Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 343 The Intensification of the Situation

Chapter 343 The Intensification of the Situation

"After all, Ryuji Cave is the gathering place for Dean Orochimaru's contracted psychic beasts, so there is no need to report this to me."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said hypocritically.

"...The so-called holy land of psychic beasts is a different kind after all, and it is unreliable after all."

Orochimaru replied sternly: "The aliens can only be driven away, but they cannot be trusted!"

The position of these words is indeed high!

Uchiha Tokumitsu couldn't help but nodded in approval.

It has to be said that after reaching the middle and high levels of Konoha, Orochimaru seemed to be enlightened immediately.

Although I have heard a lot of flattering and flattering words, it has to come from someone's mouth.

For example, a guy like Orochimaru who has a bad temper, hard temper and strong principles, the beautiful words that come out of his mouth are more pleasant than the flattery of other people.

"I'm very interested in the so-called holy places..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said with a smile, tapping his fingers on the table, "Dean Orochimaru should also understand that there is a reason why I asked you to preside over the research on ninja..."

Orochimaru nodded slightly, and glanced at a report document placed next to Uchiha Tokumitsu's finger without missing a trace.

Although there is a piece of paper covering it, it can be recognized just from the corner that it is his funding application report.

Moreover, it seems that it has not been opened yet...

"What I understand is for the magic chakra."

Orochimaru bowed slightly.

"Although I really hate those aliens trying to interfere in the ninja world, especially those aliens will always have unplanned interference with the great cause of the unity of the four seas..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu seemingly inadvertently said something that caused Orochimaru to stir up a storm in his heart, "But!"

Orochimaru's heart jumped a few times.

"Natural energy is a good thing, and fairy chakra is also a good thing."

After Uchiha Tokumitsu finished speaking, he smiled without saying a word.

"...The inheritance of Longdi Cave should be difficult, because as far as I know, apart from the White Snake Patriarch, the only other Longdi Cave tribes who possess the chakra of the Immortal Technique are the Three Goddesses."

Orochimaru was silent for a while before opening his mouth to speak.

He looked again at the funding application report next to Uchiha Tokumitsu's finger.

This report involves his core research!

Orochimaru's heart is hot and unbearable, but he can't express it directly.

"I remember that in addition to the three gods, there is also a giant snake named Xinya who should also have the magic chakra... and it also has the power to turn people into stone..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu still smiled lightly.

"Xingya is the Longdidong ethnic group that has attracted much attention. I can neither approach nor drive..."

Orochimaru sighed slightly and said, "However...the immortal arts classics in Ryūchi Cave may still have a solution."

"That's not bad~"

The smile on Uchiha Tokumitsu's face grew wider.

Swipe on the table casually, and then seem to suddenly see the application report next to it.

"This is an application from Dean Orochimaru~ I should have said it earlier!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu turned to the last page, signed his name with a big stroke of a pen, and handed over the report with a smile.

"Then it will be hard for Dean Orochimaru..."

"...a matter of duty."

Orochimaru bowed slightly, and took the report signed by Uchiha Tokumitsu with both hands.

"This is the legendary money ability..."

After walking out of the office, Orochimaru couldn't help looking at the funding application report tightly held in his arms, and couldn't help but feel a sense of disillusionment in his heart.

It's like seeing that the thing you love is actually just a plaything that others can throw away.

"……just one time!"

When no one was around, Orochimaru no longer controlled his tongue.

After washing his face vigorously with his tongue, Orochimaru regained his composure and thought to himself: "The magic tricks of Ryūchi Cave are useless without the cooperation of Senju Chakra! So this is not a betrayal!"

"And... I just once! Once is enough!"


Jiraiya also publicly appeared in Konoha, and then fled away under the eyes of everyone. This incident was a big blow to the shogunate and the police department.

But fortunately, taking advantage of this is also a hole card, and Konoha was able to make deployment adjustments in advance.

Especially the sealing enchantment aspect.

After extracting the chakra traces left on the scene, the sealing team, under the leadership of the patriarch Uzumaki Weiming, forgot to sleep and eat, quickly adjusted on the basis of the original sealing circle, and developed a new set of time and space sealing barriers, but The new sealing technique has not been tested, and everyone in the sealing team, including Patriarch Wei Ming, is not sure about it.

The development of new sealing techniques is just a timely response. In addition, Uchiha Tokumitsu also made new deployments for anti-terrorism forces.

That is to form a multinational joint anti-terrorism force.

