Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 342 Taking advantage of suspicion

Chapter 342 Taking advantage of suspicion
With the Orochimaru mansion reduced to ruins in the hustle and bustle, the ninja disappearance case, which has attracted much attention from Konoha, was solved.

Although the result of the disappearance case was shocking, after the twelve Konoha ninjas who were fascinated by the spell recovered their sanity under the personal rescue of Tsunade, based on their personal experiences, the Konoha ninja Attention to the disappearance has also turned to hatred of the perpetrator.

"I don't know, I was walking on the road, and then someone patted my shoulder, and then I didn't know anything."

"I just heard someone calling my name from behind, so I was about to turn around, but before I turned around, I felt a pain in the back of my head, and it was like this when I woke up..."

"...I only saw a cloud of green mist coming towards me, and then a giant cecum-shaped thing appeared in front of me and swallowed me into its stomach. At that time, I thought I was dead!"


Although the confessions of the twelve once-missing Konoha ninjas were different, it is certain that they were indeed captured after being attacked.

It's just that this is not enough to calm the doubts of some Konoha ninjas - there are still some old Naruto ninjas with ulterior motives who say all kinds of strange things in private, such as someone else who hijacked the ninja, but the truth has been buried.

As for the giant toad that appeared at Dashemaru's mansion that day, they automatically filtered it out.

They are right!Jilai may be wrong, but is there nothing wrong with Orochimaru?

Of course, their words and deeds were also silently recorded by the secret agents of the Ministry of Police and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and they will take them out as evidence when Tokumitsu Uchiha decides to clean up the house.

Tsunade, on the other hand, took the initiative to explain the "red cecum-like creature" that appeared when Jiraiya also captured the missing ninjas when the Police Department's representative Namikaze Minato explained the case at the special session of the Senate.

"That's Yansu Toad from Mt. Miaomu, which shows that this case is indeed committed by Jiraiya!"

Tsunade's speech in the Senate made the ninja senators who attended the briefing look at each other, a little confused.

Theoretically speaking, Tsunade, as a member of the Thousand Hands clan with a special status, has nothing to do with the case, so there is no need to make a special statement on this matter.

But Tsunade cried in his heart and couldn't express it.

After the elders of the family learned that Jiraiya tried to force Orochimaru to defect, they couldn't sit still in fright, and ran to her mansion to ask Tsunade to express his break with the rebellious Jiraiya in public, so as not to suffered similar persecution in the future.

And even after her teacher Hara Sarutobi Hiruzen died in battle, the elders of the family were not so nervous, so Tsunade didn't understand what these old guys were afraid of.

But then, including her boyfriend Kato Dan, and close clansmen were tactfully persuading her to draw a line with Jiraiya, the helpless Tsunade had no choice but to reveal some secrets about the Three Holy Lands at the Senate meeting. Wen, in order to express their complete break with Jiraiya.


"...It's really interesting!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu held a report in his hand, and kept admiring while flipping through it.

"Director Orochimaru is indeed the number one research genius in the ninja world! He actually drew the body structure map of the ninja frog so quickly~"

"Master Deguang praised it~ The information provided by the Shogunate Research Institute is the key. I just stood on the shoulders of my predecessors and did some insignificant work."

Orochimaru replied modestly.

At this time, he was in a surprisingly happy mood.

Because after receiving the full support of the equipment of the Konoha Research Institute and the funds of the Uchiha Clan, Orochimaru suddenly discovered that he had actually been taking detours before!

In the past, he always thought that there was nothing so great about being rich!Only ninjutsu is eternal beauty!

Today, Dashewan has a deep understanding of what it means to be "rich is great"!
No matter how scarce and precious the equipment and materials are, as long as he puts forward the demand and explains its importance, the joint company can deliver it to him within three days.

In this way, whenever Orochimaru thinks that he used to earn a little money by performing tasks to maintain the operation of the laboratory, he feels that the past is unbearable.

