Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 353 Battle of the Immortals

Chapter 353 Battle of the Immortals

Fortunately, there are still two immortals on Jiraiya's shoulders.

Just when the indomitable but silent and vicious thunderbolt light was about to pierce through his buttocks, Sento Fukasaku turned his head towards Jiraiya's back and let out a roar that contained magical power and violent chakra impact.

For a while, the light of the knife was blocked and the thunder dispersed.

The hands of Sakumo Hatake who broke through the ground were also so impacted that he could barely hold the knife.

Only then did Jiraiya come to his senses, and after quickly using the blink technique to dodge, he wiped off the cold sweat from his forehead in shock, and looked at Sakumo Hatake who emerged from the ground.

"Mr. Shuo Mao... Such a despicable behavior does not match your identity!"

Zilai also said with a forced smile.

"This is Konoha's esoteric body art technique, Millennium Killing..."

Hatake Sakumo quickly glanced at the battlefield from the corner of his eye, and found that the situation was going very smoothly, so he replied calmly: "Besides, how can a ninja's sneak attack be called a sneak attack? The ninja's code is done by any means. Mission."

Then there are all kinds of obscure words, such as "ninjutsu is originally a murder technique", "one steal is not another steal, and a back attack is not a sneak attack" and so on.

"Stop collaborating with Uchiha Tokumitsu again, okay..."

Although Jiraiya was very anxious, the two immortals on his shoulders hinted that he was not fully ready, so he continued to communicate with Hatake Sakumo falsely.

"You are rebellious ninja, I am Konoha ninja..."

Hatake Sakumo held the White Fang dagger between his eyes, and the chakra of thunder escaping like hell condensed on the blade, and the white thunder light gradually turned into gentle flowing water from the lightning splashing everywhere.

Seeing this, Ji Lai couldn't help but sink in his heart.

This is already beyond imagination the extraordinary Lightning Dun control power.


Jiraiya was about to continue talking, but Fukasaku Sento on his shoulder grabbed his shoulder with his foot calmly.

This is a signal that has fully entered the fighting state.

It also means that the two immortals of Mount Miaomu and himself will start the most powerful immortal art mode...

It's just that Zirai never thought that after he had successfully practiced immortal arts, his first opponent would be Sakumo Hatake, whom he once admired.

"Things are impermanent..."

Jiraiya lowered his hands and looked up to the sky with a long sigh.

"Please grab it without your arms, I will do it for..."

Before Hatake Sakumo finished his persuasion, Jiraiya suddenly opened his mouth wide, and turned his drooping hands with the palms facing forward——

"Xianfa·Magic·Toad Sing!"

"Quack quack!!!"

A high-intensity sound wave covering a huge area was sent toward Hatake Sakumo.

Hatake Sakumo, who was caught off guard, showed horror on his face, and his body was unable to move under the illusion of the melody of frogs.

Then five stone swords appeared out of thin air, piercing Hatake Sakumo's body like sharp arrows.


Immediately, Hatake Sakumo turned into a cloud of smoke.

——It is the art of shadow clone!
Jirai was unmoved, and then swung his right hand towards the bottom of the place where he stood before——

"Immortal Law Frog Team!"

Under the action of the power of Xianju, the right hand was catalyzed and elongated under the action of Xianju Chakra, grabbing towards the ground.

"Spirituality, Rashomon!"

Following the sound of an extremely familiar voice from Laiye, a gate of the underworld burst out with a ghostly aura, blocking Zilaiye's attack.

"It's you……"

Jiraiya withdrew his right hand and looked at Orochimaru falling on Rashomon with an inexplicable expression.

"Long time no see, I didn't expect..."

Orochimaru's eyes flickered with murderous intent.

He has already recorded the shame of being terminated by Ryuchidong's psychic contract on Jiraiya.

"You shouldn't have come..."

Zilai also sighed slowly.


Orochimaru snorted coldly, lifted Rashomon's psychic summons, and his body floated down like a fallen leaf.

"Could it be...do you idiot still think you have a chance to win?"

At this time, Hatake Sakumo, who used the shadow clone as bait and whose real body was still hidden underground, was relieved from the deep hallucinogenic effect of the toad's singing, and crawled out of the ground with hands and feet.

