Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 347 Honors and Infiltration

Chapter 347 Honors and Infiltration

Konoha 40 years.

New Year.

The leader of the joint anti-terrorist force, Luo Sha Shangren, from the border of the southern part of the country of Takino, and his party arrived at Konoha New District, and went through the check-in procedures at the guest house under the leadership of the staff of the Konoha Government Affairs Department. A food map of Konoha attractions.

"It's so easy to disclose the layout of the village to outsiders. Don't you worry about leaking secrets?"

Sitting in the luxurious reception hall apartment, Luo Sha flipped through the map back and forth, looking at the extremely clearly marked Konoha scenic spots and food guides, and couldn't help being amazed.

"Captain Luo Sha, even without this map, wouldn't Sand Yin or other ninja villages not understand Konoha's village layout?"

His subordinate Uchiha Ishihiro explained: "So, anyway, the major ninja villages already know about it, so there is no need to continue to cover up such trivial matters."

"...But in my opinion, in the final analysis, Konoha's sense of secrecy is not strong."

Yura Special Jominin, who was born in Shayin, shook his head and said, "If I were the counterintelligence director of Konoha's internal affairs department, I would definitely not let other villages know about Konoha's inside story."

"Do you know how many people flow into Konoha a day?"

Uchiha Ishihito pointed to the street outside the window and said: "Now the village has only built the first phase of the new district, but the new district has received as many as 3 foreign merchants every day, and the village has almost the same number of people pouring in. In such a situation Now, it’s really unnecessary to keep some worthless low-level information.”

"It doesn't feel good to let so many people enter Ninja Village..."

Yura shrugged, but still insisted on his own point of view: "After all, Ninja Village is mainly military-oriented, but now it ignores intelligence work for commercial interests. I always feel..."

"If this is not the case, how can the Governor's Mansion support such a large number of full-time standing ninja troops?"

"Also, especially the salaries, allowances, etc. of our anti-terrorist forces are far beyond the benefits that can be obtained from performing tasks!"

"Isn't the Kingdom of Fire still famous? Tell him to allocate funds~"

Yura said so.

"Big name..."

Uchiha Ishihiro snorted, but did not continue to defend.

"Disclosing the layout of the village to the public reflects Konoha's confidence."

Yura was about to say something more, but was interrupted by Luo Sha, "With Konoha's current strength, even if other ninja villages know the layout of each district in the village, so what? Is it possible that the ninja world is so big, who else can break into it? Konoha headquarters?"

"But our village..."

Yura scratched his head.

Although Sagakushi turned the village into a country, the headquarters of Ninja Village is still closed to the outside world, and it has not changed because the third Kazekage became the ruling country of the country of wind.

Luo Sha didn't continue to say anything.

After all, he is also embarrassed to say that Sha Yin is too backward to show it to the public, right?
"By the way~Captain, I found out about your honorary title at this award ceremony."

Uchiha Ishihiro clapped his right hand, as if he suddenly remembered something.

"Is there a special title? Tell me~"

Yura immediately became interested.

"Needless to say, anyway, we will know when the time comes."

After Luo Sha finished speaking, he got up and went into the bedroom to rest, leaving only the two subordinates looking at each other, puzzled.

"Captain, what's wrong..."

Yura asked in a low voice.

"Forget it... it's better for us not to ask."

Although Uchiha Ishihiro also couldn't figure it out, he came from a wealthy family after all, and his identity was very special, so he didn't continue to talk about the privacy of his boss.

"Let's go, let's go to the commercial street in the new district. It is said that as long as you have money, you can buy everything there~"



Sensing that the two subordinates had left the guest house, Luo Sha couldn't help but sigh.

He arrived in Konoha this time to participate in the honor ceremony held by the Governor's Palace.

As for the nearly [-] detachment leaders of the Joint Anti-Terrorist Force, there were only three spots, and Commander Uchiha Shiina allocated one spot to him.

He has only been in the joint anti-terrorist force for a few months, and he can get the same opportunity as those noble-born Konoha ninjas to be on the honorary platform of the Governor's Mansion. To be honest, this is indeed a feeling that Luo Sha A proud honor.

However, ever since Luo Sha joined the joint anti-terrorist force, all kinds of gossip from the Land of Winds has never stopped.

Especially after Scorpion was deported back to the village because his psychological condition was not suitable for the anti-terrorist force, various accusations such as "climbing to Konoha", "a villain who danced for Uchiha", "betrayal from Sand Hidden" and so on were rampant and spread all over the place. The entire country of the wind and even the joint anti-terrorism force.

His boss, Uchiha Shiina, even talked to Luo Sha specifically because of this, and advised him not to care about those rumors, and said that he planned to let Konoha post a message to Sandei to let Sandai Kazekage come forward to stop the spread of rumors, etc., but Luo Sha After thinking about it, I finally declined Uchiha Shiina's "kindness".

If it weren't for the fact that Luo Sha joined the joint anti-terrorist force because of the appointment of Sandai Kazekage, even he himself might have believed those rumors that came from nowhere.

And now after accepting the honor from Konoha Governor's Mansion, Luo Sha doesn't know how the non-Uchiha "red-eyed monsters" in the village will arrange him.

"...Why is it so difficult to do something practical?"

Luo Sha sighed again.


"Master Deguang, this is the award report finalized by the Ministry of Government Affairs and the Ministry of Internal Affairs."

A squire ninja enters Uchiha Tokumitsu's office, presenting a document with both hands.

"Put it on the stage first."

Uchiha Tokumitsu was reviewing the special snake medicine project that Orochimaru was in charge of, so he responded casually.

I have to say that Orochimaru is indeed a rare talent.

