Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 338 Special Serious Case of the Police Department

Chapter 338 Special Serious Case of the Police Department

Chief Inspector Minato Namikaze, Chief Inspector of the New District Police Department of the Police Department, came to the headquarters of the Police Department again.

Although Namikaze Minato is now the star of the police department supported by Uchiha Tokumitsu, he still greets every police department staff member he meets in a friendly manner without any trace of arrogance. color.

As for the Uchiha ninjas who work at the headquarters of the police department, although many people are jealous of Namikaze Minato's fortune, they also do not show it on the surface; the reason is simple, one is because Namikaze Minato has a backer, and the other is because he Indeed capable.

Especially in terms of Namikaze Minato's working ability, even the proud Uchiha ninja will not deny this.

"Chief Inspector Watergate~"

Just as Minato Namakaze stepped into the elevator, there was a call from the lobby of the headquarters.

"Mr. Morino!"

Namikaze Minato smiled friendly, pressed the elevator button and waited for Director Morino of the Torture Department to trot over.

"Thank you, please~"

Minister Morino trotted into the elevator car and nodded his thanks to Minato Namikaze.

"Senior, you are welcome~ Which floor do you want to go to?"

Namikaze Minato smiled and asked politely.

"Yeah...it's also the office on the top floor."

Minister Morino looked at the floor button on the elevator wall, "Minato-kun also reports to Mr. Tokuko?"

"Master Deguang has a summons, and it should be an important arrangement."

Namikaze Minato replied politely.

"...Is it a case of disappearance in the village recently?"

Minister Morino asked tentatively.

"I haven't received the specific arrangement from Mr. Deguang for the time being~"

Namikaze Minato said with a smile.

Minister Morino immediately changed the subject and stopped trying to probe the conversation.


"Lord Deguang!"

After reaching the top floor, the two saluted at the door of Uchiha Tokumitsu's office.

"You two are here, come in and sit down!"

In Tokumitsu Uchiha's hand, there was a group of cats with chakra released and concise. When they saw the two people coming, they dispersed the chakras and called them to enter.

"Minister Morino, report the situation first!"

After the two sat down, Uchiha Tokumitsu said directly without greeting.

"Yes, Lord Deguang!"

Minister Morino's face was serious, and he immediately handed over the document in his hand.

"The interrogation of Shinnosuke Sarutobi who betrayed Ninja has been completed, and the detailed report information is here."

"How's the effect?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu asked while flipping through.

"Shimizu Jonathan's chakra-free interrogation experiment was very successful, reshaping the prisoner's mind in a short period of time. The interrogation process is extremely simple, and Renin himself almost answered every question."

Minister Morino replied immediately.

"Has the information from the interrogation been verified?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu put the document aside and asked sternly.

"According to your instructions, the information has been simultaneously transmitted to the anti-terrorism force..."

Minister Morino quickly replied.

"Very good! Shinnosuke Sarutobi, who betrayed Ninja, will continue to be detained for observation. In addition, the research institute will send personnel to do some simple experiments in the near future, and it will be fine for them to arrange it when the time comes."

Uchiha Tokumitsu nodded, expressing his satisfaction with the work of the torture department.

Another reason why Sarutobi Shinnosuke didn't kill him immediately is that he belongs to the very rare "half-human Churiki". Research on it will help the research institute to further understand the characteristics of the connection between the tailed beast and its host.

If the research can lead to an effective way, the shogunate can even mass-produce similar "Half Man Churiki" corps.

"As ordered!"

After receiving the order, Minister Morino immediately stood up to answer, and then offered to resign with a wink.

"Minato-kun, you should know why I called you here, right?"

After Minister Morino left, Uchiha Tokumitsu took out a document from the drawer and handed it over.

"Is it a disappearance case in the village?"

Namikaze Minato immediately got up and took the document with both hands, and asked casually.

He looked down, and it was as expected.

"You guessed right..."

Tokumitsu Uchiha nodded, "The progress of the joint investigation of this case by the East and West districts is here...but I am not very satisfied."

"Master Deguang, let me read the information first."

Namikaze Minato said immediately.

After getting Uchiha Tokumitsu's consent, he read the file on the spot.

This case of ninja disappearance in the village is the No. [-] serious case of the police department recently, and it is also jointly investigated by the headquarters and the three major police stations, but the progress is not satisfactory.

The circumstances of the case are also very simple. In just seven days, twelve ninjas disappeared inexplicably in the village. At first, their families thought it was just a sudden secret mission, but they didn’t expect it to happen after several days. There has been no news, and even if they went to the police department, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the mission center to inquire, they did not get relevant information.

At this time, their family members finally panicked, so they collectively went to the headquarters of the police department to report the case. The police department didn't take it seriously at first, and just instructed the police stations in the west and east districts where they lived to carry out investigations. After a few days of investigation, the ninjas of the divisional police station also found that something was wrong—they disappeared too strangely!

