Chapter 344
"Is it really not difficult?"

"It's really not difficult!"

"Is that what Immortal White Snake said?"

"That's what they said!"

Although Orochimaru is swearing, Uchiha Tokumitsu is still a little skeptical.

Because it's just too weird.

After receiving Uchiha Tokumitsu's almost explicit "hint", Orochimaru took the initiative to go to Ryuji Cave to see the White Snake Patriarch.

But before he had time to speak after he arrived at the temple in Ryuji Cave, the White Snake Patriarch took the huge scroll off the dragon head sculpture and made it clear that Orochimaru would be given to Uchiha Tokumitsu.

Without waiting for Orochimaru to recover from the shock, the White Snake Patriarch declared that he could cooperate with trapping and killing the ground walkers on Mt. Myogi, but it also made a request that Tokumitsu Uchiha come to Ryūji Cave to meet face-to-face.

Later, the White Snake Patriarch personally ordered Xin Ya, the strongest snake in Longdi Cave, and Orochimaru to sign a psychic contract, allowing them to drive Longdi Cave to remove the strongest psychic beasts under himself and the three gods.

In addition, Orochimaru was allowed to live in the deepest part of Ryuji Cave for several days, allowing him to experience the natural density difference between Ryuchi Cave and Ninja World.

Even after Orochimaru returned to Konoha from Ryūji Cave, he was still in a daze, and he still couldn't believe what he had experienced in the past few days.

When did Longdi Cave become so talkative? !

After thinking about it, Orochimaru decided not to be entangled anymore, so after copying a scroll of Ryūchi Cave Senjutsu, he went to see Uchiha Tokumitsu.

"How could there be a big pie in the sky..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu's first reaction was the same as Orochimaru imagined, and immediately felt that there must be a conspiracy.

But then I thought about it again, and felt that there was no need for Longdi Cave to spend such a large amount of money.

Especially the huge scroll in front of him, but the fundamental inheritance of immortal art from Longdi Cave lineage!

Uchiha Tokumitsu was not in a hurry to make a decision, but tore open the scroll and read it.

Orochimaru also bowed and said goodbye with a wink.


"The so-called fairy art..."

After flipping through the Ryūji Cave Senju scroll, Uchiha Tokumitsu thought about it.

Different from Mt. Miaomu, Longdi Cave Immortal Art System corresponds to the shape and form of life, and its characteristic is to manipulate natural energy to control all inorganic attacks.For example, a stone that can wriggle and grow and transform into a dragon to attack.

The most typical technique is the mystery of Longdi Cave Immortal Technique - the technique of inorganic reincarnation!
But even with the secret scroll of Ryujidong, it doesn't mean that Uchiha Tokumitsu can learn fairy arts so easily.

——Because he still hasn't figured out how to manipulate natural energy, physical energy, and spiritual energy in his body to smelt them into celestial chakra.

If Miaogishan Senju is compared to bullets, Uchiha Tokumitsu does not have a usable firearm yet.

And even if the sage chakra is cultivated by the research of the Uzumaki Research Institute and his own exploration, Uchiha Tokumitsu doesn't know whether the sage chakra that does not have the characteristics of the Ryuji Cave can display the corresponding Ryuji Cave Sinjutsu.

——This is like a 9mm bullet that cannot be loaded into an Aka rifle.

Thinking of this, Tokumitsu Uchiha suddenly felt that the scroll in his hand was really tasteless.

"It's a pity to eat it without taste..."

After carefully reading the contents of the scroll again, Uchiha Tokumitsu sighed slightly.

For him, the only function of this scroll is to confirm the composition ratio of the fairy chakra in the past life memory-that is, the physical energy, mental energy, and natural energy each account for one-third.

But other than that, not much point.

Uchiha Tokumitsu has no intention of accepting the snake venom injection from the White Snake Immortal.

Therefore, Uchiha Tokumitsu has nothing to do with the low-ranking celestial arts and secret arts such as the white shock technique in the scrolls that require the characteristics of Ryuji Cave celestial practitioners.

In addition, based on Orochimaru’s own experience in the depths of Ryuji Cave, it also shows that the concentration of natural energy in the ninja world and the so-called holy land is very different. In this way, even Uchiha Deguang intends to learn from the dragon There is no way to practice the practice method of the cave.

"What a crime..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu got up and stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, condescendingly overlooking the scenery of Konoha.

Today's Konoha has undergone a major change under his promotion. There is no longer the classical punk appearance of random construction and messy wiring in the memory of the previous life. In addition, Tokumitsu Uchiha intentionally or unintentionally plans Konoha according to the urban construction method of the previous life. Therefore, compared with the mainstream classical architecture in the ninja world, the current image of Konoha architecture looks extraordinarily "modern".