Under Uchiha Tokumitsu's strategizing, various forces in the ninja world responded to Konoha's "goodwill" call; among them, Kirigakure mobilized [-] ninjas to form an anti-terrorist force, and handed over the command to the shogunate, and then Tokumitsu Uchiha appointed the current Konoha Anti-Terrorist Force Commander to manage it.

In addition, 90 ninjas were recruited from Kusanagi Village, and 60 ninjas were recruited from Yuren Village. These full-time ninjas were incorporated into the joint anti-terrorism force, under the unified command of Uchiha Shiina.

As for Sand Hidden in the Land of Wind, after a long time of consultation with Sand Hidden high-level officials, the Third Kazekage finally decided to send 120 ninjas to join the joint anti-terrorist force, and approved the joint anti-terrorist force to enter the country freely with their own anti-terrorist ninjas. .

In fact, Sandai Kazekage didn't intend to agree, but Sagan urgently needed financial support from the stock exchange and the joint company, so he could only make appropriate concessions in this regard.

Even the warriors of the Kingdom of Iron, who claim to be a neutral country, sent nine warriors to join as observers under invisible pressure, and allowed the joint anti-terrorism force to move freely within the territory of the Kingdom of Iron after reporting to the general of the country for approval.

Facing the status quo that the original Muye anti-terrorist force has transformed into a monster with transnational combat power, Yun Yin and Yan Yin once again huddled together to keep warm.

And this time, even Iron Stone, the commander of the Frost Country Dispatch Army, who had an ambiguous relationship with the shogunate, did not intervene.

Because for the traditional ninja village, a multinational joint force is too terrifying.

Even Taki Shinobi, who owns a tailed beast, was dismembered by Uchiha Tokumitsu in the name of anti-terrorism and split into two villages in the north and south. Now looking at the ninja world, the only forces that still have the ability to say "no" to Uchiha Tokumitsu, except Myogi-san and others Apart from the hidden forces, there are only Yanyin and Yunyin, so how could they believe that the alliance camp has no ambitions for them!

Especially in the eyes of the senior leaders of the two major ninja villages, the joint anti-terrorism force will definitely not be as simple as the so-called anti-terrorism concerted action announced by Uchiha Tokumitsu. Agreed on military action.

Therefore, the three generations of Raikage and Tsuchikage Onogi held a secret meeting, and agreed that it is necessary to strengthen the relationship between the two parties, remove all historical obstacles that plagued both sides, and achieve military agreement as soon as possible.

Therefore, less than three days after the establishment of the joint anti-terrorism force, Yan Yin and Yun Yin issued a joint statement, publicizing that they would support the anti-terrorism cause of the ninja world advocated by Uchiha Tokumitsu. The troops are responsible for the anti-terrorist operations in the land of earth and the land of thunder, and set up the station in the control area of ​​Kitaki Shinobi.

As a result, the smell of gunpowder in the ninja world has become more intense.


"It's so strange..."

In a volcanic cave in the Land of Snow, Hei Jue is reminiscing about the intelligence memories Bai Jue brought back.

In the past six months, the situation in the ninja world has changed so much that it feels strange to the "Madara Will" who is trying his best to teach Nagato.

Although the confrontation and war between the two camps are conducive to consuming the strength of the major ninja villages, the united ninja camp also makes it feel bad.

Judging from its experience of observing the ninja world for thousands of years, in fact, the current ninja world does not have the possibility of unification, especially before the rise of Uchiha Tokumitsu.

But now, with the tension between the North and South camps, the internal relations between the two sides have become more united due to the continuous strengthening of combat readiness.

This is especially true of the Confederate camp controlled by Uchiha Tokumitsu.

If possible, Kuro, who is used to staying in the dark, would definitely not want to confront Uchiha Tokuro head-on. This would be harmful to the weak Snow Country.

However, according to the special version of Bai Jue who pretended to be the lord of the Snow Country, envoys from the alliance and the alliance faction have visited the court of the Snow Country many times, and the envoys from both sides are forcing the Snow Country to make a statement as soon as possible, otherwise there will be unbearable Things happened like this.

Between the alliance camp and the alliance camp that are faintly opposed to the north and the south, there is not much room for the various small countries in the ninja world.

Although Heijue, who holds the Baijue army in his hand, has the eyes of reincarnation Nagato, and wholeheartedly promotes the Moon's Eye plan to save his mother, is not worried that the two camps of Ninja Village will drive him to extinction, but he has no way to rely on the current status of Xueren Village. Some forces resist the invasion and infiltration of the two camps.


