Chapter 351
The main and deputy envoys of Iwakage who arrived in Konoha as messengers are the guardian of Tsuchikage, Akatsuki who is known as the "shield of Tsuchikage", and the elite of Iwakage, the Shinobi Toshito.

This is also Onoki's helpless move.

Although Chitu is regarded as a respectable status as a guardian of Tukage, he has never had a reputation in the outside world. It will neither be rude nor make Konoha feel neglected to let him serve as an envoy; They all have their own positions and cannot get away, and this also reflects a problem that makes Ohnoki sleepless and sleepy-Iwagakushi's next generation of Tukage is no one to say, even the upper ninjas have a certain fault.

As for the well-known jonin, either they were defeated by Uchiha Tokumitsu in the war, or they had unclear connections with the joint company, so letting them serve as envoys is simply embarrassing themselves.

"When can we meet His Excellency the Governor-General or Mr. Somao?"

When Konoha's ninja from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs took him to the New District Guest House, the envoy Yan Yin couldn't help asking: "We are the envoys of Master Tukage, why can't we meet with the two adults of Guicun as soon as possible?"

"Messengers, Master Deguang and Master Shuo Mao are busy with their affairs, especially the anniversary ceremony of the establishment of the village is about to be held recently, so there is no time to spare..."

"Of course, if the two adults are free and willing to meet you, we will naturally arrange it immediately~"

With a polite smile on his face, the ninja of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said politely.

Dong Siren was about to yell at him, but luckily he was stopped by Chi Tu, who was somewhat politically savvy.

"In that case..."

Chi Tu thought for a while, and felt that it was meaningless to stay, so he found a compromise method: "Do the four presidents of the Senate have any free time, if possible..."

"Master Quartet should be free, but the specific schedule needs to be confirmed with the Senate Office, and then contact the two messengers to confirm."

The ninja of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs hesitated for a moment, and finally let go.

Chi Tu and Dong Siren also breathed a sigh of relief.

"The chairman of the Senate is the patriarch of the Uchiha clan. He is in charge of the ninja affairs of the Konoha clan. He is also considered a high-ranking authority. His status may still be higher than that of Hatake Sakumo. When talking with him, be careful not to mention military affairs and borders Conflict, everything else can be discussed."

After the ninja from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs left, Chi Tu, who was worried about Zhong Zhong, said this to Dong Shiren.

"Why is that?"

East dead people are a little strange.

"Because it is Uchiha Deguang's reverse scale."


The envoys of Yan Yin's "Knowing Sect" are constantly meeting with people from all walks of life in Konoha, trying to find out Konoha's true intentions, Hatake Sakumo has already arrived at the border of the Land of Rain, and the anti-terrorist force, the Fire Gate Shogunate Ninja Army who secretly assembled meet.

Even at this time, except for the ninja army serving as jonin, the Konoha ninjas at the grassroots level still have not received specific combat orders.

Although the Urenin army led by Sanshoyu Hanzo did not know their combat objectives, this did not hinder their eagerness to try.

Yan Yin's initiative was interpreted by the Urenin as a fear of war, and they regarded it as the mighty power of themselves and their allies and publicized it.

Neither Hatake Sakumo nor Sanshoyu Hanzo intended to curb the optimism of their subordinates, and even deliberately promoted it to create the illusion that the Konoha Allied Forces were intending to hide in the rock, thereby paralyzing the soldiers lurking in the territory of Bird Country. The secret base of the Akatsuki organization.

"When will Deguang-jun come over?"

After discussing the concealment and mobilization of the Ninja Army, Sanshoyu Hanzo asked Hatake Sakumo.

"He will directly arrive at the army of the Western Border Defense Force, and then take over the ninja army and take the Akatsuki organization base."

Hatake Sakumo said: "And he will attack in advance."

"Since that's the case, why do you need to gather so many ninja troops?"

Sanshoyu Hanzo asked in a buzzing voice.

"in case."

Hatake Sakumo replied.


"Notify the ministries in charge of Jonin, distribute the battle plan to them, and then the ninja army will go south in a state of withdrawal."

