Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 346 No War on the Northern Front

Chapter 346 No War on the Northern Front

Just like after Mt. Miaomu was listed as a terrorist force, after Ryōji Cave was included in the list of anti-terrorism forces, a small country called Swamp Country, which was overgrown with poisonous snakes, stood up and clamored that the snakes in the country might be a branch of Ryōji Cave. , so immediately attracted a team of anti-terrorist ninjas to go reconnaissance.

Of course, like Lin Zhiguo back then, the anti-terrorist forces did not find any traces of ninjas in the marsh country, but in line with the guiding ideology of "everything comes", the anti-terrorist ninjas still wiped out the country's large poisonous snakes by the way.

And after the anti-terrorist ninjas happily beheaded the large poisonous snakes that caused disasters and took them back as military exploits, the swamp country, which had alleviated the snake problem, immediately announced that they were a country rich in snakes, and they had great medicinal value for all kinds of poisonous snakes. In-depth research, especially the snake wine in the marsh country, has a very miraculous effect on the aspects that men care about most.

Afterwards, the joint company heard the news and opened a joint venture brewing workshop with the local daimyo nobles. After confirming the brand and standards, it was quickly promoted to all parts of the ninja world. The main focus was a high turnover; A small country made rich by the war on terror.

After being tense for a period of time, the border troops deployed in the northwest and north also began to return to their daily patrol status under the orders of their superiors.

The reason is very simple. After Yan Yin and Yun Yin formed the Northern Alliance combat force, they did nothing else. They just retreated to the northern part of Taki Country for daily tactical training. They had no intention of going south in the short term, let alone counter-terrorism Infiltrating the southern part of the Taki Country in the name of .

Therefore, except for a detachment directly under the headquarters of the joint anti-terrorist force, the other Konoha and shogunate ninja troops who were stationed in the country of Takino withdrew to their headquarters one after another, and reopened the trade between the north and south of the country of Takino.

The composition of the directly affiliated detachment stationed at the border is also quite interesting.

Uchiha Shiina selected half of the 120 sand ninjas supported by the country of the wind, sand ninjas, mixed with Konoha ninjas and grass ninjas to form a special multinational joint anti-terrorist detachment, and was led by a young man who had recently become famous. Ren Luosha served as the detachment leader.

As for the external reason, it is because Sand Yin, the country of wind, is one of the five great ninja villages in the five great countries, and has the ability and responsibility to bear it.

As for the real reason, it is that Uchiha Shiina intends to let this detachment act as the front-line consumables and drag the Sagakushi lineage of the country of wind into the fuse of the future war against the Northern Alliance.

As for Sha Yin, although some of them expressed their concerns about their own ninja being thrown to the border hastily, they were more satisfied with the respect of the joint anti-terrorist forces for Sha Yin.

After all, although the anti-terrorism force is a multinational alliance in name, the positions above the first level of the detachment are basically monopolized by Konoha ninjas. Sagakushi Kamino Rasa is the first existence to break the "workplace ceiling", and he deserves the support of the village. .

Therefore, after carefully listening to the rhetoric of the two factions of the sand hidden, the third Kazekage finally chose to support Luo Sha, and sent another two hundred sand hidden ninjas to join the joint anti-terrorism force, and thus obtained a new detachment officer position.


In the alliance formed by Yan Yin and Yun Yin, some "unpleasant episodes" began to appear due to the old conflicts between the two sides.

Ever since Yunyin was defeated and the land of Thunder was ceded, Yanyin, who consciously took revenge, has established a psychological advantage over Yunyin. The combination is only because the great master Yanyin sympathizes with the declining Yunyin, and the number of Yanyin in the alliance troops is higher than that of Yunyin, so the command positions of the ninja army at all levels should be arranged by Yanyin.

However, the Fourth Ai, the person in charge of Yunyin who was transferred to the Allied Ninja Army, disagreed with this statement. He pointed out that Yunyin and Yanyin are both the five great ninja villages, and their status should be equal. There is no claim that one side is higher than the other, so The position of the ninja army should be determined through negotiation between the two parties, taking into account fairness while ensuring combat effectiveness, so as not to lose the original intention of forming an alliance ninja army.

However, the words of the fourth generation of Ai attracted more ridicule from the Iwakura Jōnin, especially the Iwakura Jōnin who was dispatched from the Frost Kingdom to join.

"I once heard Commander Iron Stone say that during the conquest period, Yunyin's southward ninja army could not last even a day under the offensive of the shogunate. How could Feila hold an important command position if he was so miserable!"

Iwagakushi Jōnin, who was from the dispatched army, taunted in front of all Jnin on both sides at the military affairs meeting.

