Chapter 349
Uchiha Shisui's eyes filled with tears, feeling that the gloomy life finally appeared dawn!

His teacher, Tokumitsu Uchiha, finally let him go and let him end his so-called "taijutsu" practice!

Moreover, he was given a chance to join the red reserve team on the battlefield!

The inner grievances, the accumulated anger, the extreme shame, and the boiling pupil power finally have an outlet to vent!
Although Uchiha Shisui has always thought of himself as a person who loves peace and is not good at fighting, except this time, he can't wait to fly away from Konoha immediately, go to the country of birds and join in the fight against the aliens that invaded Ryuji Cave and Mt. Myogi. During the battle, use bloody and crazy killings to numb your nerves!
Otherwise, the gloomy negative emotions during the period of Maite Dai's "physical training" will soon overwhelm him!

"Go and relax. After all, Uchiha belongs to the battlefield. Only blood and fire are the best way for the clansmen to break through themselves."

With a smile on his face, Uchiha Deguang patted the head apprentice on the shoulder and encouraged him.

"I will!"

Uchiha Shisui was eager to try, "Teacher... can I go to the battlefield in advance?"

In a short time, Uchiha Shisui no longer intends to appear in Konoha.He hopes to stay out until rumors of the so-called "rare-beast duo" subside before returning.

"You should understand the significance of this eradication campaign..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said meaningfully.

"I will definitely abide by the ninja discipline!"

Uchiha Shisui hurriedly begged: "Teacher! As long as I don't continue to show my face in the village, I will listen to you!"



Uchiha Shisui almost swore to the sky.

"Then the first team of the red reserve team should be transferred to the western border defense force in advance."

Uchiha Tokumitsu looked at the combat readiness planning document, and then said: "It just so happens that I plan to let Brother Fuyue take over as the commander of the western frontier army. Since you asked to leave the village as soon as possible... then go with the army in the name of the accompanying adjutant. .”

"Adjutant... so good!"

Uchiha Shisui was overjoyed and nodded repeatedly.

"...Do you understand the adjutant's responsibilities?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu asked with a chuckle.

"General affairs and security guards?"

Uchiha Shisui said tentatively.

"It's to watch over Brother Fuyue... don't let him have a chance to make his own decisions."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said in a low voice, then patted Shisui's chest with a stack of battle plans, then patted his shoulder, and said, "Look carefully, and then make things more beautiful!"

"Follow orders!"

Uchiha Shisui immediately straightened his chest and blushed to accept the sacred mission entrusted by the teacher, and then strode away with the lofty ambition of the secret front fighter "Four No Spirits".

"Come out~ Brother Fu Yue."

After Uchiha Shisui left, Uchiha Tokumitsu yelled towards the office cubicle.


Uchiha Fugaku sighed and pushed the door out of the cubicle, "Tokumitsu-kun~ You use me as a cover like this, I think Shisui is going to stare at me to death."

"If he doesn't stare, will the Sifang patriarch let you go to the front line?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu asked with a smile.

"...that's true."

Uchiha Fugaku was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and smiled wryly.

"Don't worry, although Shisui is stubborn, he is not the kind of person who likes to make his own opinions, and it is just for him to follow the army to see what it is like to fight with the ninja army..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu took out a scroll from the drawer and handed it to Uchiha Fugaku, "This scroll contains Nekomata's psychic skills. If there is any situation, you can tear the scroll directly, and Catmata will decide whether to use it according to the situation. Summon me there by reverse necromancy."

"This is too cautious..."

Although Uchiha Tokugaku felt that Uchiha Tokumitsu was making a big fuss, he still took the scroll and put it away with him.

"You can't be too cautious..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu sighed slightly, "According to the report of the day difference, there may be as many as [-] ninjas in the secret base of the Akatsuki organization..."

"There are less than 3000 ninja troops dispatched this time..."

Uchiha Fugaku's face was a little dignified.

"There's no way, we should try our best not to startle the snake..."

Tokumitsu Uchiha picked up the pen and prepared to continue processing the documents, "In addition, I also notified Sanshoyu Hanzo that after you lead your troops northward, he will be transferred to the east of Bird Country to confront Iwagakure in the name of support. If there is a stalemate in the battle with those aliens, I will let him come to help."

"I hope you don't have to trouble Mr. Hanzo..."

Uchiha Fugaku immediately got up and saluted, resigned and left.


"Xiao Organization..."

After Uchiha Fugaku left, Uchiha Tokumitsu, who was still a little upset in his heart, signed and approved a few documents casually, then dropped his pen, rubbed his eyes, got up and paced back and forth.

Tokumitsu Uchiha always feels a little magical.

To be honest, if it wasn’t for the fact that Hinata Hinata had repeatedly ventured close to reconnaissance with blank eyes, determined the location of the Akatsuki organization’s base and drew a part of the underground passage structure diagram, Uchiha Tokumitsu would not have believed the traces of the Akatsuki organization The intelligence turned out to be one of its early members who took the initiative to report.