After receiving the information from the ninja cat clan, Uchiha Fugaku ordered his adjutant Uchiha Shisui: "Also, let the sealing class gather through reverse spiritualism!"

"As ordered!"

Uchiha Shisui immediately took the order to inform the ministries.

"Alien elimination..."

Although it didn't take long to take over the western border defense force, Uchiha Fugaku felt very happy here and didn't think about Konoha.

Although during the Second Ninja World War, he also served in the northern border defense force, but at that time he was only the deputy commander of several detachments, and his subordinates were only family ninjas, and he did not enjoy the feeling of being in control.

After returning to the village after the war, Uchiha Fugaku worked in the police department successively. Although he has made steady progress all the way, compared with the high positions and powers that lead one party today, he is still a bit more interesting.

"External release is really a good thing... It seems that we should try our best to show command in order to stabilize our position!"

Uchiha Tomigaku licked his lips, making a decision against his father's will.


The Western Border Defense Force, under the leadership of Jonin in charge of various ministries, "evacuated" to the south one by one based on the detachment system, while Yan Yin in the north and the secret intelligence frog of the Akatsuki organization were watching the actions of the ninja army.

Yan Yin, who was originally worried, suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that the envoy of the village sent Konoha to mediate successfully.

Zilai, who kept an eye on and analyzed the information sent back by the intelligence frog, was also disappointed.

"It didn't even start, it's really incompetent!"

Zilai also said with a somewhat resentful tone.

"The group of red eyes of the Uchiha clan, they say that the ninja world is all over the world, but in fact, all of them are cowards!"

"Yan Yin is even more trash!"

"The will to return the stone! Pooh!"

"Being bullied by Konoha, let alone fight back, I don't even have the courage to confront! Garbage!"

"Onoki is also a bastard! What kind of messengers are sent to mediate for no reason! He doesn't even have the courage to start a war, and he claims to be the strongest Tukage! A waste!"

Jilai also poured bottles of sake into his stomach, cursing endlessly.

Ichikijima Hime of Ryūji Cave was still hanging upside down above the cave, looking at Jiraiya who was drinking to relieve his worries with great interest.

"Nowadays, in the ninja world, only I, Ziraiya, is the real hero! I vow to fight the Uchiha clan to the end!"

After drinking the last bottle of sake on the table, Jiraiya shook the empty bottle in his hand and yelled at Ichikijima Hime.

"you're right."

Ichikishima Hime smiled, looking at Jiraiya as if looking at a peerless idiot.

"By the way, Longdi Cave is also one of the three holy places..."

Jilai also burped, and a fermented sour smell immediately permeated the cave.

"Then, is there any secret method in Tangtang Longdi Cave that can eliminate worries?"

"There is really no secret technique~"

Shikijima Hime chuckled, not caring about Jiraiya's sour smell, "We believe that the best way to get rid of troubles is not to argue with a fool about right and wrong, but to encourage him, support him, and make him a peerless fool , eat it in one last bite~"

"...I think what you said is wrong, it's still a bit one-sided."

Jiraiya shook his head and said: "For example, there are many factors that cause troubles, and many of them are long-distance irritants, especially Uchiha's pink eyes..."

"you're right!"

Ichikishima Hime smiled from ear to ear and nodded repeatedly, feeling that her IQ had reached an absolute height.

"It seems that there is a reason why the Holy Land is a Holy Land~ Even Ryuji Cave, at least with an open mind to learn from wise men~ That's very good!"

Jiraiya, who was drunk too much, continued to brag, not paying attention to Ichikijima Hime's mocking monkey-playing expression.

"Xiao Nan!"

Holding the wine bottle in his hand, he poured it into his mouth, drank the last few drops of wine, and then Zilai also shouted to the outside: "Bring the wine! Bring me my good wine! "

Upon hearing the news, Xiaonan hurried to the supplies warehouse and took out two buckets of sake and sent them over.


As soon as the curtain of the cave where Jiraiya lived was lifted, Xiao Nan was almost dizzy by the strong sour smell of alcohol and stomach.