The 12 missing people all disappeared after turning into a dark alley in order to take a shortcut after getting off work or going out, and there were no traces left in the alley that disappeared, nor did the residents on both sides of the alley. Noticed any abnormality at that time!

You know, the main street of Konoha is now equipped with the Sky Eye monitoring system, but after they entered the unmonitored alley, there was no track record of them coming out. It's like a monster devoured it!

Faced with such a weird case, the ninjas of the police department had nothing to do, so they contacted the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Intelligence for joint investigation, but they also did not find any usable clues.

Therefore, they also came to a conclusion - if there is indeed a murderer in this case, then the murderer must be very familiar with every street corner in Konoha.

Of course, this sentence is just a correct nonsense.

"The ninjas dispatched from the Land of Rain..."

Namikaze Minato discovered that the 12 missing people all had a common history.


Uchiha Deguang nodded, and signaled Namikaze Minato to continue watching.

Turning back, it is the list of suspects that Konoha Sanbu made based on deduction without any evidence.

Among them, Jiraiya and——


Namikaze Minato's face immediately became serious.

"During the Second Ninja World War, Shimura Danzo served as the chief general of the Rain Country Dispatch Army at the beginning, and the three disciples of the former Hokage were all the deputy commanders of the Ninja Army."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said: "This is just a reasonable speculation, and it does not mean that Orochimaru has conclusive suspicions. Otherwise, I would not have recruited you."

"Master Deguang, please give me instructions!"

Namikaze Minato immediately said respectfully.

"How is the establishment of the New District Police Station? Is it going well?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu changed the subject.

"Under the leadership of the Eighth Generation Commissioner, the establishment of the New District Police Department went very smoothly."

Although Minakame was a little confused, he answered immediately.

"Yachiyo Uchiha is the superintendent, and you are still the chief inspector. In terms of police rank, you are a little bit worse... If you want to be promoted, you still need to have merit, otherwise you will not be enough to convince the public in the future."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said: "So, I plan to let you participate in this serious case in the name of the New District Police Department. Are you confident?"

"I will definitely go all out!"

Namikaze Minato immediately stood up and saluted.

To participate in the name of the police station where you are, you must share part of the credit with your boss.But Namikaze Minato didn't care at all.

For a police ninja who is not from Uchiha, what he wants is knowledge and opportunity forever!

"very good……"

Uchiha Tokumitsu nodded in satisfaction, "Besides your direct subordinates, don't disclose the content of your responsibility..."

Afterwards, Uchiha Tokumitsu took out another confidential document and handed it to Namikaze Minato, "Please take a look at this document."

"This is……"

Namikaze Minato opened the secret document as promised, and was shocked when he saw the title.

"Monitoring Record of Orochimaru Bloody Experiment..."

The title of the confidential document made Minato Namikaze a little confused.

"There will always be something dark behind the village..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said unabashedly: "For example, the former root department, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs before the restructuring, etc., even the former medical department did not use human experiments less."

Namikaze Minato nodded, feeling a little heavy in his heart.

"Human experimentation is not a scourge, but it is not something that can be done arbitrarily; especially the killing to satisfy one's perverted bloodthirsty thoughts and long life delusion is a great crime..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu pointed to the secret document in Namikaze Minato's hand.

Namikaze Minato naturally understands that the village is not absolutely bright. Among other things, the development of Konoha medical ninjutsu is based on a large number of human experiments. He already understood this truth when he was in the police academy. .

However, when the fig leaf was lifted, he still felt a little uncomfortable.

"I have only one request, don't wrong a good person, and don't let any bad person go..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said pointedly: "But the definition of good people and bad people is sometimes not distinguished according to the simple emotional views of ordinary people..."


Namikaze Minato replied immediately.

"Then... I will hand over this investigation to you directly, and just report to me directly..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu continued: "In addition, this case has caused panic in the village... so you must settle this case as soon as possible! Don't leave any flaws!"

Although Uchiha Tokumitsu also has no evidence, this does not prevent him from making bold guesses and reasonable imaginations based on past life memories, and conducting investigations based on suspicion.

Even if Orochimaru did not do this, is he not at all wrong?impossible!
Therefore, for the sake of the overall situation, we can only wrong Orochimaru.

"Obey! I will investigate this matter thoroughly, and find out the truth as soon as possible!"

Namikaze Minato's face also showed a rare ferocity!

This is a task supervised by Master Deguang himself!Even the suspect has made it very clear, if he doesn't know what to do, he's gone to hell!

Isn't it just planting and framing, what a big deal!
Although Namikaze Minato has never done it, but he has never eaten pork and has always seen pigs run away.

What's more, everyone in Konoha knew that Orochimaru was not clean, but it was still submissive after the reform, so the Uchiha clan never dealt with him.

But now that the village has another serious case that must be solved... then only Orochimaru can blame himself!Who told him that all the human experiments he conducted were controlled by Uchiha Tokumitsu!

At this time, Minato Namikaze seemed to see the position of superintendent or deputy director of the administration beckoning to him!

 Enter update (2/2)

(End of this chapter)

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