As for the battle between the three thousand ninja army and the three thousand aliens, Tokumitsu Uchiha has no worries about the grassroots ninja army combat. The only worry is how many strong people such as Fukasaku Senjin exist in the base of the Akatsuki organization.

In addition, according to the calculations of the sealing class, the large-scale sealing enchantment that will be arranged at that time will also be invalid below certain depths, so if there is still a psychic circle under the secret base of the Xiao organization, it will not only be impossible to cut off the aliens. Theoretically, the reinforcements of the Xiao organization base will also be unlimited, so this battle is very likely to evolve into a protracted see-saw battle.

And this kind of battle is also the bloodiest and cruelest.

Uchiha Tokumitsu and Hatake Sakumo have gone through many deduction, but the final decision is to go directly to the battle with thousands of ninja troops, and then deploy more ninja troops to mobilize support as needed.

Although the reinforcement speed of the ninja army in the rear is not comparable to that of Mt. Miaogi and Ryūchi Cave, which are teleported by psychic magic circles, it will not make the ninja army who played in the first round into a state of isolation and helplessness.


"Staff Xingping, you can lead the No. 12 detachment No. [-] to the eastern part of the Land of Rain tomorrow."

In the Fire Gate Shogunate far away in the Land of Grass, Uchiha Fire Gate immediately issued an order to Nara Shinpei, Chief of Staff of the Northwest Frontier Army, after receiving the military order from the Governor's Office.

"Ten detachments..."

Although Nara Shinpei was a little surprised, he immediately carried out the commander's order.

Uchiha Tokumitsu's order only asked him to assemble more than 1000 ninja troops to garrison the land of rain. In addition, he asked him to create some conflicts at the border of the grass country and Yanyin. He didn't say much else, but Uchiha fire With his rather keen political sense, the door discovered the abnormality of this military order.

Therefore, after some consideration, Uchiha Fire Gate decided to recruit the direct ninja army of the headquarters instead of recruiting the weak vassal ninjas of Kusanagi Village.

"There shouldn't be a war..."

Although the military order was faithfully carried out, Uchiha Homon was still a little puzzled.


"Konoha and Iwagakure started a border conflict?"

Two days later, at the secret base of the Akatsuki organization in the country of birds, Jiraiya also received information from Ninja.

"Yes, but the scale is not large, and the two sides have not died in battle, and they are currently only in a confrontation."

Hatosuke, Akatsuki's operations assistant, replied respectfully.

He was not born as a disciple of Jiraiya, but just one of the orphans gathered by Yahiko Kominami and his aptitude, so he has always been ignored.

Naturally, his true inner thoughts were never taken seriously by others.

For example, after his female partner was swallowed by a giant snake in Longdi Cave, he once cried and begged for justice, but in the end there was no more news.

Therefore, Jiusuke also gave up.

As for the various Wei Guangzheng goals of the Xiao organization, in his eyes, they have all become extremely hypocritical frauds.

In addition, since he was in charge of the operation planning, the snake-like psychic beasts in Longdi Cave have often committed tragedies such as destroying villages and eating people, and this kind of tragedies also reminded Jiusuke of the scene where his female companion died tragically in Shekou .

Although the various sub-bases of the Akatsuki organization are often located in remote places, even if the massacre of villages occurred, they would not be discovered by the joint anti-terrorism force, but after being processed by the assistants who were responsible for erasing the traces of the operation, some specially strengthened intelligence information became available. It was quickly discovered by the reconnaissance team of the joint anti-terrorism force, and multiple sub-bases were destroyed according to the guidelines.

And Jiraiya, based on Hatosuke's words, still believes that the existence of the base was exposed because the giant snake in Ryudi Cave acted without obeying orders.


Jiraiya frowned, looking at Kusuke who suddenly lost his mind for some reason.

"Ah! Master Jiraiya! I'm listening!"

Jiuzhu's body trembled, and he quickly came back to his senses.

"...Forget it, you can take a few days off and go out to relax."

Jiraiya also checked Hatosuke's expression, although he felt a little flustered, he didn't feel anything unusual, so he said something that made Hatosuke feel excited and inexplicable.

"Then... Master Jiraiya, can I go for a walk in the town?"

Hatosuke asked cautiously.

"I understand! You want to go to the restaurant, don't you~ I understand!"

Jiraiya immediately showed an expression of "knowing everything", patted Jiusuke's shoulder with a smile on his face and said, "Go, go, play, but don't get addicted!"

Thank you again and again.

"You've finally come out~ that's good!"

Zilai also sighed again.

Hearing this, Jiuzhu only trembled his fingers slightly, but there was nothing unusual on his face.

It was only after returning to the cave where he lived that his face quickly turned cold.

"Come out..."

A series of deliberately suppressed sneers sounded in the damp and cold cave.

 Update today (1/2)

(End of this chapter)

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