Nagato, with red hair so long that it covered his eyes, walked into the cave and saluted Kurojue, who was paralyzed into a mass of mud.

"Nagato is here~"

Hei Jue's eyes turned into crescent moons, and he casually beckoned a Bai Jue to attach to it.

"The commander of the Northern Confederate combat force delivered an ultimatum..."

Nagato took out a document from his pocket and placed it in front of Hei Ze.

Although the current Nagato is not very old, he has been arranged by Heijue as an advisor to Xueren Village and participates in the court affairs of the Snow Kingdom, so Nagato has also grown considerably.

"Is there no room for mediation..."

Even the resolute Hei Jue couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

All along, it has been planning secretly in the dark, but it never expected that it would have to face such a difficult problem now that it has finally used the name of "Madara's Will" to command Bai Jue to control the Snow Country.

Although it has engaged in conspiracies for thousands of years, except for this time, all previous conspiracies against Indra have ended in failure, and naturally it is not willing to give up the opportunity to finally see the dawn of victory this time; Hei Jue is not good at this kind of cooperation between national camps, let alone how to dance on eggs.

But it also understands that if it doesn't make a choice, the current power of the Snow Country will absolutely not be able to withstand the torrent of ninja troops from the two camps.

"...Join the alliance of Yun Yin and Yan Yin!"

After much deliberation, Hei Jue finally made a decision.


Nagato was a little surprised when he heard that.

Although he grew up in this icy and snowy country since he was a child, it doesn't mean that he doesn't understand the current situation in the ninja world.

He still has a clear understanding of which side of the alliance and the alliance is more powerful.

"Although the alliance is powerful, we can get a higher status by joining the alliance..."

Hei Ze's explanation was a bit far-fetched, but Nagato still complied.


After escaping from Konoha and returning to Mt. Myogi, Jiraiya stayed silent for a while to practice, and then returned to the ninja world again to plan the overthrow of the shogunate.

Orochimaru's "public betrayal" dealt him a very big blow.

But even so, Jiraiya still did not shake his belief. Encouraged by Sensei Fukasaku, he secretly sent Ninja Troops to infiltrate the ninja world again, and re-established bases in small buffer countries such as the Kingdom of Kawa and the Country of Birds, and let Ninja The frogs took the initiative to contact black market forces everywhere.

"We must unite all forces that can be united, and oppose the tyranny of the shogunate in the ninja world."

Said so too.

Even the Northern Alliance combat force established by Yun Yin and Yan Yin in name for anti-terrorism, Jirai also got in touch with its commander Huang Tu through the intelligence frog, and agreed to be in the actual control area of ​​Beitaki Ninja Village five days later. A secret meeting was held inside to discuss the plan to attack the shogunate.

"Sure enough! The rule of the shogunate is unpopular, and it is really a countercurrent in the ninja world!"

The encouraged Jiraiya said this to Fukasaku Immortal after returning to Mt. Myogi.

"...You can handle this matter yourself, but now the Great Immortal wants to see you."

Immortal Fukasaku patiently listened to Zilaiye's bragging for a while, then suddenly fixed his eyes, and then said.

"Then let's go~"

Zilai also has the intention to claim credit in front of the Great Immortal Toad.

It's just that, this time, what Immortal Toad said made him a little surprised——

"Let me go to Longdi Cave?!"

Zilai also said in disbelief.

"Patriarch White Snake wants to see you..."

The voice of Great Immortal Toad echoed in the bedroom.

"Why, why?"

Zilai also stumbled and asked.

"Orochimaru's theft of the Dragon's Cave Immortal Art Scroll happened... so the White Snake Immortal will probably change his position and support direct intervention in the ninja world, but he will first look at you..."

Zilai was once again dumbfounded by the words of Great Immortal Toad.

"...It's such a big game!"

"Then the contract between Orochimaru and Ryūchi Cave has been terminated?"

Suddenly, Jilai also thought of this question.

"do not know……"

Great Immortal Toad shook his head.

"...But, is it dangerous to go to Ryuji Cave?"

Jiraiya asked cautiously.

He is also aware of the deadly enemy relationship between Longdi Cave and Miaomu Mountain.

"As long as you find danger, you can return to Mount Miaomu directly through the void spell at any time..."

Immortal Toad spit out a spell from his mouth, and flew in front of Jiraiya under the control of Chakra.

"...As ordered!"

Having said all this, Zilai also naturally has nothing to say.

(End of this chapter)

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