Chapter 339
Orochimaru knelt and sat in his living room with a livid face.

In front of him, neatly arranged twelve sleeping ninjas,
Their bodies were stained with traces left by the solidification of some special mucus, and there were some corroded scars on their faces and arms. If it weren't for their chests and the slight movement between their breaths, they seemed to have died .

These people were of different ages, but they were all his impressions.

They were all members of the Konoha Dispatch Army at the Rain Country Battlefield on the eve of the Second Ninja World War.

In other words, these twelve ninjas are all old subordinates of Orochimaru, but the relationship between the two parties is not that close.

By now, he also understood what was going on.

And the only thing that made him feel unbearable was the perpetrator of this incident.

Orochimaru raised his head and glanced at the little toad squatting in the corner with a cork in its mouth.

"I don't think I need to explain, do I?"

A familiar voice came out of the little toad's mouth.

"Have you made up your mind? Come with me." have changed!

Orochimaru slowly closed his eyes.

"You should know what kind of impact will be caused by the disappearance of twelve ninjas in the village..."

Jiraiya's voice came out of the little toad's mouth again, "Besides, they are lying in your house now, what will they think if they find out?"

"Don't you think you'll have a chance to explain?"

"Or in other words, even if you explain it, will it work? And will those red-eyed ghosts in the police department believe it?"

"Don't forget, the Uchiha clan is full of malice towards us so-called Hokage remnants!"

"So, Orochimaru..."

Jiraiya's voice chattered endlessly from the little toad's mouth.

"Are you afraid to see anyone now?"

Orochimaru coldly interrupted Jiraiya's thoughts.

"Oh~ I'm afraid you'll hit me~"

Jiraiya's funny and beating voice sounded again.

Orochimaru continued to stare at the twelve fainted Konoha ninjas lined up in the hall with a cold face, quickly calculating countermeasures in his mind.

He also heard about the disappearance of ninjas in the village.

At first, he thought it was because his subordinates were slacking off when they captured the "consumables", so he deliberately checked the "materials" that had been brought into the laboratory recently - they were all serious monkeys and no living people. !

Then Orochimaru just regarded this matter as the result of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the Police Department's secret capture of hands and feet in the village, so he left the matter behind and continued to tinker with his Chakra experiment—and the reason for this The slack is also because the Anbu or root of the original three generations of Hokage did not do similar things in the past, and Orochimaru is actually a bit eccentric.

But things often change far beyond his expectations.

When he walked out of the laboratory refreshed and full of blood, and returned home, he saw a small red toad squatting in the corner of the living room, as if it had been waiting for a long time.

Before he had time to figure out how this strange toad entered his living room through numerous barrier traps, another cecum-like creature appeared in the living room with the light of necromancy, vomited out twelve comatose toads. Dead Konoha Ninja!
Among other things, the Konoha ninjas spit out from the cecum are arranged neatly!
A very weird idea suddenly appeared in Orochimaru's mind.

"Why don't you want to go?"

Jiraiya's voice sounded again.

"Why don't you dare to meet people!"

Orochimaru said coldly.

At this moment, his heart was full of anger. Although his face was still indifferent, the urge to kill in his heart could hardly be suppressed.

But he couldn't do it right away.

Otherwise, the chakra fluctuations will attract the police department or other ninja forces, and if the twelve Konoha ninjas who are found missing are in their own homes, then the crotch will really fall off—not Sho, but Sho!

Thinking of this, the killing intent in Orochimaru's heart boiled again!
Taking a deep breath, Orochimaru slowly opened his eyes, looking at the little toad in the corner.

"...Okay, okay, I'm coming out."

As the little toad grinned, a hand stretched out from the mouth to stretch the mouth wide, and Zilai, covered in mucus, also crawled out of the toad's mouth with difficulty.

"How about this move~ How does it compare to your molting ninjutsu~"

Jilai also pretended to be relaxed and teased.

"Do you think it's fun?"

Orochimaru asked coldly.

It all gave him a sense of unreality.

Even Jiraiya was already standing in front of him, Da Shemaru couldn't believe that such a clumsy and effective frame was actually done by Jiraiya!
But the truth is like this, he can't help but believe it!

"Are you blaming me?"

Ji Lai also immediately asked with a straight face.

"It's not like I have to thank you, right?"

The corner of Orochimaru's mouth twitched, revealing a sinister smirk.

"Have you forgotten the death of the teacher?"

Jiraiya still had a straight face.

"So what if you forget? What if you don't forget?"

Orochimaru's face was full of sarcasm, "So you mean that I will be like you, betray the village and be dodged around the ninja world by the anti-terrorist forces like a dog chasing a lost family?"

"It is the responsibility of our generation to resist the tyranny of the shogunate!"

Jiraiya also said seriously: "Today's Konoha has been led astray by Uchiha Tokumitsu and Hatake Sakumo, we should stand up and set things right!"

"...What a way to set things right!"

Orochimaru laughed angrily.