After holding his breath and placing the sake under the table next to Jiraiya, Xiaonan didn't bother to persuade the teacher to drink less as usual, but just saluted Jiraiya and Ichikijima Hime who was hanging upside down above Then he fled away.

At this time, Konan felt that Hime Ichikijima was really powerful, but she still acted nonchalantly in such an environment.

"Children don't know much about etiquette yet, I hope Shen Ji doesn't mind..."

Jiraiya took out a bottle of sake, flicked the cork off with his thumb, poured half a glass into the glass, and began to sip carefully.

"How could it be~ I can't even love such a smart little girl!"

Ichikishima Hime smiled sweeter than honey.

Moreover, she also felt that there seemed to be a new type of blood-successor boundary-limiting power in Xiaonan's body that had never been seen before, and it was completely different from the chakra attributes of the five escapes.

Smart skin and tender meat must have a good taste!

Thinking of this, Hime Ichikijima couldn't help licking her lips.

"How about you make her my contractor?"

Shi Kujima Hime bewitched, "To help you complete the great cause, Ryudidong has abandoned the previous walker on the ground, but now I think this little girl is not bad, and I really like it..."

"And if I sign a psychic contract with her, not only can the Akatsuki organization better use the power of Ryūji Cave, but she will also have a better future~"

"Especially the contract will not hinder her disciple status..."

Ichikijima Hime gave it a call, but seeing that there was no response from Jilai, she thought it was an acquiescence, so she prepared to swim out of the cave.


Jilai, who had been shaking the wine bottle silently, also said suddenly.


Ichikijima Hime felt baffled.

"Longdi Cave is by no means a good place... The power created by endless devouring and killing each other is not suitable for Xiaonan..."

Zilai also shook his head.

Although his face was still full of alcohol, it did not affect his basic ability to judge at this time.

What's more, the charming power that Ichikijima Hime leaked intentionally or unintentionally when he spoke made him suddenly alert.

"If Ryujidong can abandon Orochimaru, it will also abandon other people in the future."

Jilai also burped, "Evil is evil after all, even if we cooperate, evil will not suddenly transform into justice and kindness!"

"...You say that, don't you worry that I will withdraw all the ninjas now!"

Ichikijima Hime no longer had the usual sweet smile on her face, she stared coldly at Jiraiya who started pouring wine into her mouth.

"You do not dare……"

Ji Lai also threw away the wine bottle in his hand, "The cooperation between the two holy places is the will of the two great immortals, how can you, a snake-faced alien like you, be able to shake it!"

"It's really interesting..."

Ichikishima Hime's expression immediately changed from cold to smiling, looking at Jiraiya who was full of justice.

"What you just said is actually saying that I am stupid, but I am too lazy to entangle with you..."

Zilai said indifferently: "But it doesn't matter, anyway, I won't lose anything by saying a word, just take it as a reward for Longdidong."

"But Xiaonan is different!"

"If you dare to attack my disciples, whether it's Xiaonan, Yahiko or others, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Ichikijima Hime was stunned, staring at Zirai who was still drinking heavily and didn't speak.

"It's quite surprising..."

After a while, Ichikijima Hime said quietly: "In this case, let your precious disciple continue to waste time!"

"The guy who doesn't know the heart of a snake!"

After saying a few words, Hime Ichikishima walked away in a huff.


Zilai also breathed a sigh of relief, and his body slumped on the chair.

"It's still comfortable to say it..."

These words of anger against Longdidong have been deposited in my heart for an unknown amount of time.

Now that I can vomit quickly, I naturally feel that the whole person's energy has improved a lot.

Although he didn't pay much attention to dealing with the matter of Jiuzhu's female companion being swallowed by a giant snake, but that was just based on the mentality of "death cannot be resurrected" and "appropriate tolerance for the sake of career", it does not mean that he is not at all serious. I don't mind.

"That kid Jiusuke..."

Jilai also picked up a bottle of sake again, "After playing for so long this time, I should put it down..."


"It's right here, right?"