He originally wanted to repeat the old tricks and use the old tricks to do it himself, but he was caught off guard after being caught out.

"Thanks to you, Orochimaru-kun..."

With lingering fears in his heart, Hatake Sakumo sighed, "If you hadn't come in time, it would have been a disaster..."

"Senior Sakumo, don't keep using the same move~ Ninjas always need to innovate!"

Orochimaru teased: "Don't you think so? Betrayal comes from..."

The surrounding battle situation is rapidly developing towards Konoha's favorable direction. Under the siege of more than one ninja army, ninja snakes and ninja frogs are either dismembered by knives or blasted into pieces by ninjutsu.

Orochimaru was a little afraid of Jiraiya's immortal power, so he didn't take the initiative to launch an attack, but just delayed time by talking.

After Hatake Sakumo shook his head for a while, he finally regained his composure.

"Senfa Goemon!"

But Jiraiya was no longer troubled by the old love at this time, and once again received a hint from the Fukasaku sage on his shoulder, he immediately puffed out his mouth and sprayed out an extremely thick oil, which was combined with the help of the two sages Fukasaku Shima's fire escape and wind escape , Forming a huge sea of ​​flames overwhelming the sky and hitting towards Orochimaru and Hatake Sakumo.

Just as the three people and two frogs were fighting, Uchiha Tokumitsu had already manipulated the two tails of Weizhuang to bite the big blue and white snake to a bloody mess.

Pieces of flesh and blood were scattered all over the ground with Wei Zhuang Erwei's bite, and the bruised and blue-white snake rolled endlessly, but it still couldn't escape Erwei's mouth.

Even though it continued to condense rock giant dragons through fairy arts, it was easily defeated by Uchiha Tokumitsu, who was always watching the dynamics, using ninjutsu.

The suppressed Orochi Ichikishima Hime was furious, but she was powerless to fight back, but her hoarse screams became more and more shrill.

"Xianfa · Baiji technique!"

Finally, after a piece of her tail was bitten off, the Ichikijima Hime, who felt that she was in a dangerous place, risked her life and forcibly consumed her own source of immortality, and sprayed a black dragon ball in her hand at the second tail of Weizhuang, and her body was selected more than once. The red dragon slammed over viciously.


The shock wave after the explosion was restrained by the power of senjutsu and reverberated continuously in a limited space. The piercing sound and strong light covered Matata Nio and Tokumitsu Uchiha in their prestige state.

Under the stimulation of strong light and extreme noise, blood stains appeared in Uchiha Tokuhika's ears and eyes.

"This feeling is really bad..."

Although I have seen the fairy scroll used as a bait in Ryuchi Cave, Tokumitsu Uchiha has no personal experience of this technique, and he can't help but be shaken by the effect of the fairy technique for a while. There are also some signs of loosening.


As a chakra creature, Matabu two tails quickly got rid of the effects of the magic spell.

After sensing that the gold master on his body was not in good condition, he brigade immediately injected a large amount of tailed beast chakra into Uchiha Tokumitsu's body to help him quickly get rid of the influence of senjutsu.

But in this way, the big blue and white snake that was bitten tightly also escaped from the mouth of Erwei Youlu, and quickly rushed to the side to coil up its body. The huge snake head stood upright, staring at Wei Zhuang with murderous intent. Two tails.

However, after using the power of the source to cast the fairy art, the body of the blue-white giant snake has already shown signs of relaxation and aging visible to the naked eye. Although the fierceness has not diminished, the strength has dropped a lot.

"There is no way to shatter when the space is blocked..."

Although Ichikijima Hime was in the state of a desperate battle, she was also secretly trying to escape through reverse psychic magic, but after excessive consumption of the source of immortal magic, it was unable to break the void and escape at this time.

Ichikishima Hime's heart couldn't help but feel cold.

Then it wanted to summon the other two Longdi Cave Goddesses through spiritism, but the spiritism also failed.

Immediately, Ichikijima Hime's mood sank to the bottom.


Ichikijima Hime, who knew that she was deeply trapped by her mortal enemy, mustered up her most primitive wildness at this time, and instead of choosing to escape, she took the initiative to rush towards Weizhuang Erwei.

