Chapter 350
"Is Konoha really going to fight Yan Yin?"

After Hatosuke was on leave, since there were not many normal humans in the Akatsuki organization, Jiraiya had no choice but to temporarily undertake the intelligence analysis and archiving work himself.

It's just that I don't know if it's because of the temporary takeover, and Zilai always feels that this conflict came a bit suddenly.

"Three incidents occurred on the border of the country of grass, and five incidents occurred on the border of the country of rain..."

After bringing together all the recent border conflicts between the two countries, Zilai also discovered a pattern.

That is, border conflicts are spreading from west to east, and the scale of conflicts is getting bigger and bigger.

In the most recent border conflict in the Kingdom of Rain, more than a hundred people fought in martial arts, and there were no fewer than ten casualties on the side of Rain Ninja.

And the Huomen shogunate of the Country of Grass deployed thousands of ninja troops overnight to the Country of Rain, which restrained Iwagakure who was about to move.

Although he failed to obtain relevant information from Konoha Ninja, who was extremely good at countering espionage, Jiraiya also obtained side information from Iwagakushi.

Yan Yin was also becoming restless due to the sudden conflict, and the main combat faction and the main peace faction began to quarrel.

What's more, based on Jiraiya's understanding of Onogi, this stubborn old man would not be willing to lower his face and cater to the younger generations of Uchiha Tokumitsu or Hatake Sakumo to do something that is not there.

In addition, Konoha has not only shown no signs of mobilization, but has begun to attract artists from all over the ninja world to Konoha to participate in the so-called "anniversary festival". Weird remarks such as "Yu University" and "the prosperity of the shogunate".

Even within Konoha, there is no concern about the ever-expanding border conflicts.

Therefore, Jiraiya also made judgments based on previous cognitions, thinking that this series of conflicts was actually a reason for the shogunate rebels to cover up people's eyes and eyes and use the chaos as an opportunity to take over power. Maybe after a while Uchiha Tokumitsu himself It is not surprising that the name is the new generation of Hokage.

Therefore, this should not be a targeted double play.

Moreover, Yanyin is not a good bird. They and the shogunate dog bite the dog are a good benefit for the Akatsuki organization.

After a round of fierce analysis, Jiraiya also came to the above conclusion.

"It's a pity that there are no capable personnel to sow discord... Otherwise, it would be a good thing for the shogunate to go to war with Yan Yin!"

Jilai also said to himself with some regrets.

Then he put the intelligence documents aside, turned out his notebook and started "artistic creation".

This is also a rare masturbating hobby for Jiraiya, who is always with other people.


"You gentlemen!"

Standing on the high platform of the training ground of the Western Border Defense Force, Uchiha Togatake shouted majesticly towards the more than two thousand ninja soldiers assembled below.

"The corrupt and incompetent Yan Yin in the north dared to confront my brave and invincible Konoha, and even provoked border conflicts, causing casualties to allies. This is a naked provocation to Konoha!"

"According to the order of the Governor's Mansion and the Senate and the House of Representatives—today, the western frontier troops will move northward and drive straight into the territory of the Bird Country, so that mere Yanyin can see the consequences of daring to provoke Konoha!"


The ninja soldiers at the training ground shouted loudly.

"This time going north, we must make all-out preparations as if we were going to battle..."

Although he did not disclose the true purpose of going north to the country of birds, Uchiha Fugaku still strictly asked his ninja army to prepare for war in a wartime state.

Uchiha Shisui sneaked out of the cheat sheet to look at it, and confirmed that Uchiha Fugaku's words did not deviate from the scope of the battle plan, and then continued to stand there pretending to be nonchalant.

"...I wish you all—long-lasting martial arts!"

Uchiha Fugaku pulled out the tachi from his waist, and swung his fingers diagonally towards the north.

"Wan Sheng!"

More than two thousand ninja soldiers pulled out their weapons at the same time, shouting loudly.

Immediately, under the leadership of their respective Jonin, they filed out from the training ground and marched towards the north.

"...Lands and prohibitions, strict and orderly! You are indeed the invincible Konoha Ninja Army in the ninja world!"

It was the first time for Uchiha Shisui to see the majestic appearance of the ninja army, and he couldn't help being fascinated by it.

"War is cruel..."

Uchiha Fugaku had already been entrusted by Uchiha Tokumitsu in advance, so he didn't mind teaching this young junior a lesson, "During the Ninja World War, the ninja army of the other four major ninja villages will not be better than this one. The army is poor, but we are the final victors, why do you think this is?"

"... Konoha ninjas are numerous?"

Uchiha Shisui thought for a while, and said the first guess.

Uchiha Fuyue shook his head.

"Is that because we are sincerely united?"

"In terms of united ninja world, there is no ninja village that can compare with Yan Yin."

Uchiha Fugaku continued to shake his head.


Uchiha Shisui said many reasons in a row, but Uchiha Fugaku did not agree.

"...Then why did the village win the final victory?"

"It's because of us."

Uchiha Fugaku patted the junior on the shoulder, "Because Konoha has Uchiha, Konoha had the last laugh."

Uchiha Shisui habitually planned to refute, but after thinking about it, he nodded in deep agreement.

