Konoha to the Kingdom of Rain and then to the border of the Kingdom of Taki, those who died in the battle of the Ninja The souls of the dead will never have a chance to be comforted!"

Having said that, Fukasaku Immortal, who was still stubborn at this time, was also full of hesitation and doubts, but he just refuted his wife habitually.

But apart from doubts about intervening in ninja affairs, there is another emotion in its heart that is constantly churning, and that is unwillingness!
The ninjas who died in battle are all its descendants!

Moreover, there are many descendants who are related by blood!If he died in battle without any return, then should he continue to be the second in command of Mount Miaomu?
Even if intervening in ninja affairs can't get the high return that Toad Sensei supported Otsutsuki Brothers back then, at least Miaogi Mountain should be able to further and completely suppress Ryuchi Cave!
Although the psychological fluctuations fluctuated, Fukasaku Sensei still had deep doubts on his face.

If you want to support Jiraiya with all your strength, how much power will Miaogishan put in?And then what counts as reaching the goal and reaping the fruits of victory...

Is it the fall of the shogunate and the restoration of Hokage?Or is the Uchiha clan exterminated, and Uchiha Deguang died?Or simply create a ninja world without Konoha?Moreover, can Mt. Miaomu's power reach this level?
Even if Miaomushan's lineage is fully invested, what will other forces in the ninja world think?
What would happen to the old enemy Ryuji Cave if Mt. Miaomu suffered too much damage in battle?

Will there still be a chance to enjoy the fruit of victory at Mt. Miaomu?

You know, now is not the time when the Immortals of the Six Paths are coming to the world, and even the Patriarch White Snake has to avoid the sharp edge!
In this regard, Fukasaku Sensei has always had no idea in his heart, but based on his absolute trust in Toad Sensei, he chose to command his tribe to enter the Ninja World to support Jiraiya's cause.

In the past, the reason why psychic beasts were willing to cooperate with their contracted ninjas was more because they could directly return to the gathering place by dispelling the psychic spell after encountering danger or injury on the battlefield. In addition, most of the time there is no danger of life.

But the war with the Uchiha clan completely overturned Fukasaku Sage's cognition.

The Uchiha clan is even more powerful with the cooperation of the Uzumaki clan's sealing technique. Every time a large-scale barrier is set up by the Uzumaki ninjas, the unique time and space travel ability of the psychic technique is immediately completely blocked. It was the time when the Konoha ninja army gathered and the ninjas were weak and outnumbered when they were attacked. Even the brave ninjas could only die in a tragic bloody battle.

"The Great Immortal will find a way!"

After thinking for a long time, Immortal Fukasaku stood up and said in a very firm tone.


Immortal Zhima was a little surprised by the ramblings of what he said.

Immortal Fukasaku didn't say much, but immediately put on his clothes, and left his mushroom house in an instant regardless of his wife's yelling.

"Jilai also!"

Sento Fukasaku came to a hill and shouted towards a thatched hut surrounded by four sides.

"The fairy is here~"

Jiraiya, who looked a bit haggard, also came out of a thatched hut, and with a forced smile on his face, he greeted Fukasaku Immortal: "I'm sorry to trouble you, please come in and sit down!"


Immortal Fukasaku shook his head, and said firmly, "Follow me to the Great Immortal."

"At this time?"

Ji Lai was also a little surprised when he heard the words, "Didn't the Great Immortal want to see the future..."

After hearing the news of the defeat, the Toad Immortal went to sleep after recalling Jiraiya and his disciples, trying to forcibly foresee the future that had become unpredictable.

"It's still a ghost! Anyway, the old man is already in a daze, and what he read is talking in dreams! It's better to let him make up his mind earlier!"

Sensei Fukasaku said impatiently.

Jiraiya's two apprentices, Yahiko and Konan also heard the sound outside, so they stuck their heads out of the window of another house to peep.