What a day!The research efficiency is too low!

As a result, the enthusiastic Orochimaru small universe broke out completely, driving the Konoha Research Institute into an unprecedented state of crazy involution.

Orochimaru first used the assessment system as a spur, and then took the phased research performance award as an incentive, and finally announced that it would be eliminated at the bottom, forcefully forcing a group of researchers who used to clock in from 007 to [-] to become [-] social animals. Within a few days, an almost impossible research task was completed.

And the most important thing is that in the body structure map of Ninja frog compiled by Orochimaru, it also clearly pointed out the mechanism of Mt.

This breakthrough is simply a few blocks away from the Vortex Research Institute.

In the past, the researchers of the Uzumaki family mainly focused on extracting the Senju Chakra from the Ninja Frog for analysis, but due to objective limitations such as the generation and storage of the Senju Chakra, the progress of their research was particularly slow.

And after clarifying the fusion reaction mechanism of the lower-level fairy chakra and the body, it will undoubtedly promote the research progress of the Uzumaki family.

——Uchiha Tokumitsu does not intend to completely hand over the research of the Uzumaki family to Orochimaru, but intends to let both parties conduct research separately to confirm each other.

"In view of Mr. Oshemaru's unparalleled talents in scientific research and management..."

Tokumitsu Uchiha changed his title to show his closeness, and took up a pen to fill out a letter of appointment on the spot, "So, I plan to appoint you as the acting director of the Konoha Research Institute, are you willing to accept it?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu's pen tip stayed in the column of the signer's signature, and he looked up at Orochimaru and said.

"It is my honor to serve Lord Deguang allegiance."

Orochimaru stood up, with a rare solemn expression, and said very seriously.

"very good!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu immediately signed his name on the commission and handed the document to Orochimaru.

"Dean Orochimaru, I hope you will continue to work hard in your scientific research position."

"Thank you Master Deguang for your cultivation!"

This time, Orochimaru couldn't help sticking out his tongue on the spot to wash his face.


However, when Orochimaru walked out of the headquarters building of the police department and returned to his home, the pleasant smile on his face disappeared immediately.

Speaking of which, his house was rebuilt by the village investment company...

Moreover, after a round of rigorous inspections, Orochimaru also confirmed that there were no hidden hands left in the house, but his secret laboratory hidden under the rockery has been completely backfilled.

The equipment and materials that were originally placed in the secret laboratory have been transferred to the exclusive laboratory of Konoha Research Institute by the ninja of the police department.

Although it seems that the information is intact, the actual situation is different.

To put it bluntly, although Uchiha Tokumitsu revoked his monitoring, he also took the opportunity to go through all his secrets again.

And it's a hint that carries a warning tone.

It shows that Uchiha Tokumitsu did not trust him so much on the surface.


At this time, a small flower snake peeping out appeared in the garden outside the living room.

"...Why are you here again?"

Orochimaru, whose thoughts were interrupted, said dissatisfied.

"The Immortal White Snake wants to see you, so let's go to Longdi Cave tonight!"

Little Flower Snake said carelessly: "Also, you already have the money to rebuild the house, so give me some more sacrifices!"

"No time!"

"...Tian Xin Shenji will use the reverse spirit technique in the early morning... What are you talking about!"

Xiaohuashe was talking about the arrangement of Ryujidong, but was immediately confused by Dashewan's words.

"...I can't leave the village now. Immortal White Snake knows everything that happened in the ninja world, so it should understand."

Orochimaru also found that his tone seemed too rigid, and then changed his tone and said: "The tasks assigned by the village are very heavy during this time, and I can't walk away under the eyes of everyone..."

"...I'm just in charge of passing on the message, whether it's the words of the Great Immortal or yours, I will pass them along intact!"

The little flower snake snorted coldly, turned into a puff of smoke and left, and at the same time said:
"Rat tail juice!"

 Update today (2/2)

(End of this chapter)

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