"Also, with Yunyin's current military strength, can we send more ninjas to join the joint force?"

This sentence also just hit Yun Yin's weakness.

There are only 700 ninjas in the Northern Alliance combat force at this stage, and Yunyin has only about [-] of them.

The transfer of these [-] ninjas was already the maximum that Yun Yin could transfer without weakening the various ninja troops stationed abroad and undertaking tasks.

Even after many years of gathering, the number of ninjas in Ninja Village still needs to grow, and it is not possible to quickly obtain a batch of ninjas that can be used just by spending resources.

"The establishment of an alliance ninja army is the common will of the shadows of the two villages. The words of the ninjas in Guicun are so harsh and vicious. Don't you worry that this will cause unnecessary trouble to the alliance between the two parties?"

Fourth Ai's conversation turned to Yan Yin, who was meditating in the seat above, assisting Huang Tu.

According to the agreement between Tukage and Raikage, this new ninja army will be the best witness of the "traditional friendship" between the two ninja villages, so Raikage knew that there were not many troops on his side, so he voluntarily gave up seeking to make Yunyin endure. Instead, Ai, who was his successor, was appointed as the chief of staff of the Ninja Army, and gave up the position of commander to Yan Yin's Huang Tu; The Shadow is not good at bargaining, so it is only decided to make an agreement after forming an alliance force.

The contradiction lies in the selection of ninja candidates at the detachment level.

In order to weaken the loomingly self-contained Frost Kingdom dispatch army, Tsuchikage Onogi dispatched five hundred ninjas from his department to go south in one breath, with the purpose of weakening the number of ninjas actually controlled by Teishi Shangren, and Teishi is also uniting Under the suggestion of the company, he sent his confidant Xia Shishan Shangren to the south to join the alliance ninja army, and let the confidant make a big show in Yan Yin before the military affairs meeting, declaring that "the great and powerful Yan Yin must get all the detachment ranks. position".

Although Huangtu also knew that the remarks of the Iwagakushi ninjas from the dispatched army system were malicious, but because they could not find a suitable reason and the Iwagakushi ninjas from Ninja Village also supported this argument, they did not stop it in time.

But after the matter started to get into the military affairs conference, the conflict between Yan Yin and Yun Yin became completely heated.

Even the fourth generation of Eben had the idea of ​​making a slight concession in order to unite, but he was completely irritated by Yan Yinshishan Shinobi's remarks.

However, he found that when he suppressed his anger and asked Huang Tu for help, Huang Tu's face was full of indifference.

"Let's discuss this matter again..."

Huang Tu was not in a hurry to express his opinion, but chose to change the topic: "In addition to the duties at the detachment level, the reorganization of the Ninja Army is the most important thing, and according to the resolutions of Master Tukage and Raikage, the Allied Ninja Army We will collectively switch to the new forehead protection logo to highlight the close friendship between the two ninja villages..."

When the ninjas of the two sides of the Alliance Ninja Army were just in place, Yunyin and Yanyin organized many drills, and because of this, they found that there was a particularly "clear" confrontation between the ninjas of the two sides.

Although the senior officials of the two major ninja villages have been promoting "goodwill and cooperation" internally, the middle and lower level ninjas of both sides have never understood this. Yanyin thinks that Yunyin is just a group of defeated generals, and Yunyin thinks that Yanyin is taking advantage of others. Therefore, even during the exercise, all kinds of situations of ignoring death and throwing stones into trouble emerged endlessly. Not only did the conflicts between the two sides not be resolved due to the establishment of the coalition forces, but they became more and more instigated by Yan Yin, a member of the dispatched army. more superficial.

Therefore, after discussions between Huangtu and Fourth Ai, they decided to completely disrupt the organizational system of the ninjas of both sides and completely mix them up, hoping that this would enable the ninjas of the two villages to achieve "mutual understanding" when they get along day and night.

This is also the reason why the fourth generation of Ai is so anxious.

If the ninjas on both sides completely disrupt the reorganization, if Yunyin does not have the support of the ninja at the detachment level, he, the so-called chief of staff, will become an empty figure, so whether it is the transferred ninja or Yunyin headquarters, it will be against the alliance ninja Jun was greatly disappointed, and his prestige as an advocate for the two-village alliance would also be damaged.

More importantly, the fourth generation of Ai can't let his plan of "Lianyan Kangye" fail, otherwise it will affect the plan to capture Yaoo in a few years.


While the Allied Ninja Army in the northern part of the Taki Country was still fighting for power and profit, the leader of the Luosha Branch on the southern confrontation line was already addicted to the pleasure of commanding the elite Ninja Army.