And Konoha New District is the "experimental field" in Uchiha Tokumitsu's mind.

He not only wants to build centralized commercial places and high-rise apartments in the new area, but also plans to move all kinds of classic buildings from his previous life to bring a "new wave" to the ninja world.

But even so, Uchiha Deguang still felt that it was not enough.

The change he brought about was not enough.

At least his ambition of returning the world to one has not yet been realized, but the resistance of his opponents is getting bigger and bigger.

Except for Yun Yin and Yan Yin, who are like dead bones in the tomb, Miao Mushan is fighting against him with all his strength, and the interference is getting stronger and stronger.

In addition, although the anti-terrorist forces and the joint company have traveled all over the ninja world, there is still no trace of Uchiha Madara and his remnant party, and even the reincarnation of Indra and Asura, which he has been paying attention to clue.

Now, Longdi Cave inexplicably began to show affection...

As the saying goes: If you have nothing to show courteousness, you can either rape or steal, so can you accept the temptation of a poisonous snake?
Uchiha Tokumitsu still has no clue in his heart.

Even Orochimaru, which is at least like a personal one, was activated after imposing a lot of precautions, so can the aliens in Ryūji Cave be trusted?

Although wealth and wealth are sought in danger, the temptation to go to the Ryuji Cave for a meeting is actually unequal in the eyes of Uchiha Deguang compared with his own safety.

He really can't afford to take risks.

After pacing back and forth for a while, Tokumitsu Uchiha thought of another way, and then wrote a greeting card in hand, and ordered someone to send it to the land of the Thousand Hands.

According to the records of the Uchiha clan, since the end of the Warring States period to the present, there are only two active ninjutsu ninjas in the ninja world.

It's just that because Mu Dun in Qianshou Zhujian is more famous, his attainments in immortal arts are not so widely known.


"Your Excellency, welcome to visit~"

After receiving the replies from the Senju Clan, Uchiha Tokumitsu arrived at the Senju Clan within the agreed time, surrounded by attendant ninjas.

On the outskirts of the clan, a group of Senju clansmen led by Kato Duan and Senju Naoki were in charge of welcoming them.

Kato is still the same, although the Second Ninja World War has ended long ago, but his face is still as pale as when he just recovered from a serious injury, even a little blue, and his footsteps are a little vain, he really doesn't look like a famous ninja who has been famous for a long time Elite Jonin.

As for Senju Nawaki... Uchiha Tokumitsu took a closer look and felt that his strength was quite extraordinary, at least from the perspective of breath and chakra fluctuations, he had already reached the level of Jonin.

It seems that this Qianshou direct descendant who died prematurely in his previous life has also begun to gradually exchange his blood talent for strength.

Having said that, the fate of these two people can be regarded as being changed by the rise of Uchiha Tokumitsu, otherwise their bones are probably already dry.

"You two are being polite, please forgive me for disturbing you if you visit rashly."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said to the two of them equally politely.

Although the strength of today's Senju Clan can no longer be compared with Uchiha's, but after all, they belong to the Chuangcun Clan, and Uchiha Tokumitsu's visit is asking for others, so he doesn't mind showing some courtesy respect.

Unsurprisingly, Uchiha Tokumitsu's kind words also made the Senshou people lined up to welcome them proudly straighten their chests.

"My sister and all the elders are waiting for the visit of His Excellency the Governor, please come with me..."

Senju Nawaki also said very politely.

Uchiha Tokumitsu ordered a group of attendant ninjas to wait outside the clan site, and then entered the clan site under the guidance of the two.

After a round of extremely cumbersome etiquette, Uchiha Tokumitsu sat down in a quiet room, accompanied by Tsunade, Nawaki and Kato Dan.

"Hime Tsunade, I have something to ask about this rash visit."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said straight to the point.

He had already said enough polite words during the meeting with the elders of the Qianshou clan, so he didn't intend to go around in circles at this time.

"Your Excellency Deguang, but it's okay to say."

Tsunade also replied politely.

"I want to consult something with the slug fairy in Wetbone Forest, and I hope it will be convenient."

Although the tone was more polite, Uchiha Tokumitsu did not leave room for Tsunade to refuse, "Of course, what I plan to consult will not be issues that have a stake in the Senju Clan."

"The wetbone forest lineage has always been special, and the temperament of the slug fairy is beyond my control..."

Tsunade showed embarrassment.

