Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 340 The script is all messed up

Chapter 340 The script is all messed up

Jiraiya, who had been secretly eavesdropping on the conversation between Orochimaru and the ninja of the police department in the room, suddenly let out a roar of grief and anger.

Namikaze Minato, who was originally extremely messy, immediately raised his hand and made a signal, and then a barrier rippled, and groups of heavily armed ninjas from the police department rushed out from the surrounding houses.

Judging from the logos on their uniforms, they should belong to the newly formed New District Police Station and the Ninja Army directly under the headquarters of the Police Department.


The corners of Orochimaru's eyes twitched slightly, and an ugly smile appeared on his face.

This posture... It seems that the police department has indeed set their sights on him.

Although I don't know if Jiraiya also went to report it himself, but just watching this battle, Orochimaru feels bad.

If he hadn't acted decisively to give Jiraiya a backhand blow, he would probably have to confess here today!
Zilai was equally astonished.

He never expected that Orochimaru's counterattack would be so decisive!
At the moment when they were about to "get all the stolen goods", they didn't think about how to prevaricate or rebel on the spot, but reported it so boldly on the spot!
Orochimaru's laboratory is under his own rockery, isn't he afraid of being found out?
There are twelve missing ninjas in the room!

Ji Lai also subconsciously looked at the living room—the person is still there!

The bright "evidence" is still here, what did he think!How dare he!

Jiraiya's mind became even more confused.

Is this still Orochimaru!
Orochimaru is this kind of law-abiding person!
Isn't he afraid that the Uchihas will hug grass and beat rabbits to take him away?

With the violent mood swings, Jiraiya's thinking fell into a state of complete chaos.

Fukasaku Immortal!what to do!Orochimaru doesn't follow the script!

But just after the yell just now, he immediately regretted it!

This is helping Orochimaru to clear up some of the suspicions!


Jiraiya took advantage of Namakaze Minato and a group of ninjas from the police department, and quickly formed seals with both hands.


"This, this..."

After all, Minato Namakaze is still young, and he still lacks experience when faced with such extremely unreasonable things, "Then can you please let me go? But your family will definitely not be able to keep..."

"Ah, no! We still need to restrain you according to the law..."

Namikaze Minato felt that he didn't know how to use what he learned in the police academy when faced with such an extreme situation.

"Should I arrest people first? As a Konoha ninja, I can also cooperate with the police department's actions."

Orochimaru calmly pointed out the problem, and made seals to remove all the barriers and traps arranged by himself.

"Ah oh oh, that's right!"

The chakra wave that the barrier was released made Namikaze Minato react immediately. After realizing that there was indeed a surge of chakra wave hidden in the Oshemaru mansion, he waved his left hand down——

"Fire Escape: The Technique of Dragon Fire!"

The ninjas of the police department who were waiting in full force immediately performed ninjutsu.

"The art of psychic!"

Just as the menacing fire dragon spewed out from the mouths of the ninjas of the police department, a huge and incomparable body immediately burst into Orochimaru's house, accompanied by the sky filled with smoke and dust.

"Water Escape·Iron Cannon Jade!"

Afterwards, a series of highly condensed water iron cannons spewed out from the huge toad's mouth, and hit the fire dragons attacking all around.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

"Oshemaru, why did you betray me!"

Accompanied by the violent chakra explosion, Jilai, who was standing on top of the giant toad, shouted in grief and indignation: "Why! Why are you doing this!"

Namikaze Minato's eyes turned to Orochimaru beside him, and the ninja of the police department behind him who had not yet joined the battle also put his hand on the hilt of his knife to watch out for Orochimaru's every move.

"I am Konoha ninja! You are the village's ninja! It's as simple as that!"

Orochimaru's face was still as cold and hard as ever, his voice did not fluctuate at all, and he spread his hands to express his harmlessness to Namikaze Minato and the ninjas of the police department.

"It's only natural for a ninja to catch traitors!"

When Namakaze Minato heard this, his expression fell into extreme distortion.

He was in a mess again.

What is he here for?

It feels like Mr. Deguang's plan, he should come to take Orochimaru away and then come to frame, frame and beat him into a trick, right?Why has it turned into annihilating rebellion now?

And... how did Orochimaru become upright and awe-inspiring?

Obviously, I have already prepared myself to defile myself, and I want to be a villain who persecutes Orochimaru wholeheartedly. Why does it seem that the script has changed again now? !

Not right!Very wrong!
Master Deguang!what to do!Orochimaru didn't go according to your script!

"By the way, the missing ninja from the village is inside... Be careful when you do it."

Orochimaru seemed to suddenly think of something and added, "Things are all done by treachery, he wants to use this to force me to defect..."

"Ah oh oh!"

Namikaze Minato fell into astonishment again, then nodded quickly, and signaled his subordinates to issue a signal to change the attack method.

"No! How did he summon the psychic beast!"

Immediately, Minato Namikaze felt something was wrong.