As the strongest of Sha Yin's younger generation, Luo Sha is also a highly valued existence in the Land of Winds.

But even so, apart from his own three-member squad, he did not have the experience of commanding more than a hundred ninja soldiers.

Therefore, with the assistance of the Nara staff of the detachment, Luo Sha organized many performances, rehearsing all the various ninja tactics he had studied.

During the exercise, Luo Sha did not encounter any embarrassment.

Both Konoha Ninja and Kusanagi respect him as the detachment leader. Even the three Chunin from the Uchiha clan maintain the necessary respect for him, which makes Luo Sha feel even more elated.

The Uchiha clan is the most prominent wealthy ninja clan in the ninja world!The ninjas in their family have such respect for themselves, which is enough to show that they are indeed well-known strong men in the ninja world.

As a result, Luo Sha's confidence in competing for the position of the next generation of Wind and Shadow and Wind Kingdom Guan Bai became more and more confident.

"Kazekage is the leader elected by the sand hidden ninjas. It should be voted by the jouninjas of the village, right? Scorpion ninja."

In his spare time, Luo Sha took his deputy and chatted with Xie, known as "Sha Yin's strongest puppet master".

Although Xie's grandma, Chiyo, died, her younger brother Ebino is still a high-ranking Elder of Sandakin. Although he is already in a semi-retired state, he has the power to speak, even the talented and powerful Third Kazekage. three points.

Xie glanced at him, said "Oh" casually, and continued to play with his puppet.

"...You can go around more when you have time and communicate with other ninjas in Ninja Village. This way you can increase your knowledge and gain more inspiration by analogy."

Rosa continued.

"You've been talking for almost half an hour, can I go?"

Xie was unmoved, and after saying a word, he controlled the two puppets by remote control, picked him up and left.

"...What an ignorant bastard!"

Luo Sha's face was livid after being bullied, and after Xie walked away, he cursed in a low voice, and then walked away, continuing to "heart-to-heart" with the other Sha Yin Shangnin.


Scorpion's puppet has a specially installed heating boiler, which can emit body temperature of human body temperature, but even so, Scorpion's heart is still extremely cold.

Both his parents and grandma fell in the hands of Konoha Ninja during the Second Ninja World War, which was a very heavy blow to him.

Even though he combined all his skills to create two puppets called "Father and Mother", this still couldn't make up for the nostalgia for his parents and the resentment towards Konoha Ninja in his heart.

His parents and grandma Chiyo died indirectly or directly under the soldiers of Uchiha Tokumitsu and Hatake Sakumo.

"Scorpion ninja~"

Sand hidden Chunin Yura ran over.

"what's up?"

Scorpion stopped and asked indifferently.

"The materials you ordered to purchase last time have arrived~"

Yura Chuo-nin nodded and said with a bow.

"give me……"

Scorpion manipulated the puppet "Father" to stretch out his left hand.

"Okay~ Here are the puppet materials you need~"

Yura immediately took out a scroll and put it on the arm of the puppet "father".

"United company?!"

When Xie Yi saw the round fan logo on the sealing scroll, he immediately frowned, and said displeasedly: "You gave the money to the United Company? Let those guys go to buy it?!"

"Scorpion Shinobi... The chakra metal and special alloys you need can only be purchased through the joint company's channel..."

Yu Liang quickly explained: "And now even the black market strongholds have been wiped out, even if I want to find other channels, I can't help it..."


Xie snorted coldly, and walked away without further arguing with Yu Liang, his subordinate.

"...Your boss doesn't seem to be very talkative?"

After Scorpion walked away, an Uchiha ninja came over and hooked Yura's shoulders.

"This... Scorpion Shinobi is a little indifferent."

Yura replied with an awkward smile.

He is also embarrassed to say that Scorpio's attitude is so bad, because the hatred for the Uchiha clan is still difficult to eliminate.

"By the way, you are about to be promoted to Special Jonin, right? Why do you humiliate yourself so humiliatingly to such a declining high-ranking disciple?"

The Uchiha ninja secretly fanned the flames.

"No way... I'm just a commoner who doesn't even have a surname..."

Yura sighed helplessly.

"Sha Yin actually values ​​his background so much, I really didn't expect..."

Uchiha Ninja was amazed, "Let's go, let's go to the training ground to have fun!"

Then he dragged Yuliang, who was half-pushed and half-resigned on the surface, but 1 willing in his heart, to the training ground.

Standing in the command post and seeing such a "friendly and friendly" picture, Luo Sha couldn't help showing a satisfied smile on his face.

 I have to work overtime tonight to complete the acceptance inspection for subsequent settlement, and resume double updates tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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