"It doesn't matter whether the slug fairy agrees or not, I just want to relieve a knot in my heart."

Uchiha Deguang still did not take the initiative to withdraw his request.

"...Then let me ask the slug first."

Tsunade nodded apologetically, then got up and went to another room to summon his psychic beast.

After a while, Tsunade returned to the quiet room with a slug in his hand.

Looks like the slug fairy agrees...

Uchiha Tokumitsu breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hello, Deguang-jun... don't you mind if I call you that?"

After Kanshou put the slug on the table, the blue and white patterned slug waved its tentacles and greeted Uchiha Tokumitsu.

"The fairy is polite..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu bowed slightly to show respect, "To be honest, I have something to ask you."

"Yeah~ I'm just a small avatar, maybe I don't know too many things, if I can't get it, please don't be offended by Mr. Deguang~"

The slug said, still shaking its tentacles.

"You are welcome..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu nodded again.

"May I ask what is the relationship between Mount Miaomu and Longdi Cave?"

"As we all know, Hama Wan and White Snake are deadly enemies..."

Slug's tone was a bit strange: "Of course, this is only on the surface~"


Uchiha Tokumitsu's heart trembled suddenly.

In this way, there must be something wrong with Longdidong's hospitality!

"Hama Wan has the power to see the future, while White Snake can understand everything in the past. Although their power sources are opposite in name, they are actually complementary..."

Slug didn't care about telling a secret in public: "Even during the period when the goddess of Mao was sealed, White Snake planned to support the two brothers Yuyi, but Hamamaru took the lead."

"There is still such a history..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu was a little surprised.

On the other hand, Tsunade, Nawaki, and Kato Dan looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing what was going on.

"It is precisely because of this that their ethnic groups turned against each other."

"Sure enough... the free ones are the most expensive..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu chuckled lightly.

If I didn't do it on a whim, I probably fell into some kind of trap.

"All the gifts given by fate have already been secretly priced."

The slug tapped its tentacles and said: "Including the smell of the sacred tree on Deguang-kun, maybe it will cause some trouble to myself one day~"

"you mean……"

Uchiha Tokumitsu was taken aback when he heard the words, then frowned, and after a moment of hesitation, he raised his finger and pointed to the sky.

"Are they still in the ninja world?"

"Maybe, maybe not, but at least not now."

The slug continued to shake its tentacles, and replied in a soft and waxy voice.

"But they always come..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said pointedly: "As long as the moon is still there, they will always find Ninja World."

"Even if the moon is destroyed, the immortal existence will only get out of it instead of disappearing, and it may be even more troublesome at that time..."

Slug continues to play charades with Uchiha Tokumitsu.

Although Tsunade and the others were curious, they were embarrassed to ask questions on the spot, and just silently recorded the doubts in the conversation.

Uchiha Tokumitsu couldn't help but sigh.

Although in theory the taller one is the one standing up to the sky falling, but looking at the ninja world today, the one who stands tallest is himself...

The matter of Mount Miaomu and Longdi Cave has not been clarified, but an even more inexplicable alien has been created...

"By the way, why is the slug fairy willing to share these secrets with me?"

After thinking for a moment, Uchiha Tokumitsu asked casually.

"The ninja world is too boring. It's always good to have some new things, otherwise this endless river of time is too boring..."

The slug continued to shake its tentacles, and seemed to be very happy to say: "The reason why Hamamaru chose a hostile position is because you destroyed his control of the future, and the white snake hates everything that tries to change history..."

"If one day I destroy Mt. Miaomu and Longdi Cave, wouldn't the Slug Immortal not care?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu narrowed his eyes slightly and said.

"Even if the Holy Land is destroyed, there will always be a new source of power rising, this is a natural choice~"

Although Slug's voice was still soft and waxy, the tone became serious.

"I understand……"

Uchiha Deguang bowed to the Slug Immortal convincingly.

In his eyes, among the so-called Three Immortals of the Three Holy Lands, only the fragile "slug" in front of him is the most suitable for his temperament.

"By the way, Mr. Deguang should be pursuing the power of fairy art, right?"

The slug bowed its antennae in return, and asked again.


Uchiha Tokumitsu replied calmly: "And Ryuji Cave also sent their fairy scrolls, which puzzled me a lot, so I rashly bothered the slug fairy..."

"Hmm~ I remember something that Hashirama-sama said made sense..."

The slug fairy said: "It is better to establish one's own heart than to seek all kinds of dharmas from outside."

"Hope this works for you~"

After speaking, the slug on the table turned into a puff of smoke and left.


Uchiha Tokumitsu muttered to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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