On a mountain peak not far from the Akatsuki organization base, Uchiha Tokumitsu stood on the top of a tree, observing the hill where the base was located with the help of a telescope.

"...Yes, Lord Deguang."

The whistleblower, Jiusuke, rubbed his reddened nose after he sneezed for no reason.

"This kind of secrecy is worth learning."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said to his subordinates standing on several other trees.

In addition to him and Hatosuke, Uchiha Tokumitsu also brought several accompanying ninjas.

Including the new frontier commander Uchiha Fuyue.Three-tailed Jinchuriki Kutachi Yagura, who was specially transferred from Kirigakure, as well as Konoha Seal Squad Leader, Uzumaki Patriarch Uzumaki Weiming, and former Ryuji Cave Contractor Orochimaru.

"It should be using the secret technique of Longdi Cave. They do have a hand in concealing aura."

Orochimaru put away the binoculars and said respectfully.

The Uzumaki patriarch's eyelids twitched when he saw the respectful appearance, and he felt bad, thinking that he had met an opponent in the field of flattering and hugging his thighs.

"Fu Yue-kun?"

Uchiha Deguang nodded, and then looked at the clan brother beside him.

"It's all ready..."

Uchiha Fuyue said quickly.

"Then get ready..."

Uchiha Tokuhika nodded.

Immediately after that, Uchiha Fugaku immediately cast the teleportation technique and returned to the command center of the frontier army.

"...Master Deguang, can I ask you one thing?"

Hatosuke, who had been hooking his head, suddenly said timidly.

"Tell me~"

Uchiha Tokumitsu raised his eyebrows and said.

"Xiao Nan... that is, can you let Xiao Nan go?"

Jiuzhu begged in a low voice: "She is a good person, it's just that I misled Jiraiya's temptation and went astray..."

"If she doesn't resist desperately, I believe that the ninja army will not kill for no reason."

Although Uchiha Tokumitsu did not give a definite answer, it was a reassurance for Hatosuke.

"Patriarch Weiming, please also inform the Ninja Army in the direction of the Land of Rain, they can be dispatched."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said to Uzumaki Ashina as a ninja eagle flew silently across the sky and circled over the hills organized by Akatsuki.

"As ordered!"

Uzumaki Weiming immediately jumped down from the tree, unblocked a radio station on the ground, and began to "tick-tick" the transmission.


Uchiha Tokumitsu's eyes turned to Kutachi Yakura.

Kudachi Yagura nodded, and then began to stir the tailed beast chakra in his body.

Uzumaki Weiming, who had finished sending the message, immediately clapped his hands together and activated the shielding barrier.

"Mr. Orochimaru..."

"I look forward to testing the effects of the new snake medicine..."

There was a rare bright smile on Da Shemaru's face.

"very good!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu nodded with satisfaction, and then jumped down from the treetop.

When it landed, he patted the ground with his right hand——

"Spiritualism · Two Tails and Brigade!"

Accompanied by a huge cloud of smoke, the long-lost Erwei reappeared under Uchiha Tokumitsu.

Immediately, a ripple visible to the naked eye swayed in the air, covering all directions in it.

This time Uchiha Tokumitsu dispatched the elite sealing ninjas of the sealing squad and the Uzumaki clan, the purpose is to launch this new type of sealing circle with an extremely large range.

After many rounds of experiments to eliminate the sub-bases of the Xiao organization, the effect of this new enchantment has been confirmed to block the enhanced version of the so-called holy land. The ninjas and ninjas deployed in other caves of the base cannot escape from the battlefield by dispelling the psychic spell.

Seeing that Goju Yagura has entered the state of half-tailed beast, Uchiha Tokumitsu also patted Matata Natsuo on the head.

"Let's start preparing..."

Afterwards, the black and white chakra light also condensed in the mouth of Erwei Matazu.

According to Jiusuke's information, the general base of the Akatsuki organization can be said to be full of crises, with countless traps. If you want to attack, you must be prepared to suffer huge casualties.

But Uchiha Tokumitsu doesn't intend to play cards with common sense.

He is a man with a tailed beast!

 Due to time constraints, we will double update tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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