It means that if you don't want to be a traitor, you will become a sinner who submits to the shogunate!
"What are you fighting the village with!"

Orochimaru sneered and said, "A mere anti-terrorist force has almost wiped out your mob. How do you think you have the ability to fight the whole village?"

"Do you think that the Uchiha clan or Hatake Sakumo's innovation will dominate the current village?"

"Do you think there must be complaints all over the village today, and everyone is eager to go back to the past?"

"Do you think that the power of the Tokumitsu Shogunate, the Fire Gate Shogunate, the Uchiha Clan, United Corporation, Kirigakure, Aminin Village, Kusanin Village, and Sakumo's family can be subverted by you, an arrogant person who knows nothing about the sky and the earth? Is it?"

"Do you think that those aliens who support you - including Longdi Cave, are hiding because they are noble and don't want to be contaminated by worldly affairs?"

"Those aliens just know that they can't beat them!"

"Today's ninja world is the world of ninjas! Even daimyo nobles have completely stepped aside!"

Orochimaru felt more and more desperate as he talked.

This is also the reason why he has been nesting in Konoha.

Even if it is suspected, even if it is constantly watched, so what?
Although the ninja world is huge, where is his hiding place?
"Jiraiya... times have changed!"

After finishing speaking, Orochimaru let out a long sigh and closed his eyes.

"...I know it's hard."

"But is it so easy to give up revenge for the teacher?"

Jilai also lowered his head, his voice choked with sobs: "The teacher is dead... the Sarutobi clan is gone, and even Shinnosuke was arrested..."

"But! This world shouldn't be like this, and being a person shouldn't be like this!"

"It was Tokumitsu Uchiha and Sakumo Hatake who betrayed the village! They were the ones who were wrong!"

"The will of fire is always in my heart! The glorious deeds of Konoha Hokage have always inspired me to keep going!"

Jiraiya raised his head again, the expression on his face was extremely indifferent, and the corners of his eyes were slightly red, "No matter what you say, I will not change my ambition! This is my way of ninja!"

So, this is the reason for the shameless frame?

At this moment, Orochimaru's heart suddenly lost all anger, only deep exhaustion.

What's wrong with this world?
Originally, he was the only one who framed others, but when will he be framed by others?
And with such despicable means, he was completely betrayed by his former friend...

The purpose is for a "vision" that is impossible to realize...

How ridiculous this is!

Thinking of this, Orochimaru's fingers moved slightly.

"Do you want to fight with me?"

Jilai also saw Orochimaru's small movements, "Aren't you afraid of attracting people from the police department?"

Orochimaru seemed to have never heard of it, but his fingers stopped moving, but the chakra fluctuations on his body became more and more intense.

It was almost obvious that he was really ready to make a move...

Zilai also sighed with some distress.

He thought that by arresting a group of people to set Orochimaru up, he could easily bring this old friend who had already harbored evil intentions out of Konoha.

But... It seems that Orochimaru doesn't appreciate it!

"Then do you think you can escape?"

Orochimaru's expression was very indifferent.

No matter whether he wants to escape from Konoha or not, no matter whether he stays or leaves in the future, his self-esteem will not allow him to be forced to defect like this!
"Ding dong!"

Suddenly, there was a doorbell outside the Dashemaru mansion.

"Hello, Orochimaru Jominin~ I'm Namikaze Minato from the police department. I'm here to visit you."

A voice came in from outside the door.

Orochimaru was taken aback for a moment, then became nervous.

A tricky smile appeared on Jiraiya's face, and he made a gesture of please.

Orochimaru looked at him coldly, tidied his clothes a little, then ignored the existence of Jiraiya and the twelve fainted ninjas, and walked towards the door.


Orochimaru opened the door with an indifferent expression, and looked at Namikaze Minato with a gentle smile on his face... and more than 20 police ninjas behind him.

Half of them are ninjas at the ninja level...

Orochimaru is no stranger to Namikaze Minato, a junior who has recently gained fame in Konoha.

Before his battle of fame, that is, before the elimination of Mt. Myogi's psychic beasts in Konoha Village, Minato Namikaze visited and warned Orochimaru to recall all the spy snakes placed in the village.


The arrival of Namikaze Minato this time, especially with a group of heavily armed police ninjas, the meaning behind it is self-evident.

Moreover, apart from the group of ninjas from the police department standing in front of him, Orochimaru also vaguely sensed that there were no living people in the residents around his house.

It should have been evacuated in advance... and many people were ambushed.

So far...that can't be helped...

"Oochimaru Jōnin, I'm taking the liberty to bother you, but I have one thing I wish..."

Namikaze Minato said with a smile.

"I want to report!"

Orochimaru calmly interrupted Namikaze Minato's polite words.

"...You can cooperate... Huh!"

Namikaze Minato suddenly showed a surprised expression.

what happened!

He heard it right!
"I want to report!"

Orochimaru said again: "Tiannin Zilai is also in my home."

 Update today (1/2)

(End of this chapter)

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