"It was Mr. Deguang who created the prosperous age where the family is now able to rule Konoha. As his first disciple, you need to be self-conscious and enlightened. Do you understand..."

Uchiha Fugaku also saw that Shisui was hesitant to speak just now, so he dialed again.

"I understand……"

Uchiha Shisui nodded in response.

"Whether you are a radical or a conservative, in the eyes of Mr. Deguang, you are all compatriots of the same clan. I hope you will not disappoint his high expectations for you."

Uchiha Fugaku patted Shisui's shoulder again, and immediately got up, rushed to the forefront of the ninja army's march, and led his subordinates to march towards the north.

"A family..."

Uchiha Shisui muttered to himself in a daze.

He also found the problem.

There is no shortage of various battle histories and case analyzes of the Second Ninja World War within the Uchiha clan, and he has read them countless times.

But when asked about the fundamental reason that determined the trend of the war, I couldn't help avoiding the family factor...

However, the Uchiha clan did not participate deeply and did not have Uchiha Tokumitsu's first ninja war, but it ended with the loss of the Senju clan...

Faced with such outstanding martial arts achievements, I was still subconsciously looking for some reasons to try to explain where the victory came from...

"What's wrong with me?"

Uchiha Shisui laughed at himself, then covered his face, "What happened to me in the past?"



Panting, Xiaonan rushed into the cave where Jiraiya lived, with a look of panic on his sweaty little face.

"what happened?"

Jiraiya also took advantage of the opportunity to put away the notebook he was still writing in, and asked nonchalantly.

"Ninja Army... Konoha's Ninja Army..."

In desperation, Xiao Nan stuttered a little.


After fiddling for a while, Xiao Nanbi saw that the teacher was still confused, so he simply handed over the original text of the information.

Jilai also took a look at the information, and then his face became serious.

"More than two thousand ninja troops..."

This is close to the number of people dispatched by the whole staff.

However, after Konoha and Sand Yin achieved reconciliation, the western border defense forces did not have the pressure to deploy their defenses, so it is normal to make such a big fanfare.

"The country of the target bird is pressing on Yan Yin..."

This is where the soldiers are pointing directly at the general base!

Now I can't sit still.

Although according to previous judgments, Jiraiya still believes that this is just a manifestation of the intensification of the conflict between the shogunate and Iwahime, just like the border conflict spreading from west to east, the current situation is just a coincidence.

But even so, Zilai was still a little apprehensive.

"...Teacher, should we hurry up and evacuate?"

Xiao Nan saw that Jiraiya's face was cloudy and uncertain, so he couldn't help timidly tugging at the corner of his clothes, and asked in a low voice reluctantly.

Since leaving the Land of Rain, she and her friends have wandered around the ninja world under the guidance of their teacher, and now they have finally settled down a little bit.

Although the secret base that never sees the sun is dark and damp, filled with all kinds of frogs and snakes that she doesn't like, but compared with the wandering time, Xiao Nan prefers to stay in the small world of the cave to entertain herself.

It's just that although she is young, she also understands that the organization she belongs to is not tolerated by the most powerful Konoha in the ninja world. Now Konoha Ninja Army is going north, and the intention is unknown, so she can't help but think about it...


As a teacher, Jiraiya also understands the minds of his disciples.

Lovingly rubbing Xiaonan's blue-purple hair, Zilai also comforted him: "They are just passing by, we just don't go out for a few days."


Xiao Nan nodded obediently, seeming to feel relieved.

"By the way, you inform Hatosuke that you don't have to come back for the time being, and pay attention to the situation of Konoha Ninja Army in the border town..."

Zilai also thought about it, and then added something.


Xiao Nan replied crisply, then bounced away.


At the beginning of the establishment of the secret base, Jiraiya also considered the existence of the white-eyed ninja, so he also asked the two holy places for advice, and then got the hidden spell of Ryuji Cave.

After activating the spell, even the white eyes of the Hyuga clan could only see layers of rocks, but could not spy on the secret base of the hollowed out hill.

When the Konoha Ninja Army heading north crossed the mountain range where the base was located and headed straight for the border of the Land of Earth, Jiraiya was relieved.

After doing all kinds of reconnaissance and making sure everything was safe, Jiraiya let Ichikijima Hime of Ryūji Cave take back the concealed enchantment of the spell, but he still strictly controlled the ninja frogs and snakes in the base to go out, and even sent back information from all over the ninja world. Also temporarily stopped.

Facing the menacing Konoha ninja army, Iwagakure also felt anxious. Tsuchikage Ohnoki rejected the request from the four-tailed Jinchuriki to fight, and not only withdrew all the garrisoned Iwagakure in the territory of the Bird Country, but even deployed them at the border. The ninja army also retreated ten miles to avoid more serious conflicts.

Later, a partial mobilization was announced within the village, and a group of Yanyin was assembled to wait for it. Finally, an envoy was sent to Konoha in the name of congratulating the [-]th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two villages, in an attempt to ease the confrontation between the two sides.

Jiraiya, who secretly sneaked out of the base and arrived at the town where the Konoha Ninja Army was located to reconnaissance intelligence, also finally relaxed completely after learning about Iwagakure's movements.

It does seem to be a coincidence...

 Update today (2/2)

(End of this chapter)

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