The mortals in the Akatsuki organization are naturally more than the two little ones, but Jiraiya also asked for the opinion of Fukasaku Immortal, and only got the quota to take two people to the Holy Land, so the other people in the Akatsuki organization can only be disbanded on the spot and reorganized. to zero.

There was also a smile on Fukasaku's face, and he nodded to the two little ones.


Although Jiraiya didn't understand what Fukasaku Sensei meant by "make up his mind", he nodded instinctively, then went back to the house, changed his clothes, and followed Fukasaku Sensei to Hama Sensei's bedroom.

But after arriving at the door of the bedroom, Immortal Fukasaku suddenly became hesitant again, hesitating at the door for a long time, but never made up his mind to open the door and go in to interrupt Immortal Toad's sleep.

In the past thousands of years, the Great Immortal Toad has always been the giant pillar of the Miaomu Mountain lineage. Although the Immortal Fukazu has a lot of disrespect in his mouth, he actually has a lot of respect for this ancestor of Miaomu Mountain in his heart. of.

Moreover, for thousands of years, no frog in Miaomu Mountain has dared to interrupt the sleep of the Great Immortal rashly; as a junior, Immortal Fukasaku, even though his status is considered noble in Miaomu Mountain, still dare not break the rules like this.

"come in……"

After Immortal Fukasaku paced back and forth and Jiraiya stood with his hands down for a long time, an old voice came from the bedroom.

It was the Great Immortal who personally summoned...

Immortal Fukasaku breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly greeted Zilai and followed him inside.

Stepping into the bedroom, I saw the extremely tall Toad Immortal with a tired face and dim eyes, as if he had just woken up from a sleep, combined with his loose skin and aging appearance, it seemed that he was just a The old toad didn't have the usual feeling of being old but still majestic.

Immortal Fukasaku felt his heart skip a beat when he saw this, and he became a little flustered.

"Great Immortal..."

Immortal Fukasaku and Immortal Jiraiya also bowed to Immortal Toad together.

"...I know why you came here."

The old voice of Great Immortal Toad echoed in the magnificent bedroom: "It's just... Zilaiye, what do you think?"


Zilai, who was asked on his head without any preparation, was also a little dazed.

"Is your ambition still there? Have you been knocked down by failure?"

Great Immortal Toad said: "It must be extremely difficult to create peace for the world of Ninja World, can you still persevere?"

"Peace in the ninja world is a lifelong pursuit, never dare to forget!"

Ji Lai also looked serious, and replied seriously.

"It's good if you don't forget your heart..."

Immortal Toad nodded slightly, as if approving Jiraiya's firm fighting spirit.

Sento Fukasaku also heaved a sigh of relief.


Immortal Toad turned his gaze to Immortal Fukasaku.


Immortal Shen Zuo quickly stepped forward two steps, bowed his hands and saluted.

"How many ninjas are there to fight in Mount Miaomu?"

Fairy Toad asked.

"There are about [-] people, all of whom are elite tribesmen comparable to the five major ninja villages in the ninja world!"

Immortal Fukasaku's words were powerful and resounding.

It can also see that the Great Sage Toad does fully support Jiraiya's plan to change the ninja world!

"……more than."

Great Immortal Toad was silent for a while, then shook his head slightly.

Immortal Fukasaku's heart skipped a beat suddenly.

"There are three thousand ninja frogs deployed on the periphery..."

"Great Immortal! That's a standing force used to defend against Longdi Cave! If you use it rashly, once..."

Immortal Fukasaku was startled when he heard this.

"It's not going to be used immediately, and it's not going to be sent to the ninja world in one go...Why are you nervous!"

Immortal Toad reprimanded unceremoniously.

"I understand……"

Immortal Fukasaku became honest immediately.

As long as all the Ninja Frogs from Mt. Myogi are not pulled out in one go and sent to the ninja world to fight Uchiha and Konoha head-on, then it doesn't matter much.