Surrounded by thousands of ninja troops, even though Ichikijima Hime was the second only existence in Ryūchi Cave after the White Snake Immortal, she was not sure how to escape under such a fierce siege; Killing, Ichikijima Hime would rather sacrifice his life to gain the last chance of life.

"Worthy of being one of the three gods of Longdi Cave!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu shook his head, urging the two tails to continue the battle.


Under Jiraiya's combined senjutsu attack, Hatake Sakumo and Orochimaru were chased and killed in a panic.

The ferocious sea of ​​immortal arts affected the Konoha Ninja Army and Ninja Frog Ninja Snake who were fighting fiercely behind them. Wherever the sea of ​​fire went, all creatures were reduced to ashes before the last scream could be heard.

Fortunately, Goju Yakura also came over at this time, relying on his huge body after turning into a tailed beast to block the spread of the sea of ​​fire, and using various water escapes, he stopped the attack of Jiraiya and the two Mt. .

"The power of fairy art is so terrifying!"

Orochimaru continued to use various ninjutsu to bombard, but Zirai in the sage mode was unmoved, and just focused on bombarding Goju Yagura.

His ninjutsu interference effect is not as good as that of Hatake Sakumo, who wields a thunderbolt sword and is elusive. This can't help but make Orochimaru feel deeply frustrated, and at the same time, his heart ignites a desire like a prairie fire.

Although Jiraiya seemed to have firmly suppressed the three people including Jinchuriki, but at this moment his heart was extremely impatient.

Wherever he looked, the Ninja Snake soldiers organized by Akatsuki were defeated like a mountain.

Although a part of the ninja army was wiped out by Goemon's sea of ​​senjutsu, this was not a big blow to the Konoha ninja army who had an absolute advantage in number and organization.

Jiraiya's heart aches when every ninja is killed by random knives.

But he couldn't help it.

Although he is confident in defeating the beast-tailed Goju Yakura in a one-on-one situation, if he is harassed by Orochimaru and Hatake Sakumo, then he can only maintain a state of balance.

And this kind of superficial suppression has no effect on the evolution of the war situation.

Since he couldn't defeat the three of them in a short time, and he couldn't distract himself from supporting other small battlefields, then his Akatsuki organization would only end in annihilation of the entire army.

"Two immortals..."

Jilai also asked for help through Chakra voice transmission.

"……give up."

Fukasaku Sento also felt powerless for a while.

"Now we still have the strength to break through the blockade of the enchantment and bring you back to Mount Miaomu..."

Although Immortal Zhima continued to cooperate with various kinds of fairy arts, he also said helplessly: "If you continue to fight, the chakra of the fairy arts will be consumed too much and you will not be able to escape..."


Jiraiya's heart is full of unwillingness.

He originally thought that he could ask the two immortals for help to perform some powerful secret techniques to turn the tide of the battle in one fell swoop, but he didn't expect that the husband and wife retreated.

"Ichikijima Hime of Ryūji Cave has consumed too much of the origin of immortal arts, so she should be dead..."

Immortal Fukasaku also understood Jiraiya's intentions, sighed inwardly, and then persuaded him from the side.

As the two great immortals of Mount Miaomu, it's not that they don't have the means to suppress the bottom of the box, but if they are used in this situation, not only will they not be able to change the current complete decline, but they will also fall into desperation.

For creatures with a long life like them, it is not worth consuming the original battle.

Rather than working hard, Fukasaku Sage hopes to exchange time for future opportunities through temporary escape.

But it also knew what Jiraiya was thinking at this time, so it didn't urge it outright, it just faintly withdrew a little bit from the strength of cooperating with his wife to perform the fairy art.

Jiraiya took the time to look towards the battlefield where the majestic Erwei beat Hime Ichikima, and the majestic Erwei Matatsu had already pressed the blue and white giant snake under his body, constantly biting.

However, Ichikijima Hime's winding strangulation and senjutsu catalysis did not play any role under Uchiha Tokumitsu's blow, but wasted more and more physical strength.

As sections of her body were torn apart, Ichikijima Hime's resistance became weaker and weaker.

"If we leave like this, will the White Snake Immortal of Longdi Cave blame us..."