Before the attack, the ninjas of the police department who were ambushing around had already activated a barrier that shielded spiritism, but Jiraiya still summoned this huge Mt. Miaogi toad!

Without saying a word, Minato Namakaze immediately took out the signal tube from the scroll case on his chest, and fired three bullets into the sky.

This is the highest alert signal from the Police Department.

With the launch of the red signal flare, a lavender barrier immediately rose above Konoha Ninja Village. The police stations of various districts, the House of Representatives and the House of Representatives, and various Konoha agencies responded with signals. A famous Konoha Shinobi rushed to come over.

"It's impossible..."

Jiraiya, who was full of grief and indignation, also noticed Konoha's movement at this time.

Originally, he planned to use his hole cards to make a big fuss in Konoha, but now it seems that if he doesn't leave quickly, he probably won't be able to keep himself with his hole cards.

"King Kong Blockade!"

Several golden chakra chains flew out from the surrounding smoke and dust, and came towards the huge toad lock.

"It's okay, Wentai!"

Zilai also paused, preventing the big toad from counterattacking.

Toad Bunta also obediently stopped drawing the knife, letting himself be locked by the vajra chain.


Namikaze Minato immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"I won't give up!"

Standing on the head of Toad Wentai, who was locked up, Zilai also held his head high and shouted loudly: "No matter how evil is raging, the moment of justice will eventually come!"

"No matter how powerful the evil Uchiha is, the will of fire will eventually guide Konoha back to the right path!"

"I am Jiraiya! The unyielding Jiraiya!"

Afterwards, Jiraiya raised his left hand high and showed a spell with the word "broken".

The ninjas of the police department ignored his shouting, first they all shot a barrage of kunai, and then killed them in battle formation.

"No one can prevent justice from coming!"

After uttering his last cry, Jiraiya immediately broke the spell in his hand.

A yellow light rose up, enveloping Jiraiya and Toad Bunta in it, and then one person and one frog ignored the existence of the shielding enchantment, turned into a cloud of smoke and escaped under the guidance of reverse spirituality.

The ninjas of the police department stopped their attack one after another, and stood there a little at a loss.

This is the first time someone has been able to break through the enchantment specially used by the Uzumaki clan to shield spiritism.

"what happened!"

Hatake Sakumo was the first to land beside Namikaze Minato, and looked at the expressionless Orochimaru strangely, then looked at the ruined Orochimaru mansion, and finally cast his eyes on the man who was still in a state of confusion. Namikaze Minato of the state.

"...is there someone inside?"

Hatake Sakumo sensed the presence of living people in the ruins.

"Ah yes!"

Namikaze Minato reacted immediately, "Save people immediately!"

The ninja of the police department immediately put away their weapons and entered the ruins to carry out rescue.

"……How is this going?"

Seeing Konoha Ninja who was carried out from the ruins and still in a coma, Hatake Sakumo couldn't help frowning and asked again.

These people are all the ninjas who disappeared in the village recently...

And it was found at Dashemaru's house.

But at this time Orochimaru stood aside indifferently, and Namikaze Minato had no intention of arresting him.

What's the situation!

Hatake Sakumo suddenly felt that his brain was not enough.

"...Well, Mr. Shuo Mao, it's a long story."

Namikaze Minato carefully considered his words, "It was originally... Forget it, how about I give you a report later?"

He felt that he couldn't make up his mind at this time.

Everything that happened today was too magical!

Originally, Namikaze Minato was on the rise with the support of Uchiha Tokumitsu, and he could be regarded as a successful official. Although his character is not arrogant, he is somewhat arrogant; but when faced with this emergency today, he Even I feel that the way I deal with it is full of flaws.

It's still too young... In the future, I have to stop being impatient and calmly deal with it...

Namikaze Minato secretly encouraged himself.


Hatake Sakumo raised his eyebrows and did not continue to ask, "However, does the warning signal need to be lifted?"

At this time, hundreds of Konoha ninjas with strong auras fell around one after another, looking at everything in front of them, also showing a dazed look.

Isn't it the highest alert signal of the police department?

What's the matter?

Is this the end?
A group of Konoha jominin looked at each other, and finally looked at Namikaze Minato and his party collectively.

"I'm sorry, Lord Shuomo, I was negligent..."

Namikaze Minato greeted Hatake Sakumo and the Jonin who came to support him with an apologetic face, and then took out the signal tube from his arms again, sending out three blue signal flares in succession.

Although the group of ninjas didn't know what was going on, they didn't ask any more questions when they saw the situation, and they saluted Hatake Sakumo one after another, then cast the instant body technique and left.

The defensive barrier above the village was also lifted.


After the crowd dispersed, Namikaze Minato looked at Orochimaru who was still standing there, and couldn't help but feel a headache.

"How is this report written..."

The little expert Namikaze Minato scratched his head, feeling extremely distressed.

"How about, let's go meet Lord Deguang together."

The "genteel" Orochimaru pointed out the key, and very rarely used honorifics in addressing Uchiha Tokumitsu.

 Update today (2/2)

(End of this chapter)

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