"As for Longdi Cave, although the attitude is still unclear, as long as their ground walkers are willing to change the current dilemma, the White Snake Immortal will also use the Holy Land force to restore justice just like we support Jiraiya..."


Zilai was also pleasantly surprised.

He has always felt a little ashamed of his old friend Orochimaru, but now he heard the meaning of Toad Dashen-as long as Orochimaru is willing to escape from Konoha, he can also get the support of the psychic beast troops in Ryuchi Cave!

In this way, I don't count as cheating Orochimaru~ On the contrary, I have been helping him on the right path!

After changing his mind, Jiraiya's original guilt towards Orochimaru immediately dissipated without a trace, and he even felt a little regretful that he didn't work harder to make Orochimaru betray Konoha like himself!
It's just that it's not like there's no chance now... You can also use some means to create some excuses to make Orochimaru leave the village like yourself, and let the great man of the ninja world be at ease from now on, wouldn't it be beautiful!
Thinking of this, Zilai couldn't help laughing out loud.

By the way, there is also Tsunade!
Zilai also hurriedly asked: "Great Immortal, that wet bone forest..."

"The slug fairy will not interfere deeply in this matter."

Immortal Toad also understood what Jiraiya was thinking, so he interrupted his words.

"All right……"

Zilai was also a little reconciled, but there was nothing he could do.

But having said that, although the current Senju Clan is overwhelmed by the Uchiha Clan in Konoha, neither their political status nor actual interests have been harmed, although the Senju Clan has nothing to show for it after the reorganization. However, the honor of the clan that built the village remains unchanged.

Even Tokumitsu Uchiha never forgets to give some benefits to the Senju Clan when it is beneficial. As long as Tsunade's brain is not seriously ill, he will not abandon his clansman and rebel like Jiraiya and Orochimaru, two lonely people. village.

"With a limit of five thousand..."

Great Immortal Toad said quietly.


Zilai also came back to his senses immediately, but he didn't know what the Great Immortal meant by his words.

And Fukasaku Sage's heart once again reached his throat.

"The battle damage of Mt. Miaomu's Ninja Frogs is limited to five thousand. If it exceeds this amount, regardless of success or failure, Mt. Miaomu will close the gates to cultivate health..."

Great Immortal Toad said with a long sigh.

"As ordered!"

Jiraiya bowed deeply to Immortal Fukasaku.

Five thousand ninjas whose strength is above the chunin... This number is really quite a lot.

But if it is placed in the ninja world war period, such a force is estimated to be only enough to consume two or three large-scale battles, and in fact it cannot play a role in controlling the trend of the ninja world.

Furthermore, the Great Sage Toad also said in advance that once the battle damage exceeds the standard, he will immediately give up regardless of success or failure. Therefore, how to flexibly use this group of Ninja Toads is a test of the wisdom of Jiraiya and Fukasaku Sage.

And Immortal Fukasaku looked at the white banners hanging in front of the mushroom houses all over Mt. Miaomu, and suddenly felt a little uneasy.

The ninjas in Mt. Miaomu are often big families. Half of the ninja families have lost about [-] in this battle. If the damage reaches the peak of [-]...wouldn't it be that a lot of ninja families perished? ? !
"The big deal is not to fight the Uchiha clan head-on in the future..."

Immortal Fukasaku comforted himself secretly.

"Little Ziraiya, let's go find the barrier toad!"

Immortal Fukasaku walked out into the depths of Mount Miaomu with his hands behind his back, and Zirai also followed suit.

If the Konoha Anti-Terrorist Force's special barrier that can seal time and space cannot be cracked, no matter how much Ninja Mt. Miaomu invests, it will be useless!

The growth of a ninja may only take a dozen or 20 years, but it takes nearly a hundred years for a ninja to fight. There is a fundamental difference between the success rate and the time efficiency. It can't last long at all, so it is especially important to restore the fighting style of the psychic beast itself to come and go as it pleases!
 Update today (1/2)

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(End of this chapter)

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