As the saying goes, Wen Neng can carry a flask, and Wu Neng can be a sandbag; Da She Wan not only has decent personal strength, but also has excellent scientific research ability. He doesn't even complain about the enhanced version of snake medicine that is specially designed to restrain Ninja Snake. His scientific research funding can drive him to work hard.

And for a high-quality employee like this, he only needs to pay money and turn a blind eye to some of his inhuman research. In this way, the price/performance ratio is really unbeatable.

"Let the joint company conduct trial production!"

After Uchiha Deguang read it, he signed his opinion in the snake medicine research report.

Then came the list of awards just reported by the attendant ninja.

This award ceremony was suggested by Sakumo Hatake and supplemented by Tokumitsu Uchiha.

Originally, Hatake Sakumo just proposed to commend some meritorious ninjas in the village to further win people's hearts, but Uchiha Tokumitsu expanded it, changed the commendation to honors, and expanded the object-oriented to Konoha and even the shogunate-related forces go.

Therefore, nearly ten people from the traditionally friendly Ninja Village, including Wuyin, Sandyin, Kusanagi, and Urenin, have also received the honor of this time.

Uchiha Tokumitsu's only concern is Sand Hidden.

"Luo Sha..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu turned to the corresponding character profile file and read it through again.

For a long time, the shogunate has never stopped infiltrating the ninja villages such as sand hidden and rain ninja.

In the early days, Yuren mainly adopted the method of hiring and fighting. Later, with the joining of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the shogunate began to innovate in the education of the original roots, and adopted methods including but not limited to providing funds, private stocks, and opportunities for children to study abroad. Yuren internally supports a group of "revolutionary" ninjas who are dedicated to the shogunate and are dedicated to being "naked ninja".

The shogunate’s infiltration operations have achieved good results in Urenin Village. Even Sanshoyu Hanzo was helpless in the face of the current situation where the middle and upper levels of the village unanimously fell in love with the shogunate. Now he has chosen to lie flat and start enjoying the dividends brought by the joint company, but Sand The progress on the implicit side has been unsatisfactory due to the particularity of its country.

But as Sand Yin began to send ninjas to join the joint anti-terrorist force, Uchiha Tokumitsu found an excellent candidate, and that was Luo Sha.

As the only magnetic escape ninja besides the contemporary Kazekage, although Rasa is regarded as the successor of the next generation of Kazekage by the commoner ninjas of Sandin, the high-level officials of Sandin have always had some indescribable prejudice against him.

Especially after turning the village into a country and completely mastering the country of the wind, some of the high-level officials of Sha Yin are committed to changing the original power inheritance structure, intending to establish a hereditary inheritance of "one thousand generations", so it is also powerful for the next generation of Kazekage. Luo Sha, a competitor, is not pleasing to the eye.

As for the Kazekage candidate that the high-level officials of Sand Hidden intend to support, it is another figure familiar to Uchiha Tokumitsu-Scorpion.

But Scorpion's shortcomings, such as indifference, lack of common sense, lack of foundation, lack of supporters, etc., are all advantages in the eyes of those high-level people who try to support him-as Fengying, he should delegate power and rule , Just leave the common affairs to them laymen.

It has to be said that, as the poorest ninja village among the five ninja villages, although Sayin has always been known for his fierceness, he always has a little bit of pettiness in essence.Even Sagakushi's ninja giants, compared with Uchiha, Senju, and Hyuga, are simply native chickens in a mountain nest, and there is really no respect at all.

Therefore, it is precisely this group of Shayin clansmen who feel inferior to the Konoha clan who are jealous of the power possessed by the Konoha clan, so they gather together and form the Sayin die-hard faction under the banner of "Sayin Priority". .

In addition, the diehard executives of Sand Hidden also feel that the joint company’s operation of the oasis in the Land of Winds is actually an infringement of the Land of Winds and Sand Hidden’s sovereignty, and they have been advocating to resist Konoha in front of the three generations of Kaze Shadow and Wind Land As well as the infiltration of the shogunate forces, some people even advocate reconciliation with the Northern Alliance of Yan Yin Yunyin and choose to be a third-party force in the ninja world.

However, Sandai Kazekage weighed the pros and cons, especially after seeing the perennial losses of the oasis managed by the diehard sand hidden ninjas, and finally rejected the diehards' proposal not very firmly.

No matter what happens to the joint company, they will always be the creators of value, and the diehards of Sand Hidden, apart from exploiting the already poor civilians of the Land of Winds by killing people, are simply savvy about construction.

Although the joint company is the white glove of the Uchiha clan, the benefits he brings are irresistible to the third generation of Kazekage; especially after hanging the street lamps collectively by the nobles and nobles, the already barren and backward country of the wind can no longer find it. Appropriate business talents.

However, the Three Generations of Kazekage did not fail to see the hidden dangers that would be brought about by allowing the United Corporation to operate unimpeded in the Land of Winds, but it was just that they could not find a good solution for a while.

"The anti-union company will go bankrupt immediately, and the non-anti-union company will die slowly; but I ask you, whether it is anti-union or not!"

According to a Shayin Jominin who did not want to be named, Sandai Kazekage once said such a sentence in a high-level secret meeting.

Therefore, although Uchiha Tokumitsu was not willing to overthrow the rule of the "old friend" three generations of Kazekage in the Land of Wind, he began to search for and support the spokesperson within Sand Hidden without any psychological burden.

Uchiha Tokumitsu first signed his opinion in the award report, then rang the bell on the table to recruit the attendant ninja, and took out Luo Sha's information separately and handed it to him.

"Let me know with Shuo Maojun, and he will award Luo Sha the honor at that time."

 Update today (1/2)

(End of this chapter)

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