Jiraiya also began to think about quitting.

Especially when he saw that a Konoha ninja handed over the bound Xiaonan to the freely moving Hatosuke by a Konoha ninja in the distance, he immediately understood everything.

The base leak of the Akatsuki organization was not accidentally discovered by Konoha Ninja.

It turned out that the enemy was within the Xiao Wall...

This made Jiraiya no longer have the idea of ​​fighting to the death.

"Two immortals..."

Jiraiya's eyes dripped with tears, and he said with difficulty: "Let's... let's go!"

"It's not too late for a fairy to take revenge!"

Immortal Shenzuo quickly comforted him: "If you keep the green hills, you won't be afraid that there will be no insects; Mount Miaomu won't give up!"

Afterwards, he and his wife worked together to develop the origin of immortal arts, and forced Hatake Sakumo and the other three to leave.

A beam of light piercing into the sky rose into the sky, and one person and two children disappeared immediately.

Only Sakumo Hatake and the three were left looking at each other, a little at a loss.

"... and ran away?"

Goju Yakura was the most surprised of the three.

This is the legendary Holy Land Immortal!

That's it? !
"These aliens... have no strength but no will to fight to the death. It's not surprising that they run away!"

Orochimaru was the quickest to react.

After tidying up his clothes, he looked in the direction of Uchiha Tokumitsu.

That is an extremely magnificent battle like a battle between gods and demons!

"Old thief Miaomushan!"

Ichikijima Hime, who witnessed the escape of the two immortals of Miaogi Mountain, was heartbroken, and there was a shrill roar from the huge mouth whose teeth were broken inch by inch by Uchiha Tokumitsu.



"I don't want to die..."

Ichikishima Hime's voice became smaller and smaller.

"I surrender..."

"Do not kill me……"


Uchiha Tokumitsu ignored Ichikijima Hime's moans of despair, and urged the majestic Nino to bite Ichikishima Hime's seven inches with his mouth, and his hind legs and front claws grasped the front and rear ends of the snake body violently. With a pull, a third of the giant snake's body was torn off again.

"Xianshu Baiji..."

Ichikijima Hime was about to burn the last sage source to deliver the final blow, but Uchiha Tokumitsu waved his arm, and a dark red fire dragon jumped out from the top of Weizhuang Erwei's head, biting towards the condensed sage source .

This fire dragon is exactly the Huoguang Zun who hasn't gotten a chance to play for a long time!
Huo Guangzun's dragon head bit the source of immortality in Ichikishima Hime's mouth, and with the help of Uchiha Tokumitsu, it quickly began to refine, interrupting Ichikishima Hime's final blow.

"This is……"

Feeling the celestial chakra in Huo Guangzun's body that is completely different from the three holy places, Hime Ichikishima was inexplicably horrified.

Ordinary people in the ninja world actually have the inheritance of immortal arts other than the three holy places...

Fighting to dissipate her soul, Ichikijima Hime sent the last message back to the Ryuji Cave under Nine Netherworld.

"Patriarch, Patriarch! Patriarch White Snake! Please avenge me!"

This was the last consciousness of Ichikishima Hime, who was completely heartbroken.

Immediately, it fell into eternal darkness.


As Ichikishima Hime was killed on the spot, the extremely excited Erwei raised his head to the sky and roared!

The giant snake's body also gradually shrunk as the celestial chakra dissipated, and finally turned into a remnant of a dead body.

Ichikishima Hime's head rolled on the ground still had a complex expression of fear, resentment, and resentment, but was swallowed by Huo Guangzun together with the remains of various parts.


The origin of the celestial art refined by Huo Guangzun was transmitted back to Uchiha Tokumitsu through the connection of Chakra, which made him unable to help but groan extremely comfortably.

"This is the beauty of fairy art..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu felt that the cultivation results that took a lot of time before were nothing compared to what he gained after killing Ryūji Dojinji now!
After the refinement of Huo Guangzun, the celestial power transmitted back to Uchiha Tokumitsu's body is extremely pure. Although the number is not large, its purity is not as good as it is.

This is not only an increase in strength, but also a catalyst for the origin of life!
 Update today (2/2)

  It's the end of the month, so I have the audacity to ask for a monthly ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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